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Why can't our bodies be more predictable?

Well, thank YOU! You've been incredibly helpful and supportive of me as well :) It really is nice that we continue to talk as we navigate through this crazy journey of starting a family!

Your doctor continues to amaze me. How great that he called and suggested a more aggressive approach this cycle! Yea, I don't know quite how all of that works. :blush: What exactly does the trigger shot do? I thought it had to do with ovulation, but if you are measuring your eggs, will you have already ovulated when you get your ultrasound? I didn't even know you could see eggs on an ultrasound! I know usually the "more mature" egg releases from one of the ovaries, but I don't know anything about measuring the eggs! Lol. It sounds so fascinating!! I'm looking forward to what you figure out!

That is so great about your graduation! I look forward to the video. :) What an accomplishment to be one of the first people in your families to get a degree! That is amazing! You and your husband are going to be quite the inspiration to your children (as you already are to the people around you)! :) It sounds like there are some great opportunities at your school to get your Masters in a way that is conducive to also having a family! There aren't a lot of opportunities in the counseling field to take online classes. Obviously it makes sense that you can't do online counseling, but I wish that some of the core lecture classes were offered online in doc programs. I know I could definitely manage having a baby in my master's program right now (hence why I still nudge my DH about trying right now:haha:). It would be difficult, but I feel organized and prepared to do both. I guess all I can do is take things day by day. :shrug:

I can definitely see why you are getting your education as a goal for yourself. In no way do I think there is anything wrong with not going to college or getting higher education etc.; it simply has to be right for the individual. I still love the idea of you starting up a child development center. I think it is definitely a feasible goal for you!! I know you will be successful in whatever path you decide on, and same goes for your hubby!

I completely understand the bad AF cramps!! I have always had such terrible cramps because of my endo, even though they have admittedly been better after my laparoscopy. Some people don't understand because they are lucky enough to have very mild "normal" cramps, and then there are people like us who can be completely debilitated by our cramps. So I hope you feel better!
Oh no, I don't think I remember you mentioning that you get cysts! I am glad you haven't had as many lately. I did have a check-up after my MC, but it was just with my general practitioner. I haven't been to an OB/GYN here yet. I am scheduled to have a pap done with my GP, but I think I would rather switch to have it done with a Gyno especially with everything that has been going on. The pain feels better now, but I just don't understand what it is. It definitely doesn't feel normal, that's for sure. I will make sure to ask about it at my next appointment.

Sorry so long! Have a great rest of your day and keep me posted on how everything is going :hugs:
So I think I may have explain that harder than what it's suppose to be. So I will try again. The ovidrel (trigger shot) it is a hCG hormone, it is suppose to help with ovulation, making the eggs mature and then be release. So what I will do is today is CD 4 for me so tomorrow CD5 I start clomid again 5-9 then on CD 13 or 14 I get the ultrasound to measure the follicles (eggs) to see if I have ovulated if not then the trigger shot will be given, if I did ovulate then I won't get it. So I hope I explain that better.

I have tons of work to do so I probably be on here maybe Monday. At least I got to enjoy my night with hubby last night, we went out for drinks and food and watch the Memphis vs Washington game. Then we went to see Divergent. Great night.

Well I'm happy you did see a doctor. As always take care of yourself. Have you and DH talked about TTC again?
Ohhhh Ok that makes more sense now. I may have just been tired when I read it. :dohh: That sounds great though! I will be hoping and praying for you again this cycle!

Good luck on your work! I have quite a busy school week as well. It's been a nice weekend though; I read a book for pleasure instead of school! Aww your date night with your DH sounds great! How was Divergent?! I have wanted to see that, but we don't get out much. Lol.

Thank you, I will try to take care of myself as best I can! :) Same goes for you! We haven't had another big talk about TTC, but I plan to when the time is right :) Sometimes we just end up talking in circles though. He knows where I stand with wanting to try again right now, but he's still not quite there yet. If he had a different job I feel like he wouldn't be so hesitant, but our income is minimal right now with me in school. We are both job-seeking; I actually put in another application today. Hopefully something better will come our way, so he can feel confident enough in our finances to bring a baby into the world! :)
I totally understand about TTC. My DH has two jobs and he is in the Navy reserves and even with that sometimes we hit a rough patch and I question how can we afford a baby. I work part time like 27 hours a week and that helps some too. But I know when I graduate I will find something better. But he really wants me to be a stay at home mom and he feels soo strongly about that. He too is looking for a better job that pays more. It's funny you said all this because we had this same conversation yesterday. But he said he will always work two jobs it doesn't matter if he has a well paid job that he don't need the second one, he is the type that will work through it all no matter what, he is a sweetheart just want to make sure we live comfortably, we are saving to get our first home but not sure if it will be here in memphis or else where. I can't wait til we find that house we love, ahhhh thinking about it all we have our plates full with TTC, finding better jobs, saving for house and baby! :wacko:

The movie was good, I enjoyed myself and it was relaxing I had a drink called skyy strawberry lemonade, it was good! :haha:

Well I'm staying hopefully and praying and staying positive about this cycle and I pray this is our month if so DD would be 12/25/14 Christmas baby!!! And I'll find out by Easter what a blessing I'm soo excited either way.. Hope you are having a good day and oh yeah that was great you got to read for pleasure, this project has me going crazy I can't wait to finish so I can read for pleasure. Good luck with your work and best wishes , I gotta get to mines! :( I can't wait to finish I'm starting to see the light..
Hello! Sorry for the late reply! How has your week been going? I hope it's been going well. Things have been crazy here with school, as always. :haha: I have several projects that have been consuming all my free time.

I finally made a decision about whether I was going to do the practitioner route or thesis route for my master's program. Essentially I decided to take some time off after I complete my master's, and not do a thesis right now. I told my advisor all my concerns; about my miscarriage and how I wanted to start a family soon, etc. She was incredibly helpful and assured me that I could still get into a doctoral program without doing a thesis if that is something I decided to do. Actually, I think talking to you about yours plans and situations helped me realize that I could re-evaluate things in a few years after I start a family. I tend to think every decision I make is final, but it helped to realize that I CAN go back to get my doctorate later. Finishing my master's and starting a family are more important right now :) After I made my decision I came home and told my husband "YAYYY! Now it's time to make babies!!":haha: Anyway, I'm feeling good about things lately.

I'm glad you understand about the financial aspect! In a way, I think it is normal for us to think that we could be making more money or doing better off financially. When it comes down to it though, I know we can make it work. :) Your husband is so sweet for wanting to work extra so you can be a stay-at-home mom. That is also great that you are saving for your first home (even if you don't know where that may be). I know it will be awhile until we know where we want to settle down, but I too dream of our first home! It all sounds so lovely!

I am so glad to hear you are staying positive about this cycle! That would be exciting to have a Christmas baby!!! EEK! I can't wait for you! What CD are you now? I hope everything is going well so far! Keep me posted on when your ultrasound etc. will be. I have high hopes for you!

Anyway, I have a crazy week ahead, but I will still try and get on here as often as possible. Good luck with everything! As always, I'll be sending you positive thoughts. :hugs:

ps...I want a skyy strawberry lemonade now! Yum! :haha:
I am also swamp with school work. This project I'm working on is really easy but so time consuming. My teacher want us to do part by part but I guess it will help others but it really isn't helping me. But I'm giving myself til before my birthday to be completely finish with everything and have it all turn in so I won't have to worry about it.

For my birthday we decide to go to Nashiville,TN on Friday April25th-28 just a few days to get away and relax and do some shopping. I'm really excited about that. My hubby actually said we had to do some bc I get sad thinking about our son and he would be 2 on April 30. But on the flip side I'm still bless to have my very on angel I say I gave birth to my guardian angel. :hugs:

I am so happy you were able to figure school out and realize a few things. I'm excited it's time to make babies yayyyy :happydance: so when will you offically start, I'm assuming soon. As for me today I am CD10 and I go Tuesday for the ultrasound and all that good stuff. I took clomid CD5-9 this cycle per my DR said so. We have been taking vitamins and drinking plenty of water. I decide to buy the IC (Internet cheapie ovulation and pregnancy test) I've seen many girls on here using and as well as you tube. I got it from amazon I got the package of 50 ovulation test and 20 pregnancy test. I did buy FRER regular ovulation test as well. So I started test for ovulation today and I will test twice a day in the morning and evening. So the fun fun fun begins.

Well I think I responded to everything. Oh yeah sky strawberry lemonade umm soo good lol, I had to get one drink in before I started clomid. I'm not a drinker at all but I needed that one, I think the last alcoholic beverage I had was maybe a year ago or year and half :haha: owell it was worth it.

Well best wishes to us both and let's finish this semester up with a bang :haha: and then baby making time!!!!:happydance:
Aww yeah, I know how you feel about those projects that you have to kind of piece away at. It can be frustrating. It will be nice that you plan to get it done by your birthday though! The one I am working on is a group project where we have to create a whole curriculum (15 lessons) with a thorough literature review etc. on a prevention program. It's wearing me out, and as much as I love other people, group projects are always difficult because of all the collaboration and trying to find times in everyones' schedules to meet. Only a few more weeks though!!!

I am SO glad you and your husband are going to get out of town for your birthday!! That sounds great!! You deserve to do something fun and relaxing. I can hardly imagine how difficult and sad it must be to think about how your son should be turning two, but you definitely are blessed to have your very own guardian angel, and he is incredibly blessed to have parents that will never forget his memory :hugs:

Yes, I am feeling good about getting closer to starting our family and making my decision about school! I know my husband still isn't *quite* ready, but he has been brining it up a lot over the last week. The other night he brought up the miscarriage, and said "I know if I have been thinking a lot about it, then you have too, but you haven't talked about it lately, and I want you to be able to talk to me when it is on your mind." He is always so good at reading me....he knew I needed a good cry, and so did he. We talked for hours about life and everything under the sun. It was a good conversation, and he jokingly told me "I think you are finally starting to 'break me' into the idea of starting to try soon". I'm not sure when that is, but he gave me that knowing smile that melted my heart :happydance: Everyday we get closer, and I can't wait!!!!

Woohoo, it sounds like your cycle is off to a great start and that you and your hubby are doing all the right things by taking vitamins and drinking water! It also sounds like you got a good deal on the pregnancy and ovulation tests that you got on the internet. I hope the days seem to be going by quickly with all of your distractions with school and work. Keep me posted on your ovulation tests and ultrasound on Tuesday; I will be looking forward to the news! :)

Yes, best wishes to both of us as we bust out our schoolwork in the next few weeks! I can't wait for baby-making time! I hope your time comes even before the semester is over! :happydance:

Have a GREAT week! I'll talk to you soon!:hugs:
Yes school has been :wacko: driving me crazy but we are almost done. I can't wait until the end of this month I'll be finish. I use to like group work but, I had some bad experiences with it so now I offically hate group work. I know how you are feeling. It sounds like we are working on something similar. I have to create a work book with lesson plans etc. ughh but owell almost to the finish line. Keep up the good work we will be fine.

Well my appointment today went great. So I had quite a few focillces on each side. But two really big ones on the right side. I got back Thursday to measure those two big ones and hope to see the others get bigger then I'll take the ovidrel shot Thursday for sure. The ovidrel is suppose to help the eggs mature and force ovulation to happen and also my uterus lining was a little thin but my doctor wasn't concern because he said that it grows everyday and the ovidrel will help thicken it up. So things are looking and sounding SOOO promising. I'm praying daily and I know this is our month. So around my birthday I will know for sure my BFP... I'm excited I can't help but to be cause I know this is our month I just know. It's perfect timing I'll find out the last week in school and all my school work will be turned in and then I can relax and enjoy this pregnancy. I'm claiming it :haha:

It warms my heart to hear that you both had a moment and needed to cry and talk about it all. We have those a lot especially with TTC, but I read this quote some where " only reason we cry is because we have been strong for so long that when we cry we just had to let it out to keep being strong!" So I know that it helped you both, but sounds like he is cracking, :haha: I am sure he want to start TTC but deep down he is afraid, I think all men are like that well I know my hubby is and I am learning not to tell him everything about TTC, instead I briefly tell him what I think he should know and so far he starts the conversation about it and then I'll tell him everything. I think we have to baby step them. :hugs: y'all will be fine and baby making sooner than y'all think.

Well I have to get back to school work fun fun fun :haha: talk to you soon
So a quick update.

Went to doctor and they did another ultrasound, the follicles were even bigger this time. I had three bigs ones on the right and three big ones on the left. Then I saw the eggs inside of the foliclles. So I thought the foliclles were the eggs but nope foliclles are like little sacks that hold the eggs while they grow. It was so awesome to see 6 eggs in total. Also my uterus lining has thicken up just like he said it would, he said that he is happy we decided to wait until today to do the ovidrel shot. He said everything looks perfect and to get busy... :haha:
Well everything looks and sounds so promising so my prayers are going up daily. And been trying to be relax as possible. So the shot last about 7days in your system so I will take a test 12-14 days from today then go in for a blood test to confirm. So April 17 I will be testing for my BFP. Oh yeah so the ovidrel shot is hcG hormone and so I can take a test today and it will be positive so I will start testing tomorrow until I get negative then I know it's out my system then the next positive I get is my true blue BFP.

Well so much for quick update :haha: but I'm at work and I'm going to do a little school work in between. So talk to you soon. I hope things are still great I'm sure they are!!!
Ahhh I am so excited to hear about all of your updates!!! That all sounds AMAZING! How cool that you got to see all your eggs inside of the follicles. I am so glad to hear that everything is looking exactly how it is supposed to; your eggs are looking good, your uterine lining is thickening, and you are getting your ovidrel shot. Wow, the whole thing sounds so fascinating! I think you are totally right about the timing of this month; it would be the perfect time to get that BFP around your birthday, finish up school, and then enjoy this next amazing chapter of your pregnancy and having your miracle baby! I just know everything is going to fall into place perfectly for you guys!!! EEEK, testing for that BFP isn't too far off!! (As a side note, that is interesting that the ovidrel shot is hcg and that you have to test to make sure it is out of your system.)

I love hearing your optimism, because it really does sound like everything is so promising for you right now! You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. I have high hopes for you and your DH this cycle! :happydance:

Ughhh yes, group work.:dohh: It does sound like a similar project. We just have to keep hanging in there and counting down the days. We are SOOO close!!!

I love the quote that you mentioned. It really does hit home, doesn't it?! It really has been nice to have some good conversations about every things; we have been so busy, and it is nice to just sit and talk when we have the time. I know there will be bad days from time to time, but it has gotten easier. I feel blessed to have such an wonderful, amazing, supportive husband. I know you feel the same about your DH. We are pretty lucky. :)

My DH is DEFINITELY starting to crack. :haha: We joke about it a lot (we talk seriously about it too). Last night I was like soooo how about next month? He said maybe not NEXT month. So I asked about May, and he said "maybe" and smiled again. I'll take it!!!! It's progress; He didn't say no! Lol. Men are so funny. I think we will be exactly like you and your DH with TTC. Sometimes they want to know everything, and sometimes the details scare them. Haha.

Anyway, I am SOOOO happy that things are going so well with you! I hope if you've had any side-effects from the Clomid that they have been very mild! It's going to be a good month and a good year, I can feel it. Good luck with work and school. I have a lot of schoolwork this weekend, but I am also hoping that I can relax a little this weekend and have a date night :) Do you have anything fun planned this weekend?

Talk to you soon!
Yes everything sounds promising and looks great, I'm giving it all to god and let his will be done. The side effects of clomid are mild, but ovidrel is kicking in, it so crazy you actually feel pregnant ahhhh how crazy, right now I feel very nausea but I'll be fine as long as the end result is a baby!

I have nothing planned just school work as usual, we are almost there. But we are going out for dinner tonight and maybe bowling or movie. Tonight is the only free night we will have until my bday, because had orders for this month but luckly they are here and he doesn't have to go out of town.

Well I'm feeling sick so I'll go so I feel better and not ruin date night
Update now, I have tested out of ovidrel. My tests were very faint all week but finally I got a negative on the cheapie test and FRER test today. So yayy my count officially begins today. Today is CD24 and I have 7 days until AF is due. I really do have faith and pray to god that this is my cycle. I'll be so disappoint if I don't. But staying soo positive and believing that this is my month.

School :wacko: is driving me crazy. But time is whining down fast for me and I'll be finish soon. My aunt got her BSN (nursing ) yesterday I had fun enjoying time with my family. Then tonight hubby is off, I been getting lucky lately with him getting off on the weekends.

How are you?? I'm sure great!!! :hugs:
Hello! I'm glad things are still going well! Woohoo,, now that you are getting a negative after the ovidrel shot, I can't wait for you to see the REAL bfp soon!!! That's crazy that you feel pregnant after the shot, but it totally makes sense! Just think, pretty soon you will be feeling pregnant because you will be! :happydance: I have such high hopes for you this cycle! I'm rooting for you that this will be it!!! Are still planning on testing starting the 14th?

I hope you were able to have a fun date night the other day! I've been so exhausted from school that our date nights have really just been staying in and watching movies. Bowling is a good idea! We use to go bowling a lot; it's a fun and inexpensive night out!

I totally know what you mean about school. I am trying SO hard to make it through these next three weeks. I've been spending way too many 10-12 hour days on campus! We just have to keep reminding ourselves that we are almost done!!

That is great that your Aunt got her BSN! It's always so wonderful to celebrate with family. I'm also glad your hubby is off tonight! Enjoy some quality time together :) My night class got cancelled yesterday, so that was a nice surprise to be able to enjoy dinner together on a day that I'm not usually home until late.

Otherwise, we are doing good over here. Just staying busy with schoolwork as always. Oh, and I set-up a free trial on Netflix finally. That was probably a bad idea in the last month of school, because I have been sucked into all the new TV shows!! :haha: Oh well.

Well, the symptom spotting begins for you soon ;) Hang in there and keep staying positive! I'm sending lots prayers and sticky baby dust your way :hugs:
Thanks so much. It's great that you guys are doing well. Also great that y'all had an unexpected dinner night. I love nights like that!

We have netflix and I love it, I have stayed away bc I'm really trying my hardest to stay focus on this paper. I only have this paper to do and in my other class I just have a final to do the first week of May. But I watch Desperate Housewives from beginning to end (it's a a lot of seasons and shows) also Sons of Anarchy, Prison Break. Those are a few off the top of my head.

Thanks for your prayers, I think I'm gonna wait until April 17 which would be CD30 and see what happens. Well who am I kidding I will TRY.... :haha: but I'll be thrilled and filled with soo much joy. I've told myself that we timed everything perfectly with BD and I had several mature eggs and I most def ovulated this month, so why doubt yourself you are pregnant. :haha: I'm staying as optimistic as possible. But I'm praying extra hard this week I get the stickiest little health bean!!
So today is CD25 and I just feel pregnant, kinda like how I did the day after the shot. But I'm sure the shot is out of my system. Geez time is going by so slow it's 5 days until my next cycle but I normally don't get BFP until 16dpo so that's like 8 days away. Ughh I wanna test but I'll wait until Wednesday the 16!!! Say a prayer for me!!
Today is CD28 out of a 30-32 cycle. I went yesterday to get my blood drawn for my hcg beta check. Well I'm waiting on them to call me now with my results.. I'm so anxious and excited bc this could possible be my month. But even if it not at least I know I am ovulating and we are on the right path. But the pass two days I really been feeling pregnant, I don't have any test so I have been strong this cycle and haven't tested as of yet. But I'm wondering since I had my blood drawn at CD27 before my missed cycle will it effect my results. Ahhhh I'm driving myself crazy.... :wacko: as soon as they call I will get back on here and update u on good or bad news!!! But praying its good!!!

Update: results are negative :( but hey it's okay this year it will happen I'm just disappointed
Hey Brittany!

I started writing a bunch of stuff and then realized you had an update of the HCG results. I am so sorry to hear the results came back negative. Could there still be a chance this cycle though? Did they test your actual levels, or just confirm pregnant or not? Would it be possible that the levels were still under 20 and that implantation happened late? I just keep hoping and praying that there is still a chance for this cycle, especially with how you have been feeling!!

Either way, you are right that some great things are still happening with your ovulation etc. You are definitely on the right track. I am so sorry about the current disappointment though. I understand how difficult it must be to go through the TTC roller coaster every month. Allow yourself the time to feel upset or angry or whatever other feelings it may bring up. I always find it helps to express and work through my feelings before I can pick myself back up. Just think: when you get pregnant and have your baby, you will be able to look back at your time TTC and know it was all worth it. You are SO strong, and you know that about yourself!! I wish this whole process could be easier and quicker! I am still praying for you and sending good thoughts your way!!! I admire you in so many ways! You and your husband are going to have your little bundle of joy, there is no doubt in my mind that it will happen for you this year! Big big hugs!
Thanks your word of kindness always makes my day. Well about my test, they didn't give me an exact number the nurse said the number was low. I think it could be possible my levels were low and implantation hasn't happen. So today is CD 32 and no signs of AF. I already tried BD to make her come that didn't work and I refuse to test bc I don't wanna see a negative right now. My cycles are normally 28-32 days and not a hence of her as of yet. I know I did indeed ovulate this month visual I saw the eggs with my own eyes so I don't know why AF hasn't showed. However that does give me a little hope but I'm not gonna play to much on it in case it's negative. I guess the days will tell if AF never shows and I start feeling different then I'll test.

School is almost out yayy!!! I've just about finish everything. Just got my final then turn in my workbook and that's it!! I'm sure you are doing soo great! How are you feeling now days?? How so the hubby? I'm really sure great!! Talk to you soon!!
Hey Brittany! I am back online after my hiatus during finals. I am done with the semester as of 7:30pm last night. It has been a long, stressful last few weeks finishing up, and I have been really looking forward to getting back on here to catch up with you! How have you been doing?! It looks like you were just about done with school, so I am assuming your completely finished now! When is your commencement ceremony? Congratulations!!!! I am thrilled for you that you are done with your degree. That is quite the accomplishment. Also, Happy Very Belated Birthday! I hope it was absolutely wonderful. Did you and your husband have the nice weekend vacation that you were planning? How is everything else going? Work? Life? TTC? I hope things are going great!! Did AF end up coming a few weeks ago, or where are you at now in your cycle?

Yayyyy it's summer!!! Now I know I am going to be back to my B&B addition :haha:. Anyway, I look forward to seeing how you are doing! I have truly missed talking with you!

Also, as a side note, you mentioned desperate housewives the other day. It reminded me of how much I used to love that show, so that is all I have been watching on Netflix. In fact, that is probably how I am going to spend the next several days relaxing as I go on my binge-watching of the seasons. :)

Okay so much to say.. First, I am finish as of yesterday as well and the date is May 10!! I'm so happy and proud of myself! Big goal I achieve now a few others in reaching!
My birthday was great, just relaxing, we had a wonderful time!! Then my son birthday was the 30th it was great as well, we spent time together that day, all happy thoughts!!!

TTC- (ughhhh :wacko: ) so I did get AF and I'm in a new cycle! Cd12 to be exact, well we are now WTTTC (waiting to try to conceive)! Why?? we did some testing and finally I was unofficially diagnosed with PCOS, they check my hormone levels and everything was perfect but my insulin levels. So that apparently has been my problem since having my son, some of the signs were gaining weight and not able to lose it! That's a big sign for me, I have gain 25-30lbs since having my son and I didn't know why! PCOS is the answer! Also with me exercising that's how I got pregnant but bc my insulin was so high it caused my mc! So now I am on this meds called metformin to get my levels back down and more exercising to lose the weight then we will start TTC again! I'm on birth control pills right now! My doctor said after I finish this pack we can start again but I feel it's too soon so my hubby and I agree to start in July! Ughh it sounds so long from here but I want to make sure my body is perfect to hold our bundle of joy! So I gave a strict workout that we (hubby and I) will do to lose weight and make sure levels are normal then off the meds I go and TTC we will start!!

I know that's a mouthful!! Hope that you understand some if what I am saying! If not ask I'll explain in details or you can google PCOS + metformin and tons of information comes up!!!

Happy your back yayyy :happydance:

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