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Why can't our bodies be more predictable?

So the test I took a little while ago about 30min it showed negative and then I took it apart for to make sure and i still could see anything so I waited ten mins and came back to this! I'm not getting exited bc it wasn't within the time limit and I read other women getting evap lines. Soo the wait til Sarurday!!!


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Here is a closer picture with light! But I never seen evaps with color I thought they would be gray or something


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I'm tweaking it so u may see it...:shrug: I hope it's not an evap :nope:


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I SEE IT!!!!! I see the line in every picture you posted!! It totally does look like it has pink color to it too!! When I had my faint lines I did a lot of research on evap lines, and I always found that they were grayish in color too. From everything I've read, if it has color (especially with the pink-dye tests) then it's probably not an evaporation line!!! I am SOOO praying that this is not an evaporation line either, but I honestly think this could really be your bfp!!! What test did you use?! Did you test again today, or are you going to wait until Saturday?

I'm so excited! I want this to be your BFP! I want to see it turning into a blaring pink line in the next few days! AHHH!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Gonna wait til Saturday! I called my doctor office about my two positive OPK test and they told me go with the positive on CD 14 which was March 1st so today I am 11dpo so Saturday I will be 13dpo. I just been having really sore breast and today I'm tired as heck! I just cooked dinner now I'm going to bed after this message! I don't wanna get excited and it really isn't so!! I'll update later!!

How have you and the hubby been?? I'm sure great!!
Your doctor's office is awesome. I love that you can call them with questions :) I can definitely see why you guys are staying there throughout this process.

Well at least now you can only track your dpo for one O date! Tomorrow will be here soon enough :) I know what you mean about not wanting to get too excited. It's so hard waiting and having all the signs there. Just know I'm praying for you and thinking about you!

My DH and I have been doing great! We went to dinner and had an early birthday celebration with some friends last night. I'm feeling sluggish today :dohh: Otherwise, it's been a good relaxing spring break so far! How is your husband feeling about everything going on with you so far?
I told him, but said don't get excited because it could be an evap bc I took the test apart and said to wait until the weekend and we will know for sure. I'm been doing doubles at work the past 3 days and I'm tired, even though I do nothing at work lol, well I'm really hoping this is it but I have convinced myself that its an evap.

Your birthday is this week right? Forgive me if you told me but what day? However I'm happy y'all enjoyed the night out!!

Yeah my doctor office they are awesome they call back same day and they are quick and soo helpful and nice!! But after we have a baby I strongly wanna move out of Memphis. Been here all my life so I think the change for us will be great... Also if this is my BFP we aren't telling our families until after 12 weeks that's a long time I know lo, but we are going to try!!!
I took a test tonight and it was a BFN!!!!!! I knew it was too good to be true. And I know it isn't fmu but it I was it would still be showing. I know I'm out I'm just ready for AF to show to move on to the next cycle!!! Ughh :( owell keep pushing
Oh no lady, I'm so so sorry! Seeing those bfns are awful, but don't count yourself out yet! You would have only been 12dpo yesterday, and you said before that you always got our positive tests around 16dpo! I know it is so hard, especially after that faint line the other day. Maybe it was an evap line, but even if it was it doesn't mean there isn't still time for you to get a true positive! Were you using the same brand of tests? Yes, keep pushing through. All you can do is take it one day at a time. Hang in there and take care of yourself. I'm here if you need to vent!
Also, did you take your most recent test apart? (I'm bad at that!:blush:)

As far as your other posts, that is great that it is a fairly quick drive to see your family! I know what you mean about wanting to get out of the place you have spent most of your life. I moved a lot when I was younger, but I was still eager to get out of the small town in Colorado that I spent 12 years or so in. My DH had lived there all his life, so the change has been fun! Staying in Memphis until you have a baby sounds like a good plan for you guys though (and I am still praying that that is SOON! :) )

Yes, my birthday is actually today (the 15th). Woohoo 24!:happydance:

Hang in there these next few days!! :hugs:
Yayyyy HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! :hugs:

I took the one apart last night and still BFN and I took another test this morning BFN. I'm sure they are correct I dont see how I would get BFP this late, well our bodies are so crazy. I'll have to wait until Tuesday when AF is due. Oh yeah I was using FRER tests and the other test was too. But my hubby is really being there he said let's stay positive and everything is going to be okay. We decided to start putting more money up in our join accounts to save for the baby. I told you we are doing dr Seuss theme and we found really cool stuff that has to be handmade from esty so we gonna save for all that.

Yeah it's cool having our families close but sometimes I'm like ughhh lol, I don't mind helping our family but sometimes it's tiring that they always come to us first but it's okay I guess :wacko: but it would be a thrill to move away.

I actually have look into become a lactation consultation, as a side job just for extra money. It's a class that's a week long 45 hours and then take a test and become certfited. But the next class that will be close to memphis is in May but it's in Henderson TN that's an hour away, muy hubby said to ahead. So I may do that at least Ill be working with babies still.

Anywho enough of me rambling on and on lol. Enjoy your day, ahh 24 sounds so good, I'll be 24 next month!!! Happy Birthday girly enjoy enjoy enjoy!!!!
Thank you so much!!! :) I had a wonderful birthday! We went to a friend's BBQ and had some good food and enjoyed playing some games outside in the beautiful weather. Ugh I am dreading going back to school tomorrow :nope:

I am so sorry about those negative tests. I don't want them to be true! :( Our bodies are definitely crazy, so you never know what could happen! Your husband is so sweet. I love that he is so positive and supportive! Yes, everything will be okay! Lean on each other for support, and take it day by day. It sounds like you have been keeping busy with some great things! I love all your baby planning! Etsy is the best website! Aww yes, I I still think the Dr. Seuss theme is so cute!! What a great idea to start putting some money aside for all of those things you want for the baby! It just warms my heart :)

Ah yes, you gotta love the craziness in families. :haha: I totally understand the feeling.

As for the lactation consultation (sorry I'm jumping around so much again), I think that sounds AMAZING! Is it pretty inexpensive to take the classes? Ohhh how cool, I feel like you would be so good at that! Heck, I think I would love that too! Keep me posted on what you decide!!

Thank you again for the birthday wishes!!! What day is yours next month?! Keep taking it easy this week!! :hugs:
I'm happy you enjoyed your day!!! That sound like great fun y'all had. And mines is April 26, it's always difficult to celebrate because that's the day I went into labor with our son and his birthday is April 30. So my husband makes me do something for my birthday and then we celebrate our son birthday as well.

But I'm been taking it very easy this week been relaxing and sleeping a lot. It's crazy because I have no symptoms of AF, so these next few days should be very interesting to see what will happen.

I haven't found out all the information about it yet but when I do I will update about the lactation consultation. But yeah I'm dreading school next week as well but now it's time to buckle down I have a huge project due the last day of school. School will be out soon in think my last day is the end if April or first week of May! I'm excited then I'll finally be done with school!!

Yeah we have lots of things planned and I will keep doing my YouTube channel so you will be able to see the baby shower and how we decorate the nursery and stuff! How exciting just waiting to a lucky egg get caught and sticky little bean grow!! Oh how I dream to be a Mom again the joys of being a Mom is so exciting to me!! I'll keep praying for us!!!
I'm so mad I wrote a long message before this one and it got deleted, :haha:

First, how are you doing??

So I woke up today in a negative nacy mood :nope:
My hubby and I had a great convo this morning about considering seeing the fertility specialist. Well here it's called reproductive endocrinologist (fancy term hump)
But we were thinking about trying if I don't get a BFP after the next two rounds of clomid. Well I'm down about it because I feel defeated, because I really think I'm giving up on myself if I go but then I don't wanna wait any longer. But truthfully it took us 6months to conceive our son and took 7months to conceive before I MC. So I'm thinking it will happen again once I relax. I thought this cycle was my most relax cycle.

But I think I need some relaxing time so this cycle coming I will buy the Internet cheapie test wonfo ovulation test just to track ovulation only. And try to get back into yoga and relaxing, taking the dogs on walks and eating better. I figure try my all before I end up going to the specialist. I give myself until July and if it hasn't happen by then then I will go. So that means two more cycles of clomid then two months natural then I'll go to specialist.

Ughh growing up they use to say if you have sex you will get pregnant, ump the lies they told. It's not as easy as they use to say lol. Sometimes it's soo hard but then God constantly reminds me the time is coming. Every time I doubt myself he reassures me. (My aunt just text saying I been having fish dreams so I know y'all have been trying, I know it's gonna happen soon.) I think it's funny because I feel that's God way of letting me know that he has a plan for me. So back to giving my all or nothing at all. Water, prenatal, yoga and relaxation, eating better, and lots of BD for fun we will get our miracle blessing!!!#dreaming mom #prayingmom :hugs:
It's always so frustrating when you write a long message, go to submit it, and it logs you our or disappears! Oh technology :dohh:

First off, I am so sorry that you woke up feeling down. :( I think it is wonderful that you and your husband had a good conversation about next steps if you find they are necessary (which I hope you won't need to!). Either way, I hope you know it does not make you weak in ANY way to seek out a fertility specialist/reproductive endocrinologist. To me that is the opposite of giving up on yourself. If anything, it shows how strong you are in that you are NOT giving up until you are a mom again. I pray that you do not need to go down that route, and that you can get pregnant naturally or with the clomid; but if you find that you need to seek out other fertility options in a few months, it's just one more obstacle that I know you guys can handle. The end result will all be the same: you are going to have children and be parents again!! I truly believe your body can do this naturally though. I honestly believe that, and I keep hoping and praying that it will happen for you and your hubby SOON!

When you are trying so hard to get pregnant there are good days, bad days, frustrating days, and hopeful days. It really isn't as easy as they tell you! You are handling everything so well though. You have gotten pregnant twice before, and you will undoubtedly be a mom again!:hugs:

Aww getting a text from your aunt is a sweet reminder that it is going to happen soon :) Keep relaxing and giving it your all!! I'm rooting you on every step of the way!! #woohoo :haha:
I should have also mentioned I am still not convinced that this cycle is over for you yet! I am always glad to hear that you are relaxing and taking it easy. Still no signs of AF, huh?? I hope it stays that way!! Have you tested since Saturday?

Woohoo, that's right, you're almost done with school!!! A few more months; we can do it! :)

Also, I will be keeping your birthday in mind! I think it is very special that you celebrate your birthday as well as your sons. I can't imagine how difficult that must be. I am sure there are no words. I know he is surrounding you with love though, and it is beautiful that you can celebrate his memory in a positive light. :hugs:

You and your husband are going to be such wonderful parents again someday soon! I love hearing about all of the special things you do to prepare for baby :) I know I always say that, but it always warms my heart! It's going to be an amazing adventure. :hugs:
It's so refreshing to hear everything you say, it just makes me believe in myself even more. I do believe I can do it alone or with clomid or go back to femara. Either or is fine with me because I know I don't ovulate on my own. Thanks I know I am strong but sometimes being strong for so long I wanna shake it all off any just pick myself back up and keep being strong. That's what I did. Thanks for listening and being here as always.

Yessss school is about yo be over... I do plan however to get my masters but I'm taking a year off fall and spring and may go back fall of next year. But in that time I wanna do some traveling hopefully have a baby and have his/her room set up all getting the swing of things. I can picture that as I typed that. Haha soo dreamy but it will happen this year I'm sure I believe and have faith.

No signs of AF at all, I'm really tired though, I had a little funny cramping today but not even a spot of AF... Ummm :wacko: I did take a test it was BFN.... My wait continues.....
So I really did everything to make AF show and she did I think bc we BD it made her come today. But CD1 fun fun fun fun :haha: here is to this cycle. Not sure what I'm going to do differently probably nothing. I'll update later I have back cramps so I'm taking a nap!!!
Well, I am glad I can be here to help in some way. :hugs: Keep doing what you're doing, and I know it's going to work out for you! I am sorry AF showed, but I'm also glad you aren't in limbo anymore. (Sometimes AF needs a little nudge :haha:). Here's to a new cycle!! Woohoo! On the bright side, you know you ovulated last cycle, and the clomid is helping to regulate your cycles! I think your definitely on the right track for this cycle!:happydance:

Woohoo, are you going to walk at your graduation? After taking time off did you want to get your Master's in education, or what does your school offer? Your plan for getting everything set up for baby does sound so dreamy! I love it. This is going to be a great year for you, and those dreams are going to come true!

As for me, I have had a lot going through my mind this week. I have been trying to make a decision about whether I want to go get my Ph.D after my Master's or not. If I want to apply for doctoral programs, I would have to do the thesis route for my program (and I should have made this decision about two weeks ago). For me it really comes down to starting a family vs. going on with school. Spending another 5 or 6 years in school after my master's is not exactly how I want to spend my first years of motherhood. I know it's possible to start a family and go to school, but it would be very difficult. I obviously wouldn't mind starting now, because I am already half-way through my program. I just don't know if it is worth another 5 or 6 years of not being as "present" at home as I would like to be. I want evenings and weekends and free time with my husband and babies! I want to start working that 9-5 job and having that "normal" lifestyle! I definitely would not wait until I'm 30 to be done with school to have kids. I'm rambling...I don't even know what I'm saying, sorry! Lol.

Also, I've been having that weird pain in what I think is my right ovary again (like I had when I first started this post). I keep worrying that I have cysts, but that would have showed up on my ultrasound after my miscarriage. I always get so scared when I have unexplainable pain in my reproductive parts. I just don't want anything to be "wrong" down there. :( Both times this pain has happened have been around ovulation, but I don't think ovulation pain can hurt THIS much?! Oh well, I'll wait it out. I probably need to get in to an OB/GYN soon anyways.

I hope you're feeling a little better from your AF cramps today!
:hugs: I am happy we continue to talk and you are a big help. So thanks a lot. So I do have plans this cycle my doctor call me today himself to check on me and not the nurse, so we plan to go more of a aggressive route this cycle so it is going to be monitored. So I take clomid CD 5-9 then ultrasound CD 13 to see the eggys then the ovidrel shot (tigger shot) based on my measurements of the eggs. A mouthful I'm sorry... If I have confused you let me know.

Yes I plan to walk and all of my family and inlaws are coming. I'm super excited, I won't be the first on my mom side getting a degree but I will be the first on my dad side and the first with my husband family. So that's pretty cool. I will take plenty of pictures and have my hubby to record and make a little video for youtube. Speaking of youtube I have to make a video for this week. (So off topic :haha: ) However I do plan to go back to the same school they have tons of Masters programs to choose from and doctorates as well. I think I am going to stick with Education, I did think of doing Health Services Admin or Public Health. But Education has always been my number one choice, I'm such an Educator and love teaching kids it is amazing seeing the development from birth and up. I have always said I'm getting my Ph.D but like you said that's a choice between starting a family and school. Of course family has won me over. But with the Masters programs at University of Memphis a lot of the classes can be online or classroom, so that really works in my favor a lot. I will however get my Masters then see where we are in life with baby and everything then make that choice. Truthfully like I told you before I really want to open my on child development center and I don't have to have all these degrees for that but I am doing this for myself and set an example for my future babies. Mommy is well Educated. My husband did 2 years in college then went to the military and he is also going back to finish his degree. That's is another reason, I will take a year or so off so he can finish up. Ohh I'm rambling lol sorry :haha:

But however I am feeling better still crampy and tired. I get very weak and bad cramps with AF. But I been up moving around and not in bed, normally I would stay in bed all day after work if I didn't call in that is how bad the AF gets..
I'm sorry about the pain you are feeling and I hope not cyst, I get them all the time like 4 or 5 at a time but lately they have only seen 1 maybe 2. And please get checked out to make sure everything is okay. Did you have your check up from the Mc , I'll go back in read in case you told me already forgive me I don't remember. But I know your pain, take care of yourself...

I feel like I am forgetting something idk. But have a great evening/night talk to you soon. :hugs:

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