What if it's TWINS?

I haven't seen the midwife for the first app yet let alone got a date for my scan booooo im 6+3 so got a few weeks yet but im so dam impatient! !!! I just want to know how many lol

me too! :( see midwife 11th Nov!!!! it seems SO far away. They said will book scan when i see midwife. I just want it all to happen now lol

I'm in the same situation kinda. I don't see my midwife until Oct 31st. And no clue if they will book me in for a scan at that point:shrug: Tbh - I really want the early scan so I know that theres actually a little bean in my belly lol! Makes it more real. Chances are I wont get a scan until the end of November...so another 1.5months away! arrggg
Yeah its like sharp pinching stabby kind of pain cant really describe it. Im not bleeding its prob nothing but the docs want it checked. And I will know how many and how far along tomorrow afternoon so will feel more calm
Haven't read all the replies (don't have time! I really do have twins! :winkwink:) so sorry if I repeat anything that's already been said.

Twins DO NOT skip a generation. That's a myth. The only time it skips a generation is if a woman has twins and then her son has a daughter, who will then carry the hyper ovulation gene from her grandmother. Then the daughter will be more likely to have twins, even though it "skipped a generation" when her dad didn't have twins.

If you already have twins, you have a higher chance of having twins again - to some extent. With frats, you got those from releasing two (or more) eggs, which your body might do every cycle, or every 3 cycles. You never know when more than one egg will pop out if you have a history of hyper-ovulation.

Also, I know MANY people with more than one set of identical twins. I also know a woman with 2 sets of frats and 1 set of IDs.
ShelbyLC: That's bananas! I can't imagine having 3 sets of twins. :haha: Would make for an interesting/fun house though I'm sure.

My ultrasound is next Monday, so will know for sure then! I doubt I'm having twins though, it was just my initial thought.
You can imagine how terrified I am! :haha: My girls are identical, but there's always that small chance...doesn't help that I already have a bump. Eek.
You can imagine how terrified I am! :haha: My girls are identical, but there's always that small chance...doesn't help that I already have a bump. Eek.

Oh wow. Even two sets of twins would seem crazy to me. I'm sure you would eventually develop the patience of a saint though. :haha:

I'm nothing but bloat (as far as I know anyway), but when I'm in bed I swear I can feel my uterus shifting which is so strange. It might just be because I've already gone through it before though.
You can imagine how terrified I am! :haha: My girls are identical, but there's always that small chance...doesn't help that I already have a bump. Eek.
Congrats Hun, I also wondered if they was twins too, added to the fact my MW was guessing I was 13 weeks by uterus size, but no it's one and I'm only 7 weeks! So I'm guessing the bump you have comes from the fact our uterus' have previously been stretched to super human size!
You can imagine how terrified I am! :haha: My girls are identical, but there's always that small chance...doesn't help that I already have a bump. Eek.

Oh wow. Even two sets of twins would seem crazy to me. I'm sure you would eventually develop the patience of a saint though. :haha:

I'm nothing but bloat (as far as I know anyway), but when I'm in bed I swear I can feel my uterus shifting which is so strange. It might just be because I've already gone through it before though.

I know someone with two sets of twins AND a set of triplets, how do you manage triplets, I learnt how to tandem feed my twins but triplets? Hmmm.
Have there been any confirmations yet? I'm curious to see how many of our gut feelings were right! I don't have my appointment for 5 more days though!
My scan wont be until like end of Nov most likely with only been 6 weeks :( Its going way too slow!!
Looking forward to see whos right though
I know we're only having one, but that's always our first thought - oh no what if it's twins! We were LTTTC#1 and even when I finally got that BFP after 4 years, OH and I looked at each other after our initial celebration and said holy crap what if it's twins!!??! :rofl:

Not that we wouldn't adore twins, just knowing enough people who have them I don't think I would make it out alive :haha:
My gran had 4 sets of twins, my mum being a twin. My aunt had 3 sets of triplets and a set of twins. My mum had a set of twins too. Wonder what my chances are, she reckons they're quite high haha
Depends if its fraternal or identical. ..... identical are just a fluke of nature where as Fraternal can be from hyper ovulation which can be hereditary x
My gran had 4 sets of twins, my mum being a twin. My aunt had 3 sets of triplets and a set of twins. My mum had a set of twins too. Wonder what my chances are, she reckons they're quite high haha

Your aunt has 11 children in only 4 pregnancies?? That must be a record!! :shock:
When we researched my family tree my mums great grandmother had 13 children. .... two sets of triplets 3 sets of twins and one single gestation that was in about 1880. ...... not all of them survived adulthood but my great nan did hence I am here lol

Imagine having so many multiple pregnancies with no hospital or anything scary!

Forgot to add my mum is a twin too lol
Had my first scan today and I am happily expecting ONE baby. :happydance:
Just got back from my scan. One baby. HB 118 @6w1d.

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