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What To Pack In Your Hospital Bag - Suggestions

i packed different bags!
i had a small bag for the birth- consisted of sweets and drinks and music, nighty for me to put on and OH even chuked in a spare t-shirt and smellies.
i had a suit case for me- a small weekend one- with all my bits in for after birth.
a bag for baby- with all the bits i would need for the baby.
you really dont want to be rumaging through loads of bits to get to something so it was nice having seperate bags.

That's what I'm planning on doing, me bag, labour bag and baby (changing) bag
its much easier- coz if your in labour the last thing you want to be doing is searching through a bag packed with baby bits and that when all you want is some lip balm. lol.
plus alot of people like to help you and get bits for you- so its safe for them to get a nappy out of their bag- you dont want them rifling around and finding your dirty nikers. lol.
Rather than having loads of separate bags, I've packed one soft style holdall with a pullout handle (if you know the ones i mean!) and inside it I have put four soft, thin bag for life style tote bags. One for labour, one for after the birth, one for me, one for OH. That way, everything is in one place, but its all in different places at the same time! Less rummaging through, but means I only have one bag. xxx
I packes a seperate bag for babies stuff, and then mine all in one but tried to keep anything i may want for labour at the top of my bag. I felt silly with having different bags so decided one for me and one for lo was enough but i probably forgot stuff anyways.
I packes a seperate bag for babies stuff, and then mine all in one but tried to keep anything i may want for labour at the top of my bag. I felt silly with having different bags so decided one for me and one for lo was enough but i probably forgot stuff anyways.

Thats what i've done :D
Im having bag for me with in labour bits/nighties etc, bag for baby and then i'll probably get my mum (as hospital so close) to have an extra bag on stanby with my coming home clothes . Just so i dont have 3 bags all sitting in hospital. Ill leave one in her car or let her go home and get me extras.

So pleased with my bag i got though and glad it can be carrie dbut also has wheels so its easy to move around.x
I have just packed my bag for #2 baby and I put in a large towel (the hospital ones are so small and I am not a big person), a fleece blanket just one I use on the lounge as they are snuggly. I also packed my laptop and wireless connection so I can communicate witht eh outside world. Also charger for mobile, camera battery and video camera - oh and i put in a power board as I have no idea how I would charge everything (there goes the electricity bill for the hospital when I arrive ) :rofl:
Hi all!

Went for our hospital tour yesterday, and the nurse who gave it to us couldn't emphasize enough the importance of bringing along a padlock for the lockers in our rooms. Apparently, there are a lot of thefts in the maternity ward - lots of visitors going in and out all the time, so easy for people to blend in. They recommended we keep everything of value (sentimental or otherwise) in the locker.

Most stolen item? Digital Cameras - with all of baby's first pictures on them!!!

Right I am off to buy stuff for my hospital bag and baby bag today - here is what I am going to buy...anyone think I have too much or missing anything?
10 Maternity Towels
5 maternity disposable pants
10 breast pads
Fenjal shower creme
hairbands, ties
shampoo & conditioner - travel size
toothbrush and travel size toothpaste and mouthwash
Nipple cream
under arm deo
2 drinking straws
hairbrush and orgasm massager - this is the thing you massage your head with the wirey thing
mini fan
cotton socks
lip balm
polo mints
kleenex tissues
anti bacterial hand gel
raspberry leaf tea
notepad and pen
puzzle magazine book or take a break
birth plan

For Baby
newborn nappies
baby wipes
nappy sacks
100 cotton wool balls
100 cotton wool buds
baby bath wash
baby powder
baby nail scissors
baby soap
2 slepsuits
2 bodysuits
muslin squares
going home outfit
milton sterilising tablets
baby shhhh toy
I don't think you'll need to milton. The hosp should sterilise anything that needs it. They generally provide bottles and disposable teats anyway so no sterilising really needs done (unless you use a breast pump at some point, and in that case they provide a tub of water with milton in)
I wondered about travel scrabble to play with DH - or do you think I won't be able to concentrate?
It depends how early/late you're planning on going in to hospital. I'm hoping to go in at the last point ie when I'm climbing the walls for pain relief so I suppose I wouldn't be able to concentrate at that point! x
shoot i got good insurance.. so they can provide the diapers, formula (inless cause baby is starting out with soy cause last 2 are lactose and tolerant)..wipes.. I will bring some onsies, and the bring home outfit with socks, hat and hand mittens.. and whatever is already in the diaper bag lol
for myself just clothes for when i go home.. i am good with the gown lol.. will bring my cotton socks cause they comfie.. hopefully my grandparents will bring me my laptop cause by all means i will try to stay longer than one day so i can sleep lol.. i know i am bad.. but what can i say.. i would luv some rest haha..
I am not really sure at what stage I am planning to go in!! I am still at the :ignore: stage of my birth plan :rofl:
Ive packed:-
a large towel
old tshirt to give birth in
pack of disposable knickers
maternity towels
breast pads
nipple cream
nursing bras
makeup and toilitries
comfy tracksuit to go home in and flip flops
birth plan and notes
nappy cream
large cotton wool balls
2vests in two diff sizes
2 sleepsuits diff sizes
1 hat
scratch mitts
1 pair socks
1 going home outfit

Thats all i will need we live 2mins away from hospital so can go and get other stuff if needed or i have to stay in longer than a night
i didnt use anything! not even slippers didnt know what planet I was on after the labour! so tired and felt like id run a marathon without doing any training...........best laid plans lol
Due to the weather I have packed a canister of Magicool (well, Boots own) and a hand fan with plenty of batteries!
ooooh ive been doing my hospital bag today, im so excited lol only 12 days till my c section. ill write down what ive put in (bearing in mind im having twins so will be taking twice as much lol)
prob not that much actually but we live 10 mins from hospital so oh can grab anything i need

for babies:

6 vests
4 babygrows
pack of nappies
baby wipes
cotton wool
dummies (hopefully wont need them, i hate them lol)
scratch mittens x 2 pairs
4 hats
nappy bags

for me:

2x pajamas (well 1 atm, other pair is in wash lol)
toiletries (toothpaste etc)
2x packs 12 maternity towels ( i bled quite heavily with dd so was using 2 at a time!)
2x disposable cameras
5x pairs knickers
breast pads

still to go in:

nipple cream (i so hope i dnt 4get to buy this)
digital camera
mobile phone charger
few cartons of formula incase they cant latch on as having them at 36 weeks
present for dd from babies
blankets for babies
hairbrush and possibly makeup i doubt it tho
(some of hese things i gotta buy yet but most im just not putting in till i go)

im sure ive forgotton a cpl things i put in lol plz tell me if ive forgotten anything lol

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