Wicked Witch has arrived!! TTC BUDDIES - *1st BFP Confirmed!*

No problem, I'm happy to share my "google knowledge"!

Zinc: Zinc is found in high concentrations in the sperm. Zinc is needed to make the outer layer and tail of the sperm and is, therefore, essential for the health of your partner's sperm and, subsequently, your baby. Interestingly, several studies have also shown that reducing zinc in a man's diet will also reduce his sperm count. (source:https://www.marilynglenville.com/infertility.htm)

Folic Acid: You need this to prevent birth defects. It also can help with sperm production so I give it to my husband also. Not sure if that was in my above list.

Geritol Tonic: This is supposed to be a "baby in every bottle". It's a old wives tale I guess but there are some forums if you search on Google that have surprisingly high pregnancy rates among those taking it and updating with pregnancy or babies from when they took it. One site said it's something to do with the iron level in it and another says it's not the iron it's the combination of ingredients in the tonic. I am giving it a try! I have a thread on here about it also to track progress and anyone willing to join me in trying it.

Fish Oil/Borage Oil/Flaxseed Oil combination soft gel: Essential Fatty Acids
Very important to take when trying to concieve. EFA's act as hormone regulators. Omega-3 DHA and Omega-6 arachidonic acid are important structural elements of cell membranes, body tissue, and brain development in the fetus. Sperm contain high concentrations of omega-3's, in particular DHA (found in oily fish). DHA is in the sperm tail (motility).
Sources: Omega-3; flaxseed, oily fish (mackerel, herring, salmon, sardines), walnuts, green leafy veggies, and tuna (not more than 150g/week).
Sources: Omega-6; seeds and their oils.
Dosage: 2000 mg per day.
Note: be careful if you are currently taking blood thinning medication. Also, these should be taken with antioxidants vitamins A, C, E, selenium, and grapeseed extract.
(source: https://infertility.health-info.org/male-infertility/male-infertility-improve-sperm-quality.html)
Coenzyme Q10
Important for energy production. Levels of CoQ10 are lower in a woman who has experienced a recent miscarriage. ICSI fertilization rates may rise when taking this supplement. It also improves blood flow. Dosage: talk to your healthcare professional.

Essential Fatty Acids
Very important to take when trying to concieve. EFA's act as hormone regulators. Omega-3 DHA and Omega-6 arachidonic acid are important structural elements of cell membranes, body tissue, and brain development in the fetus. Start taking EFA's at least 3 months before you try to get pregnant.
Sources: Omega-3; flaxseed, oily fish, walnuts, green leafy veggies, and tuna (not more than 150g/week).
Sources: Omega-6; seeds and their oils.
Dosage: 700-1000mg per day.
Note: be careful if you are currently taking blood thinning medication. (source: https://infertility.health-info.org/fertility-diet-lifestyle/diet-supplements.html)

Vitamin E: Vitamin E is another powerful antioxidant and has been shown to increase fertility when given to both men and women. Men going for IVF treatment with their partners have been given vitamin E, and fertilisation rates have, as a result, increased from 19 to 29 percent. It has been suggested that the antioxidant activity of vitamin E might make the sperm more fertile.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C is also an antioxidant, and studies show that vitamin C enhances sperm quality, protecting sperm and the DNA within it from damage. Some research has indicated that certain types of DNA damage in the sperm can make it difficult to conceive in the first place, or it can cause an increased risk of miscarriage if conception does take place. If DNA is damaged, there may be a chromosomal problem in the baby, should the pregnancy proceed. Whether or not DNA damage does have these effects has not been conclusively proven, but it's worth taking vitamin C and the other antioxidants as a precautionary measure.

Vitamin C also appears to keep the sperm from clumping together, making them more motile.

One study has shown that women taking the drug clomiphene to stimulate ovulation will have a better chance of ovulating if vitamin C is taken alongside the drug. Clomiphene does not always work in every woman, but the chances are often increased when vitamin C is supplemented.

(source: https://www.marilynglenville.com/infertility.htm)

In a nutshell, if you click on the sighted sources above you'll find many other vitamins and such that can help and it will tell you all the reasons a woman or a man would want to use them for fertility reasons. I hope this will help.
Wowza! Might have to print that off for when I go shoppin! Hell of a list... Boggles me how I'm havin to resort to all this when DS implanted, survived 8 weeks of teenage binge drinking (prior to HPT), and was born beautiful n health from 1 'slip up' lol. World works in misterious ways...
Thsnks for list xx
I thought the same thing! We went to the OzzFest just weeks before my BFP with out DS 10 years ago and he's perfect. Not sure if he was on board for the festivities back then or not but hey, makes for a great story that he went to a rock fest before he was even known. I called him my stowaway.
I only did a PT becoz my friend made me after being sick in a bin after 2 drinks, n then again wen I was in a club! Fetal-DS had obviously had enough an put his foot down lol. 1 time without contraception!! 1 time!!! And now... My womb must be like Fort Knox!

Think my thermometer is dying too... The beep sounded awfully strained this morning... Great!! Lol
WelshOneEmma - Fingers crossed you're going to get your BFP. Some ladies don't get a positive test for weeks. If AF doesn't arrive I'd head to your doc for a blood test. Congrats on the wedding!

This is going to sound awful but i hope i don't now - been so stressed these last two weeks i have had a few drinks.

I think if AF doesn't arrive by the end of the honeymoon i will head to docs. The thing is i don't feel like (I imagine it would feel to be) pregnant. I had a week and a half feeling sick about 5 days after what i thought was my fertile period, now nothing. I get slight cramping like i would a few days before my period, but have been like that for 2 weeks. My nipples feel sore, but inside the breast if that makes sense, but not sore like i usually get and my boobs feel heavy.

I guess i have put too much pressure on myself with TTC and the wedding, plus only just had my copper t iud out 2 months, so maybe that had an effect?

Sorry for hijacking your thread CarlyJade! As for your hubby complaining about the cleaning - tell him he has two hands! My OH learnt a long time ago that he was to pull his own weight - he actually does more cleaning than me now
Haha not a problem Emma! Every1 is welcome :) Especially Welshies :hi:

Don't put too much guilt on urself about the drinks, as I said above, I was out drinkin 4times a week for 8 wks before I found out I was pregnant! And my boy is perfect! Stopped as soon as I knew he was there, of course! But honestly, I think if there is a little bambino there, it hasn't minded mummy sinkin a few on this occasion! :hugs:

Have u retested? It could be as simple as ur body gettin back on track... But yes, defo worth a chat with ur Dr!
When is ur wedding day? Not long now is it? Bet ur dead excited!! Concentrate on the for now, not wat ur insides are doing, and HAVE FUN!! X
Haha not a problem Emma! Every1 is welcome :) Especially Welshies :hi:

Don't put too much guilt on urself about the drinks, as I said above, I was out drinkin 4times a week for 8 wks before I found out I was pregnant! And my boy is perfect! Stopped as soon as I knew he was there, of course! But honestly, I think if there is a little bambino there, it hasn't minded mummy sinkin a few on this occasion! :hugs:

Have u retested? It could be as simple as ur body gettin back on track... But yes, defo worth a chat with ur Dr!
When is ur wedding day? Not long now is it? Bet ur dead excited!! Concentrate on the for now, not wat ur insides are doing, and HAVE FUN!! X

Wedding is one week today! Now on leave until the 24th which should help with the stress as work has been quite busy too. Plus when walking the dog last week a woman had a go (her dog started on mine so i obviously had an out of control dog who needs to be muzzled). Normally that wouldnt upset me but these last few days have been scared to walk there again incase we bump into her.

I have done 5 tests, all negative, and different makes. The whole point of me having the copper T iud was that as there is no hormone in it, there shouldn't be any side effects and when it comes out you are "ready to go".

I think i put too much pressure on myself aswell. We have only been TTC for 6 weeks (ish). Funny how you spend so long trying not to get pregnant, when you start trying you realise its actually quite hard!
Ya know how you feel, the witch came to visit me aswell. So disappointed but not giving up.
Hi all!

I have been TTC since August 2011. I got preggers on the first try with my fist 5yrs ago? I am nervous that this time will be hard, especially since my hubby was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and takes metformin and chromium once a day? He also takes multiple vitamin.

I just started folic acid yesterday and multiple vitamins with omega 3 pills. I am guessing I have a 29 day cycle and think I O between 18-21, but am going to try OPK this month. I am just so nervous that because I am thinking of it too much, it won't happen.....so glad to be doing this with others
Well, look like answer is here - massive cramps today (so bad had to have a bath to calm them down) and now started light bleeding.

At least its happening now and not during the wedding. Here's to next month!
Canada, we are all thinkin 'too much' about it so u r not alone! :hugs:
My thermometer broke yesterday - ordered a BabyMad 1 from Amazon so hopin its here by tomoro as I tend to O around 13th- 15th day and on day 7 today!!
It will happen for us all once the time is right, I'm sure! Dnt hurt tryin everything we can to make it this cycle tho :) lol.

Aww Em, I'm sorry the :witch: has got u too... At least u can enjoy a guilt free wedding!! Never know, honeymood baby cud be on the cards?

Morning everyone. Sorry I've been absent all weekend.

Sorry witch has got you Emma but at least you know and you can have a fun wedding with a few drinks and as Carly say's have a honeymoon baby. You're IUD will affect you hormones slightly but they will settle and it's still possible to get pregnant. Just monitor your fertility signs and use OPKS.

Hey Canada 8 - We all feel the same. It's so hard to not think about it constantly. Spend 12 years trying not to get pregnant and now desperate to ASAP. I wish I had stopped BC sooner and started trying earlier. I'm only on cycle 3. Really hoping it's going to be our month. I have no idea if Diabetes II affects fertility. I don't think it does in men but i'm not sure. Fingers crossed for you.

Mellymommy - so sorry witch got you. It's horrible. Good luck for next cycle.

Hey Carly (can I call you that?) - How are you doing. Have you and OH made up yet? I hope you went on a cleaning strike. Are you CD7 now? Can't remember how far behind me you are. I'm CD8 so SMEP plan starts tonight! Not expecting to ovulate for a while though, CD18 last month.

That is one hell of a shopping list. I take pre-conception vit and EPO up until ov. Hubbies on zinc and Vit A, C and E. Then just trying to eat well but that went out the window this weekend. We also use conceive plus around ov time. No softcups yet.

Hope you all had a nice weekend.
Canada, we are all thinkin 'too much' about it so u r not alone! :hugs:
My thermometer broke yesterday - ordered a BabyMad 1 from Amazon so hopin its here by tomoro as I tend to O around 13th- 15th day and on day 7 today!!
It will happen for us all once the time is right, I'm sure! Dnt hurt tryin everything we can to make it this cycle tho :) lol.

Aww Em, I'm sorry the :witch: has got u too... At least u can enjoy a guilt free wedding!! Never know, honeymood baby cud be on the cards?


I ordered my thermometer from Babymad and it arrived next day.
Ya know how you feel, the witch came to visit me aswell. So disappointed but not giving up.

Its soul distroyin isn't it! Hate goin on FB coz its fulla scan pics n there seems to be baby bumps EVERYWHERE!! Never give up, will be our turns soon :)
Sorry AF got you too mellymommy. I always have to look twice when I see your name in a post to make sure it's not mine, LOL! Good to meet you :)
Sorry AF got you too mellymommy. I always have to look twice when I see your name in a post to make sure it's not mine, LOL! Good to meet you :)

Good job you pointed that out. Think I could have got you confused.
Bean!! Didn't even see ur posts this morning?? Don't think I went on to page 6... :doh:

I went on the oposite to cleanin strike and gutted the place... He didn't get in til late, ate a pizza in front of me so I took my special K to bed and watched a film. I let him back in the bedroom Sunday Morning and I come home this morning and he'd cleaned up the breakfast stuff and taken his ironing up! There's hope for him yet :haha:

How did ur weekend go? Oohh so :sex: starts tonight for ur lucky OH? Haha. I'll start tomoro. Thermometer has been dispatched so should be here tomoro, just in time... Should get enough temps in before O then!

I spent my Saturday night cuddling my best mates baby boy. He's only a mth old... Totally beautiful! I want 1!!! :'(

Calling me Carly is fine... I'm only Carly-Jade if I'm in trouble with my Mam lol.

We had a trial run with the conceive plus Sunday. Only bought the tube tho, need to dig out a calpol sringe... Lol. Haven't tried the Softcups yet!! They look HUGE!! Little bit intimidated.... Lol.

Hope all u other girlies are ok too and stayin positive?! :hugs:
Witch is 7 days late for me but still BFN! :cry:

Good luck next cycle everyone!
Welcome to the group girls!! Lookin for 100% :bfp: this cycle! Do what u got to do!! :sex: lol.

Tryin anything new this up coming cycle??

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