Which names do you think are getting overused?

Aiden and Caden have really become popular. They're now being used for boys and girls and I hope they die down soon. Otherwise there will be like 5 Caydens in my daycare with both genders.
Names always come and go in popularity. When I was at school, it was all Samantha's, Sarah's, Victoria's, Rebecca's and Elizabeth's (born silver jubilee year).

With DD1, there's loads of Chloe's, Jessica's and Robyn's. Her name was popular too when she was at preschool but all the Hannah's have disappeared lol and she's the only one at her school. DD2, still Chloe but also Bethany, Lauren and Olivia were popular. By the time DS came along, Chloe seems to have lost a bit of ground but taken over by Emily, Sophie/Sophia and Charlie (DD2 name lol). Now round here it's all Lily-May, Ruby and Grace.

I'm struggling cos I don't want my baby to be one of a dozen with the same name (I was one of those Samantha's) but all the names I've loved for years have become popular! I think I've got it now though, just hope no-one has the same idea as me hehe
I'm not sure it matters, my son is a Harry and it was second or third on the most popular list that year (and most other years) and he's the only one at his nursery.
Sophie, Grace, and Aiden are very overly used around where i live.
all nice names, but getting too popular for my taste.
I think Ruby is where I am but I still love it xx
I didnt read through everyones posts but around here, Jack is SO popular, my hubby and I picked that name for a boy years ago and now they said something like 3 in 4 boys are being named Jack 2 years ago :( I also think all the "en" ones are being used a ton, Aiden, Caden, Jayden.....and I had a friend tell me "well ya, its really popular so Im going to spell it Aydon" ITS STILL THE SAME NAME LOL
I'm not a fan of messing with spelling - a lifetime of your poor kid having to spell his/her name! Although I am constantly struggling with my name -Jo. People can't believe it's just that because it's "too short", website forms say it's invalid and people always put an "E" on the end LIKE A BOY! :growlmad:

In some ways it's a shame Jack has become so popular because I really do like it.
I know when Joseph starts school they'll have problems with the spelling of his middle name, but it is not because i wanted a different spelling... It is after my OH's granddad, who is Polish, therefore the Polish spelling. I do think people have to be careful over opinions to do with spelling because some are not because the want to be different, it's because of background etc.

I am one for names that are different and don't really like anything that is popular although Joseph was after my granddad. India Elise is completely random and not linked to anybody, as i prefer it to be. Names that i've seen very recently being used alot...

Aiden, Lewis, Ava, Isabelle, Lily or Lily-Mae, Ellie-Mae, Rose, or Lily-Rose ...

I'm also not a fan personally of double-barrel names xxx
I agree many spelling variations are due to culture. I know a Rebekkah because her parents wanted a Hebrew name. I have a Polish friend named Katazyna which is beautiful imo.
It was just that my Mum has a friend with a very unfortunate name because of spelling gone mad. Her name is spelled Mnyrrhlle but is pronounced Mearle! Her parents thought it was clever
Mn = as in hymn
yrrh = as in Myrrh
...and then lle on the end! Why oh why! :dohh:
:haha: Is that Welsh?! It appears as random letters put together lol xxx
I love Katazyna, I heard it first on Americas Next top model :blush: haha Katazyna Cain wouldnt really go though lol

I dont think im bothered about popular names although I have gone off Darcy and I dont know why and Isabelle is just a no now cos of twilight x
I like names that are not too popular, and would stay away from the top 10, but each to their own and it is a personal choice.

When I had DD in 2007, my much loved nana passed away whilst I was pregnant, and I named her Lily, after her. I also gave her the middle name Rose after my sisters (who is 19) middle name - when I chose them, I didnt know any other Lilys at all, and now there are bloody loads, and lots of people using Rose too!!

Aslong as you are happy with your choice, then who cares :thumbup:
ermmm ... lots of grace, bailey, tyler, taylor, Tye/tai.. A MILLION Alfies lol ....
also a lot of poppys in the last year ...
Seems like everyone around here is naming their baby Aiden. Or something that rhymes with Aiden... Brayden, Jaden, Caden, etc.

we're from indiana too and when we first got married aiden was our first choice for a boy, we ended up changing it after hearing a child being called aiden nearly every place we went too. It's crazy!
When we named Ella, we had not heard another person with that name and had no idea it was popular. It was named in the top 10 so I'm sure we'll meet some Ella's once she's in school!
i think names are getting more and more silly ... i won't say which ones as thats not fair ..

just lately i find myself being told a name and going .... :/ seems to be the younger mums 25's downwards picking the names i hate dno if its cos its "trendy" names or what ... lol
my friend recently had a baby and wanted help picking between 3 names .. i told her i hated them all.. two sounded like they belonged to a dog, not my choice tho i spose :P x
I love Katazyna, I heard it first on Americas Next top model :blush: haha Katazyna Cain wouldnt really go though lol


Yeah and nobody made an effort to pronounce it correctly! Poor girl.

Ruby is one of the names that is very popular but I don't see a problem with that. Sure, when she goes to school there will probably be loads of Rubys, Chloes, Jessicas, Sophies etc but they're all good solid names IMO, better than having to constantly spell your name or have people get your name completely wrong!
Jacob and Edward :dohh:

I didn't think they were *that* common but, come to think of it, they are. I had Jack on my list but it's used a lot. Very nice names though.

Think we have decided on our name now and it is not common at all (yet :haha:) DH won't let me say what it is because we have had other names we liked and people put is off so we are only going to tell once he's born. I guess people will find something to object to about every name out there - too common, too unusual, reminds them of somebody/something. :shrug:

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