Who's ttc no.2, who's with me? 4 BFP's!

Yeah my Hubby is the same, thinks I should do all the cleaning as I don't work 'full time' hours! He doesn't realise I do full time work in part time hours as well as being a Mum and a cleaner, and a wife, and his personal assistant...etc. etc!!! :growlmad:

I think my hubby feels the same way too you know but for the first time in a long time I am actually wanting to do it because I actually want to do it! Not just because I want another baby, because I feel attracted to him and feel confident in my body for the first time in a while! Typical eh? :haha:

I am hoping that doing it Sat night when I was (I think!) at optimal fertility will have done the trick. I really want to do it again tonight just to be sure but if tonight goes anything like last night, he will be 'too tired' and grumpy again and nothing I do will persuade him otherwise!! :dohh:

Bloody men!!! lol Last night the hubby came in from his Garage (he tinkers with motorbikes) heard him clattering around in the kitchen, then he comes in complaining that he had to do the washing up...which would have consisted of 1 tray, a plate maybe a mug and utensils, which were all from his dinner as I washed up from mine and my sons. I'd already washed up twice yesterday, that's my limit! lol

My hubby is exactly the same, because he works more hours he disregards the hours I work and expects me to act as a housewife, but I refuse. I do do majority, but I dont do it all and I expect help!! My 3 year old can do washing and my husband can't, I'd put a pile of washing infront of the washing machine, got distracted doing something else, next thing you know he's put all the washing in the machine, puts the detergent in the little tub and puts it in with the washing, gets the softner (even filled up the lid to measure it) and put it in the correct compartment in the drawer and then switched it on. I'm training for a 26 mile walk and one day I told my hubby to put the washing on, he said he didn't know how so I said Addison will show you...I got back and Addison had showed him exactly what to do, I said doesn't it make you feel ashamed that your 3 year old can do washing but you can't? Apparently not!! lol

Well hope you have timed it right...only takes the once after all. I've been trying for 1 year and 2 months and nothing, with my son we had sex once in a month (I was on Cambridge diet and totally exhausted so just wasn't in the mood) and I fell pregnant accidentally. I knew it wouldn't be that easy again but I was hoping it would take less than a year.

How long have you been trying?
Ha ha ha!! :haha: We were the same with our LO, only did it the once and fell on! This is our 2nd month of trying though so we haven't been at it so long and last month I didn't take any notice of when I was most fertile, we just did it whenever we fancied it (which turned out to be right before my fertile window and right after ovulation! lol:dohh:)

How's everyone doing? :hugs: Sorry I don't pop in as often as I should there just never seems enough hours in the day! :wacko:
Hi tiger, I'm doing ok...period has arrived today, was feeling so hopeful but nope another disappointing cycle. I think we are going to give it til the end of the year and if it hasn't happened give up. The more time that passes the less keen my hubby is to continue...I think he feels like its not meant to be. It's been over a year now and I haven't conceived.

On a positive note I had my blood tested and it confirmed that I ovulated, and I ovulated cd 19 and had a 33 day cycle so I'm very happy with that as I've had extremely long cycles in the past. Fingers crossed they will continue to be 33 days long from now on.

Tiger - how are you doing?? I was very sorry to see you miscarried. I hope you are doing ok. xx
Hi tiger, I'm doing ok...period has arrived today, was feeling so hopeful but nope another disappointing cycle. I think we are going to give it til the end of the year and if it hasn't happened give up. The more time that passes the less keen my hubby is to continue...I think he feels like its not meant to be. It's been over a year now and I haven't conceived.

On a positive note I had my blood tested and it confirmed that I ovulated, and I ovulated cd 19 and had a 33 day cycle so I'm very happy with that as I've had extremely long cycles in the past. Fingers crossed they will continue to be 33 days long from now on.

Tiger - how are you doing?? I was very sorry to see you miscarried. I hope you are doing ok. xx

Hi sweetie :hugs:

knowing you ov'd must be such a relief?!!!

my cycles are long ish too, 31 days long and blood tests showed i OV around Cd22 to 23 so quite late. It took 2 yrs to get ds so I fully expected to be in for the long hall. The first time round we decided to give it one more go and then stop, we feel that month.

The mc was difficult but this time i didn't run away from it, I stood and faced it it was a little easier this time. With looking after ds I don't get long moments to reflect on it or wallow in self pity. I still get pangs of sadness when i see a pregnant woman, but I don't know her story of ttc so how can i begrudge her, I think how wonderful for her to be so blessed.

I'm 42 in 8 months so dh and I decided to carry on trying this month without a break and take the chance on the miracle of conceiving this cycle. The dr wanted us to wait one cycle so it makes dating easier but i know where I am in my cycle and that's what counts. I done a few tests after the mc and all have been negative so it looks like the HCG has left my system.

I'm almost on CD 33 so af should have been here on cd 31! I got a pos OPK on cd 18, these can last a few days and I ran out so I've only got the one day, so actual ov could be later. my chart showed i ov'd on cd 18 but the pattern looks more like cd 23.

We've b'd every other day from cd 12 to 23 and dh held my legs in the air to almost to a head stand. :haha::blush:

Honey my heart is with you :hugs: it's so difficult when we have to be so strong month after month when sometimes we just need someone to be strong for us :hugs: but I hope this is what this forum gives.

Your all such amazingly strong powerful women, full of courage and fire this is something to be admired and guided by. Plz know in my darkest times even tho I haven't posted I find great courage and strength in ur words you are all so beautiful <3 baby dust to us all and everything crossed we all get out longed for blessings <3
Hi Tiger, Its hard when there is a time limit and must be extremely hard after an mc. I hope it happens for you this cycle, fingers crossed.

I feel like I'm doing this on my own, my husband shows pretty much no interest, just baby dances when I tell him to and that's about it. Now he's saying we should give up trying I just feel completely fed up. I thought he wanted this too but he's being difficult...yesterday he said I'm too old, I'm 35 for goodness sake, ok I'm not in my 20s anymore but I think his comment was harsh. Definitely going to continue trying this year and then reevaluate at the end of the year. On a positive note I asked my hubby if he'd be willing to get his sperm tested and he seemed willing. The doctor suggested it, I'd let it lie as I thought I'd see what my test results said but now I know I'm ovulating I thought I'd bring up the subject of his swimmers, and he seems to be willing, so hopefully can get him to do it.

Really hope it happens for you tiger xx
I am reading all of your stories: Cookie1979, tigerlilly, MrsB1982 (sorry if I missed anyone) and regardless of how long we have all been trying - I just wanted to say - that we are all doing really well. Trying to conceive on purpose, with hopes each month of becoming pregnant, two week waits, long or unequal cycles, trying to make sure we dtd as often as possible at the right time in our cycles, trying not to get our hopes up or annoy our DHs and put them off baby making....

actually we all probably need to pause and think... we are doing our best and recognise its bloody hard! Well done us.

I hope everyone gets BFPs ASAP.
Ah thanks Havingmyfirst - it's true isn't it, it is hard! I've only been finding it hard recently, took it in my stride but now I'm over the year mark and its really getting to me. Let's hope it happens for us all soon. Have you been trying long?

We've decided to try SMEP this cycle, just doing something different makes me feel better...feel like we're being proactive. Also had a talk with the hubby, which came from me seeing my neighbour who I dislike with a blatantly pregnant belly, she's just an awful woman and a couple of years ago I called social services on her because of the things I heard. Any way it just made me feel terrible, she doesn't deserve another child (her third) and cynical me thinks she's only doing it so she doesn't have to work and can claim more benefits. Any way got me and the hubby talking and I told him how I felt alone in ttc, and he's reassured me that he does want another baby.

Let's hope we all get pregnant in 2014!!! Xxxx
Hey all, I hope i'm not intruding! I have neglected BnB for some time, but now me and my OH are trying for our second bubba, Dom is now 2 1/2 years, we'd love a small gap between the two! we are on relaxed approach (like last time) so here's hoping the magic does it's work here. Here's :dust: baby dust to all trying looking forward to seeing lots of BFP's for you all

Hi MaybBaby my DS is 2 years old. We were trying to be relaxed about it - but to be honest I find it stressful - we didn't really have to "try" last time - it just happened.
Yeah, Dom kinda...well I recall saying to my OH 'lets start early as I don't expect to catch straight away' and lo and behold I caught in the first month, I do however expect this time will take longer, both our bodies are near enough 3 years older bodies change its understandable! - it's hard to be 'relaxed' about it when you hope and wish for something so much (I have already tested KNOWING FULL WELL its way too early to even bother testing, fool! :blush: ) But we all find methods that will work for us, what I love about BnB is that it's a place where we can just vent and support each other through each stressful time of conceiving and pregnancy, we all delve in to share and educate one another :) - im sure it will happen soon bab, just keep babydancin' the nights away *teehee!* :dust: fingers crossed to us all!!!!
Yeah, Dom kinda...well I recall saying to my OH 'lets start early as I don't expect to catch straight away' and lo and behold I caught in the first month, I do however expect this time will take longer, both our bodies are near enough 3 years older bodies change its understandable! - it's hard to be 'relaxed' about it when you hope and wish for something so much (I have already tested KNOWING FULL WELL its way too early to even bother testing, fool! :blush: ) But we all find methods that will work for us, what I love about BnB is that it's a place where we can just vent and support each other through each stressful time of conceiving and pregnancy, we all delve in to share and educate one another :) - im sure it will happen soon bab, just keep babydancin' the nights away *teehee!* :dust: fingers crossed to us all!!!!

Yeah, Dom kinda...well I recall saying to my OH 'lets start early as I don't expect to catch straight away' and lo and behold I caught in the first month, I do however expect this time will take longer, both our bodies are near enough 3 years older bodies change its understandable! - it's hard to be 'relaxed' about it when you hope and wish for something so much (I have already tested KNOWING FULL WELL its way too early to even bother testing, fool! :blush: ) But we all find methods that will work for us, what I love about BnB is that it's a place where we can just vent and support each other through each stressful time of conceiving and pregnancy, we all delve in to share and educate one another :) - im sure it will happen soon bab, just keep babydancin' the nights away *teehee!* :dust: fingers crossed to us all!!!!


Hi everyone

I tested we have a faint line! BUT it's not getting stronger as the days go on this was how it was last time untill 6 wks when it was all over.

I feel nausea most of the day, my boobs hurt a lot and I'm so tired didn't have these symptoms the other month and my boobs are 2 inches bigger than normal, but the line is faint.

This so frustrating not getting a stronger answer. Really frightened that this is a joke on behalf of mother nature, again. I think i'm gonna have to just have to wait it out.

I tested after the mc on different occasions and all were negative. I haven't got a clue about what's going on. :cry: don't know what to do? Don't think I could go through another loss. My cycles are normally 31 days and i OV around 22 to 23. I'm now on CD 34!
tbh hun Ovulation dates etc really confuse me, but I always think faint line =positive - to be certain i'd ask for a blood test at the doctors as they will give you the certain yes or no answer you're looking for, symptoms seem promising though! fingers crossed this is it for you hun :hugs: I can't even begin to know how you felt at that time :(

Take the tests with you and show the doc im sure they will put your mind at ease, in the meantime MEGA BABY DUST :dust:
I tested this afternoon and this was the result, looks a little better? Going to do a digital on Thurs hopefully get a clear answer. Really worried it's not true tho.


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I tested this afternoon and this was the result, looks a little better? Going to do a digital on Thurs hopefully get a clear answer. Really worried it's not true tho.

Well I'm on my phone at the moment and couldn't stretch the image to look but I immediately can see a line Hun it's deffo there and I would be shocked if all the tests you did were duds deffo get a digi test I'm crossing fingers and toes because that to me reads positive, keeping hopeful for you doll
Hi Girls! :hi:

Feeling much more positive now that the :witch: has gone and I am on a fresh new cycle. Going to track my temps regimentally everyday at 6:30am and get some OPKs ordered from Amazon too today.:thumbup:

I know what you are going through Tigerlilly, I miscarried at 6 weeks too before I fell on with Noah. Its a horrible horrible time and you feel guilty for wanting to try again but trust me, that LO will always be in your heart no matter what happens next. :flower:

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