What if it's TWINS?

I have felt crampy from word dot.... got faint bfp at 8 dpo when I took a clear blue digi the day af was due it said 2-3 weeks and ive literary been exhausted from about 5 dpo no kidding. If this is only one it could be because I am more aware of my body this time as this bub was planned maybe???
I feel different too. It has crossed my mind but I just think 'if it's twins, we're packing up and moving back home!' (We just moved last month away from everyone. Screw that if it is more than one) :dohh:
Hahaha you never know. .... one of us guys in this thread has to have twins dont u think..... hhehehe
Also- I just stopped breastfeeding my 15 month old 2 weeks before getting pregnant!! Eeek....
Twins don't skip a generation it's a myth, and it depends on what type of twin you are as to if you carry the predisposition to having them. Are you Identical?

BTW I love my twins and yes there are added risks and obviously the fact that you have two children at once is mega different, but you will love them and you won't know the difference. I have no idea what it's like to have two children, yes it was crazy hard at times but flip it's amazing too.
Hi ladies! I'm new to this site. I found out I am pregnant, I am now 5 days 2 weeks. I have a STRONG gut feeling I'm carrying twins. I've been severely tired...I have a horrible cold now. My boobs feel like they are going to explode they hurt so much! I didn't have this with my son (he is 10 months now).
I was researching twin stuff, and stumbled upon this thread. I am a little overweight (bmi of 32). I haven't been breastfeeding, stopped about 4 months ago. I am still taking my prenatal vitamins from when I was pregnant before (never stopped taking them), and I read that folic acid prior to pregnancy can cause hyperovulation which can lead to fraternal twins.
I'm almost hoping I'm working myself up over nothing and there's just one babe in there....but we'll see next week at my scan I guess! :)
Even though twins don't run in our families I still had that thought. And while twins would be such a blessing I know I couldn't cope well. My boys are 14 mths apart and that's the closest to twins I ever want lol!!! I was happy when I only seen one little blob at my scan :haha:
I can't wait for my 12-week scan to confirm it's NOT twins!!

I have most of the 'risk factors', and much as I'm sure I would love the children themselves very much, it would be pretty life-changing for our family in some disappointing ways.

The other morning I cracked two eggs for breakfast and both were double-yolkers, and I was like, "Ohhhh, this is a bad sign." :haha:
I was pondering this as well! We lost our son (31 weeks) in July and I waited for my first proper period and we conceived when we tried after that. I was looking online and it said that conceiving very shortly after giving birth can often send your hormones out of whack, also ovulation! I am so much sicker this pregnancy and have been showing for a few weeks already. I don't know if it is b/c my body just remembers being pregnant or what? I have had it on my mind, to the point where I was dreaming of how to fit two cribs in our spare bedroom :haha:

I also used the CBFM to see if my fertility was back and when I would O. I never hit a peak and just had highs for like a week and half. I googled it and it said that the monitor was picking up high estrogen. Yeah, we find out this Sunday...I have also had round ligament pain but not very severe uterus stretching...

I am going to be 33, I am a BMI of 30+ and pretty tall. So yeah, I am interested in seeing the Ultrasound! lol

Oh and before I even got the positive my boobs grew a FULL cup size. It was crazy. Now I get these crazy stabbing pains in them...and so nauseous.
it's highly unlikely we're having twins as i've no twinny symptoms (MS getting better, not worse, all tests v faint from 15dpo's 1st BFP etc), but you just can't help but wonder, can you!

i'd love it, i think. my friend had twins and couldn't bond with them straight away because it was such hard work for her, she is quite regretful about their early days. they're a very close-knit family now though, the boys will turn 10 this year. she is VERY tall, amazon-like, with very broad hips.

i'm on the tall side of normal and that's about it :p BMI 29 (down from 36 post-preg, 33 pre-preg) so high, but not too high this time. no family history.

if we did have twins though, i would be slightly heartbroken if one wasn't a girl as it would have to be the last pregnancy.

awww gief scan already!
I haven't seen the midwife for the first app yet let alone got a date for my scan booooo im 6+3 so got a few weeks yet but im so dam impatient! !!! I just want to know how many lol
I doubt I'm carrying twins, but DH & I have always said we'd love twins. I'd be worried about any pregnancy / birth complications, but that's it.

Had no idea you were pregnant again though LegoHouse, massive congrats!! =D
It will be interesting to see how many of us come back with the update of twins or not :D
I haven't seen the midwife for the first app yet let alone got a date for my scan booooo im 6+3 so got a few weeks yet but im so dam impatient! !!! I just want to know how many lol

me too! :( see midwife 11th Nov!!!! it seems SO far away. They said will book scan when i see midwife. I just want it all to happen now lol
I doubt I'm carrying twins, but DH & I have always said we'd love twins. I'd be worried about any pregnancy / birth complications, but that's it.

Had no idea you were pregnant again though LegoHouse, massive congrats!! =D

Thank you :) You too! xxx
I'm going to ask for an early scan again. They were really understanding last time about my anxiety due to previous miscarriages and gave me a scan at 8 weeks :)
I suffer from awful anxiety anyway been having sharp cramping feelingtoday so called the docs and he is refering me to early pregnancy unit he said it is prob nothing but he wants it checked out anyway to be safe .... now im a panicky pete lol
I'm having super sharp pains this time. My SIL (who has twins) said she had a lot of pains when she was first pregnant lol
I'm not a twin mommy thankfully. We freaked out each pregnancy. It doesn't help when family jokes "maybe you are carrying more than one...they could be hiding".

I work with someone who had triplets I guess about seven months now. I told her that I didn't know how she did it. I will be a mommy of 3 but thankfully, they will be spaced.

Congrats Lego.

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