Who's ttc no.2, who's with me? 4 BFP's!

Congrats tiger!!

Cookie I agree I ignore any symptoms now as I've had a few cycles where I've been so sure I was preg but wasn't. I hate the tww!! How are you feeling now? When is af due?

I'm glad you are getting the tests. I had the 21 day progesterone test done on Friday so hopefully the results are ok. I hope your hubby agrees to get the sa done, it's a sensitive subject for most men I think. I've broached it with my she and he's agreed but he is 40 so not much time to waste. Plus as he got me
preg 6 months ago unlikely he had an issue.

I did chart but I've stopped as I started finding it too stressful. I was waking up early and stressing, analysing every temp and since I now know I ov, I've stopped. I do use opks though.

I don't find temping stressful, I used to but I think with my extremely long cycle and doing it for so long it became second nature, plus I found that getting up in the night or taking your temp early etc didn't cause a problem so eventually relaxed. It pinpointed ovulation fine and I didn't get enough sleep one night and drank another, but was still fine.

Fingers crossed your 21 day tests come back ok, I think mine have to be day 26 tests, but might even need to be later, has to be 7 days before AF but my cycles vary so not that easy.

I was the same had some really good symptoms some cycles and really convinced myself that I was pregnant, but nope. Im 10 dpo today and I don't really have any symptoms, unless extreme hunger and feeling ridiculously tired are symptoms...but abit early for all that!!! Don't even really have sore boobs yet, and I always get sore boobs about a week after ovulation, they are starting to head that way though.

I could eat a mountain of food right now and then sleep for a week!!! lol

I almost bought a hpt, went to Superdrug to buy a hair dye and walked past the hpt's, I had a look but they didn't have any of their own brand ones (which are sensitive and supposed to be very reliable) so I took it as a sign that I'm not supposed to buy one and walked away. I will stay strong and get through a cycle without testing early. xx
Congrats Tiger! Still lurking ladies

So sorry some of you are still trying, have everything crossed for you and sending lots of love xxx
Hi ladies

I went to the toilet tonight and found dark blood :cry: all I can do is hope :cry: don't know if i can get through this again.
Oh tiger I hope everything is ok, how is the bleeding?? You must be so worried xxx
Hello ladies!

I am Mummy to Noah (2 and 1/2) and my husband and I have decided Noah needs a little buddy so we are trying to conceive bubba number 2.

I used to be a member of BabynBump a couple of years ago so have decided to re-join now that we are trying again. I have been through a couple of the forums and you girls seem like a nice, friendly bunch so I was wondering if I could join you in the TTC#2 battle....:shrug:?

I came off the pill in June and my last period started 27/6/14. I am due AF yesterday but so far all I have had is some very very very light brown discharge but mainly just when I wipe.

We did the deed :blush: 1 week before my most fertile time of the month and one week after (duh!) so I doubt that I have fallen on that easily but fingers crossed!

I am going to make sure I check the fertility calendar this month though and try to time it right!

Oh tiger I hope everything is ok, how is the bleeding?? You must be so worried xxx

Hi hunni, i've been bleeding all day, I've change sanitary towels a number of times, massive cramps and in pain. It's over :cry:
Hello ladies!

I am Mummy to Noah (2 and 1/2) and my husband and I have decided Noah needs a little buddy so we are trying to conceive bubba number 2.

I used to be a member of BabynBump a couple of years ago so have decided to re-join now that we are trying again. I have been through a couple of the forums and you girls seem like a nice, friendly bunch so I was wondering if I could join you in the TTC#2 battle....:shrug:?

I came off the pill in June and my last period started 27/6/14. I am due AF yesterday but so far all I have had is some very very very light brown discharge but mainly just when I wipe.

We did the deed :blush: 1 week before my most fertile time of the month and one week after (duh!) so I doubt that I have fallen on that easily but fingers crossed!

I am going to make sure I check the fertility calendar this month though and try to time it right!


Hi hunni and welcome :hugs:
Oh tiger I hope everything is ok, how is the bleeding?? You must be so worried xxx

Hi hunni, i've been bleeding all day, I've change sanitary towels a number of times, massive cramps and in pain. It's over :cry:

I am so sorry Tigerlilly. I went through the same thing when I fell on first time round. I was only around 6 weeks but the physical pain was horrible never mind the emotional :-(

Sending big hugs and lots of love your way. xxxxxxx
Morning ladies! :thumbup:

AF turned up through the night so that means I am out this month :sad2:

So what do you think I need to do in terms of tracking my cycle? What do you girls do?

Do I need to buy an OPK or anything else? :shrug:

I'm so sorry tiger :hugs: it's absolutely heartbreaking and no one deserves to go through it, especially not twice. Be kind to your self and take all the time you need. You know you can get pregnant and you will again soon. Xx

How are you cookie?

Hi mrsb, welcome! I use opks and that's what I'd recommend. I find temping and charting too much pressure!

As for me, I've had all the results from my blood tests back and all is normal!!! Huge relief. So I'm ovulating, my egg quality and quantity is normal and no issues. I have a scan coming up to check my tube and if all is ok there then I guess it not happening is just my body recovering from the mmc.
Thanks Mrs W! :thumbup:

So AF turned up early hours Tues morn...boo!

I have got a thermometer so going to start tracking my temp and also using a fertility chart based on my cycle lengths. Going to start BD'ing 2-3 times a week starting next week so should hopefully be getting a BFP soon!!!

How are guys doing? Xx
Hi ladies, sorry I hven't been on recently, had alot going on and didn't wat to think about ttc. I had my blood test results from my cd 1-5 test, they came back normal so just need to have a test 7 days before I have my period to see if I've ovulated, but I don't know when af is going to come so then I dont know when to book. Need to buy opks and start charting my temp otherwise I wont have a clue when ovulation has happened. I'm cd 13 and ovulation won't happen until at least cd 19.

Mrs B - did you start charting your temp, it's a great way to keep track of your cycles. It can be hard to remember to do at first but once you get used to it it becomes second nature.

Mrs W - Great news about the tests!!! I hope I can say the same once I have my second blood test. Do you know what they test for in the cd 1-5 blood test? The doctor never said and I'm curious. How is this cycle going? What cycle day are you on?

It's my 4th wedding anniversary today, and we've been through abit of a rough patch...things have improved though and I think we are back on track. Just things got abit much, but we're alright I think. We're going to go out to dinner tomorrow night to celebrate, so that should be nice. Got afternoon tea with my friend tomorrow afternoon aswell, going to be a stuffed with food tomorrow!!! xx
Hi ladies! :hi:

Sorry I haven't been on for a while, my LO and I had sickness and diarrhoea all last week so we have been pretty zoned out!

I haven't been charting my temp with being ill but I have been checking CM and as of Sat I got the raw egg whitey stuff so hubby and I got down to it :haha: I am hoping we can fit another couple of BD's in this week too just to be sure we have hit the fertile window!

Keep your FX'd for me!

Hey Cookie1979, hope you and Hubby had a lovely meal and have reconnected again xxx
MrsB - Not sure about reconnecting but sometimes I want to connect my fist to his face lol but I resist. I'm joking (mostly) we are ok, we both work, he's been doing overtime alot recently and I work 30 hours a week, which is alot with a 3 year old. It can get stressful, but we need the money and to be honest I like working, I like the independence it gives me. It helped that our boy stayed with his grandparents last week for 3 nights, gave us some quality time together. We didn't have the greatest start to married life and living together, my Mum died in November 2009, our house buy went through December 2009, I was planning our wedding when she died so there was a while where I just wanted to throw the towel in as I couldn't imagine doing it without her, in March 2010 I found out I was pregnant, August 2010 we got married, November 2010 my son was born - a year to the month of my mothers death and on top of that after my son was born I had to be tested to see if I carried the mutated BRCA1 gene that my mum had (mght sound familiar - Angelina Jolie has it, I was lucky, I dont). I cannot even tell you how hard it was for me, becoming a Mother without my Mum there, I felt very alone because no one understood...my hubby tried but he wasn't in my shoes. I still have moments where I just cry because of what she's missing out on, because she never got to be a grandmother and my son never met her. So it's not been easy over the years and grief has been a part of my life before I even married him, and with the hormones after giving birth...well it was surprising I didn't lose the plot. I remember the midwife wanting to keep an eye on me because she fully expected me to not cope...I did cope but it took its toll.

Anyway sorry for waffling on.

CD 18 today, lots of ewcm so Im hoping I ovulate tomorrow...which would be fab as normal for me is ovulating cd 19-21. Not using opks this cycle so just relying on my temps to pick up ovulation. Fingers crossed.

FX for you this cycle MrsB xx

Oh Cookie1979, you sound like you have been through a really tough time to say the least. :hugs:

I cannot imagine how I would have gotten through having my LO without my Mum around but I do have an idea of what you went through as my Mum lost her Mum when I was 8, my sis was 6 and my bro was 4. I didn't realise it until now just how hard that must have been for my Mum going through bringing up children without her Mum there for help, advice, a shoulder to cry on, etc.

I know what you are going through with hubby too as my hubby and I are going through the same thing. I work 4 days a week, he works about 60 hours a week then we have a 2 and 1/2 half year old to look after and a house to keep, bills to pay, etc etc. Its never ending is it?!?!:nope:

We had a row last night so didn't manage to BD but I am hoping we can fit it in at some point over the next couple of days.

I don't think we appreciate anything until we've been through it, my Nan died (mums mum) when I was 10, we now are almost 100% that she carried the mutated brca1 gene, anyway I remember being a teenager and my mum crying over her mum and thinking 'why is she still crying, its been years?' now I understand, this November will be 5 years since we lost her and I still have my moments. Miss her every single day.

It was hard, but I got through it and as hard as it was having a baby without my mum there, having him has changed our lives, not just mine and my husbands but my Dads, him and my mum were one of these couples that did everything together, he lost her then he was made redundant, I was seriously worried for a while. But having a grandson and now a grandaughter to focus on (my niece) it has changed his world completely. Im sure it doesn't mean anything, but my mum died November 2009, my son was born November 2010 and my niece (brothers daughter) was born November 2011..it just makes me think that they are gifts from my Mum. I'm not religious but I like to think we go on to somewhere better.

I think ttc can add stress to a relationship, dtd because you feel you have rather than wanting to can make both of you feel used. I know there are times when my husband is reluctant because he thinks I only want it because I want a baby...and he's not wrong alot of the time. We were the same last night, he didn't want to because he was tired, but I've said to him today that we have to tonight otherwise we might aswell forget about baby making this month!!!

I had a 59 day cycle last cycle, so I just hope that the ewcm means I am going to ovulate in a day or two.

It is never ending, I mean I feel like I'm losing a battle with keeping the house clean, on Saturday we had a big toy sort out and cleaned, the house hadn't looked that tidy in ages. Yesterday morning I had to work a few hours from home with my son there, trouble is it means he's making a mess and I dont have time to tidy, so the house soon looked like a bomb had hit it. I dont know if your husband is like it, but my hubby thinks I should do the majority of the cleaning, he'll point out things that need doing and I point out that I'm not a flippin housewife!!!!!!!!!!


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