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Will be 37 due in April 2016 anyone else?

Sleepless night here too. Was so uncomfortable. Been keeping busy today in the hope I crash out tonight.

Keep checking in to see if Q arrive yet. Can't wait for your news.
Q is on no hurry...obviously! I'm taking the day of! I have been super active (walk, stay on yr feet, gardening, ...)lately & I'm starting to think I need a day of to relax instead. So, I went to swimming pool this morning to soak in the therapy pool there (33C). Pretty safe temperature. No kids, no mum, just ME! Was nice.

Then I got some castor oil. Being pretty frugal with it & not downing the complete bottle! I'm following Ina May Gaskins' dosage advice: 1 Tbsp & repeat once after 2-3 hrs. The two spoons so far have NO effect on me!! I really need a clear out, but I'll do 1 more in an hour & that's it fr today. No need to go overboard with it!

Tomorrow is another significant day... My grandfather's birthday. If Q comes tomorrow, then his middle name will probably be Theo. After my grandfather. My dad would love it. My grandfather name was Teofiel. And my brother's boy is named Fil. So, I'm sure he would be chuffed.
Awaiting more news from you two!

Things are looking better here. I'm taking Frankie in for a weight check tomorrow. He was up for 5 hours last night feeding constantly and I swear he weighs a pound more today. He's been waking more regularly to feed and staying awake to eat more, too, so that's good news as I'm not having to rouse him.

Hang in there, ladies! Soon we will all have our babies next to us.

Oh, and DH woke up this morning with a pounding headache and aches and pains, and came home from work with a fever of 102. I'm really hoping it's not the flu and if it is, that none of the rest of us get it! My mom is still here, which is good, but if one of us gets sick the other will have to manage taking care of everyone! And of course I'm worried about Frankie. I guess I'll just keep a close eye on him.
Hi! I'm trying to not get too excited. Maybe the relaxing day was the best idea ever! Regular soft contractions since about 2 hours. Wish me luck! & good labour dust!

Oh and euhm...still waiting fr a clear out!! Castor oil did not do the laxative stuff it is told to do. No bowel movements yet...
Penelope: I really hope flu doesn't work it's way around in your house!! FX!!
Hi! I'm trying to not get too excited. Maybe the relaxing day was the best idea ever! Regular soft contractions since about 2 hours. Wish me luck! & good labour dust!

Oh and euhm...still waiting fr a clear out!! Castor oil did not do the laxative stuff it is told to do. No bowel movements yet...

Best of luck qmama I really hope this is it for you. Especially considering the date relevance.
It's 2am. I managed to sleep a bit. Contractions still regular, and slowly getting more intense. They are consistently every 3-4 mins since they started at 7pm & last 45 seconds. Pretty close together, but I'm sure it's not like I'm close to delivering. Not intense enough. FX it's not a teaser!! I've not called L&D yet til I'm 100% sure I'm in true labour!
Would it be worth calling them and letting them know the timings. Even if so they are aware you may be heading in soon? With contractions that close together they may want to see you anyway?
Penelope I sure hope that all of you miss what ever your DH has.

Qmama I am so glad that things are finally picking up for you. Can't wait for the update!

Things are going ok here. I too am going to go get D weighed today. We through a bit of a growth spurt and now we are dealing with an over supply and not pooping regularly. I gave him a baby massage on the belly and inside of the foot (both to promote a movement) and he ended up with a very very large pool of it in his diaper. It also showed signs of over supply a bit. There was some greenish poo and he seemed in some discomfort too. Poor guy.
I bet Q is in labor now! Sounded very promising. Good luck!

All, it is frustrating, isn't it. With breastfeeding it seems like it is always something. I hope you can get the supply issues straightened out -- sounds like oversupply to me too. What do you do for that? Pump off some, or does that just make it worse? Or feed him twice on the same side so he gets more hindmilk?
I bet Q is in labor now! Sounded very promising. Good luck!

All, it is frustrating, isn't it. With breastfeeding it seems like it is always something. I hope you can get the supply issues straightened out -- sounds like oversupply to me too. What do you do for that? Pump off some, or does that just make it worse? Or feed him twice on the same side so he gets more hindmilk?

I do feed him only on one side. I also lay back a bit too so gravity helps from being overwhelmed. Later in the evening if I have offered one side twice and flow seems very slow I will then offer the other side of he is still fussing. Today the flow wasn't too bad.

Had him weighed and he gained a pound in a week. :dance:
Quinn Theo Mellor was born on April 04 at 09am! Got home today. I will tell you later about the experience! Thank you ladies fr having joined me on the journey.
He's the spitting image of his brother at birth!


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Congratulations. He's gorgeous. Hope you're both doing well.
Congrats, Q! He is adorable.

I only just now realized that we are all having boys! I was hoping for another girl but I really like having a little son now.

We had our two week check up today and Frankie was 7 lbs on the dot--just one ounce away from his birth weight. He is gaining weight, just slowly--usually .5 oz a day. So they said we were free to just come back in 2 weeks this time for his 1 month check up. Phew! Those pediatrician visits were getting tiring.

Hope you are all settling in and getting some sleep. And Bekah--you're next! Can't wait to see your little one.
D has his 2 week appt tomorrow. I'm sure he has gained at least 1/2 a pound since Monday. He feels like a led brick. Im going to ask for something for his reflux.

Glad your LO is gaining Penelope. Boys seem to be a thing, even in my March group we had way more boys than girls.
Hi! Just wanted to check in. I'm glad we are all doing well now! Becah...we are waiting with you!! You must be getting a bit nervous now!! GL!
Quinn is a greedy feeder & milk has/is coming in! Very happy with that, but we're struggling with a good latch...Aaargh! Both nipples are very sore. Of to the community nurses yesterday & today fr latching advice. At least no problem with flow this time! His weight loss is about 4% so far.

Still extremely tired from Monday & the no-sleep overnight in hospital.

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