Popular names don't really bother me. It really bothers OH though!
I had no idea about the Aiden, Hayden, Cayden, Jayden craze when I named my son but to be honest even if I did I still would have called him Jayden because it suits him! He just looks like a Jayden!
The names being used alot around here are:
Girls - Ruby .. Specifically Ruby-Mae! I can't even count the number of Ruby-Mae's that have came along in the past year or so! Also Ella, Holly & Lily .. All the pretty girly names!
Boys - Jacob & Oliver .. Love both those names, OH would never go for it though!
I don't think I could use a common middle name, having the same first name I don't really mind, but exactly the same name is different! Like Rose, Grace & May/Mae .. They are pretty but I am fairly confident there would be another Eva Rose at school! Also the name with James for a boys middle name! Sounds good but there are loads about!
Ditto, any name will become popular if it is nice enough. People hear it, like it and use it and that is the way it will always be.
If you like a name use it and if you don't want one that will become popular then use a name people are unlikely to like.