Will be 37 due in April 2016 anyone else?

Qmama what a great weight gain for three weeks. So hard with not knowing. Hope the the results are better at 2 months.

As for the tv we always have it on, my kids go from playing to watching and back again. Don't feel bad, we all do it really :winkwink:
Lots of TV here, too. DD is getting better at imaginative play and will entertain herself quite well for a period of time, but I find myself turning on the TV a fair bit, too.

I'm trying a new homeopathic remedy for reflux tonight and am hoping it will help Frankie. I really need to be able to set him down sometimes to sleep. I can get a lot done with him in the carrier, but it is hard at bedtime when I'm trying to wrangle DD into her pjs.
P you will have to tell me how it goes as liquid Zantac tastes horrible and D vomits it all out.
Sorry to hear that the babes suffer from reflux. I hope they'll grow out of it soon.

How are the kids adjusting? Finley is super sweet with his brother, but challenging with me and OH.

Both F & OH have come down with terrible cold... I'm so hoping I'll be spared.
My boys all just want to maul him all the time. Z loves him so much but I have to be careful as he will want to pick him up the moment he fusses.

Z also has a bit of a cold. So hard trying to keep them apart.
P is showing signs of jealousy, but has also started to take some interest in holding Franklin or interacting. I feel bad because he's a high needs baby and I can't give her as much attention as I would like.
I seriously don't mean to offend but I am curious..... What do you consider a needy baby. My SIL always called my nephew needy....only with her she created it, I only know as I looked after my nephew for over 4 months and I totally didn't see what she did. So what do you lovely ladies call needy. My second is very high autistic so for me that was needy or challanging.
For me, my "high needs" babies both needed to be held constantly, had trouble settling or sleeping on their own, were refluxy and fussy, etc. From the first night, I haven't been able to get Frankie to sleep on his own without him waking up after 1 or 5 or 10 minutes. He's often grunting, hiccuping, or otherwise uncomfortable. I'm pretty sure it's reflux but my pediatrician is reluctant to prescribe anything for it because he is gaining weight well. (When he's having an especially rough time, he feeds a lot, I think to soothe his throat).

I'm sure all babies are needy in different ways. I mean, they are born with so few "skills" compared to other animals and depend on their caregivers for everything. Fortunately, with my daughter I was able to eventually figure out what worked for her. By 6 months or so, she was sleeping on her own, able to fall asleep independently, etc. At that point her reflux also subsided and she wasn't in pain as much. I had to stick to a strict schedule, but if I did I could manage. She is now very independent and not clingy or needy at all.

I guess there are ways that one's actions can "make" a baby more needy, but I also think infants just come with their own personalities and preferences. I mean, I could decide Frankie just has to tough it out and maybe that would help, but I don't believe in cry-it-out techniques for newborns.

What was your nephew like? Or what did your sister observe that you didn't?
I like the way you put it P.

D rarely sleeps on his own. Wakes up with in minutes or even seconds from the time I put him down. Only time he is ok with being on his own is when he is playing on his may or in swing. Yet that also doesn't often last long. D does the same with his reflux. Gags, burps, hiccups all the time and screams when it's really bad. The meds taste horrible and just make him puke it all up. He also does tries to nurse when his reflux acts up but it also compounds the problem and he kicks and squirms and cries, yet wants to keep going. Makes me feel horrible. I wish I could do more for him.

My SIL is extremely sensitive. She had hard time with his 'fussiness', apparently he cried a lot, she was very ridged with routines as she didn't want to unsettle him. I don't know, I could be wrong, as I wasn't there all the time, but all of what she was doing seemed more for her. She would say things "we can't do that because...." Like she wouldn't leave the house because it was too much for him and his sleep schedule would be off. Or she wouldn't get a trim on her hair because she worried it would affect him. I dont know sometimes we put a clock on babies and that is what causes stress on them because we are stressed. I learnt a long time ago the more I tried to conform the baby to our old life just upset me more, then he would fuss more. As soon as I figured out that I really have no control over it the better and easier having children were.

She really tried controlling things to help his fussing, it may have helped, but from someone that has had it both ways knows to swim with the river and not fight the flow as you'll drown. I'm sure that was me with my first too. Well in someways anyways. I pray she relaxes more with this second.
I think I was like your SIL with my first, too. I think I read too many infant sleep books and my daughter just did not conform to the "schedules" they recommended. AT the same time, though, she would get overstimulated easily and be impossible to get to sleep if I waited too long. She would not fall asleep in a stroller, seldom in the car (and if she did we could not then transfer her to her crib or anywhere else), and basically had to be forced to sleep (until I did my sleep training--and then it only worked at home). She was very alert, always had her eyes open from the first week, and taking her out stressed me out. Frankie seems a bit better in that regard, so far. He will fall asleep in his car seat and I can put him in the carrier and he won't wake up. With my daughter, that would have been it for her nap. I guess each baby is different and we all do what we can to cope.

Sounds like D. and F. have similar problems. Is he taking Zantac? My ped. didn't want to prescribe meds yet. I'm trying a homeopathic thing but I have doubts about whether it is working or not. He seemed worse today after one full day of taking the homeopathic treatment. However, he was having an episode about an hour ago and I gave him one of the tablets and he fell asleep (in the carrier). Who knows. With my daughter, she just had to grow out of it, really. I think she was better by about 5 months.
Just wondering, All - were any of your babies what one might call easy, "textbook" babies? The kind that fall asleep easily, sleep on their own right away, etc.? I've heard of such a thing but I wonder how common it actually is.
I definitely was a textbook momma, like you I read books and tried fit my kids into the rules. First two anyways. First one screamed all the time, he had colic. Second has autism so was just challanging in all areas, but much happier once his tummy troubles resolved. Third was a bit easier as I didn't try and do all the bookie things. Though after having my third I found that they seemed to sleep better than the first two, but I can't say sleepers throughout the night early just easier. I just let go of the idea of solid sleep was actually a thing and I just got on with it. I was really curious what everyone's thought of needy or fussy was. I just been hearing more and more moms use it.

D is actually prescribed the Zantac but I can't bring myself to giving him it. Unless he is having a bad episode. Even then like you I am not sure it is doing anything as he isn't taking much of it.
Adjusting my expectations has been helpful. For example, I was expecting Frankie to go at least the hours between feeds at night, because that's what P did, and maybe even give me a longer stretch. Then I would be upset if he woke more often. Now I figure it is what it is... He'll wake when he wakes and I'll deal with it.
Yup exactly. Your are a great momma :hugs:

Afm I landed in the er with a gallbladder attack. It was horrible. Go for a scan this week and see how things go. I'm on morphine and seems to be taking forever to let up. Hope I don't have this much longer.
Oh, no! That's terrible. How are you managing? Who is looking after the kids?
I was lucky to only be in hospital for an hour or two. I'm home now but still quite uncomfortable. DH is home so he is mostly watching the boys. He is on a video game. Grr :grr: if the pain doesn't settle by mid afternoon I may have to head back in.

I was looking up all the things you can't eat, it is so long. I don't have much in this house to eat at the moment. :sad:
Hi ladies

Sorry for being so quiet. Just been taking things a day at a time here. I'm very sore still and have some way to go.

It appears I suffered a amniotic fluid embolism just after Erik was born. This last week has been both a physical and emotional rollercoaster. Just feel so lucky to be here.
Ohw girls... Feel like I'm catching up... I came down with the dreaded cold & so did Q... I'm managing to keep his nostrils free of muck, but it's stressful. Thank goodness he's got a great appetite still, so no need fr extra doses of 'special hospital formula' or worse...

I can honestly say Q is an 'easy' baby. I hope I don't jinx it now. I can put him down when he's milk drunk & sleepy, and he'll fall asleep in his crib fr a couple of hours. I've started sleeping with him at night starting around midnight feed as its just easier on myself. He sleeps through my son's noisy yelling in the living room during the day. And when hes just awake, i can put him in bouncy seat or swing. Not too fussy. He gets gassy & has cramps a few times a day, but bouts are no more than a few minutes. I think it comes from nursing on my left side where his latch isn't great and he inhaled air maybe... I really need to go and get help with it.

Allfrthegirl: Oh dear. That sounds pretty painful! I hope it betters. What causes it?

P: I feel guilty as well with Finley. I forgot how intense newborns are. He's awesome with his brother though. I try to give him exclusive attention a few times a day, but lots of time is lost in doing chores & household when Q is sleeping.

Becah: it's great to have you here! You've been a wonderful BNB friend. How long will you need to stay in hospital? Don't worry about the emotional rollercoaster you're on, it's okay to feel all these different emotions. Especially since you are a survivor as well. Remember to talk about it if you need it. It'll help coping with the stress you've been and are still under. X
Any of you have UNEVEN boobs? The left is 1/3 bigger than the right one. I had the same with Finley. Q doesn't like nursing on that side either, so I would think it wld get a bit smaller as he nurses a tad more on the right...but no! Problem gets worse! When the left one is full, it's huge & it becomes even harder to nurse. I now pump a bit, so he can at least latch on ... Aaargh... Allfrthegirl: tips welcome. Trying to get down to lll this week...

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