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Will be 37 due in April 2016 anyone else?

Glad to hear you're all doing so well and your baby boys too.

I finish up at work tomorrow and nerves are kicking in when I have time to think about it.

Still not getting many symptoms of labour being close but I've felt quite sicky tonight and my feet are all swollen. Looking forward to a quiet weekend doing very little.
Qmama I'm glad you and Quinn are doing well. I hear ya on the sore nipples. Lots of lanolin and or APNO if you have cracks.

Beckah I hope you don't have to wait too much longer and get in that relaxing weekend you are looking for.
Thanks, me too. It's 00.48 here. I've woken up with bad heartburn again but the little sleep I've had so far has been filled with dreaming about being in labour. Waiting for heartburn to settle and will then try and get some more restful sleep.
I posted the labour experience on birth stories & announcements - thread.
Baby Q very sleepy today and I have engorged breasts. Very happy milk has come in though. Now I've got to get Q naked so he wakes and eats... When you don't have the stuff they want it, and then when you get it....aaargh!!

Becah: enjoy yr last weeks...as much as you can enjoy those!! Not long anymore!!

Allfrthegirl: haven't checked in on yr parenting log. Has the dentist fixed the tie? How's bf now?
They lasered it yes and his lip. It has gotten better but still so many challenges yet to concour. But at least we are having more and more comfortable feeds. :thumbup:
Allfrthegirl: Glad to hear that! Let's hope he'll get the hang of it soon!

Q is eating the edge of my engorged breasts, but I feel I cld feed a whole village with it...I hope they subside a bit soon!!
Yay for maternity leave!

I hear you about the sore breasts/nipples. Ugh. Franklin is latching well, I think, but I think I have a bit of an oversupply. I've had tons of milk blisters and sometimes he only takes one side and I have to pump to relieve the pressure on the other side, which probably makes the problem worse. Last night he took only one side at his 3:00 a.m feed and the other side leaked all over the place. I didn't have that problem with my daughter--I never leaked with her.

Hopefully your labor dreams are just to help you prepare, Bekah! It would be nice if you could have some time just to relax before he gets here. I wish I would have had that!
I hope so too penelopejones. Called up to chase up our travel system and its still not in. They're expecting it Wednesday and posting it out. Just hope bump doesn't arrive first or we'll have to borrow a car seat to bring him home in.
If you have oversupply then feeding him one side is best for him. When pumping the other side only do it just until you are comfortable. Eventually things will even out. If not then feeding in one side for than one feeding may be necessary. I know someone that ended up having to feed on one side for four or five feedings just to get her milk to lessen. Let his poops dictate what is needed.

I'm still trying to keep my oversupply down. But he seems to be dealing with things better.
Penelope: I always had that with Finley and I'm starting to have it now. I always have a let down in both boobs, but the one that's not used stops 'leaking' after a few minutes. I always have to use a receiving blanket under that one.

Bekah: I hope it arrives in time. Maybe baby will just wait until it's there.
From the updates on breastfeeding it looks like I need to go shopping for a few bits and pieces. So helpful having you ladies sharing tips. It's probably the thing I'm most nervous about but want to try and hopefully succeed with.
Honestly, bf'ing is tough at first but worth it, both for you and the baby! After two weeks it is starting to be better--less painful nipples and my boobs aren't sore and engorged. With my daughter I loved not having to worry about taking bottles and formula everywhere when we went out. The calorie burn is a nice bonus, too!
My midwife did say the first two weeks can be hellish but after that it's normally much better and less work than formula feeding. I've ordered some nipple cream for if they crack etc and will add that to my hospital bag when it arrives.
Bekah like P mentioned ^^ it really is worth it. But if you just feel that you are unable to then there is nothing wrong with that either. It is hard as P said. Even for me a seasoned mom that breast fed now 4, and I bottle fed 2. I struggle in the beginning no matter how much I know. I am just really determined to get this right as I know what it is like in the months to come. I hated the cleaning and prepping the bottles especially in the middle of the night as you are warming a bottle and baby is screaming. I am sure you will do wonderfully :hugs:

I too have let downs in both breasts at the same time. I am just not leaking as it happens, thank goodness. I have had that happen before too though, thankfully for me, as I know those that it didn't, it stopped after a month or so.
The lanolin nipple cream is heaven! Instant cooling relief! Very nice.
My tear is hurting now & it's impossible to sit comfortably or to move once I'm comfi. I don't have a bath at home, so I'm taking several showers daily to find relief. I'll have doc check on Monday. Tips are welcome!!

Becah: I was convinced I wld not bf after F was such a pain with medication & pumping...but now very happy I'm giving it a go. I will combine with bmilk in bottle once we get bf established. That way oh can take him while I have me-time & I don't have to worry about a starving baby!!
That's good to hear. I'd added lanolin to my online shop yesterday and it's being delivered this morning.

What a night. Up and down constantly. Gave up at 3.30 and headed downstairs to have a cup of tea, but kept feeling like I was going to be sick. Awake till past 5.00 then fell asleep on the sofa at 8.00. Feeling quite sore low down so think babies head is starting to engage. Trying to get up off the sofa or bed is becoming more difficult.

We've got friends near by with new babies who we could possibly borrow a car seat from, and one of DH's support team also thinks she could get us a car seat to borrow so I'm not stressing about our order now being delivered in time.
The lanolin nipple cream is heaven! Instant cooling relief! Very nice.
My tear is hurting now & it's impossible to sit comfortably or to move once I'm comfi. I don't have a bath at home, so I'm taking several showers daily to find relief. I'll have doc check on Monday. Tips are welcome!!

Becah: I was convinced I wld not bf after F was such a pain with medication & pumping...but now very happy I'm giving it a go. I will combine with bmilk in bottle once we get bf established. That way oh can take him while I have me-time & I don't have to worry about a starving baby!!

I forget what my mother called them, but you can make your own, with witch hazel and cotton makeup remover pad, then just place it down below. That is what they would recommend back in the day.....they work wonders for piles too.

(just looked it up and they are called Tucks and I have seen them in Walmart.)
That's good to hear. I'd added lanolin to my online shop yesterday and it's being delivered this morning.

What a night. Up and down constantly. Gave up at 3.30 and headed downstairs to have a cup of tea, but kept feeling like I was going to be sick. Awake till past 5.00 then fell asleep on the sofa at 8.00. Feeling quite sore low down so think babies head is starting to engage. Trying to get up off the sofa or bed is becoming more difficult.

We've got friends near by with new babies who we could possibly borrow a car seat from, and one of DH's support team also thinks she could get us a car seat to borrow so I'm not stressing about our order now being delivered in time.

Sounds like things are gearing up. Hope you don't have to wait too much longer. Sleep is so important and you don't realize how much so until it is gone!!

Hope you get your carseat before bump shows up.
Q is a trooper. Feeding is going a lot better. I've seen the bf - nurses a few times to help with techniques fr a good latch. It's worked I think. Im so happy i sought help immediately. It is healing nicely & I'm close to pain free. Q is eating every 3-4 hours, awake only a couple of hours daily. FX this will continue.
Allfrthegirl: going to catch up with yr parenting thread soon. Thx fr the witch hazel tip. Going to get some today.
Becah: I'm hoping you can get some rest before little one shows up. X you're close now!!

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