Why can't our bodies be more predictable?

Brittany, I don't even know what to say! :nope: My heart and stomach just dropped to the floor reading your post. I am so incredibly sorry to hear about all of this. My eyes are flooded with tears, and my heart is so heavy.:cry: I wish I could hug you and cry with you. I can't even imagine everything you must be feeling and going through right now. The whole situation makes me so sad; the bleeding, the contractions, the blood transfusion, the mental and physical pain...and it saddens me the most to hear about you losing your sweet Taylor Brooklyn. I'm sure even with the bruises she was still beautiful!! I am glad you got the chance to hold her, but I so deeply wish she would have had the opportunity to go home and grow up with you and your husband.

I wish I knew what to say to ease your heartbreak. My heart goes out to you, your husband, and your families. I am truly so so sorry for your loss. I know you are trying to hold it all together by yourself, but remember to lean on your loved ones. It may be difficult to talk about, but even if you need to sit in silence and simply receive love from your family and friends, I believe they will do their best to support you and be there for you. Be gentle with yourself, and take care of yourself. I know you are a strong woman, but I hope you never feel ashamed of asking your friends and loved ones for support. It sounds like it is a difficult time for you and your husband, especially when you start discussing future plans for more babies; give yourselves some time to process and grieve. I know you said you are worried about how you are hurting your husband, but try to remember it is NOT your fault! He knows it isn't your fault; you are a team. I hope you are able to lean on each other, as you always do. Be tender with one another, and snuggle a little tighter knowing you have each other to get through this. I am sending love, hugs, and prayers your way.

I am deeply saddened that all of this has happened. I wish it were a bad dream. You and your husband are such wonderful, caring, amazing parents and individuals, and I am so sorry that you are going through all of this.

:hugs: Please let me know if there is ANYTHING I can do. I apologize for not being on here for such a long time! I will do better at getting on here, especially to check-up and see how you are doing. HUGE HUGE hugs!
Mia, I definitely remember you! How are you doing?! How has TTC been? Things have been fine for me, overall. I have been incredibly busy (and stressed!) with graduate school and work, but I suppose it helps me not obsess as much about TTC. I have been on here far less than I was this summer, but I'm trying to get on more often to see how people are doing! As for TTC, I'm still tracking ovulation and trying hard every month, but so far we haven't conceived again. How about things with you?

It's nice to hear from you!
Thank you for your kind words.

Well honestly DH and I are in a great place mentally. We had a long conversation the other day and we were able to have heart to heart and have lots of cuddles. I actually had an doctor appt yesterday just to check to make sure my healing process is fine. I'm excite to say everything is fine and my dr is pleased that my body is recovering so well. He actually gave us the okay to go ahead to start try again after my six weeks is up. But DH and I aren't ready yet. We want to take some time for ourselves and then my classes online are very intense and requiring so much of me. I just have my plate full right now. But about the hemorrhage my dr said that it's one of those things that happen but it shouldn't happen again. But I can say I was relieved that it wasn't anything to do with my cervix and my doctor as well as myself is very confident that our next pregancy will be a sucess. :happy: but as of right now I just need to heal physically and mentally.

I can honestly say I'm very proud of my DH and myself because with our son we didn't handle it the best and looking back I'm so sad that we were arguing and so mad and wasn't handling the situation well at all. But this time we are being there for each other, we are talking more and communicating which is the key. It is hard when he is at work because I miss him so much now, I guess because I'm feeling like I'm missing our daughter and then think about our son but I know they are in a much better place. I know it's normal to have that feeling like something is missing but with time and of course praying and time with DH I will be just fine. Our families have been great but I don't like nor want to talk about it with them because they don't understand because they aren't in our shoes and they try to give advice that I didn't ask for.

But overall I'm just thankful that everything went well beacuse it could've been worst and we will try again in the future, its just that it took us a while to conceive but patience and being positive is the key.

Well let me wrap this long post up. I will be on here checking often and still cheering. I can't say when we will start trying to again it may end up happening when we least expected it lol (wink wink) he been trying to BD lol.
Honestly, you are the strongest person I know. Your attitude, faith, and hope continues to inspire me daily. I hope you realize how amazing you (and your husband!) are!! It's not easy to go through everything you have been through and still find peace and mental stability, but you continue to lean on each other for support and keep pushing forward. I don't know how you do it! I guess all you can do sometimes is take things one day at a time. Anyway, I'm blabbing, but I am happy to hear you are doing OK! I haven't been able to get on here much, but I've been worrying about you every day.

I am glad to hear that your body is recovering, and that you and your husband have been so good at supporting and each other and communicating. I am also pleased to hear that the hemorrhaging is unlikely to happen again, and that it was unrelated to your cervix. That is definitely reassuring knowing that you will be able to have a healthy, full-term pregnancy when you and your husband decide it is time to start trying again. But yes, I agree that it is important to heal mentally and physically right now. I am so sorry again that you have had to go through so much pain. Your son and daughter will always be a big part of your life, as will your other little one, and you will always be their mom!!!

I am glad you are feeling good about how you and your husband have been handling things and communicating, and leaning on each other; that is definitely something to be proud of!!! I know you are missing your daughter and son...I can't imagine how difficult that would be. It makes complete sense that you would feel like something is missing. The feeling is almost unexplainable; you prepare your mindset and physical environment to include your expanding family, and when you experience a loss it feels empty and like something is missing. I wish I could be more comforting during this time...it's hard to find the words. There are likely a lot of thoughts and feelings around missing your babies! I just want you to know that I am here for you if you need to process both your good days and your bad days!! :hugs: I understand that it can be difficult to talk to friends and family sometimes, so if you need a non-judgmental ear to listen without giving unwarranted advice, I am here to listen!!

I hope school is going well, even though it sounds like it has been extremely busy!!! I definitely know how that is right now! Ugh, this semester is kicking my butt.

Anyway, you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. I am glad to hear that you are doing well considering everything, but again, I am so incredibly sorry for your loss! I'm glad you are taking it easy and enjoying time with your DH. Keep me posted!!

I know we will both have our families and bustling, loud households. Lol. Even when I have my doubts about my own TTC journey, I always try to reflect on your strength and positivity. It keeps me going! Life can be such a rollercoaster, but you and I will, along with our hubbys, just keep pushing forward and taking things one day at a time! :hugs:
It brings so much joy to get on here and to read your posts. I tell my husband that it feels like I've known you for years. But in responses to what you said, yes we have to take it one day at a time. I sometimes do feel overwhelmed with everything. I have learned to be positive and of course my husband doesn't like to see me upset or sad so he always encouraging and always there to change my mood and remind me that our babies are watching us and doesn't want to see us sad. But what keep me uplifted the most is the fact that I love children so much and just the thought of having a baby that DH and I created and to watch him or her grown up and grow their own personalities and all the things we will get to do and just to watch my DH and our child bond together it warms my heart and bring tears to my eyes. I love that man to death and he is a great father so I have all that to look forward to soo can't help but to stay positive and to know that we will fill our home with little ones soon.

Well about TTC, it seem like it took forever to get pregnant and now we have to begin the process over again. Well I have 3 more weeks until my 6 weeks is up and then wait on my first AF. I plan to track O and hopefully my cycles regulated and I can keep tracking but if not I'll go back to my OB when we are ready to start again. Also since I know I do have PCOS I've been educating myself more on that so I can manage it better and I know that I need either clomid or Femara to help me ovulate since I don't on my own. So have you found an OB yet? And how have your cycles been?

About school, yes it's been kicking my butt too. It's very challenging and requires a lot of my time. But after this semester I'm taking a break for a year. I haven't been focus like I should because of what happen. So I decided to give myself a break and then also I'm in the process of getting a job that I work weekends 12hr shifts. Then DH got a promotion at his job. So now we are looking for houses and so when we start trying again we will have plenty of space. And we are saving for a new car too. So our plates are overfilled with things! Life!!!

Big hugs and again thank you so much for your words their always the perfect words that put a smile on my face and warms my heart!
Aww it makes me so happy to hear that I can bring a smile or at least some sense of comfort. :hugs: It does feel like I've known you for years; I tell my husband that too. When I told him about your recent loss, he teared up too! So, he is sending you and your family positive thoughts as well!

Yes, one day at time. I honestly remind myself of that every day, especially on the days where I feel overwhelmed by life in general! You have SO much on your plate, so it would only make sense that you have days where you feel overwhelmed, even when you do have a positive attitude. It warms my heart the way that you talk about your husband, your babies, and your future together. I feel the same way about being over the moon excited and teary-eyed with happiness about the thought of having children with my husband and watching them grow up. You and I are pretty blessed to share the amazing love that we have with our husbands. :cloud9: I am so glad that you have him to help pick you up when you are feeling down, and vice versa.

I think it is great that you are allowing yourself a break from school after this semester. I can only imagine how difficult it would be to concentrate on school right now! I think a break will be very helpful. You really do have a lot going on! I am happy to hear about your DH's promotion, and you being in the process of starting a new job! What will you be doing? Looking into a new house and car is also exciting! All great news :hugs: I know TTC is more of an emotional roller-coaster, but it also sounds like you have a good plan to let your body recover and start tracking your cycles again for when you are ready. I know it can feel disheartening to start the process over again; TTC is SO hard, and grieving a loss is even harder. I am glad you and your husband are taking the time to work on healing mentally and physically. You are both SO strong, and I know you will keep moving forward at whatever pace is best for you both. :hugs:

As for me, TTC has still been a waiting game. I "found" an OB, but I have not made an appointment yet. I am not sure what my hesitation is...I think part of me is scared about not being able to get pregnant naturally, and I keep waiting and trying to see if I can prove myself wrong and get pregnant before going to an OB. I think I also would not know what to say or ask my OB? I feel like the doctor will just perceive me as impatient...which there is probably some truth in. My cycles have still been pretty long, but I don't know if that is what is making it "difficult" to get pregnant. I probably should make an appointment to at least get a blood panel done to make sure everything looks OK. My doctor told me to do this after my miscarriage, and I never did...maybe that would ease my mind. I don't even know what tests are on the blood panel. Haha. I'm at the end of my cycle right now (CD34), and I think I'm 8DPO but I haven't really been tracking well. I have been SO busy with school that I haven't really been thinking about TTC very much. I keep hoping and praying that it will happen, but I don't even know if we BDd enough. :dohh: Anyway, enough about my long, uneventful saga. :haha:

It is great to hear from you, as always!! :hugs: I'm always sending my best! Keep taking care of yourself (I know you are)! :) Our hopes and dreams will come true, we just have to keep taking things one day at a time and do what we can! :hugs:
Thank you and your DH too for the best wishes and positive thoughts. But yes we are very blessed to have such wonderful men in our lives. I smile and light up thinking of it.

Well the job will still in healthcare like what I do now but at a hospital and I'll be making more. I'm pretty excited, well to get out the house more than to sit around thinking and of course my mind goes in a million places. But even though we had downs our goods are coming and makes it easier to deal with. I do have my "rough" days but it's get better with time.

I'm glad that you found an ob. Well that will be a good idea to get blood work done first to check to make sure your levels (hormone levels) are correct. Then perhaps ask for an ultrasound to make sure your uterus lining is okay (for your endo) then explain your concern with your long cycles and concern that you may no be ovulating regularly (because your cycles are so long) these are all great beginning questions. Remember this is your body and they can only advise what you should do, the choice is yours and of course research when you get time and of course ask me and I'll do the research for you. I'm here as always. :hugs:

The job sounds great! I know you have been talking about getting into the hospital setting, so I think it will be a great fit for you! Yes, working can definitely be a good distraction too. I am glad to hear that all the good things in your life are helping you keep pushing through those rough days. I definitely know the feeling of having your mind racing with a million thoughts and emotions; it can be overwhelming! I know I always say this, but I'm always here to listen if you are having a rough day...and for the good days too, of course! :hugs:

Thank you for the insight about what kinds of things I can bring up to my OB. I think sometimes I stress out so much about it that I can't think straight or even know where to begin with my concerns, so I greatly appreciate your input. I have to start the conversation somewhere, so I think you are right about that being a good first step! I actually wrote in my planner that I need to call the OB this week, so I'm going to make myself do it finally!! I always seem to get more stressed about TTC around this time of my cycle, because it is at this point where I start realizing once again that my cycles are creeping up on 40 days-long with no sign of a positive hpt. :nope: It's disheartening, which is why I am going to be proactive and make an appointment! :) Thank you again for your insight. Truly! It helps me take a step back from my situation and think more rationally. Lol. With that said, I am vowing to research information and call my doctor this week :)

I'm so glad we found each other!!! Someday, we are going to look back at this time in our life and be so grateful that we kept pushing through, and I know I will forever be thankful that I have had you through all the ups and downs of this journey.:hugs:
I'm so glad that you are ready to take the next steps. I understand it can be so stressful, I've actually had some questions myself I want to ask my doctor. Before I go I will do so research first and then explain my concerns. I am toady 4 weeks past delivery and I have 2 weeks left before my six weeks is up. I'm starting to think AF will not show, my doctor said if it doesn't come by Nov1 to call him so we can do a check up. Well I already let him know that we have be tryingt not preventing so it's very well possible that I may be already pregnant again, if not we will just keep going with the flow. I do know this time whenever we do get pregnant we will not tell anyone, until I'm showing and people can tell. Only reason we wish to keep this from family and friends is because we don't want to be overwhelmed with everyone's concerns and advice. Of course I'll want to tell someone so I know I'll be telling you everything .

Well about work, I'm just waiting on them to call me so I can start the process. In the mean time I'm still at my other job, I do plan on staying here during the week and work the hospital on the weeks nights. DH is finally off on weekend morings and we have weekends mornings. We are going to buy bikes and on weekends we are going to get up and ride bikes. I'm excited to have more time with him. I get so spoil and I hate when Mondays come, lol we both are at work and all I want to do is be with him.

I'm praying and believing that one day soon we will be carrying our rainbow, take home, healthy babies. Those sweet little wiggles and giggles, those beautiful smiles and little snuggles and cuddles I can't wait to be a mom again and take my baby home with me for good. :baby: I do believe and have faith in this all for us.
Yes, I'm glad to be taking the next step too. I completely broke down two nights ago about the fact that we still haven't conceived since my m/c. I truly thought I would be pregnant by what would have been my due date (late september/early october). DH let me cry for hours in his arms...he always worries when I let things bottle up and don't talk about it. It's been a while since we have had a long conversation about my fears surrounding TTC, so it was really nice to get everything off my chest. So yes, I'm ready to make an appointment and DH is 100% on board.

I'm glad you are doing some research. I was trying to look into how long it takes for HCG to leave your system, but my research has been inconclusive so far. I did find that it is definitely possible to conceive right after a m/c though. Have you taken any hpts since your delivery? Keep me updated on what you find out. Being in limbo is difficult, so I hope you have your answers soon! :hugs: I completely understand wanting to wait to tell anyone when you and your DH get pregnant again. It is nice to know people care and are concerned, but I can definitely be overwhelming to have so many people get involved and give opinions. It will be nice to have it be an intimate experience between you and your husband for as long as you both choose. :hugs:

Aww it is great that you and your husband have been able to spend more time together on weekends. It sounds like your work schedules will fit nicely together, so you can enjoy some free time on weekend mornings riding bikes and hanging out. That sounds perfect! :cloud9: Lol I know what you mean about wishing Monday's would not come so fast! I love having at least some free time over the weekend to spend with my DH!

I am praying and believing right there with you about one day taking home our healthy babies. I truly have faith that it will happen for us soon. And when it does, it will be magical and perfect! :cloud9: I look forward to it every single day. We are great mamas and we have amazing husbands who make excellent fathers...our families are going to be overflowing with love!!! :hugs::cloud9::happydance:
Yes I understand that those dates are so important and we never forget about them. I had a small break down yesterday I would be 20 weeks and I was thinking of all the things we would've bought for her. But I'm happy that your DH was there to comfort you through the hard time. Also having those conversations are very important and much needed, I too always keep things bottled up and then when I try to express my feelings it's like a tornado lol. But we had a talk yesterday. I'm battling on wheather or not we should be actively try again or focus on working. I wanna work be I know I can't work like that while I'm pregnant. So of course my DH explains to me that I need to focus on what makes me happy, either way he is happy if I am. He told me that my focus also should be our household and family. He explained that if I wanna try again, then go ahead and let that be my focus getting a healthy happy baby here. I just wanna help financially to save, idk what I was thinking maybe fears was setting in and I was using that as an excuse. But I've offically made my mind up and whenever my first cycle comes then we will start again.

Yeah I looked up how long the hcg levels stay in my system and it can take up to 3 weeks sometimes 4weeks. But I did take a test a week ago it was positive but now they are negative. So if my cycle doesn't come by Nov 1 which is 7 weeks almost 8 weeks past delivery then I'll take another test and if it's still negative I'll make appt to make sure nothing major is wrong.

You are so right we will be great mothers and we have the best husbands/ soon to be dads again in the world. :hugs:
Sorry for the late response, again!

Yes, those dates will forever be in our hearts and minds. I am sorry you were feeling down the other day when you thought about being 20 weeks along; that must be incredibly difficult. :cry: Walking through baby aisles is always bittersweet; I look forward to buying baby clothes, toys, and accessories, but I'm still waiting on that moment when I will have a child to buy them for. The time will come for both of us though. :hugs:

Those sensitive, emotional conversations are definitely difficult to have, but I agree that they are incredibly important. I am so glad we both have such amazing husbands that we can lean on and talk to about everything. I know it can be hard for them too, yet they always drop everything to make sure we are OK and happy. They are good, strong men :) I think it is so great that your husband is so supportive about whenever you think it is time to start trying, and it sounds like that will be next cycle!! I'm excited for you both! I know it is difficult to find the "right" time to start trying again after a loss, but the "right" time can be different for different couples. I am glad that you and your DH are on the same page and doing what feels right for you both!

Has anything changed with your cycle since you last posted? I hope your body regulates quickly and you either get a new bfp or AF soon, so you don't have to be in limbo. My AF started a few days ago on CD42...so I believe I am CD4 now. I was bummed, of course, but I always try to go into each new cycle with a positive attitude and "new" start! Also, I made an appointment with an ob/gyn finally! Unfortunately it isn't until the 29th of this month, but I am still pleased that I am finally taking the step.

Anyway, here we go again! I'm continuing to pray and stay positive about both of our journeys. :hugs: Take care!
No nothing has changed on my cycle. It's been pretty weird I think I ovulated two days ago?? :shrug: I haven't been tracking my ovulation either so I don't know. But I had the fertile cm, this is a very first for me and also I had some ovary pain and dull headaches. I assume that is what is going on. I'm not over thinking it because we haven't bd or have time to. DH new job has him work crazy hours during the week and then his second job, and I've been doing a little overtime at my job. I'm still waiting on the new job, that process is taking so long and it usually does.

Anywho I'm so happy you have your appt. even though it is towards the end of the month at least you have your appt and all the new exciting are about to begin. My fingers are crossed and prayers are going up and I know everything will work out and all good news and soon a little baby will be all snuggled in.

I'm thinking of you all :hug:
That is good that you think you may have ovulated! I know you may not have BD much, but it is still a good sign that your body may be regulating itself on its own, especially considering you don't typically have fertile CM! I'll keep sending positive thoughts your way!

Goodness, it sounds like you and your DH have definitely been busy working! Will you still continue to have weekend mornings together with his two jobs? Ahh yes, starting a new job can definitely be a long process. Is it because of all the background checks, etc.? I hope it gets figured out soon for you! :hugs:

Thank you for your positive thoughts. It always means a lot to me! :hugs: I keep trying to smile and move forward. I'm still a little nervous about my appointment, and I wish it was sooner; but I am also getting excited to finally talk to a doctor about everything. I can't wait until we both have our babies snuggled in tight; I truly believe they will be our take-home babies. :baby: :cloud9:

Oh yes we have been so busy and yes we still have our weekend mornings off together but he works at night at his second job. Yes it's the long background checks and among other things with physicals and all that good stuff. But it'll work out sooner or later, I'm just thankful I have a job at least. Although if I get either one of these jobs I applied for I will be thrilled because it's what I really want to do in life so it makes it that much more meaningful.

I so understand how nervous you are about this appt. but so many great things are about to happen. All the unanswered questions and the unknown will be brought to light and soon enough little baby will be snuggled in tight. Oh yeah be sure to tell them how long you have been TTCing and everything, as much info as possible so they can better help and figure out it all. I'm actually excited and you are nervous :haha: but either way it all will be great. I need to schedule my six weeks check up today I probably wait until next week. I'm still trying to figure out if we should try naturally (but I don't ovulate so that could take several months ) or should we go ahead with femara or clomid. I'm unsure bc my first cycle isn't here I may decide once it arrives and then make an appt.

Anywho I'm happy to see all is well with the both of us!! Hope you and DH have a wonderful weekend!! :hugs:
Oh good, well I am glad you have still had time to spend with your DH. I know we are similar in the way that we both like to spend as much time as possible with our husbands. :winkwink: My husband and I have both been crazy busy lately too...well his schedule is his "normal" busy, but school and work have been crazier than normal for me. I've had a lot of 10-12 hour days on campus. I started counseling clients this semester as part of my training, which has been amazing but has included much more time on case notes than I expected. Lol. I had two days off for fall "break" this week, and still ended up spending most of it studying. It was nice to have one night off to go out to dinner with DH though, and then we were able to take a long walk with our dog today. :)

I see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I am feeling positive about how things are going. I will be done with my master's program next summer, and I will finally be able to have a regular work schedule doing something I love! And I also hope we will be introducing a little one into the world around that time! :cloud9:

Lol, I am glad you are so excited about my appointment, because it makes me less nervous!!!:haha: Thank you for your support!I have a ton of information written down from my last few cycles, so I hope it will be helpful in figuring out our next step of TTC. Let me know when/if you decide to schedule your check-up. I understand you are trying to figure out whether or not your want to go "all-in" with trying and using clomid or just waiting to see if it occurs naturally. I hope it becomes more clear on what you want to do :hugs: I think either decision you make will be a positive route! You and your husband know your situation and feelings around everything better than anyone else, and your decision is what really matters! My guess is that your doctors will support whatever you want to do too! :hugs:

I am so glad to hear that you are doing well, and I look forward to hearing how things play out for both of us! I have nothing but high-hopes for us both moving forward. :hugs: I'm so happy to hear about your job possibilities, and see how excited you are about doing something that is so meaningful to you. That is what life is all about :hugs:

I hope you are having a great weekend as well! Talk to you soon! :happydance::flower::hugs:
Hey lady! How have you been doing?! I've been thinking about you, and hoping you and your DH are doing well! I saw that you posted another video ; as I write this I am downloading a new Adobe Flash (or whatever it's called), because I haven't been able to view youtube videos for a week. So, I will hopefully get a chance to watch that in a few minutes once the download finishes! :)

Anyway, I just wanted to check-in on you. Not a whole lot is new with me; I'm just truckin' along through my semester. I did have my OB/GYN appt. today. I will get my bloodwork done tomorrow, a pelvic ultrasound next week, and then we will discuss the results of everything at my appointment in two weeks. Not much to report otherwise!

I hope you are doing well!:hugs:

I'm so excited that you will be getting all this testing done in the next few days and in two week you will know for sure everything is just fine and then get pointed in the right direction. This is so exciting. I'm so happy for you!!

The same with me as far as school I been going alone and ready for this semester to end. I met with my advisor and she cleared me to register for Spring term. I'm excited steps closer to entering the nursing program.

Only thing new with me is I did schedule my 6 weeks check up and we agreed to wait to actively start trying again until Spring of next year. I think I mention this in my video. But it gives my body time to heal and start my workouts again. So we are okay with the choice we made, even though we are BD and not using any method of birth control or protection :wacko: owell if it happens before then, then it was ment to be.

The next big then is we found a house that is for rent that is 3 bedrooms 2bath. It's in our budget and it's SOOO much more space and also we can better prepare for a baby. The house is near my MIL(mother in law) and closer to both of our day jobs and my school. Also finally a back yard for my fur babies. We plan to stay there until I finish school and the option of buying the house is also there but we won't make any decisions until we are ready in a year or two. But in about two weeks we will get the keys and start this long process of packing and moving and unpacking. I'm so excited :happydance:

Other than that nothing new and everything is good. I'm so happy everything is going good with you as well. I have a fun filled weekend this weekend a wedding to attend and my twin nieces 2nd birthday party. Hope your weekend is pleasurable for you!!! :hugs:
Hey! I am so glad to hear you are doing well! I'm glad to hear that school is going well for you (aside from us both being busy!), and that you are cleared to register for your next semester! That is so exciting!! Yes, every day you are one step closer to the nursing program! :happydance:

I did have the chance to watch your video! Your strength continues to amaze me :hugs: Everything your doctor said about waiting for your cervix and body to heal up makes sense. I know it is a bummer to have to wait; I can't imagine. But like you said, if it happens before then it was meant to be! Is there any way for them to do a pelvic exam before spring to see how everything is healing or to determine if your cervix is gaining strength back after the cerlage? I'm not sure if it actually works that way...or if there is anyway to "see" if you heal quickly. You have an excellent doctor, so I know you are in good hands!

Oh my goodness, and I am SO happy that you found a house!! That is so awesome! It sounds perfect!:happydance: It sounds like you already signed the lease then? YAYYYY!! Moving is definitely a tiring process, but it sounds like this house has so much to offer in the way of space, finances, proximity, and a backyard!! I'm excited for you - congratulations! :happydance:

Thank you for your kind words and support; I am glad that I am finally getting things figured out. I did get my bloodwork back today. The lab emailed me my results, and even though I am not going over them with my doctor until my appointment in two weeks, I am still looking up the levels and doing research. So far the only thing that I am really concerned about is my progesterone levels. I am feeling pretty gutted actually. My progesterone levels were really low, only 1.3, so I definitely did not ovulate. I had an OPK that was SO close to positive the other day, and I was really hoping that maybe I ovulated, but I obviously did not. I'm trying not to cry, but I'm just so upset. For such a low level at CD21, I'm not even sure if it's even possible for late ovulation. It just makes me wonder how many cycles have potentially been annovulatory. My Ob/gyn did say that it sounded like it was very possible I haven't been ovulating since my OPKs never show a true positive, and my temps rarely show a clear thermal shift pattern. She wanted to look into PCOS and potentially doing another laparoscopy for my endo (which I would rather wait on). Ugh, I'm just sad. :cry: On the other hand, I have to remind myself that this is why I am getting everything checked out. I'm happy that I can move forward with my doctor's help and figure out a way to regulate my cycles. I will try to focus on the positive here, which is that I will finally have some answers instead of "wondering" each month.

Anyway, I apologize for having a pity party over here. I just had to get that out; Now I can pick myself up and move forward! I am glad to hear things are going well with you. It sounds like you have a great weekend planned with the wedding and birthday party! Have an amazing time!!!!:hugs:
Oh it's perfect timing with the house, we are just renting for now, We will sign the lease this week coming up. Before we move in we are going to paint and of course I'm a clean freak so I must clean even though they have already. Then we will start moving things over. We aren't in any rush bc our lease in our apartment in ending at the end of December so we have time.

I'm happy you had a chance to watch the video. But the can check my cervix by measuring it on an pelvic ultrasound and determined by that. Of course he wants me to make an appointment before we begin trying again.

Also don't be upset about low progesterone, a few videos back I made a video about that. When I got checked mines were low. It's not that bad an easy fix, your doctor may suggest Clomid or Femara to take to make you ovulate just like me. It's so crazy we have so much in common and I can help you. So don't worry over the small stuff cause it's a easy fix. Now PCOS there is nothing we can do but to eat healthy and exercise, there is no way to regulate your cycles but birth control but that will be defeating the purpose bc your trying to get baby snuggled in tight. So what I did this last time was take bc for 1 month then clomid and it happen. So don't worry I'll be here for you every step of the way! I'm sooo excited!!! I can't wait to get you and baby things :happydance:

But keep me updated! :hugs:

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