Why this absession with STTN?!???


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2010
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I see so meny threads about when and how did your baby STTN. I am proud to say:

"My boy does NOT Sleep 12 hours at night without waking for a feed, and I am happy about it "
He obviously needs his feed as he gladly drink his 100-120 ml and back to sleep.

I dont think he will STTN any time soon. And to be honest, with how much he eats during the day, I am happy he has a bottle at night.

So I am a proud mummy of a happy baby Liam who wakes up for a feed at night!
Join me, and be proud of your non STTN babies! :)
yayy! lol. i'm kinda used to the disturbed sleep already, and most of the time (once i've woken properly from my short-lived coma) i love our night feeds, my little guy cracks me up hehe he's so very cute xx
yes my baby doesn't STTN but im fine about it.. shock horror he wakes up TWICE in the night but we both sleep have a good 4 hours in between and i still feel refreshed in the morning so I really dont care! I enjoy feeding him and would have to get up anyway for a wee.

I dont think he will sleep through the night anytime soon as he eats little and often but hes happy so its all good :thumbup:
dim question but what actually classes as STTN? is it a certain time period or does it mean they simply go to bed at x time and snooze peacefully till getting up time?
My baby still does NOT STTN, only has a handful off times and TBH I like it that way because I get snuggles off him when he does wake & he's barely eating/drinking during the day as he's been poorly with an infection/thrush/teething so he is waking he's getting what he's not during the day
As I understood STTN that everybody are so after, means baby will sleep from the moment they are down for the night till the morning when they are up for the day. But some putting their babies to bet at 22:00/23:00 and they sleep till 06:00/07:00... I wouldnt call it STTN...
My boy goes 18:30/19:00 till 02:00/03:00/04:00, has a feed and then sleeps till 06:44 (on the dot)
dim question but what actually classes as STTN? is it a certain time period or does it mean they simply go to bed at x time and snooze peacefully till getting up time?

Technically its five hours unbroken sleep, sometimes also termed as those five hours usually being between 12 and 5am. But compared to the sleep we need as adults its hard to feel like baby has sttn if you've been up at midnight and 5am!

I think of it as sttn if I've gone to bed at my bedtime and not been woken before 6am. She doesn't sttn every night and until about 3 weeks ago we had two months of "anything could happen" each night with her waking up to 8 times between midnight and dawn. Now she tends to wake once or not at all but I'm not getting comfy yet lol, I still think it could all change.

People are obsessed though. I think I'm going to start telling people she doesn't sttn because she has NBS (Normal Baby Syndrome)!
I don't mind either. It's one quick feed for me (usually) and back to bed (7pm-5:30am total), 2 on a worse night, 10+ on a bad night (illness etc). It's OKAY!! I'll just make sure to be a noisy annoying as hell mother when he decides he's a teen and wants to sleep in until 10am :)
I've not got an obsession I just wish he'd just sleep in general. My LO still feeds every 3 hrs from 5pm-5 am then just snacks on the odd ounce through the day. Coupled with teething from 14-24 weeks then he's now I'll and my insomnia, which is beyond a joke now I'm feeling quite shitty now!!
I had 2 hrs last night and the night previous and an hour saturday. He can't breath with congestion in his throat so I'm having sit upright with him on me.
I wish he'd sleep through just one time to recoup my energy!!
My baby doesnt STTN either... although I wish she would! I would love to get her out of my bed, but because I BF her its easier for me to turn and pop it in her mouth and fall back asleep!

Because all mothers want to have a night of uninterrupted sleep, like we used to have! We have become accustomed to multiple wakes and so deem it normal! I used to want my LO to sleep through the night or to at least only wake once (with her gas problems she used to wake 6 times a night plus) and she started waking once (after the sleep regression) which was just lovely and then started STTN. Do I get my dreamed of night of uninterrupted sleep?.....no! stupid mummy brain refuses to let me sleep, and I wake frequently to listen to the silent monitor! Argh!

My quest now is for me to be able to STTN!
Because all mothers want to have a night of uninterrupted sleep, like we used to have! We have become accustomed to multiple wakes and so deem it normal! I used to want my LO to sleep through the night or to at least only wake once (with her gas problems she used to wake 6 times a night plus) and she started waking once (after the sleep regression) which was just lovely and then started STTN. Do I get my dreamed of night of uninterrupted sleep?.....no! stupid mummy brain refuses to let me sleep, and I wake frequently to listen to the silent monitor! Argh!

My quest now is for me to be able to STTN!

I had 1 night when he STTN after his jabs, I woke up4 times that night, just to check if he ok... I don't think I am capable of STTN myself anymore... Lol
My baby doesn't STTN, and I don't care!! Would I like her to? Sure! But in her time - not mine :) If she wants a bottle at night I'd be glad to feed her :)

I do wish she'd learn to settle to go off to sleep at bedtime but one step at a time lol!!
I don't mind that J doesn't STTN at all, though from 4 months - 13 months he never slept longer than 4 hours at night and we started the day at 2am, and 1x 30 minute nap in the day, as a result he was constantly crying/rubbing his eyes so it was kinda hellish! Plus the only advice we got were to do CIO which i wasn't capable of doing, so back then i would of paid someone all i had to have a night of sleep! :haha:
I'm not so worried about him sttn, but more than 2/3 hours at a time would be nice lol. By the time he's fed and I've settled my brain back down to sleep mode, it just feels like I've hardly slept before he's awake again!
i think its just that not everyone's baby goes straight to sleep after a feed. LO will be up around an hour, sometimes more, and in that time im wide awake and cant get back to sleep for ages and then its time to get back up again.

have to say, i was really worried when LO woke up monday night (he normally STTN) that it was the start of the sleep regression. i go back to uni on monday and then have an exam the week after. i need to do loads of revision for it too and if i dont get enough sleep, it just doesnt go in, so yes i was having a big panic!!
Ellie sometimes sleep through sometimes doesnt but Peter and I dont mind and we take turns in getting up, we are both in hard working jobs, he is a bricklayer/landscaper and I am a gym instructor (but sometimes Im lucky and sit in reception lol) sometimes at the beginning it was so so tiring getting up every 2 hours for Ellies feeds, I think sometimes when posts are made about STTN people might just have had a hard night lol and might just be looking for light at the end of the tunnel by asking when everyones baby slept through

I always hope that Ellie wakes on a Thurs as I work from 3pm to 9pm and I like to see her in the night lol xx
My LO wakes every hour some nights...on a 'good' night she'll sleep for two hours straight. :wacko: Waking once or twice a night sounds like heaven. And I'm usually awake myself from 3-4 AM just because I can't get back to sleep. After four months of this I am definitely ready for her to STTN! But I don't hold out any hope for that. :cry:
I've heard it told that 5 hours is STTN, in which case my LO does this but he sure doesn't sleep from bedtime til morning. I actually secretly love it because I miss him horribly when he's sleeping but it's not like I can scoop him up and cuddle him without a reason =P

This is sooo cute, I actually feel the same. I think especially now I am still at home on maternity leave I have no reason to get upset about my LO does not STTN. She will eventually, and she wakes because she needs me, so it's all good :)

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