Why can't our bodies be more predictable?

I'm secretly stalking your stories, you can't switch threads!

Now that you've both seen your positives I figured I could chime in. This is definitely your story and I didn't want to take anything away from the joy that you both share. I'm actually from a small town north of Memphis and now live in Phoenix so it's fun to see things from both areas of my life turning so positive.

Back into the shadows I go, but know that I am so happy for both of you.
First Holly,

This is so funny to me, well I'm happy you have been here with us for some time. Back to the shadows you go?? I'm definitely cracking up laughing but thank you so much!! :)
Now update on what's going on.

I receive the results from my betas and they more than double. Well you should already know this because you watched the videos already.

Okay so how I told DH, we actually the day before Father's Day (6/20) I woke up feeling awful, I (tmi) threw up and then I said to my DH the only time I remember feeling like this is when I was pregnant with our son. It's like it hit me, AF was suppose to be here. I went to the store and bought tests, I took one and I walked away before looking at the results. My DH was standing in the bathroom waiting, and I said it's probably negative because I didn't feel very pregnant (whatever that means) but I glanced over at the test and I did a double take and went over and picked it up, and my mouth dropped, my DH was asking what does it say and I showed him and he hugged me. :)

I actually was saying it'll be cool if I founded out before Father's Day so I could tell him on Father's Day but hey those plans went out the window.

Now on to you, I'm so happy that you saw baby cakes and the heartbeat. I'm over the moon happy for you and knowing everything is going perfectly. And your EDD is actually my nephew birthday. Awww this is so exciting. Well my guess on my EDD based on AF I think it's February 25 ( which is our wedding anniversary). But I'll know definitely on Wednesday at my first appointment with my OB. Then I have my first scan with my RE on July 13.

Oh yes I understand how tired you are especially working, are you finish with those last two weeks of school? You definitely have been busy and being preggo can definitely make you even more tired. As for me I've been feeling normal that's why I was so concerned with my betas but as of today it's like a sleep spell has hit me. I've slept all day. Only other symptoms I can think of is being so hungry and going to the bathroom all night. That's about it.

Well as always I'm praying for us and we will have a happy and healthy rest of these 8months for me and 7 months for you. Awww how exciting is that to say that. :hugs:

Oh yeah I don't know how the thread goes or the rules I'll have to look into it. I wonder if we could stay cause our whole story is on here. Huummmm well if you found out before I do let me know.
Yes, I saw that your betas went up to 136, which is excellent! I know you mentioned feeling worried having had betas done, but those are perfectly normal levels! I did the exact same thing searing the internet after my betas to see what was within normal range, and it really came down to the doubling time! The range can vary SO much depending on when ovulation was, when implantation was, etc, so rest assured that your betas did exactly what they were supposed to do and more than doubled!

Aww well even if your plan of telling DH on Father's Day didn't go according to plan, I think it is so sweet that you were both able to be there for that special moment!!! Ahhh I am just so thrilled for you both!!!

That's funny that my due date is your nephew's birthday. My nephew's birthday is the day after! Yayyy February 25th, what an amazing anniversary present! I know dates can change a little, but I am so excited for us both! I look forward to your first scan in July! I have an appointment with my OB next week, but so far I don't have the next ultrasound scheduled. My guess is that it will be the 12-week ultrasound? Either way, it's so exciting knowing that our babies will be here in 7 and 8 months. :cloud9:

Oh yes, I literally can't shake how tired I am. I am officially done with my coursework, but I still have about 1 1/2 months of internship left. Combined with my other job, I'm still working 50+ hours. I'm thinking of putting my two weeks in in August to have a month free before we move.
Anyway, back to symptoms. If it helps, I felt pretty normal for a lot of my pregnancy so far. I have the hunger and nausea when I wake up and the extreme fatigue, but I don't have crazy morning sickness like I would have expected. Maybe we are meant to have easy pregnancies after everything we have been through! I do understand what you mean though because I've had the same concerns, but so far things seem fine! I'll keep us in my thoughts and prayers!

Yayyy for being bump buddies after a year and a half of us talking on here!!! :hugs:... yeah I don't know the rules either. I'm such a square in always wanting to make sure I don't get in trouble. Lol. I feel like sometimes they are able to move entire threads to other forums. Then again, maybe it doesn't matter. I agree though, it's nice to have our stories in one place. I guess we will see!
Aww well thanks for chiming in, Holly! You don't have to stay in the shadows; you are welcome into the conversation anytime! Thank you so much for your king thoughts. That is crazy that you happen to have lived in both Memphis and Phoenix! Are you in the city of Phoenix or one of the suburbs? Anyway, it's nice to meet you! Good luck on your journey, and feel free to come chat with us anytime!
Oh, I forgot to post a picture of my little monkey blob. :cloud9:


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Yes I had to realize that those numbers varies for all women and you are right it depends on ovulation and everything. I don't know when I exactly ovulated but I do know with my first appointment with my RE which was June 10 she said it looks like you just ovulated. So I assume maybe like the 7th or 8th is when I did because the last (tmi) time we BD was on the 8th. I truly don't know LOL. But I was so happy when she told me my numbers, I was holding my breath honestly really scared and nervous. But I'm fine know. It's so weird that I feel normal other than me taking naps here and there. But your right it's just meant for us to have easier pregnancies since we been through sooo much over the past year and half. So we are going to enjoy this. Here is us getting those bellies and enjoying every minute of this.

You guys are moving?? Yay how exciting, have you guys found a place yet? Is it a house?? I'm so excited I've been looking on Pinterest for nursery ideas. We will start working on it as soon as we find out the gender. That sounds like a plan a month of resting before moving. Moving along is stressful. Your almost done with school. I'm so happy for you.. I'm taking a year off now since I got my BFP, so this Fall and Spring of next year , besides once I hit 12 weeks I'm on strick bed rest, I've been taking advantage of doing as I please but still taking it easy.

What date is your appointment on for next week? Mines is Wednesday and I'll show you my little monkey blob too LOL. Then I'll have another ultrasound from my RE. I get to see my baby love more often because I'm high risk. It's a good thing but also bad because I get so nervous and stressed out at all these appointments but as soon as I see baby I'm okay.

Well I'm tired from cleaning up today. I think I'm going to take a nap. :hugs:
Remember we are going to stay positive and relax and have happy and healthy little babies that we wil bring home. :happydance:
I began spotting 6 days before my period was due. The spotting began at 8 days past ovulation and lasted 5 days. I say it lasted that long, but truly it only appeared when I wiped- very light pink or brown discharge. Had one day of wearing a panty liner, with a little red spotting on one day. Barely dripped onto panty liner. I'm now one day before my period is due and hpt says negative. I'm not sure what is going on with my body and am really confused. I had tender breast, lower back pains, and odd dull ache in lower abdomen at beginning of spotting. I was sure I was pregnant. Anyone have a similar situation? Could I still be pregnant?
Awww well I am glad you were relieved to find out your HCG increased so much. Just think, those number are probably crazy high now!!! How have you been feeling?! I hope you have been able to get your naps in!

Yes, we are moving to colorado in September to be closer to family! We are SOOOO excited. We haven't found a place quite yet. We will probably keep renting a house out there, and then eventually start looking to buy! It definitely feels stressful moving two states away in the middle of my pregnancy, especially because I know I will want to start nesting and working on the nursery, but I know it will all be worth it! Aww that is exciting that you will start working on your nursery once you find out if you are having a boy or girl! I can't wait to see some of the themes you pick out!!!

I think it sounds like a good plan that you are taking some time off during your pregnancy! You and baby deserve to relax and take it easy! Will you be doing the cervical cerclage or transabdominal cerclage (now that insurance will cover it?) If so, will you be able to go off bed rest, or will you be on bedrest at 12 weeks either way?

Oh hey, was your ultrasound yesterday?! I do want to see that little monkey blob. Hahaha. But in all seriousness, I hope it went amazing and I look forward to hearing about it! I had an appointment on Tuesday, and I thought it was just going to be a "boring" appointment so I told DH he didn't need to get off work. But it ended up being an exciting appointment, because we were able to find the heartbeat on her doppler. She told me not to worry if we weren't able to find it, because she said that it often doesn't pick up on the doppler until 10 weeks and I was around 9. BUT, I heard the heartbeat and of course I cried. She let me get out my phone to record it for DH. It was amazing to hear it, because last time we simply saw it flicker on the screen without sound. Hearing the heartbeat was music to my ears! Anyway, that's about all that is new with me! I'm counting down the weeks until second trimester, because I'm looking forward to having more energy! Lol.

I hope you and little one are both doing well! Talk to you soon!:hugs:
I responded a while ago and I guess it never posted.

What's new with you? How is the baby? I'm sure perfectly fine.

Now on to my drama, my first appointment was good. I didn't get an ultrasound because of new insurance laws. Which sucks but anywho. My EDD is Feb 26. Now on yesterday Sunday July 5, I had a some very very bad pain on my right side and it was to the point I couldnt walk or do anything. So we go to the Women's hospital and they did ultrasound and of course I know I have PCOS and one of my cyst ruptured. It was so painful. But we got to see the baby and the heartbeat flicking away. We couldn't hear it on the ultrasound of course I'm still to early for that. My past pregnancies I would hear it between 7-8 weeks. So I was relieved that everything was fine with the baby. My OB is off today but he wants me to come in on Tuesday. So in the mornings I should get another ultrasound and go over everything.

Well I haven't been feeling to well today so I'm just going to rest. I'll update you in the morning about my appointment. :hugs:
Everything is going great here! I feel like my tummy bloat is getting bigger; it's crazy! I'm looking forward to seeing my belly grow (even if it is mostly just bloat right now). Lol.

Oh my goodness, it sounds like you had a crazy day yesterday! I'm sorry to hear that you had a cyst rupture, but also so happy to hear that your little munchkin is doing well and that you got to see the heartbeat!!!! :cloud9: At my first ultrasound I had a cyst on my ovary too, but my doctor said that it would like resolve on its own. But goodness, I'm so sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well. I hope you are start feeling better very soon! Did the hospital just recommend that you relax and drink plenty of fluids?

Awww well I am so glad to hear all is well with baby, and I look forward to hearing about your next appointment. I know all will go perfectly well!

OH as a side note, I received some promotional codes as part of my "baby bag" from the doctor. If you are interested, I can send you an email with the codes. There are like 7-8 that you can use that all have a $35-50 value. Basically everything ends up being "free," but you just pay for shipping and handling. I got a nursing pillow and sling so far. :) Some are probably more worth it than others. Anyway....take care care of yourself! Talbot you soon!:hugs:
I'm feeling much better. Yes the doctors told me to just rest and get some fluids in me and I did just that. But I had my appointment today just a follow up from Sunday. He did another ultrasound and everything was perfectly fine. I still had like 3 cysts on my left side and one on my right side. He just said the same it will resolve itself but he will continue to monitor it. I saw the baby again and finally heard the heart beat it was measuring 115bpm that's nice and strong for how early I am. Ultrasound tech said that it looks like my due date based on measurements is March 2. That only because I ovulated later and plus my cycles are 30-33 days so everything is is perfect. 5 weeks 6 days to be exact.

My first appointment with my RE is Monday and then another appointment with my OB is on Wednesday. So next week will be busy and I will update you more. I'm so happy to hear that everything is going great with you and baby cakes!! I didn't get to say anything about you guys moving. I'm so happy that at least yall we be closer to family. Will you be closer to your sister?

Well of course at that long appointment I'm now super tired so I'll take a nap and maybe make a video (maybe lol)

:hugs: as always take care of yourself and babycakes!! Oh yeah when is your next appointment? At 12 weeks?
Oh yeah here is my little blob LOL so tiny.. Sorry it's side ways I don't know why it's doing that!!


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Aww I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better and that your appointment went well! I hope that those other cysts won't give you any trouble and that they go away with time! I'm so glad you got to hear the heartbeat again too! :cloud9: It sounds like everything is on track with having a later ovulation, so that is all great news!!! Oh and I love seeing your little blob too!!! :happydance: lol. I'll continue to send positive thoughts to you and your little one, but I know things will continue to progress beautifully! You do have a busy week next week!

I have my ultrasound next Friday. I will be 11w6d at that time, so it is going to be my 12 week scan combined with the nuchal translucency (NT) scan to see if there is any risk of down's syndrome or other chromosomal abnormalities. The NT is usually optional, but I figured since my insurance covers it I would have it done since there is no risk to baby. I'm excited to see my little munchkin again on the ultrasound!

Anyway, yes we are SO excited to move. Unfortunately I won't be closer to either of my sisters, but I will be close to my mom and the rest of my in-laws. :happydance: We are also headed home that way this weekend for a really short trip, because DH's cousin is getting married.

Anyway, that is it for me! I hope you enjoyed a nap this afternoon! Talk to you soon and continue getting that rest and relaxation! :)
Oh yes I was over the moon thrilled and happy to actually hear the heart beat.
I did enjoy that nap I it was much needed I wasn't feeling to great. But I'm better now. I need to go to the grocery store when DH gets home.

Anywho, next week you'll be knocking on 12 weeks these weeks are flying for you. Yes I'm with you on that getting the NT scan done. We will be doing the same. I actually saw that my OB office now offer early 3d and 4d gender reveal. So of course we are going to take that opportunity. Also with my OB he agreed I should see an MFM (maternal fetal medicine doctor) basically another high risk doctor. He also actually knows the doctor personally and they are great friends so I'm thrilled. I'm going to make an appointment with him when I'm at least 8-10 weeks. Yayyy I'm super excited about everything and I feel more and more confident about everything and I pray it continue with positive and relaxation as you said :hugs:

Yayy you get to visit family this weekend, enjoy all the attention you will get LOL, but just take that time to relax and enjoy. It sucks you won't be closer to either of your sisters but I'm sure they will visit you. But Yayy closer to your mom and inlaws. I can't wait until you guys are all moved and able to start on nursery. Do you have any ideas. Do you have a Pinterest if so go follow me I have some ideas on there on what I plan to do if it's a girl, my DH will do all the decor if it's a boy, that's our agreement.
:hugs: :happydance: :happydance: lets have a happy and healthy 9 months. :happydance:
Hey lady! How are you and baby doing? Great, I'm sure! How have you been feeling this week?

Ahh yes, I can't believe how fast these weeks are going for us! You will be 7 weeks tomorrow, and I will be 12 weeks on Saturday! :cloud9: How amazing!!! Oh my goodness, a 3d and 4d gender reveal would be amazing! If my OB has the option, I will definitely take the opportunity to as well. That is great that you will be going to another doctor that your OB already feels comfortable with too. Will this be in addition to your OB, or will you be seeing the MFM as your primary doctor throughout your pregnancy? I don't know very much about MFM doctors, so I will have to look it up and maybe answer my own questions. Lol. Either way, I am thrilled that you are feeling confident in how everything is going with doctors, you, and baby!

My weekend was great, I just wish we could have spent more time there! Ha yes, our family was so thrilled to see that I am already showing a little bit. It warms my heart how excited they all are about this baby too. It will be so nice when we can just finish up with everything here and move back!!! As far as the nursery goes, I did get some crib sheets and a matching blanket that I thought were really cute. Lol. They were gender neutral, so we can use them either way even if we decide on a different nursery theme. The design was gray, white, and yellow and had a bunch of little animals. I think a modern gray and yellow nursery would be fun, as long as we added enough color that it doesn't look gloomy. I don't know. I will definitely have to go check out pinterest. I'll look for you! That is a great agreement that you will decide the decor if it's a girl and DH will decide if it's a boy. I love it!

What else...I officially announced on Facebook that we are expecting. A lot of people close to us already knew, but now it's really out there. I think that is all I have to ramble about for now. Lol. I hope you are doing well!!:hugs:
I'm so happy that you enjoyed yourself. Ahh your are showing a little bit already. I'm so happy for you and thrilled. I love those colors that you mention. I think that will be a beautiful nursery once you get it all together. I've seen those colors match together on Pinterest and it didn't look gloomy at all. I actually saw some decor with those colors that had the saying "you are my sunshine" song which I absolutely love Lol.

Now about this MFM, I will add him to addition to my OB, there is no way I'm leaving my OB, lol but I am relieved that the MFM I will be seeing is one of his close friends. But I saw my RE yesterday, everything was perfectly fine saw the little baby and the heart rate was 133, so it's progressing so well and I couldn't be more happier. I didn't get an pictures :( but owell, I see my OB tomorrow and I always get tons of pictures. I've been doing well for the most part, I had morning sickness for a couple days and it was absolutely the worst but I promise I'm not complaining, I know everything is progressing like it should. Today has been better. I'm just ready to get pass my first milestone and that's getting pass 8 weeks then getting to 12 weeks and getting the cerclage place and then making it pass 24 weeks. I can't help that it's been very emotional for me but I've been enjoying this and praying daily over us. But I know everything is fine and will be fine. Oh yeah I will email you this link on getting some baby books free (5 of them.) just have to pay shipping and you can use the code as many times as you want just open up a new browser. I ordered some today :happydance:

Talk to you soon.
Oohh yeah, I just typed in gray and yellow nursery and a lot of cute things came up! Oh my goodness, I love "you are my sunshine" too! My DH and I always say that to each other, and I can see us singing that to our baby. :cloud9:

That makes sense that you will still be staying with your OB. It sounds like you have a great team of doctors supporting you!! Aww 133 is a nice strong heartbeat; I'm so glad you get to see your little one again! You'll have to post pictures if you get any at your appointment today. My scan is on Friday, and I can hardly contain my excitement. There are obviously nerves under my excitement, but I have faith that all will go well!

I'm sorry to hear that you had some pretty bad morning sickness! I would never think you are complaining; morning sickness isn't exactly enjoyable though! On the bright side, it's normal and you can look forward to it passing soon as you get closer to second trimester. I continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers as well; passing those milestones always feels amazing, and I know that you will pass each one and go on to have a happy, healthy baby!:hugs:

Oh thank you for the link to the baby books! I forgot I never sent you the links to the free stuff I received. I think it is a sister company to the one you sent me, where you only pay for shipping. I'll send that to you soon!

Take care!:hugs:
My appointment went great of course I saw the baby and the heart beat has progress to 143 bpm which is great. On Wednesday I was measuring 6 weeks 5days but based of my cycle my EDD they said officially is 2/25 which is my anniversary!❤️ I'm so in love!! But that would have me suppose to be 7 weeks 6 days but they didn't changed the due date and they aren't worried. They assured me baby is completely fine, I'm measuring off a couple days due to a few things, I have irregular cycles which means I ovulated later than I thought, I honestly didn't know when I did because I didn't track ovulation. Anywho so if I go off my due date then I'm actually 8 weeks 2days today!! Yayy!!! I did get a picture but I don't like it because the tech made it so big no one can really see what it suppose to be but I'll insert the picture below.
Other news I have my first appointment with the MFM doctor on this Wednesday at 8:30. I'm pretty excited about it all, it should be a consultant visit, my OB called him already and he actually made my appointment!! So I'm sure we will come up with a preventative plan to stop preterm labor, schedule the cerclage and set mini milestones. Other news morning sickness is still here and doesn't seem to want to go away. My ovaries from the cyst don't hurt anymore and I've been relaxing and resting. Oh yeah at my scan there were no subchronic hemorrhages (what happen with Taylor) and my cervix was measuring nice and long at a 5 which were excellent news to this mom to be, I just smiled and thanked God for continuing to bless us and protect us! I find myself praying a lot more and getting relief when I do! ☺️

So how was your appointment and NT scan? I'm sure everything is great. Update me soon. Oh I keep forgetting to tell you, I don't need those codes, I have like 4 codes a piece for each, the bobby pillow, the car seat canopy, the sling, the nursing cover, the baby leggings and the breast pads. Lol I know it's a lot but cause of my past pregnancy I received them each time and I get emails all the time. Well update me soon..


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I am so happy to hear that your appointment went well, as expected! That completely makes sense with your due date and measuring a little differently based on late ovulation. It's definitely hard when cycles are irregular, but it sounds like everything is going perfectly well! Yayyyy having a baby around your anniversary will be an amazing gift to you both! :cloud9:

Aww I think your ultrasound picture is cute even if it is blown up a little big! Seeing our little ones always warms my heart. I look forward to hearing about your first appointment with the MFM. You are in such good hands with all of these doctors, and i'm glad you are keeping your faith and staying in high spirits. I continue to keep you in my prayers as well. You are going to hit all of those milestones and go full-term, I feel confident that your doctors will help you achieve those goals! Hopefully the morning sickness doesn't get too awful for you, but it sounds like it is being persistent. Everything else sounds perfect: heartbeat, cervix measuring on track, cysts not hurting, no SCH, etc. :happydance:

My scan went great! They don't officially give me the results for the trisomy risk until they look at various different things from the NT scan and bloodworm, but the tech said that the nasal bone was visible as it should be and the nuchal fold was measuring within the appropriate range. Ahhh it was so cool to see our little one again! We could clearly see the little fingers, arms, and legs. It was amazing. He/she actually looks like a baby now! The tech jiggle my tummy to wake baby up for me to see wriggle around, and we got to see baby stretch out arms and legs really big. It was adorable. DH and I could have sat in there and watched our little munchkin all day. :cloud9: I'm in love! Anyway, I have a regular appt with my OB next week, and then we will schedule the 18-week anatomy scan...seems forever away! Either way, I'm thrilled with everything!

I'll post one of the pictures of my scan below. Talk to you soon!


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