Oh thank youMeg - opks can also look positive when pregnant ! That's what happened with dd2 & the opks detected it faster than the frer. Frer didn't show a faint line until 8dpo. But it could also be your hormones just being whacky . Bf'ing can cause delays in O or absence of O all together . But either way best of luck to you !
Kirstiedenman - Positive Thoughts! I am in the same predicament. It is DH 40th birthday and I am throwing him a surprise party and I am hoping for a BFP a few days before the party and trying to decide if I surprise him at the party or make it more intimate with just him and I. Isn't it so crazy how we envision how these things will roll out. Just hope it isn't all in vain.
I vote for Christmas Day! You can say something like, I gave up drinking for the month because of all the drinking that is going to happen over Christmas break?
Thejoie- mine is also confusing this month
I did get somewhat of a temp spike and if it stays up tomorrow and Friday it will confirm O ... God please .. I cannot handle much more of these crazy temps and opks this month ! lol I think I did O yesterday because my temp went up today and my ewcm started to go away yesterday . Here's my opks and chart . I think the wondfos are negative .. they just must be more sensitive than my other pink ones . These opks are from Thursday - today .. I obviously took 2 or 3 some days haha . But the faded out ones are from yesterday which is why I think I may have O'd yesterday .