what did your LO have to eat today


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2006
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thought this would be a good idea to give eachother inspiration for mealtimes

Breckfast - Readybrek

Lunch - Melba toast with philidelphia and slices of cucumber

Dinner - we will be having cornedbeef hash and beans

(I usually get stuck for idea's for lunch and she will usually have a sandwich)

pic of Ella enjoying her lunch:

Good thinking Lauz :D

Today is bring

Lunch --Dairyleas Sandwich with Veggie biscuits
Tea duuno yet :D
ooo what are veggie biscuits ? not seen those they sound good
could someone move this to baby and toddler please, just realised Iv posted it in the wrong section ta
Great idea!

I am getting stuck with what to feed Coby now, keep giving him the same old things, he doesnt like to be spoon fed anymore either so its got to be foods that arnt to messy lol he will just about let me spoon fed him breakfast, but thats it... he eats loads to! such a littel piggy

Breakfast - weetabix, slice of toast and a sliced banana

Lunch - Sandwich, 2 cocktail sasuages, cheese string, rusk buscuit.

Dinner -
Heinz do Vegatable and Cheese biscuits for babys
You can get them in Tesco or Asda
Not dead cheap but.......
I also get Jack baby crisps for snackas and stuff Organix i think
I gave Jack cooked chicken breast strips with Cherry toms yesterday
Yeh I love the organix stuff for snacks ella loves the crisps.
Wow Layla Coby eats alot for brekfast, how many bottles does he have now? Iv just cut out Ella's lunchtime bottle so she has one in the morning and one at bedtime, is that ok or is she too young for me to do this ?
that is all Jack has now hun, i cut it down at around 10 months too

Though saying that, the last 2 week he has wanted 1 at about 4 in morning!!!
oh good coz I knwo thats what she shud be having at around one and she's fast approaching it! Also she gets lots of dairy throughout the day.
As a general guide they say a pint a day from 6months, so cutting it to that now is more than fine
Haha she is so sweet :D

*Now I'm hungry*
Wobbles said:
Haha she is so sweet :D

*Now I'm hungry*
You can't eat Ella :shock: thats just not a nice thing to do!!!!!

:rofl: :rofl:
PMSL! she is nice and chubby, plenty of meat on her!

poor thing what am I saying about my daughter bless her!
Lauz_1601 said:
Yeh I love the organix stuff for snacks ella loves the crisps.
Wow Layla Coby eats alot for brekfast, how many bottles does he have now? Iv just cut out Ella's lunchtime bottle so she has one in the morning and one at bedtime, is that ok or is she too young for me to do this ?

he has one bottle to go to bed with, and one in the night, they are 6oz ones but he doesnt always drink them.

Dior had hot cross buns for break fast wiht a glass of milk
and for lunch she had grapes and pear at toddler group then a smoked ham sarnie and sausage roll.

for tea she will have pie chips and peas
with a tiptop for after and some cerial before bed
Mmmm hot cross buns *dribbles*
I only thought you could get hot cross buns at easter :oops:
Alex had weetabix for brekkie
peanut butter and marmite sandwiches for lunch (YUK!!) and half a pear
the other half pear mid afternoon
shepherds pie for tea - managed to find all the lentils and peas and not eat them :?
he'll have ready brek for supper

he has similar everyday, always manages to find the peas in his tea, and won't eat his dinner unless it's disgusting

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