I used to be a real symptom spotter, but now I just don't see the point. I don't bother going in to 2ww section and I don't google symptoms, because no matter what you are experiencing someone who got their bfp would have experienced it and it means absolutely nothing. I'm 6 dpo today, and I've got some niggly cramps, but I get that kind of thing from my ibs and its hard to tell if its my ibs or ovaries, so I just put it down to ibs. Nothing else going on though, no sore boobs yet, nothing funny going on with my cm...just a whole lot of nothing, which I'm not taking as a good or bad sign as I've had so many symptoms in the 2ww and it meant nothing.
Went to the doctor yesterday, she wants me to have blood tests to check my hormones and if I'm ovulating, so I've got the first booked for 30th July which will make me cd 3 or 4 I think, then need to book around cd 26, she said to base it on a 33 day cycle, cos I said I hoped that this extremely long cycle was a one off. She also wants my hubby to get his swimmers tested, first of all he was fine about it, then he comes home and moans that I'm telling him he has to have it done without asking...my text said 'the doctor would like you to get your swimmers tested, would you be willing to do it?' If that's not asking I dont know what is!!! I think he was just in a grump. He reckons there's no point him having the test, because if his swimmers are no good then we aren't going to be able to do anything about it, I see his point but still would put our minds at rest to know all is ok. I really need to get him some vits though, zinc I know is good for sperm quality, I think there is another that is supposed to be good...I'll google and pop to town I think. He always used to joke that he has super sperm as I fell pregnant twice without us trying, and with me having PCOS its quite unusual to fall that easily.
Do you chart your temperature? Really finding it quite easy these days, when I did it last year I'd worry about waking at the right time or waking in the night and making temps inaccurate and I found because I worried I wasn't sleeping very well, but I've found actually even if I do wake in the night or I sleep later I still manage to pinpoint ovulation, I think the extremely long cycle helped because I've been taking my temp for so many days, I just take my temp without thinking about it now.
Lets hope this cycle we are both successful! Fingers crossed xx