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Will be 37 due in April 2016 anyone else?

Good luck with the pumping qmama. Hope it helps.

Does sound like Declan is far too comfortable where he is just now.
Who knows what's happening? It's early morning April fool's day & I'm either getting the flu or I'm in prelabour or I'm in false labour! I think I'm having contractions, but they aren't too bad. Definitely not BH! Not getting hopes up. Going to try to sleep again as its 4am now. It would be very nice if I wld get to meet Q today!!
I hope you do get to meet Q today qmama.

Just see the midwife. She's suggested starting nipple stimulation from 38 weeks but said it needs to be done about 6 times a day. So glad I finish up work in a weeks time. I can then focus on getting this baby out naturally rather than being taken in and induced.
Still here. Baby pulled his first April fool's joke on me. Didn't sleep really. Contractions stopped in the morning. Very tired & grumpy.

Nipple stimulation x6/day. I'm on it now.
Hope it helps. Chance to get some rest now? Recharge those batteries?

Feel like bump has really dropped the last couple of days. A few braxton hicks today too. Feel like I'm finally starting to build up to d day.
Nothing helped me get into labour, all that ever happened were teases sadly. Though I hope that is not true for you too.

Bekah great sign. Keeping heading down lo!!
Didn't really rest. Spent afternoon gardening; digging holes, replanting stuff, weeding, ... I just feel I'm on the verge of giving birth, so I'm not going to stress out about it. Just going to keep myself busy & do no more than what I've been doing. Nipple, tea, epo, sweeps a gogo,...
Sounds like you were a busy woman today. Can't wait to get out and mess with my garden.
Sounds like you were a busy woman today. Can't wait to get out and mess with my garden.

It's actually relaxing to get your hands dirty! And afterwards admire a weed free section. Instant reward. Weather has been so lovely here!
That's great. We have had nice temps here too. Tomorrow is is supposed to close to 20*C :shock: if it is t too windy then I may try and get out for a little walk. Take Z to the park and put D in the sling
It was about 20c in Vancouver the past 2 days. I just wish I could recover from the birth with nice spring weather. They are predicting rain again soon...
Our temps are no where near that yet. We're lucky if get above 10 degrees just now, and 20 in the summer. Guess we're used to it though.

Any more signs of baby q coming?
Ugh it would bother me not to have above 30*C in the summer. Though I am sure that is just because I am used to it. We haven't been warmer than 10*C here really yet at all. So I am excited for the warmer temps.

As for rain that is better than snow, as we had some just the other day. Funny my kids were begging for snow before winter, now they are whining that we get the odd flurry. :haha: I keep telling them to be careful for what they ask for :nope:

I am really enjoying my sling. I am able to get some things done, like catching on BnB, and still cuddle and kiss my sweet heart.

D must be going through a bit of a growth spurt as he is eating more and his eat/sleep schedule has changed. No more 5 hrs straight block of sleep for me....well until he increases my milk where he wants it. I know that I just need to go with the flow. :shrug:
There's a sling group in the town near where I live. I'm planning on going down and seeing them to see if I can find one that works for us too. Like the idea of keeping the baby close but having hands free to do things.
I have a Blue Celery sling/wrap.

I love it as I am so short that a long wrap would be too long for me.
am short too so thanks for the recommendation. I'll look them up.
Bad day! No baby! No signs! More pain, no gain though.
I'm actively avoiding all conversations because I'm finding it hard to remain composed. I just DON'T WANT TO TALK about it! Especially MEN turn into giggling clumsy teenagers talking to me now. Trying to address the obvious. Aaargh.... Super irritable now.
Oh no. Sorry q being stubborn. How long is your mum staying for?
She's here til April 17th. So, she will get to meet Q... Survived another night of sleeplessness.

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