What To Pack In Your Hospital Bag - Suggestions

Hi ladies

Just popped over from 1st trimester as getting way too excited - this is an excellent thread that I will certainly re-read nearer the time as it were - boy does it bring back memories from last time!!

Just want to add a note of caution to the ladies on here suggesting you take paracetemol, laxatives or any other medication in your bags - you should check with your midwife/the hospital before you do as they may not welcome drugs being taken in and will medicate you according to your condition... I was prescribed a laxative following a 3rd degree tear last time so don't worry they don't expect you to poo through the pain as it were!! Sorry to be such a serious head but wouldn't want any of you to get into trouble...:nope:

Something else you could add to your list is cooling leg/body gel or spray - this was fab during labour and afterwards on the ward as the hospital was so hot and the gel smelt really refreshing.. various places do it but Superdrug and Body shop spring to mind...

Also it wouldn't hurt to pop a couple of muslins in for baby - they're really useful as you can use them for anything...

Our baby was born on 23 April, and so what I packed and used is still fresh in mind :)

For baby: 3 vests / 3 sleep suits/ 3 hats / 2 pairs scratch mits / 3 bibs / 3 pairs of socks / muslins / 6 nappies / cotton wool balls

For me: 2 pairs pyjamas / 1 x nightie to give birth in / maternity pads / a few breast pads / 5 pairs big knickers / 2 pairs socks / slippers / dressing gown / hairband / water spray / straws to use for drinks / cds / chewing gum / lip balm / flannel / showergel / toothpaste and brush

Snacks wise, we took fruit / alpen bars / drinks / boiled sweets

That looks like a long list but I used all of it. The things I am glad I took in multiples were the knickers and the pyjamas. I bled quite a bit afterwards and so needed them!

I also took my birthing ball, tens machine, batteries and camera and mobile phone.

I wore home the outfit that I wore into the hosp (I was induced after waters broke 36 hours earlier) so it saved space.

Oh, in addition to the newborn clothes that I took, I took 2 vests in 0-3mths. You may want to take more depending on how far away from the hosp you are...we could just nip home should we have needed more clothes in the bigger size...luckily our little man was only 8lb so newborn was fine!!

Hope that helpes someone ;)

Nicola xx
Our baby was born on 23 April, and so what I packed and used is still fresh in mind :)

For baby: 3 vests / 3 sleep suits/ 3 hats / 2 pairs scratch mits / 3 bibs / 3 pairs of socks / muslins / 6 nappies / cotton wool balls

For me: 2 pairs pyjamas / 1 x nightie to give birth in / maternity pads / a few breast pads / 5 pairs big knickers / 2 pairs socks / slippers / dressing gown / hairband / water spray / straws to use for drinks / cds / chewing gum / lip balm / flannel / showergel / toothpaste and brush

Snacks wise, we took fruit / alpen bars / drinks / boiled sweets

That looks like a long list but I used all of it. The things I am glad I took in multiples were the knickers and the pyjamas. I bled quite a bit afterwards and so needed them!

I also took my birthing ball, tens machine, batteries and camera and mobile phone.

I wore home the outfit that I wore into the hosp (I was induced after waters broke 36 hours earlier) so it saved space.

Oh, in addition to the newborn clothes that I took, I took 2 vests in 0-3mths. You may want to take more depending on how far away from the hosp you are...we could just nip home should we have needed more clothes in the bigger size...luckily our little man was only 8lb so newborn was fine!!

Hope that helpes someone ;)

Nicola xx

congrats on your baby.
I dont know if this has been mentioned already but maybe a shower cap if you are only in for a couple of days and dont wanna wash your hair in there..?
our hospital provides EVERYTHING for the baby, so i'm very on the fence about what i should pack for her.
Wow mrsmartin is that usual for the USA? Here in the UK at my local hospital you have to pack like you are going away for a weeks holiday! lol, they provide me with nothing, unless its an emergency and they will provide A bottle of milk or A nappy if necessary!
I'll definately be stocking up on the snacks, after my couple of hospital stays ive quicky realised the food is not to my liking and if your anything like me if i have tea around 5, by the nightime im ready for a snack and there was nothing, i had to pop along to the visitor room and pinch biscuits :rofl:
I'd have ate anything though i was sooo hungry! and then breakfast time .. finally came and it was soo gross !
I posted this as a thread yesterday, but thought it might help to post it here too.

sorry it is like geeeeeet long!

when I went into labour with my first son I went to hospital (via ambulance) with the nighty on my back, and nothing else. I asked my Ex to nip home after I had my son ( had a very long, tiring, and also boring at times, 36hr labour) to pick up some things, He came back with a teeny pair of pre-pregnancy jeans and a vest. No coat, socks, shoes or anything (baby was born 21st december so it was freeeezing!) and he brought one sleepsuit which was the wrong size for the baby. Thank God my Mam called into mine and picked up some baby things!
Afterwards I swore that if I ever had another I would take EVERYTHING I might ever possibly need lol.... therefore,

Here is the contents of my hospital bag:-

I'm using a huge holdall and putting individual bags into this to save me or anyone else scratting around looking for things.

Labour Bag

* Fleece Blanket - at times I got very cold
* Fluffy socks - again just incase I get cold
* Black button front nighties - Black incase I have any leaks
* Bikini top - incase I remember to have a little bit of dignity when I jump in bath !
* Reading book - To throw at OH
* Puzzle book x 2 - even if I don't use them mam or OH will get bored too
* Playing cards - same reason
* Dressing Gown
* Note pad - to make lists for OH incase I forget something! also to write down any thoughts I may have, will be funny to look back at heeh
* Pens - er to write with
* Slippers
* Pillow - hospital pillows are horrible (just move it before the messy part starts!)
* Birth Plan and preg notes
* Photo of my Eldest son - for inspiration?
* Mini bottle of Champagne and placcy cups! - to celebrate!! Keep hidden incase not allowed!

My hospital supplies birthing ball, tens machine and fans

After Labour Bag

* Maternity pads/ night-time towels x 20 - Hospital ones leak too easy
* Breast pads
* 9 pairs of knickers
* Comfy Bra
* Black Jog Bottoms x 2 - Black so no embarrassing leakages show up
* Vests x 2
* Dark Pj's
* Lightweight Hoody - incase it's a bit nippy coming home
* Flip Flops - easier to put on than trainers or shoes
* Ear plugs - just incase I am on a noisy ward
* Travel Padlock - again, just incase I am on a ward, never be too careful
* Socks x 2

Toiletry Bag

* Sponge
* Flannel - Use in labour too
* Shampoo/Conditioner/Body wash -bought little empty travel bottles and filled them with my normal stuff
* Lipbalm - lips get dry with gas and air
* Make up - so I dont look like a total freak in piccies (may not care at time)
* Toothpaste/brush
* Mini Mirror - So I can see how minging I look
* Roll-on Deoderant
* Bodyspray
* Shaving Razor - incase I realise I have forgot to shave me legs!!
* Nail file - something to do, and incase baby has little-long sharp nails
* Hairband/bobbles/brush/clips - nothing worse than having to blow hair out your face or peel it off your cheeks
* Tissues - for hubby to wipe away his tears when I kick him in the knackers for getting me in this state!
* Lidocaine - Local anaesthetic spray for any tears/grazes
* Bio Oil - Massaging
* Foot Cream
* Body Moisturiser
* Straighteners - sneak them in, prob not use
* Dettol wipes and mini spray - Hospital Bathrooms can be a bit grimey
* Black towels (one for body one for hair) -Hospital towels are horrible, black cause its messy after the birth!

Babies Bag

* Lightweight Snowsuit - incase it's cold! (you may laugh but as I write it is snowing here!! in may!!)
* Cuddly toy - cause it's cute haha
* Nappies - only taking a few, hospital supplies
* Wipes - trying to get the first poos off with cotton wool is a nightmare!
* Top to toe wash - mini travel sized bottle
* Baby oil - to rub on bum to stop the first poo sticking, honest it's like tar!
* Baby towel - Hospital ones are horrible and rough
* Nappy Cream - Just incase
* Dummies - Don't plan on using them, but just incase
* 3 vests
* 3 sleepsuits
* Blanket/Shawl - to swaddle my baby, whether midwives like it or not
* Coming Home outfit - In 2 sizes
* Bibs
* Hat x 2
* Scratch mits
* Socks
* Present and card for Big Brother

Hospital supplies milk, nappies etc

Bag for OH

* Change of clothes
* Camera and charger
* Phone and charger
* Deodorant
* Toothbrush/paste
* Shaving stuff - If the stubble hurts my face it's gonna hurt the babies
* Change for machines/parking
* Something to occupy IE PSP - should I happen to get some zz's

List of things to get for snacks and drinks -

Gonna take a mini cool bag and ice pack so I can keep drinks/sarnies cool. Probably wont eat sarnies during labour incase I am sick but immediately afterwards you are (normally) ravenous!
Don't forget OH/birth partner needs feeding too, and best to have stuff with you than have you left on your own while they go to canteen and get 'proper' food

* Bottled Water
* Pre-packed sarnies
* Lucozade Tablets
* Orange Lucozade - I got really angry cause I wasn't allowed this last time, totally craved the sugar!
* Boiled Sweets
* Cereal Bars - mainly for after birth
* Little oranges - tangerines or clementine's or whatever
* Mint imperials
* Couple of straws - easier to drink when your dopey from gas and air
* Anything else I like the look of - should I happen to have mild contractions again for a few hours and feel like going to a supermarket

Bag with extra clothes for me and baby, to leave in car incase kept in longer

If I get sent home from the hospital cause I'm not dilated enough, I am planning on going for a walk around the 24 hour supermarket near the hospital lol

PHEW! I think that's it, I may have forgotten a few things, will add if I remember anything else.

May not even open the bag when it comes round to it, but I would rather have everything with me and not need it, than need something and not have it!

Hopes this helps any first timers (or 2nd, 3rd timers lol) think of things they may possibly need , but like I said at the top of the post, My first time I took NOTHING and I/we were just fine lol x
I posted this as a thread yesterday, but thought it might help to post it here too.

sorry it is like geeeeeet long!

when I went into labour with my first son I went to hospital (via ambulance) with the nighty on my back, and nothing else. I asked my Ex to nip home after I had my son ( had a very long, tiring, and also boring at times, 36hr labour) to pick up some things, He came back with a teeny pair of pre-pregnancy jeans and a vest. No coat, socks, shoes or anything (baby was born 21st december so it was freeeezing!) and he brought one sleepsuit which was the wrong size for the baby. Thank God my Mam called into mine and picked up some baby things!
Afterwards I swore that if I ever had another I would take EVERYTHING I might ever possibly need lol.... therefore,

Here is the contents of my hospital bag:-

I'm using a huge holdall and putting individual bags into this to save me or anyone else scratting around looking for things.

Labour Bag

* Fleece Blanket - at times I got very cold
* Fluffy socks - again just incase I get cold
* Black button front nighties - Black incase I have any leaks
* Bikini top - incase I remember to have a little bit of dignity when I jump in bath !
* Reading book - To throw at OH
* Puzzle book x 2 - even if I don't use them mam or OH will get bored too
* Playing cards - same reason
* Dressing Gown
* Note pad - to make lists for OH incase I forget something! also to write down any thoughts I may have, will be funny to look back at heeh
* Pens - er to write with
* Slippers
* Pillow - hospital pillows are horrible (just move it before the messy part starts!)
* Birth Plan and preg notes
* Photo of my Eldest son - for inspiration?
* Mini bottle of Champagne and placcy cups! - to celebrate!! Keep hidden incase not allowed!

My hospital supplies birthing ball, tens machine and fans

After Labour Bag

* Maternity pads/ night-time towels x 20 - Hospital ones leak too easy
* Breast pads
* 9 pairs of knickers
* Comfy Bra
* Black Jog Bottoms x 2 - Black so no embarrassing leakages show up
* Vests x 2
* Dark Pj's
* Lightweight Hoody - incase it's a bit nippy coming home
* Flip Flops - easier to put on than trainers or shoes
* Ear plugs - just incase I am on a noisy ward
* Travel Padlock - again, just incase I am on a ward, never be too careful
* Socks x 2

Toiletry Bag

* Sponge
* Flannel - Use in labour too
* Shampoo/Conditioner/Body wash -bought little empty travel bottles and filled them with my normal stuff
* Lipbalm - lips get dry with gas and air
* Make up - so I dont look like a total freak in piccies (may not care at time)
* Toothpaste/brush
* Mini Mirror - So I can see how minging I look
* Roll-on Deoderant
* Bodyspray
* Shaving Razor - incase I realise I have forgot to shave me legs!!
* Nail file - something to do, and incase baby has little-long sharp nails
* Hairband/bobbles/brush/clips - nothing worse than having to blow hair out your face or peel it off your cheeks
* Tissues - for hubby to wipe away his tears when I kick him in the knackers for getting me in this state!
* Lidocaine - Local anaesthetic spray for any tears/grazes
* Bio Oil - Massaging
* Foot Cream
* Body Moisturiser
* Straighteners - sneak them in, prob not use
* Dettol wipes and mini spray - Hospital Bathrooms can be a bit grimey
* Black towels (one for body one for hair) -Hospital towels are horrible, black cause its messy after the birth!

Babies Bag

* Lightweight Snowsuit - incase it's cold! (you may laugh but as I write it is snowing here!! in may!!)
* Cuddly toy - cause it's cute haha
* Nappies - only taking a few, hospital supplies
* Wipes - trying to get the first poos off with cotton wool is a nightmare!
* Top to toe wash - mini travel sized bottle
* Baby oil - to rub on bum to stop the first poo sticking, honest it's like tar!
* Baby towel - Hospital ones are horrible and rough
* Nappy Cream - Just incase
* Dummies - Don't plan on using them, but just incase
* 3 vests
* 3 sleepsuits
* Blanket/Shawl - to swaddle my baby, whether midwives like it or not
* Coming Home outfit - In 2 sizes
* Bibs
* Hat x 2
* Scratch mits
* Socks
* Present and card for Big Brother

Hospital supplies milk, nappies etc

Bag for OH

* Change of clothes
* Camera and charger
* Phone and charger
* Deodorant
* Toothbrush/paste
* Shaving stuff - If the stubble hurts my face it's gonna hurt the babies
* Change for machines/parking
* Something to occupy IE PSP - should I happen to get some zz's

List of things to get for snacks and drinks -

Gonna take a mini cool bag and ice pack so I can keep drinks/sarnies cool. Probably wont eat sarnies during labour incase I am sick but immediately afterwards you are (normally) ravenous!
Don't forget OH/birth partner needs feeding too, and best to have stuff with you than have you left on your own while they go to canteen and get 'proper' food

* Bottled Water
* Pre-packed sarnies
* Lucozade Tablets
* Orange Lucozade - I got really angry cause I wasn't allowed this last time, totally craved the sugar!
* Boiled Sweets
* Cereal Bars - mainly for after birth
* Little oranges - tangerines or clementine's or whatever
* Mint imperials
* Couple of straws - easier to drink when your dopey from gas and air
* Anything else I like the look of - should I happen to have mild contractions again for a few hours and feel like going to a supermarket

Bag with extra clothes for me and baby, to leave in car incase kept in longer

If I get sent home from the hospital cause I'm not dilated enough, I am planning on going for a walk around the 24 hour supermarket near the hospital lol

PHEW! I think that's it, I may have forgotten a few things, will add if I remember anything else.

May not even open the bag when it comes round to it, but I would rather have everything with me and not need it, than need something and not have it!

Hopes this helps any first timers (or 2nd, 3rd timers lol) think of things they may possibly need , but like I said at the top of the post, My first time I took NOTHING and I/we were just fine lol x

Wow thats a great list and i loved all the little digs with the OH :haha:
I dont know about anyone else but Im having trouble fitting everything into 2 bags! I have a big holdall for all my stuff and a seperate changing bag full of babys stuff....running out of space!!!
They are gonna think im moving in when I land:rofl:

lol sorry... just reading through and had a good giggle at your comment :p i was like that wiv my 1st so dont stress lols and will def be like that wiv my new bubba...
x :thumbup:
Change of clothes for your other little ones if your like me and got to take kids with you lol
I packed changed clothes for my 20 month old daughter cus i know hubby will not rememeber to so i packed them in hossy bag.

such a good idea!! i will have a 2 and a half year old and hubby is bound to forget something :p :dohh:
Oooh i thought of another one to get, Dry shampoo
1. in case im in there a few days and cba to wash hair
2. in case i go into labour on a day where i havn't washed it
eek, just read the post about packing for DD! I didn't think about making sure I had stuff to hand as she will need to stay with the parents which is a 45min drive so no popping back if i forget to gove them something! Will add this to my to do list.
iv also packed lip balm been told your lips get dry during labour!!
Lip balm is a good thing to pack, especially if you're on the gas and air, but I had my bags in the car when I was pushing, so never had the chance to use the lip balm :dohh: Taking regular mouthfuls of water helped a lot though, and I didn't end up missing it.

I personally wouldn't bother with the dry shampoo, because after the birth you're going to want to shower anyway, and with all the locchia, you're going to want to shower again during your stay. They say you have to wash your bits twice a day for the first 10 days, so I just used it as an excuse to wash everything. :shrug:
I know I am only 27 weeks (well nearly lol) I packed baby's bag earlier today and even wrote a list of what's packed so I don't have to unpack it to remember.

I keep panicing he will be early and my hubby will be on deployment somewhere so I won't be organised, feeling slightly happier now.
Oh my goodness Kitty i'm still trying to conjure up the energy to pack my bags - theyve been half-packed for a couple of weeks but I cant seem to finish them...! :)
I'm 32 weeks and not even started packing mine or the little ones bag, i think baby will be here before i get roound to it! next weeks job! x Kitty you are so organised. x
I don't know if this has already been suggested but when I was in labour iced water was an absolute godsend. I had frozen 2 bottles of water ready for me to grab on the way to the hospital and they helped millions when I was all hot and flustered, both during and after :) xx

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