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Will be 37 due in April 2016 anyone else?

Yeah! Sweep time fr Becah!! You're close now. Good Luck!!
Thank you. Will keep you updated on what's happening. At the moment all I've got is a bit of pressure and the occasional braxton hick. Hoping the sweep on Wednesday works and things go on from there.
Yay! Could be soon!

Hope you get good news, Q...

AFM, My mother is here for another three days and it has been rocky between her and dh.. again. She has confronted him several times over minor issues, and then he gets angry and either stomps off or says something insulting, and then she gets super weepy and upset, and then whenever they try to talk through it things just get worse. The only solution for her is for DH to take all the blame, and while he has been angry and has said mean things, she has also called him a *******, stomped down the stairs and yelled at him to take his damn headphones off so she could talk to him, and basically yelled at him as well. They are both just being awful and I can't stand it. And I also don't know what I'm supposed to do. I can't play peacekeeper and I can't just stay out of it. She is actually staying in a hotel these last few nights and just coming during the day while DH is at work. This is the worst it has ever been and she is basically convinced my husband is an asshole and that he and I need marriage counseling. ARGH. Thanks for letting me vent.
Sorry to hear that Penelope. That's not what you need at all. Shame they can't just agree to disagree and get on for your sake.
Oh my. I think I would yell at both of them for being childish and get a hotel room myself. :haha: I hope things get better soon.
Penelope: I know your pain. Luckily they can keep it civilized here. But, I hate being in the middle. My OH complaining about my mum & vice versa. I hate my OH telling me my mum needs to pay her way, while she has done more fr me & us in a month than he has done in a bloody year! I tell my mum regularly to keep her opinion to herself about oh as well. Problem is that he does not make a lot of effort to please her. She leaves tomorrow & given that she's been here a month...things have gone well.

I hope things settle fr you after she's gone home. I know it's a gut wrenching feeling.
Next up fr me is my MIL. Thankfully she sides usually with me... & is a lot more vocal to her son about his shortcomings. Then I can just sit back & 'relax' while she whines to him.
Guess who's going pram/car seat shopping tomorrow :/ the shops we ordered the travel system from (end of December) has failed to deliver so we're cancelling the order and one of hubby's pa's has managed to find a shop with one in stock so I can go buy it tomorrow. Good job bump is staying put for now or we'd have nothing to bring him home in.
Glad you were able to find one you can pick up. You'll feel a lot better once you have one. Then I'm sure he'll show up right after.
That's great about the pram and car seat. (I love the word pram. And cot. Instead of stroller and crib...). Hopefully having that last piece in place will be just the ticket and your baby will be here soon!

Thanks for commiserating, Q. I'm glad things went well for you with your mom there for a month!
Becah: I love pram shopping!! Have fun!!

Got our appointment on Tuesday fr Q in the hospital. Full diagnosis will take 4 months!!! Aaargh! In the meantime they'll treat as if he's got vlcad. We already received medical emergency letter from children's hospital fr ER if Q gets a fever, or is not eating or is lethargic. FX fr Tuesday!
4 months? Do they need to run more tests as Q gets older then? What will Tuesday's appointment be for? Are they doing to provide advice on how to manage the condition? I notice you mentioned somewhere it being genetic. Do you know someone living with the condition who would help provide some advice?

I've been monitored for GD as I have a sister and a nephew who are type 1 diabetics. Thankfully my GD tests have come back clear but it's something I will be keeping an eye on.
That's great about the pram and car seat. (I love the word pram. And cot. Instead of stroller and crib...). Hopefully having that last piece in place will be just the ticket and your baby will be here soon!

Thanks for commiserating, Q. I'm glad things went well for you with your mom there for a month!

We use the word crib for the smaller bed which they're in until they're 6mths. It's funny now we all use English yet have different words for things.
I know! It's a long time. It's a genetic condition, inherited by bad gene both on mum & dad's side. Very rare. Onset is infancy, childhood or even adulthood... Or he might just be a carrier & not have it. I think it'll be genetic testing, probably fasting test in hospital at one point as well to see what happens, ... On Tuesday they'll take blood, do general exam & cardiovascular evaluation. And we'll get educated on the condition... So far, he's really well! Eating like a trooper! Alert & awesome when awake. I'm pretty sure he's gaining fast. Grown out of newborn stuff already. It's hard to imagine he might have something wrong with him.

How's Frankie & Declan doing? Any more signs Becah?
Declan is fantastic. He is getting the hang of this bf thing. Not taking as long to nurse. So I know that he is getting more efficient and I weighed him last night on our scale (where I hold him and subtract my weight) and he was showing over 10 lbs. Going to take him and weigh him tomorrow. That would be crazy if he gained 2lbs or more over his birth weight. He is starting his developmental leap so will be interesting to see how he reacts to that.
Fingers crossed Q is just a carrier. Hope he copes ok with all those tests, but glad he's doing well so far.

D sounds to be doing great too. That's some weight gain!

Afm, just more pressure today, and an occasional BH but nothing more. He's very low now though so hoping the sweep on Wednesday will get things moving.
Keep us posted, Q. How is the little guy doing otherwise?

Frankie is gaining weight I think, too. We have an appointment on Friday so we'll see how he is then, but I'm pretty sure he'll be up to 8 pounds by then. He looks a lot different to me - he has chubbier cheeks and a double chin now! It's funny thinking I could still be pregnant with him, as his due date was the 15th.

Any day now, Becah!

I know we all are just wrapping up one pregnancy, but who has plans for more kids? I think we are done with 2 (95% sure), but I'll miss some things about being pregnant and planning for a baby. Feeling a little sad about it. This will also be the last baby on both sides of the family, as I'm the youngest on my side and the last to have children. DH is the youngest on his side and his brother (7 years older) doesn't have any kids... so I'm trying to really enjoy having this squishy newborn to hold and soak up every moment despite being sleep deprived...

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