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Will be 37 due in April 2016 anyone else?

Not sure here. So much of the work will be on me with DH being paralysed so there's only so much he can do to help, so we have said we will see how it goes. We've always wanted 2, but won't if it would be unfair on this little one. After taking so long, and 4 IVF treatments, to fall pregnant I'm also not sure I can put myself through it all again. I guess we will just see how it goes.
All - any tips on dealing with multiple children? I'm sure you are a pro. I'm finding two tough. DH works until 9 many nights. He is off this week, but next week I'll be doing bedtime and mealtimes solo... with a baby who just wants to be held or worn in the sling or carrier and a 2 year old who can get crabby and stubborn when she's over tired. How do you do it?

Any news, Bekah?
Two for me was a nightmare. They were 18 months apart and didn't have help. So I hear yah. Just don't fight it and just try and deal the best you can and don't be hard on yourself if you have bad days, God knows I've had them. Now once I had my third it seemed easy in comparison. I wear D as often as he wants. Honestly it really does make a calmer baby.
Hospital day today... Echo of heart, ECG, blood tests, poking & prodding by different doctors,... Results so far: all perfectly normal. It's waiting fr DNA results to determine if Q has vlcadd. It's a sneaky disorder so only genetic test will determine if he has it or not. It'll take a few months though ... In the meantime I've gotten special hospital formula fr kids with long chain fatty acid disorders (supplements breastfeeding) & guidelines on the feeding schedule. No more than 3 hours apart. & as soon as he skips meal, has a fever or is ill we need to take him into hospital fr evaluation. It's going to be a long two months...
Great that everything is normal so far Qmama. Every three hours sounds really tough. Are there feeds your OH can help with?

No news here. Fair few braxton hicks yesterday but nothing more. Seeing the consultant this afternoon and having a sweep all being well. Hoping that gets things moving.
Qmama I am glad that things are looking good from the tests so far. Sounds like you are handling everything ok so far. You are one strong woman.

Bekah actually every three hours is very attainable. D doesn't usually go that long other than at night time he will have one stretch that is 4 hours. You will find that until later nursing a baby every two hours is optimal. :winkwink: I have an forceful let down so nursing sooner is better for him.

I sure hope the sweep helps you. They are so uncomfortable.
Sweep done, but then had to go up to the maternity unit for monitoring due to reduced movement. They're happy but want me back for a scan tomorrow to be sure. If don't start naturally by Saturday I'm going in to be induced.
Wow, Bekah - little guy will be here soon one way or another! Yay!

Q, that is good news about the tests. Every 2-3 hours is what we are doing too. I keep waiting (hoping) for Frankie to give me a 4 hour stretch of sleep at night but no dice so far. I have a friend whose son has a genetic condition that similarly requires him to be fed regularly. He has a feeding tube at night for that reason--did they mention that to you at all as an option? It sounds a bit scary, but my friend says the upshot is that he doesn't wake up much at night, so she gets some rest. Hopefully you'll get some good news in 2 months.
I'm good with the three hr stretches. Q seems to be set on feeding every 2.5 hrs at moment. It's just that the max 3 hr stretch will continue to up to 1 yr old at least if he has vlcadd. They didn't mention the tube feeding... I hope we don't have to go that way... Sounds horrible.
Oh is being wipped into feeding him in the evening. I've got a good supply, but when oh feeds him expressed bf with bottle, I need to pump as breasts get painfully full too fast... Last night I woke and was so full. Then Q started crying and milk started pouring out... He cant drink that much... I've been having let downs in public as well, so I'm learning quickly to use those guards as its a bit embarrassing..

Becah: Awesome that little dude might be coming soon!! Xx I hope he didn't scare you too much with sitting still!
No I was ok about it. I'd had a lot of braxton hicks that afternoon and thought the two related so wasn't worried. Only mentioned it when I was asked if movement had been regular. When I was linked up to the monitoring machine the midwife did call another nurse in to have a look at the results it was coming out with and I didn't feel any movements for a while and then he started moving again. The nurse wonders if he wasn't having a thumb sucking session and to see if he does that when he's born. They're having me back for a scan again just to be on safe side.

Didn't realise yesterday was DH's last day in work and he's now on paternity/and annual leave till the 13th of May. Means he can come to the scan with me and I don't need to worry about getting hold of him if I do go into labour before Saturday.
That's good news that dh is off work, Bekah! One less thing to worry about. I'm glad the little one is okay. I'm sure the lack of movement for a short period is normal--I know I never felt mine continuously, but they'd have moments of more activity and periods of calm.

Q, that does suck about every 3 hours for a year! Yikes. I'm glad you have enough supply for DH to take over a feeding at least. I've never had a letdown like that or much need for pads--I normally never see the milk spraying out unless the little guy pulls off mid-feed. I have had some trouble with him fussing at the breast lately and I'm not sure what it is... I'm worried it may be thrush as his tongue is always white and my nipples are still a bit sore.
P~Declan has a white tongue too, and it is normal if it is just milk. If there is white patches on more than just on the tongue and doesn't wipe away, I would think it was thrush. Other symptoms are rash on his bum, seems extra gassy, itchy nipples, shiny and/or flaky skin around the nipple, and deep pain while nursing.

I sure hope it is not thrush.
Allfrthegirl: you're such a great source of information! Thanks!!

Becah: Great that your oh is there fr you for a good while. You'll be able to use the support.

Penelope: Has yr mum left? How are things? I hope it's not thrush fr F & you. Have you seen a leche league consultant fr the pain? I might go back again. I have bigger supply on the left breast & he has issues latching onto it. He can't keep the latch going & it takes ages to feed him from it & he gets frustrated. Its better with the football hold, but I don't like that hold. It's awkward ... Aaargh.
Due date is here and other than a disturbed night and being sore from the sweep there's no sign of this boy making his grand entrance. I think he's surprised everyone that he's still not here. Even my midwife didn't think I'd make my due date.

Sun is shining here though so that's something at least.
Yes, my mom left on Monday and this week DH is off work. So I have this week of extra help. DH's mom has been around some too. Things are okay. On the one hand, I feel like I should get my butt out of bed in the morning and help with DD and get back to normal. DH has been taking her out on outings, often with his parents, and I feel like we should be doing things together as a family. On the other hand, I hate dragging a newborn around in the car and I hate nursing a newborn awkwardly in public. So I'm at home this morning with Frankie while DH and my MIL took DD swimming.

I'm not sure about thrush--I don't see spots anywhere except his tongue, but he is gassy, fussing at the breast, etc. My nipples are a bit sore and maybe itchy/shiny but not too bad. He does have a red bum. I'll see what the doctor says tomorrow. I also think I have a fast letdown or something on the left side because Frankie often has trouble latching there and pulls off choking. We do football hold sometimes too but yeah, it's awkward. Ack. It's always something.

Bekah, hope you are enjoying these last few days before the baby comes! Get lots of rest!
Ok ladies here comes me with more information......(all info I give is from the lengthy convos with my LLL leader and reading recommend books by the LLL)

First things first. Since the both of you have babies that is fussing only on the one side then I would wonder if he may need some body work. So going to see an osteopath or chiropractor. Especially if you had a bit of troubles getting him out, like pulling on them or foreceps. (D was pulled on hard and was off on the left side all the down from head to pelvis) also try side by side laying down position way better than football.

Secondly fast flow is best helped with the laid back position, nursing on one side continually until baby is satisfied. Also laying down side by side resting baby's head on your arm so his head above the flow, can be good for fast flow. D likes laying down with me for my left side especially. I think I was controlling the breast too much and made him even more mad, so letting him have more control has helped my nips heal faster.

Thirdly P it does sound like thrush with the other symptoms you are talking about. Starting a probiotic sooner will help get rid of it faster once medications are administered. I have always started with the natrual products first. Like gentian violet, grapefruit seed oil, even APNO has a anti fungal in it and helps with sore nips.

Fourthly seek help with a LLL leader. The best thing I could have done. She will help you more than you can imagine and don't just call once. Go to meetings too if you can. You may find something another mom has done that may work for you too. It is awesome.

Now the books I got my info from are Breastfeeding Made Simple, and The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding (which is the one I'm reading now and LOvE it) It is really like a meeting in a book. I feel supported just reading it.

I hope all of this helps. You can ask me anything too and I will look it up if I don't already know the answer :winkwink:
Im being kept in. They're going to try and bring the inducing forward to tomorrow but no guarantees so could still be Saturday. Fluid gone cloudy and movement still low. :/
Bekah Z had cloudy fluid, I was told it was just because he was ready. Though less movement is worrying:hugs: I hope you get to see bump very soon.
Me too. Ideally I don't want to be hanging on till Saturday.

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