What do u call...


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2006
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making love? And what name do u detest for it?

We dont really have a name for it as such, but I hate the word "shag". :sick:
I have always called it bonking! I hate the word fuck!
It depends on how much we have had to drink.... :oops: If im really pissed we call it PORN STAR SEX :oops: :rofl: :rofl:
Normally i just call it sex, but sometimes DH and i call it ff-cooking ^_^ I hate shag and making love
We usually just say to the other "Do you Fancy a bit" :rofl:

I say "do you fancy a bit"?

I hate the word shag, and i feel wierd saying "lets make love" sounds like an old america film saying!! :lol:
i call it playtime or riding the roller coaster :lol: :lol:

playtime i use most oftem but ima bit loud :oops: :oops: and adele has asked in teh past what we were doing at night and i just say to her mum was playing the roller coaster :oops: :oops: :lol: :lol:
LMAO weestar!!

I once climed in bed with my mum and dad while they were "at it" i was about 4 at the time and i asked what they were doing and mum said she was rocking dad to sleep! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Anyway thats enough of that talk, my parents don't have sex! :lol: :lol:
Ha Yvonne that's funny :D

My sister done that, at 3, mum was on top and said she was playing horses with dad! :D :sick: eww what a thought!
Either fancy a shag ....

PBD was one - practice baby dance :lol:

Then it changed to fancy a quicky

Now its a jiggle & a wiggle :shock: :lol:
"fany a quickie" Wobbles? pmsl :rofl:
kris calls it "kinky shit"

:lol: he always says "fancy some kinky shit tonight?"

lol strange man!

ummmm i call it loving :oops: i say "fancy some loving"

no words that i hate
Wobbles said:
Now its a jiggle & a wiggle :shock: :lol:

youve been watching too much nick Jr :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Is Kris meaning anal Dionne? lmao :lol:
KX said:
Is Kris meaning anal Dionne? lmao :lol:

no hahaha

but he does harass me all the time for it :roll: men.!

grrrrrrrrrrr that reminds me i promised him earlier that he would get some "loving" tonight. i really cant be botherd
weestar21 said:
Wobbles said:
Now its a jiggle & a wiggle :shock: :lol:

youve been watching too much nick Jr :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Someone mentioned that the OH week which brought concerns to where OH got it from since he started it :wink: :lol:

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