Who's ttc no.2, who's with me? 4 BFP's!

How many dpo are you now tigerlilly?

Could your dr help? I know they say to visit the gp after trying fr only 6 months with no luck once you are over 35 so if you go next month and say its been 5-6 months hopefully they will get the ball rolling to help you?

It's very hard as the months roll by and everyone else in your threads and things get their bfps. Keep believing though, it will happen for you and all of us :hugs:

I should ovulate early next week I think.

How's it going 5 year?

hi, the gp told me she doesn't think i should try again due to age and gd :shrug: but midwife doesn't agree. i should be 8dpo tomorrow. it took 24 cycles last time, will just have to wait and see x
Your dr doesn't sound very supportive, I'd look for a second opinion if it's what you really want and you believe it won't be a risk to you. Good luck this cycle, I hope you catch a bfp soon.

Cd18 here I think. I think I will ov tomorrow. Feeling a bit down though, haven't really been dtd and don't feel like it. I don't think this will be a lucky cycle for me.
Hi yazzy, welcome & good luck.

Eskimo, my mum juices alot, she follows Jason vales juice detoxes.

5 year, was it def af? Sorry if it was :hugs:

Has everyone had a nice Easter? We had a lush time with my in laws, in the car now for the long drive home.x
It was def AF! :( & she's holding no punches!!

Had a brilliant day at a festival of steam with my little boy who loves trains, & the weather has been spectacular!! So in a good mood.

It's ok , a nye birthday would have been a bit rubbish! Looking forward to moving on to the next cycle. Think my cycles may be shorter now too (this was 28 days!) so more chances before the dreaded EDD deadline.

It's hard not to let it stress you out though isn't it mrs.W, we've always been lucky before & fallen within 1-2mos of trying, but I'm worried it'll take it's toll if it takes much longer than that :/ hope you start to feel better.

Yeh I agree, it does take it's toll, it's hard. I'm on cycle 4 after my mc and never thought I'd be saying that. I underestimated how hard it would be to recover from the mc.

I'm feeling a bit down this cycle really. We haven't dtd much and I just don't think this will be the one which means I won't have passed 12 weeks by my last edd.

Hopefully soon it will be our turn 5 year xx
Hi Ladies

May I join you? I'm ttc no 2, well I will be as of next cycle. I was trying from June til December last year but due to weight gain and having PCOS I decided that my best option would be to focus on losing weight. So far I've lost 25 lbs and I'm waiting for my af to arrive to see how long my cycle is, I'm hoping for 35 days or less. My PCOS means that when I gain weight my cycles become long. I'm continuing to lose weight, and hope with a more regular cycle I will successfully conceive.

Bit about me, I'm 34 years old (35 on May 1st - so won't be able to say 34 for much longer), I'm married and we have a son who is 3, who was conceived naturally and without actually trying. I had however lost 4 stone (56 lbs) which is why I conceived so easily. I have 1 stone 3 lbs (17 lbs) to lose to get back to the weight I was when I fell pregnant, so I'm getting there. I live in Buckinghamshire in the UK. Really I want to conceive this year otherwise I'm thinking we might just stick with 1 child...then again I said that last year and look at me now! Just very aware of my age and the fact that the age gap between my son and a new baby is getting bigger all the time.

Hoping to chat and be able to share my journey. xxx
Hiya cookie, welcome! Well done on the weight you have lost! Really fantastic, are you following any certain diet/exercise to loose it or just eating healthily?

I had a mmc in January at 12 weeks and I had out on loads of weight while feeling ill in first tri. I have a stone I'd like to loose while ttc before I end up eating constantly in first tri again! So any diet tips and matter will be appreciated.

I'm 33, 34 in August so I'm not far behind you!! My dd is 2 in July so a smaller gap if I am lucky soon but then again I wanted a small age gap, ideally 2 years and I'm getting closer to 3 years now. And I'd like the chance for a third so I feel that clock ticking as well.

I'm due to ovulate tomorrow. Pos opk last night! Fingers crossed. Right better go for my shower and drag the hubby to bed :winkwink:
Hi everyone, can I join in here? I've been NTNP #2 since October while breastfeeding my DS. I weaned him last month and just had my first postpartum AF- currently on CD6. It took 22 months of TTC and fertility treatments to get pregnant the first time around due to my PCOS, but I'm hoping for quicker results this time! I decided to take soy isoflavones this cycle in hopes that it will make me ov since I don't generally do so on my own!
Hi Mrs W, I'm doing Slimming World, I just find I need to follow a plan otherwise I go off track very quickly. The good thing about SW is you can follow it while you are pregnant so if I'm successful then I definitely will continue with the plan as I put on 4 stone while pregnant with my son. To be fair when I fell pregnant I'd only just lost the weight so it was no big surprise. Weightloss wise I'd say one of the main things is to cook from scratch, swop oil for fry light and if you want a snack go for a lower cal alternative, if I want a chocolate fix I have a weight watchers bar or crisps wise have lower cal ones my fab are the new walkers pop crisps. I think people think you have to starve yourself and live off salad but you really don't.

I'm ok with the bigger gap as would mean once I finish maternity leave my son will be at school so childcare would be easier.

Sorry about your loss, I had a an mc before my son, it's horrible. Xxx

Hi wanting2010, my friend who has pcos had to have fertility treatment with the first but fell accidentally with the second, so you never know! I have pcos too but I fell without trying, so was very lucky although tried for 6 months last year and nothing. I'm losing weight so hopefully that will do the trick. I've heard mixed things about soy so will be interested to hear how you do on it.
Cookie- PCOS just sucks! I have heard many instances where pregnancy helps "reset" your body so to speak and women have an easier time TTC after they've had #1. Good job on the weight loss! I think losing weight can make a big difference sometimes. I lost 30 lbs before getting pregnant with #1 and I saw an improvement in my response to the fertility drugs after the loss. I could stand to lose some more for sure and am attempting to calorie count and work out regularly.
Yes definitely where PCOS is concerned weightloss really really helps, before I lost weight I was having a period every 3 months, once I lost weight I was having a regular 34 day cycle and conceived with no problem. So now just waiting to see how long this cycle is, I'm on cd 32 and really hoping it arrives in the next day or two. It can be a struggle losing when you have pcos, I lose much slower than alot of the girls at my Slimming World group, and it can get frustrating but have to try not to compare. xx
Hiya wanting, welcome! Good luck. Someone on another thread I'm on joined recently thinking it would take ages as it did with her first and she's got a bp first month ttc so you never know!

Cookie, yes I've done slimming world and agree its brilliant. I followed after my dd was born and lost over a stone which I was pleased with. Unfortunately when pregnant with my mmc baby and comfort eating since I've put most of it back on. I'm in a horrible place where I want to loose the weight so I feel better now and so I start my next pregnancy lighter not heavier but also life has been pretty tough the last 6 months and I want to enjoy a glass of wine when I want seeing as I am hoping to give up for 9 months again soon. And I'm just not in the right place to be able to give up all treats so I start sw and do well all week but mess it up at the weekends. Sigh.

As for me I was sure I would ov today, had my pos opk on Monday and I usually ov 48 hours later and always on cd19 which I am on today. Bt I always have a temp dip the day I ov followed by a big rise the day after and no temp dip today. So weird. So either my temp was wrong, or I didn't ovulate but with no dip, or I haven't ovulated and maybe will tomorrow? After so many months I'm sick of all this now. I just want to be pregnant. Sigh.

Mrs W, you really do have to be in the right place to lose weight, when I haven't been in the zone I have just failed miserably at dieting. Comfort eating is completely understandable aswell, going through a mmc is awful, and when you go through something like that you do whatever you can to make yourself feel better. Food always makes me feel better, well until I realise just how much I've gained...usually takes me putting on a good 2 stone to make me realise that its all gone horribly wrong, sometimes even more.

I understand feeling fed up, after 6 months of trying last year I had had it with opks and temping, found it very stressful. Maybe you aren't going to get a dip this month, I dont know if people always follow the same pattern, but I'm sure its possible that it can vary. I just found it very difficult to get an accurate temp, if my son wasn't waking me, then I was waking up...I think I was worse around ovulation because I was stressing out about temping and it was making my sleeping erratic. That's why I'm not temping or using opks at the moment, just trying to keep it relaxed...I'm not overly confident that I'll last very long, not with irregular cycles, I can see me needing to know exactly when I'm ovulating. I do check my cm, and I've found that to be a good way of telling when I'm ovulating.

I'm the same cookie, it's usually a stone ish for me as any fat I put on goes straight to my tummy. It's disgusting I'm currently a size ten but look about 20 weeks pregnant as all the fat is on my tummy. So I'm in that horrible zone of not really bring in the right place to diet or exercise enough to make a difference but feeling really gross about myself.

Omg I feel the same about temping. It really impacts my sleep badly. This cycle I only starting temping on Saturday to make sure I knew when I'd oved and once I get cross hairs ill stop and won't temp the tww. It's like tomorrow, I know I need either a big dip or rise, so I need to sleep well tonight, which means I won't :flower:
Mrs W, what was your temperature like today? After a while I stopped taking my temp, it always seemed to confirm ovulation the day after a positive opk so just went by that.

It looks like my period is on it's way, if it doesn't come properly today then it will tomorrow, so that will be a 33/34 day cycle. Really really pleased, thats 15 days shorter than last cycle and 20 days shorter than the cycle before that. Weightloss really does work for me, so I feel much more hopeful about conceiving now.

I had a ttc reading, it was free and I know they are rubbish but couldn't resist, apparently I will conceive a girl around June/July...now that would be lovely!!! I really want a girl. xx
I had a temp rise today cookie, thanks for asking so assuming I have another rise tomorrow and or my temps stay up for a few days then ill stop temping once I get cross hairs. But I always ov on cd19 which was yesterday so I think I did ov and either my temps were off or I just didn't get the dip I usually get.

33 days is a great cycle. Mine are almost always 33 days since I always ov on cd19! A the moment mine are shorter as my lp has been short after my mc but usually it works fine for me to get pregnant.

I'm so pleased your cycles have improved so much, yay!! Fingers crossed for that pink bfp in the summer!! X
How's the temping going mrs w?

Well might have been premature with my celebrating! I haven't come on my period, slight spotting yesterday but nothing since. I'm worried that I didn't ovulate as early as I thought but at the same time hoping there's a chance I could be pregnant. Chances are slim but still now we've decided to start trying I want it now!! Xx
You never know, you might be pregnant!! When will you test?!!

My temp rose again today so I def ovulated, 2 dpo today. I will prob stop temping now as we are away this weekend and my dd will be in our room so if I set my alarm to temp it will wake my dd. but I have done it so many times I know my temps and cycle well enough to know that I've ovulated. Now I just need to hope we caught the egg and my lp is long enough for it to stick. Fingers crossed xx
Fingers crossed for you!

Well no red blood yet but had some pinky stuff so maybe af is on the way. My cervix appears to be open, but then it never feels totally shut...I read that is normal when you have had a baby.

Have a lovely weekend away xx

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