Why can't our bodies be more predictable?

Oh yes I was filled with joy and DH is over the moon excited. He had to work tonight so after the appt we got something to eat and he took me home. I went to sleep of course then went and ate dinner with my mom.

You are very very welcome! CD2 okay I got it! I know what you mean but trying to relax it's so easy to say than do. But I do believe it will happen and as always you are in my thoughts and prayers, you'll be my bump buddy sooner than later. I know it'll happen for you!

Yes I'm actually happy to get the cerlage and ready for it all and yes next appt I will get another ultrasound, I know I will have tons of pictures but I don't mind at all!! My ob is the best hands down! I have to think of a gift to make or create him after we have the baby. If course he' ll get a thank you card and picture of the baby but I'm think maybe gift cards to, idk I have time to think of that!

Things are coming together just perfect in gods timing! I have to when I talk to anybody I make sure I give God all the glory and praise bc without him this would've happen.

Oh yeah so the girl I was telling you about she knows that I am bc our husbands work together one weekend out the month and they still talk, so she texted asking how my appt went, I thought it was pretty nice of her to ask. But sorry my new friend and fav bnb girl is you lol no replacements!! :hugs:
Awww yes, I bet you are both beyond thrilled, and I am happy you both got to enjoy the ultrasound appointment together!! :cloud9: I'm glad you got to have dinner with your mom last night and relax! I hope you are resting easy now that you know your little one is snuggled in tight for the next 8 months! :hugs:

Thank you for your positive thoughts and prayers! :hugs:They are always appreciated! Ha, yes it really is easier said than done to relax while TTC, but I know it is important. I'm going to try my best and take a step back from obsessing over everything this month :haha: You are right, it will happen, so I just need to trust God, relax, and let it happen when it the timing is right! !

Yes, having tons of ultrasound pictures is definitely never a bad thing! Is your next appointment exactly two weeks from yesterday? I'm pleased that you are so prepared for the cerlage and everything! I know it will go well. You are in great hands. Your ob really is the best; you can tell he genuinely cares and will do everything to make sure your pregnancy goes smoothly! I am sure that is incredibly relieving! Aww yes, I think a small gift for him would be so nice!

Your faith in God is amazing! It is truly admirable. This timing was all part of his plan! :hugs: It is so wonderful to see how far you have come in your TTC journey, and with everything else in life. Life is good!

Aww yes, that was really nice of her to ask you how your appointment went! I'm so happy to hear that she is being so supportive! That's great! :hugs: Hahaha well you are my favorite BnB girl too! I'm pretty sure I would have been a crazy mess without you over these last 7 months!:hugs:
Yes I've been taking it very easy and more relax. I'll be lying if I say I wasn't nervous before the appt but I did pray and allowed God to take control. I can honestly say my relationship with God has grown since we lost our son. I was a mess, it was to the point I was asking to maybe go see a therapist but I didn't end up going, I turned to God and he help me get through the process!

My appt is exactly 2 weeks from yesterday so July29 at 1:00 I believe. Today I'm just tired and I'm still feeling a little morning sickness arriving and going away!

I wish there was an easier way to get BFP. Like if you turn around three times and jump up and down :wacko: but I agree with you a more relax approach wouldn't hurt anything but I know how we all are we look into every little thing. But just keep being positive and trusting in God he has a plan!!
I think it is only normal to still feel nervous before such a big appointment, but I am so glad you were able to have all of those anxieties disappear once you saw you healthy little one in there! It's hard not to worry sometimes, but I think it is great that you are trusting in God to help get you through! :hugs:

Woohoo, well I am looking forward to your next appointment already! It's fun to see the ultrasounds progress, because they grow so fast in there! :cloud9: I will be driving back from Colorado that day, so I will be sure to look for your update when I get home! I hope you are feeling well and your morning sickness has been manageable and not too disruptive. :hugs:

Hahaha yes it would be amazing if I could turn around three times and jump up and down to get my BFP! :haha: I am just trying to let it happen when it happens though...as much as I dislike the unknown of it all. But I am staying positive, we will keep trying hard, and hopefully it will happen for us soon! I'm on CD5 already, and it seems like it has been going by more quickly than last month! I've been staying busy and trying to keep my mind off of all of the waiting that we do during TTC (for O AND during the TWW). I am hopeful that it will happen for me soon.

Anyway, I hope you are doing well as always!! I'm scheduled to work for the next three days, so it is going to be a long weekend! It will keep me busy though! :hugs:
I know it's been a few days since I last update or came on here!
I hope your work days were great!

As for me I didn't work Friday! I've been trying my hardest to deal with the morning sickness since Friday. The meds help but not all the time. Then the headaches and I'm always tired like overly exhausted! So of course I've been in bed sleeping my life away! I don't feel too bad at least I have a reason and I know this is not my normal thing! DH has been great with dealing with me. I'm not complaining I'm just kinda ready for the morning sickness to be over with and ready to dive into the second trimester. I'm 8 weeks and a day or two. Other than that things are going pretty well!

I just wanted you to know that I was thinking of you and wanting to get on here but I just haven't moved and finally today the little energy I do have I'm using it to my advantage.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
I actually haven't been on in a few days to update either, so don't worry! I have been thinking about you as well though!

It is so exciting to hear that you are already 8 weeks and about 3 or 4 days along now! It seems like it is going by so quickly! Aww I bet you can't wait to be in the second trimester and be feeling better without the fatigue, headaches, and morning sickness. I am so sorry to hear that you have been feeling so yucky and that the medication hasn't been helping as much as it could! I'm sending huge hugs and healing prayers your way! It must be so hard to feel so tired and sick and still be trying to function! I'm glad your DH has been so good to you and that you have had the chance to take it easy! Keep taking care of yourself; I hope this part of your pregnancy passes soon! Have you called your doctor to let him know you have still been feeling pretty sick? If it gets too bad, you could see if there is a different medication that could work better for you! Are you still able to drink enough water and eat enough! Aww keep hanging in there; I know you are strong and will get through this, but also do not be afraid to ask people for help if you need it! :hugs:

Work was really good this weekend, but I was SO exhausted afterwards. The kids were pretty good, but a handful at times too. I slept in really late yesterday and attempted to clean but didn't get much done. I worked 6 hours on Friday, 15 hours on Saturday, and 11 hours on Sunday. It was just a lot of hours for three days, and it wore me out more than I thought it would! I didn't sleep well this weekend, and I think my body just hasn't been used to going this hard after relaxing all summer! Work was good though otherwise. I'm still enjoying it. It feels like playing house or babysitting at times.:haha: One of my good friends from school who works there told me "Michelle, I hope you know you are going to be a really good mom." I know it's a little thing, but it made my day. He is actually one of the very few people here that knows about my M/C, and it warmed my heart to hear someone recognize me as "motherly". I felt like it was his way of comforting me and letting me know DH and I will be great parents when we do get to have our own. :cloud9:

Otherwise, things are going pretty well here! I have to do a lot of cleaning and laundry today to get ready for leaving town. We are going to leave tomorrow evening to drive a few hours and see a friend, and then we are going to make the rest of the trip home on Thursday. I am SO excited to see family and friends. DH and I are thrilled! I will be taking my computer, so I'm sure I will be on at least once or twice while I'm gone!

I hope you feel better soon!!! I'll be thinking about you!

I feel so bad that I haven't responded in so long. Everything is going good, besides the morning sickness. This past week I was off work the entire week that's how bad it's been. Today I had a little energy so I manage to wash my hair and that's all. Well my appt is Tuesday and I can't wait to go and see if there is anything else I could possibly do. I'm sure once I hit the second trimester I will be better!!

I see that you are out of town, I hope you guys enjoy and have a safe trip!!! Talk to you soon!! :hugs:

Don't ever feel bad about not posting for awhile. I'm the same way. Sometimes I'm on here all day, and then when I get busy I won't be on here for days or weeks! It sounds like you have had a lot going on with not feeling well!! I am so sorry that your morning sickness still hasn't gotten much better! How did your appointment go yesterday?! I hope everything went great!! How are you and baby? Did you talk to your doctor about any other alternatives for your morning sickness? Anyway, I hope it was a great appointment and that things keep getting better and better from here! You're already 9 weeks now, is that right?! It is crazy how fast everything seems to be going...although your days probably seem long if you aren't feeling well! :( Keep hanging in there and let me know how it all went! Before you know it, you will be in your second trimester! :happydance:

As for me, my trip was great! It was busy and hectic at times, but also SOOO nice to be home with family. As far as TTC goes, I am on CD17. I don't think I have ovulated yet, but I skipped a lot of days temping while I was out of town. I still seem to be having low temps though, so I am expecting my O spike any day! My fingers are crossed!

:hugs: I hope you are well and feeling better these last few days!
I'm so happy to get on here and see how you are doing. And I'm so happy that your trip was great. Also thanks for being understanding about not posting.

Me- morning sickness is still here but it comes at different spells of time. At least it is not as bad like it was with my son, I had lost weight with him bc I was so sick. But I'm able to eat but only very small amounts and drink slowly. I do have to take the meds in order to have a okay day. My appt went great it was the 29th. We saw the baby heart beat and also heard it. We now can see little arms and legs and it was basically dancing in there. I've never seen a baby at 9 weeks move that much but he/she was moving away. We watched for at least 5 mins it was lovely. Of course I'm a crybaby lol :haha: I cried!! I cried bc it's happening and I'm pass 8 weeks and we already have the surgery schedule (aug26 @ 10 am) but I have my 12 weeks appt Aug 19! I don't know it seems so unreal that I thought it would never happen but it is! Geez it's so many emotions with that!!

Time is flying school about to start for us again. Oh how is work going, I'm sure great. I'm so sorry I didn't get a chance to send those opks off, I have it all in the package I just have to go to the post office but of course I haven't been anywhere lately bc the morning sickness is that bad! But I'll be sure to do it this week I have DH home in the afternoons now that he are on orders in the mornings and he doesn't have to work his night job. How is your DH doing?

:hugs: I miss getting on here talking with you! Oh here is a picture from the ultrasound I was 9 weeks and I'm 10 weeks and a day.


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I'm so happy to hear about everything that has been going on with you! I've been thinking about you, and I'm glad to see that you and baby are doing well!

Oh my goodness, your last ultrasound picture is amazing! I can't believe how much bigger he/she looks in just two weeks! I can see the silhouette of the baby's little arms, legs, and head now!! :cloud9: How amazing!! Awww I bet it was incredible to see your little one dancing and wriggling around in there; I would cry too!! :cloud9: I am so happy for you! It truly warms my heart to see you with your healthy little one!

That is so crazy that your 12 week appointment is coming up! Can you believe it?! It's such a blessing. I am beyond excited for you, your DH, and your healthy little one! I'm also glad to hear that your surgery is scheduled and coming up soon! I know everything will go great!

I'm sorry to hear that your morning sickness has still been pretty debilitating. You are almost to the second trimester though! I hope it starts to subside here in the next few weeks. :hugs: I didn't realize you had bad morning sickness with your son too; when did it start to let up when you were pregnant with him? Keep hanging in there! I know you are strong!

Anyway, I can't even express how happy I am for you! :hugs:

I know, it is hard to believe school will be starting for us soon! Are you ready? I feel like I have so much to get organized! As far as TTC goes for me, don't worry about not sending the opks off yet. I know you are busy and haven't been feeling well, so if you don't get around to it, that is totally fine!! I'm on CD23 right now. I'm not sure when/if I ovulated. I possibly Od yesterday, but I will have to see if my temps are still high for the next two days. :shrug: I'm not sure how I feel about my chances this month. It has been so busy, and I'm not sure if I DTD on the right days or if I really had O. Temping has been kind of a mess this month. Lol.

Anyway, I was trying to keep my post short, but you know I'm not good at that. :haha: We are doing well here! Work is good for both of us! I love my job and the little ones I work with. Now I am just ready for my own. :cloud9: It was good to hear from you! I'm so glad to hear everything is going well on your end! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Yes it truly is amazing and a blessing, I just take a day at a time and try my best to enjoy each day. With my son the morning sickness went away around the second trimester like 15 or 16 weeks. So I know soon I'll be feel better and have energy. Oh it can be so bad we're I just sleep all day.

I'm happy everything is going great on your end with work and your DH as well!! Oh I'm not ready yet I haven't went and got my books bc I've been feeling bad. I'm so unprepared but I'll get it together before then, I think my classes start the day before my surgery so I'll be sure to try to do some things cause I know the days after surgery I'll be in bed.

I know I try to make my posts short but some how they end up longer :haha:
But I'm gong to lay down I'm feeling awful and I've been trying to ignore it but it's coming stronger. Also okay about the opks just let me know!!
Hey! Sorry for the late reply; it's been a busy week! How is everything going with you? How are you feeling?

I am so glad that you have been taking every day as it comes and enjoying your pregnancy as much as possible! You are getting further and further along in your pregnancy, so I am hoping that second trimester brings you tons of energy and that the morning sickness dissipates. I'm sure you have days where you feel exhausted, but if you have the day off from work then definitely don't feel bad about taking the opportunity to sleep all day! I certainly would!. :hugs:

Ahhh I am not prepared for school either! I'm still in my summer lazy mode. How many classes are you going to be taking again? Are they on campus or online? Yes, I know that you and I will both get things more together in the next few weeks before school starts. Aww yes, I didn't even think about the fact that your surgery is scheduled around the first week of classes. At least you won't be swamped with too much schoolwork during the first week, so that way you can still get plenty of rest and time to heal after your surgery! :hugs:

As far as TTC goes, I am on CD29 today. I really don't know when or if I ovulated, because I haven't been very good at temping. I took a test two days ago to get it out of my system; it was negative as I expected. I'm going to try and wait it out a few more days to see if I have any signs of AF, and then I may take another test. So far, not much is happening with my body. :haha: Anyway, it's kind of a weird month as I haven't been paying much attention to my cycle. I guess I'll see where it goes! :shrug: Maybe, just maybe the lack of stress and thinking about TTC will help me get my BFP this month. Who knows. Lol.

Anyway, I apologize I have been so sporadic about getting on here. As always, I'm thinking about you and hoping you are doing well! I still hope to jump on the baby train with you soon!!! :hugs: I hope things are going great with you, baby, and your DH!
Everything has been going good pregnacy wise. The morning sickness is still around. I promise I throw up everyday (tmi) at least once maybe twice or so. But other than that something new happen this week. I started having bad back pain. So last night I slept on the couch :haha: it was so much better for me. So I'm offically taking over the living room. My DH still slet in our bed, I'm pretty sure he got rest. When I sleep in the bed I toss and turn all night and in and out the bed all night, so I guess it was helpful for him.

So my 12 weeks appt is Aug 19 at 9:45am, my mom and MIL are coming to this one because after that soon we will be finding out the gender and he doesn't want them to know yet. Then the surgery is the 26th. So maybe this is my last week of work until I go back for a check up after the surgery.

So this is a new problem, well not a problem but a decide my DH and I are discussing. If I should go back to work 2 weeks after the surgery. My OB already said he doesn't want me doing anything but sitting at the most. So my job will cater to my needs but it like do I still want to?? Like I said it's only part time, as far as bills wise everything is taken care of from what we have saved and my school checks and he has lots of overtime coming up. So financially we are more than stable and all the baby needs will be well taken care of as well as ours. Ummm just a hard choice to make. If I do keep working all that money will go on the baby and me shopping like crazy and that is all. Sorry I'm rambling on and on. :wacko:

Well I think that's the best way to end up getting BFP by not stressing over it. The month I actually gave up and was looking forward to AF to show to go to the RE is when BFP happen to me. As always I know TTC is so stressful but I encourage you to relax and make your focus on something else. We will be bump buddies, I believe it!

School wise, I'm still not prepared at all. I have one book and I have to get the other one once my teacher tell us which one she will use. I am taking A&P 1 with the lab and 1 history class. So 2 classes and a lab. They are online and next semester classes are online it will be two classes and two labs, then after that I will start my nursing classes! I'm super excited about that and can't wait to finish!!!
How many classes are you taking??
I am so glad to hear everything is going well with your pregnancy! Oh nooo, throwing up is the worst though, especially when it is that often! At least you know that everything is progressing as it should, it makes it all worth it! :hugs: Haha I'm sorry you've had to resort to sleeping on the couch for your back pain! I'm glad you found something that helps though! It was probably nice for you and DH to get some good nights of sleep. I always hear about those pregnancy body pillows, but I don't actually know how well they work or if they are worth the money. Keep hanging in there- it sounds like you are doing great with all things considered! everything!:happydance::hugs:

Oh my goodness, that is NEXT week! AHHH, that is so exciting!! I can't wait to see how much your little one has grown. :cloud9: That is so great that your mom and MIL are going to be there too. How special! Ohhh, that's right, you will be finding out the gender before long, huh?! I'm sure you are incredibly excited! Do you have any "instincts" about the gender? I'm sure you probably have mixed feelings going into the surgery; on one hand it is necessary and will help you and baby stay safe, but on the other hand, surgery is always daunting. I know you will do great though!! :hugs:

Hmm that is an interesting predicament about whether or not you want to go back to work. It's great that you have the decision knowing that things like finances will be covered either way. I think the decision is entirely yours to make. If you want to go back to work for awhile longer before the baby comes, then I say go for it. But if you feel like you are going to be busy enough with school and your pregnancy, then I say you should give yourself a break and not feel guilty about it at all. I think you should do whatever you want and whatever you think is best for you! I am sure your husband will support your decision no matter what you decide!! Keep me posted. I know it's not always an easy decision to make.

Yes, I was SO good this month about not stressing about TTC (that is until this week). I had a major meltdown last night and couldn't stop crying. I was just worrying about EVERYTHING. I was worrying about my endometriosis getting worse the longer it takes, and hoping it won't take us years to conceive. I want to stay relaxed and let this happen naturally. I think my stress just caught up with me, and I needed a good cry. As always, DH was there to pick me up and help me look at things more rationally. Today is a new day. You are totally right though, I need to relax and focus on other things as much as possible. Thank you for your encouragement; sometimes I need that gentle reminder to not be a crazy person. :haha: :hugs:

I'm not prepared for school either, so don't feel bad! I seriously thought I had another two weeks, but nope it all starts a week from today. :dohh: I completely lost track of time! Ohh A&P- that will be interesting. Everyone I know that has taken that has loved it, but definitely admitted it was challenging. I know you will do great this semester. It sounds like you have a very balanced class load, and it will be good that you can rest at hope and work on schoolwork online! I'm excited for you to start your nursing classes in a few semesters. It is going to be a perfect fit for you! I'm taking 4 classes this semester (12 credits). A lot of it is actually clinical work though. I start seeing clients in three weeks, and then I will be running a group therapy session every friday. I will have a lot of case notes to do, but I really only have 2 classes that I will need to read and write papers for. I'm looking forward to it, but I still feel like it's starting too soon!

Anyway, sorry for the long post (again). It's always good to hear from you! :hugs:
I came on here and wrote a very very long update and it got erased. So I'm uploading a video on my youtube so you can have the full details and my crazy past week.

I'm sorry you had a melt down a few days ago and I'm sure your DH made things so much better! So where are you now on your CDs?? Watch the video it's uploading now and then we will chat more, for I'm on permanent bed rest!! :hugs:
Hey Brittany! I just got done watching your video. OH MY GOODNESS! I am sending you HUGE HUGE hugs right now. I will start out by thanking God for watching over you and baby! God is amazing, and he really does work in mysterious ways!

I am SO incredibly thankful that things have turned around for the better! I will continue to pray for you and your little one. What a scary, crazy week you've had! I am so sorry that you had to go through all that! Ugh- I can't believe the doctors at the ER. That is infuriating that they would even suggest medication to induce a miscarriage when your baby had a good heartbeat and everything! I am just speechless, but I am so glad that you went to your doctors office on Monday or Tuesday to get a second opinion. Anyway, I am SO thankful that you and your baby are OK! It is truly amazing that the bleeding and clot just disappeared and that your cervix was thicker by your second appointment. Words cannot explain how happy I am to hear that everything is ok now!:hugs:

Your baby is BEAUTIFUL! He/She has grown so much; it honestly warms my heart! The waving/saluting and the kicking are all so adorable! :cloud9:Thank you so much for sharing your video and ultrasound pictures. I hope everything went great with your surgery today! You are in my thoughts and prayers. Keep me posted on how you are doing. I am sure there will be some difficult moments in the next few months being confined to your house on permanent bed rest, but I also know that it is a great thing for the health and safety of you and your munchkin. It is great knowing that your husband and family are there with you to support you every step of the way. :hugs: You are such an amazing woman. I know I always say it, but you continue to amaze me with your strength. You are in my prayers always. Keep reminding yourself that this rollercoaster of a journey will all be worth it when you get to take your little one home in your arms. :cloud9:

I am so sorry that you have been through so much with the morning sickness and now everything this past week. I wish I could have been there by your side. If there is one thing I know, it is that your strength and faith in God will continue to help you during this journey. I'm sending tons of hugs and healing thoughts your way! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
The surgery went great Friday. I am a little sore from the epidural they gave me. It was an experience. We've been doing good just a little sick today.
Thanks for the prayers and thoughts and :hugs:
I have amazed myself on how well I've been handling it all. All I can say is God has been with us and I thank him daily.

Although God has been with us, we did decide this will be our last pregnancy road unless God has other plans. So baby will be the only child. We decided because my body has been gong through soo much, I think it's a time out on it all!!!

:hugs: I'll be on here regular now. How have you been???
Hey!! I am SO sorry about taking so long to get back to you! It's been a crazy week trying to get back into my school schedule!

I am so glad to hear that your surgery went well last Friday! Ouch, I bet you would be sore from the epidural! I hope you have had a good week recovering from the surgery, and I hope you are feeling even better now! How has your morning sickness been? About the same?

Yes, you really have been handling everything SO amazingly! You should definitely feel proud of your strength! I am so glad God is watching over you and your little one! :cloud9: When is your next scan? You get to find out the gender soon, right?! Ahhh it's so exciting!!

Also, I completely understand your decision for this to be your last pregnancy. Your body really has been through so much! Your sweet baby will be a blessing, and I know you and your husband will fill his/her life with unconditional love and support (just as much as your baby will fill your life with love!):cloud9: I'm so happy for the beautiful family you and your husband have created!

As for me, I'm doing fine. It has definitely been a frustrating cycle of TTC, and very emotional at times. I don't want to complain though. I keep reminding myself that it will happen when it happens. I am fed up with my long cycles though...I feel like my body is getting more irregular every month instead of getting more regular. I am on CD48 today, and I still haven't gotten full-blown AF. I have very lightly spotted for 4 days, and today I feel like AF might FINALLY show up. It's all been so weird. I had what I thought were really faint lines two weeks ago, but I chalked it up to faulty tests. I had a positive OPK on CD33, so I just don't know why I'm ovulating so late. I also have no idea how many tests I have wasted this cycle!!! :dohh: I've just been upset with my body, and I'm trying not to worry....but I definitely stress out when my cycles aren't "normal". I get scared that my endometriosis is coming back, and I get scared of infertility. I don't know. :cry: I said I wouldn't complain, and here I am complaining. Anyway, I have been trying to find an OB/GYN instead of my primary care physician...I think it will put my mind at ease to ask them if there is anything I can do to help regulate my cycles more.

Sorry for blabbing again! I hope you and DH are doing well, and that you are keeping yourself entertained while you are on bedrest! How are classes going? You are in my thoughts, and I'm sending you all best wishes! :hugs:
Sorry it's been so long!

Well my next appt did go great. But then things took a turn for the worst I had two big bleeds for the subchronic hemorrhage. So then I went to doctor and baby was still fine. This past Sunday I started cramping really bad, called my doctor he told be to take pain medicine and take it ease and if it worsen to go to emergency room. Monday Sept 8 I end up going to the er. Everything appeared fine baby was fine and heart beat was great then I was discharged. I got home and two hours later sharper cramps came and then I felt my water break. We went back to the er. I guess I mistakenly thought my contractions were cramps. I have painful periods so it all felt the same. Anyways I was in so much pain I was throwing up everywhere! They had to go in and cut the cerclage out bc there was no fluids around the baby. I felt so awful bc I knew the baby was suffering, the hemorrhage was so big it was pushing my poor baby. Then I had the baby. It's a GIRL! Born Sept 9th at 4 am! But I was on 15 weeks and 4 days and she had no chance of surviving. Then the horrific part, the placenta was still in me and I couldn't deliver it bc I was losing so much blood. They took me and did surgery and they had to do a blood transfer bc I lost tons and tons of blood. My DH thought I was dying, I felt like I was, I was light headed and my heart racing and so much. But we name her Taylor Brooklyn. We did get to hold her and it was heartbreaking bc she was bruised on her side for the hemorrhage pushing against her.

I can't lie I am heartbroken and I don't know what to say nor know what to do. Our families are so heartbroken, I feel like I have the world on my shoulders and I'm trying to hold it all together myself. My DH is like he is done trying to have kids and I agreed at first and I think I only agreed bc of emotions I was feeling but it's just something in me that won't allow me to give up so easy. I look at it as it was totally unrelated to my cervix and that the cerclage did a great job holding everything in, it was that stupid hemorrhage that caused our lost. I just think right now we need a break and later down the road he may wanna talk about it. It just breaks my heart to think I can't give him his take home baby. I gave him a son and a daughter! I know he is heart broken and I'm so upset that I am hurting him! Im sorry about this awful rant! My emotions and thoughts are everywhere.

Sorry this wasn't an cheerful post but I guess this is what we get is life, the good and bad! :hugs:

I'm glad that you are searching for and obgyn, they can more trained on things you and I are going through! I surely hope not that the endometriosis is not coming back. I will be praying that it isn't. Well I hate that you are having long cycles and AF is acting like she wants to come. Well I am here for you as always and I would love to stay around and see what happens for the both of us!!!

Here's to us and our future :babydust:
Bamluby - I bet you prob don't remember me but I came back into the boards tonight and just wanted to say hi and see how you're all getting on?

Take care

Mia x

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