will you wait till 6 months to start weaning?


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2007
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Hi Girls, just wondered what the opinion was on weaning?

Will you wait/or did you wait till the recommended 6 months?

I waited until 5 months with my first because she was born 10 weeks prem and then health visitors said i had to take than into account. However when I had both my girls the recommendation was 4 months not 6. Lucy (now 5) had baby cereals at about 15 weeks old :) she wasn't sleeping so we gave it a try. It worked so we kept on with introducing solids. Matthew isn't ready for them yet, and sleeps ok, but thought I'd ask what you all felt about it?

naimi x
I'm going to try and wait, but I'm going for baby led weaning so if Kaya's able to feed herself before 6 months then so be it.
Well Oliver is still poorley at the min but at soon as he is better again we will start introducing baby rice and veg puree to him he will be about 4.5months. I did want to try wait but I think he is ready as he is chomping on his fist allday long, he was sleepin through the night but isnt anymore, he isnt lasting long between feeds. I think it will make everyone abit happier all around! And besides i asked my GP and she recommended weaning at that age especially as Oliver has reflux so it will help that :) I dont see the harm in starting at 4months they recommend 4-6 so it cant really hurt. I will just go with my instincts. x
Well callum is almost 4 months and ive started introducing solids and he is fine with it. Doesnt seem as demanding, only give him tiny amounts with one of his daily feeds.
Juleika is 4 months and a week, and I have started to give her solids when she turned 4 months, although not every day :baby:

she loves it as she does love to drink water :hi:
I'm not planing on weaning at all. I'm not setting an certian age to wean, I'm going to listen to the baby on this :) As for solids I won't start until 6 months plus :) I'm hope I can breast-feed until 1 & 1/2 for the next baby :D
i was hoping to hold off as long as i could before introducing solids but Adam is so hungry all the time, he is now feeding ever 2 to 2 and a half hours during the day and waking up eariler overnight. he is taking 6 oz and takes it really fast coz hes hungry, but then is sick after coz hes guzzled it all like a piggy.

I see weaning different to everyone else, to me weaning is replaceing a milk feed with a soild meal, i wont be doing that untill 6 or 7 month sold, but i will be giving him extra bits of soilds to top him up, the milk just isnt enough anymore, im going to wait till he is 16 weeks then start giving him a tiny bit of baby rice

i was hoping to hold off as long as i could before introducing solids but Adam is so hungry all the time, he is now feeding ever 2 to 2 and a half hours during the day and waking up earlier overnight. he is taking 6 oz and takes it really fast because hes hungry, but then is sick after because hes guzzled it all like a piggy.

I see weaning different to everyone else, to me weaning is replacing a milk feed with a solid meal, i wont be doing that until 6 or 7 month sold, but i will be giving him extra bits of solids to top him up, the milk just isn't enough anymore, I'm going to wait till he is 16 weeks then start giving him a tiny bit of baby rice


That's how I see weaning as well, I won't be replacing feeds until the same age. :)
Callum is so much more settled now that he has started on solids, like i said before tho he only has a small amount along with his bottle once a day.

He is sleepign right through and his feeding is so less demanding now.

I wont be completely replacing a milk feed till hes about 6 months either.
I never understood weaning as replacing a milk feed by solids straight away!

I always understood the word as introducing solids very gradually and by six month it is impossible to completely replace milk feeds with solids as they still need the nutritions out of the milk!

possibly there was some misunderstanding taking place in other threads about weaning???
Surely though it doesn't matter if you're giving your LO a teaspoon or a whole meal, if they're going to become intolerant to something then it doesn't matter how much they're given?

Not trying to cause an argument but I just don't see how giving solids can be anything other than that, no matter how much you give?
is that to me?

I have just got back from getting Adam weighed, his weight has really leveled off since he came out of hospital :(
The HV asked me how he feeds, i told her hes starting to feed ever 2 to 2 and a half hours and waking eariler in teh night and she said its time to start him on a small amount of baby rice, im a bit shocked shes said to start him now coz i thought they were all for the 6 month rule now, but im glad in a way coz i knew deep down Adam needs something extra than milk now.

It kind of was aimed at you, but in a non argumentative way.

I just can't understand how 1 teaspoon or 10 is going to make any difference to the effect it has on a babies stomach?

I'm not trying to start a weaning argument nor diss your parenting style, just putting across my thoughts on the matter.
Rebecca had baby rice at 3.5 months and Lucy was 4 months. Lucy loves her food, and she was a little hef when born (9lb 7) but her weight has evened out and she is on the slim side now but so is Rebecca.Tall lanky girls!x
It kind of was aimed at you, but in a non argumentative way.

I just can't understand how 1 teaspoon or 10 is going to make any difference to the effect it has on a babies stomach?

I'm not trying to start a weaning argument nor diss your parenting style, just putting across my thoughts on the matter.

Its ok, i know your not having a dig :)
I really respect your views as it goes.

I was trying to hold off as long as i could with soilds with Adam, 1 coz of all teh new rules that are coming in and 2 coz he was so ill that time, i didnt want to do anything that would make him ill again now or in the future.

But his weight isnt going up as much as i or the HV would like it to be and hes constantly hungry so for him its best at this time, i am a bit disspointed he couldnt hold out longer but i cant let his weigh drop or watch him be so hungry all the time, i have to do whats best for him.

I have to be honest, i have read in to all the allergies and other things that are now related to weaning, but my view on it are very different to others, i see the new links and things as a percation(sp?) only, only a handful of children has developed alergies (from what i have read, possibly more but havent read pages and pages on it) so they have to tell you the risks just in case, its like with anti botics, they tell you not to drink coz 1 perdson in say 100 got ill.....not much but they have to warn you.

Its hard to get across what i want to say without it sounding funny, im not saying everyone else is wrong, far from it, im saying every baby is different and i have to tend to his needs, i would have loved for him to have gone longer on milk only.

I guess as a parent im pretty laid back about the risks and facts that are coming out now, When Charlie-Jane was a baby you were allowed to wean at 3 months, i know alot has changed since then which is why the age now is 6 months, but if thats a must, then why hasnt the age changed on baby rice packets? it still says from 4 months old.

Im not sure if this makes any difference on the allergys, but once Adam is happy and settled on baby rice i wont use packets or jars, i always cook my own veg and meals (as they get older) so i know what goes in to it, so i know its safe.

I have waffled on loads there having i lol sorry, just trying to explain how i feel on the whole weaning thing :)

Another reason for not giving solid foods earlier than 4 to 6 months is unintentional overfeeding, since younger babies can not offer you signals when they are full, such as turning away or showing disinterest.

A third reason for holding off on solids is your baby's inability to swallow solids correctly before 4 to 6 months of age and this can potentially cause choking. And contrary to the popular myth, starting solids early will not help your child to sleep through the night.

Introducing solids too early can be a burden to an underdeveloped digestive system (most babies’ digestive systems remain inadequate up to about 6 months of age), as well as impairing maternal milk supply. Other concerns include increasing the risk of food allergies and exposure to bugs that may lead to diarrhea and other gastric problems.

Most parents soon realize how convenient milk feeding is (especially if it is your second time around). The tendency to want to delay introducing solids creeps into the minds of many of us, however…
I started solids from around 5 months, that was more yogurt. Though my DD didn't really start eating solids (by her choice) until 7/8 months :) Each baby is different. Here the doctors have put the age up to 6 months of age which to me is a good thing.
Surely though it doesn't matter if you're giving your LO a teaspoon or a whole meal, if they're going to become intolerant to something then it doesn't matter how much they're given?

Not trying to cause an argument but I just don't see how giving solids can be anything other than that, no matter how much you give?

They do not have the proper enzymes in their stomachs to break solids down and you can permanently damage the lining of their tummy or cause allergies.

Hungry babies should be offered more breast or formula feeds until they are ready for solids. Some parents want to try solids before four months, believing this may help baby grow, sleep or settle better.

Giving solids too early rarely helps these problems and may lead to other difficulties including:

* Greater chance of developing food allergies
* Poor growth, if the solid food replaces breast milk or formula
* Loose bowel actions or diarrhoea, if the baby cannot digest the food.

Why You Should Wait Until At Least 4 Months

Your baby is not physically ready to eat solid foods until he is around 4 months old. Although your mother or grandmother will strongly disagree, saying that she gave her babies solids when they were only 2 weeks old, there are several reasons to wait at least 4 months before starting your baby on solid foods.

Reason 1. Your baby's digestive system is too immature for solid foods before 4 months. Although he can suck very well, he does not have a lot of saliva to help digest food. Until he is at least 3-4 months old, his system lacks certain digestive enzymes, such as an enzyme called amylase, needed for digesting cereals (starches or complex carbohydrates). His body has trouble digesting some fats before he is 6 months old. Some foods will pass through him undigested and end up in his diaper. And some high protein foods, like eggs, meat, and even cow's milk, given too early may cause problems with your baby's immature kidneys.

Reason 2. Your baby is not developmentally ready to eat solid foods. His throat muscles are not developed enough to swallow solid foods until he is at least 4 months old. And, it is not until about 4 months that he is able to use his tongue to transfer food from the front to the back of his mouth. In fact, when you touch his tongue, he reacts by pushing his tongue outward or forward. This response is called the extrusion reflex or the tongue-thrust reflex and it doesn't disappear until he is around 16-18 weeks old. The first time you feed him with a spoon, it may seem that he is spitting out the food and closing his mouth at the wrong time. But his tongue movement is simply the result of the not-yet-unlearned extrusion reflex and not because he doesn't want the food. It is not until he is about 5 months old that he will see the spoon coming and open his mouth in anticipation.

Reason 3. Your baby must have a way of telling you that he is satiated. He lets you know that he is finished breast or bottle feeding by stopping his sucking or by falling asleep. But until he becomes able to turn his head to refuse food, which occurs at around 4 or 5 months, he has no way of letting you know he has had enough solid food. Because of this inability, some people consider feeding solid foods to a too-young baby a method of force feeding. This practice can interfere with the body's self-regulating eating mechanism and lead to overweight later in life. As with adults, your baby should eat only when he is hungry.

Reason 4. Beginning solid foods too early has been associated with other problems later in life, such as obesity, respiratory problems like bronchial asthma, and food allergies. For more information on how food allergies are caused by too-early introduction of solid foods, see page 33.

Reason 5. Solid foods will not make your baby sleep through the night. Studies show that of all babies sleep through at 3 months of age, whether or not they are eating solid foods. Even if solid foods will help your baby sleep longer, that is still not a good reason to begin solid foods early. I know sleep deprivation is hell, and most of us have been there. Hang in there. One night he'll sleep right through, and then you can start feeling normal again.

Reason 6. If you are breastfeeding and give your baby solid foods too early, your milk production may be decreased.

Signs of Readiness for Solid Foods

Your pediatrician looks for certain signs of readiness in your baby before advising you to begin solid foods. Some of these signs are:

* She is at least 4 months old.
* She weighs twice as much as her birth weight.
* She weighs at least 13-15 pounds.
* She can sit with support, allowing her to lean forward when she wants another spoonful and backward to refuse.
* She has control over her head and neck muscles and can turn her head to refuse food.
* She has stopped exhibiting the extrusion reflex when you put a spoon in her mouth.
* She is drinking at least 32-40 ounces of formula per 24-hours and still wants more.
* She is breast feeding at least 8-10 times per 24-hours (after the first few weeks), empties both breasts at each feeding, and still wants more.
* The time between feedings becomes shorter and shorter over a period of several days.
* She can bring an object in her hand directly to her mouth.
* She shows interest in others eating around her.
* She becomes fussy in the middle of the night, whereas before she slept through with no problem. Or her sleep periods are becoming shorter instead of longer.
I dont agree with the over feeding quote, all 4 of my children, including Adam yesterday will spit food out and wont take anymore when they are full., i cant comment on other peoples babies doing the same but i think babies are alot more smarter than we give them credit for.

Adam is 15 weeks now and he had his first taste of baby rice yesterday, i knew he was ready for solids a couple of weeks ago but i kept him on milk untill i saw my HV and got him weighed yesterday...she told me to start him on 2 or 3 spoonfulls once a day so i have and im happy she saw the same as me...that he does need more, weaning also goes on weight and Adam is a big boy, he always has been, the week after he was born he didnt lose weight, he gained 6oz!

the signs you copied and pasted from the internet, most of them fit Adam....

Signs of Readiness for Solid Foods

Your pediatrician looks for certain signs of readiness in your baby before advising you to begin solid foods. Some of these signs are:

* She is at least 4 months old. - 1 week off being 4 months

* She weighs twice as much as her birth weight. - yes

* She weighs at least 13-15 pounds. he weighed 15lbs 5oz yesterday

* She can sit with support, allowing her to lean forward when she wants another spoonful and backward to refuse. - cant sit unaided but does little sit up type things
* She has control over her head and neck muscles and can turn her head to refuse food. - yes, babys will auto turn there head if they are sick anyway
* She has stopped exhibiting the extrusion reflex when you put a spoon in her mouth. yes, he took the rice straight away then opened his mouth for the next spoonful when he saw it coming

* She is drinking at least 32-40 ounces of formula per 24-hours and still wants more. was having 36oz in 24 hours and wanting more

* She is breast feeding at least 8-10 times per 24-hours (after the first few weeks), empties both breasts at each feeding, and still wants more. not breast feeding but hes having a feed every 2 to 2 and a half hours

* The time between feedings becomes shorter and shorter over a period of several days. yes, he used to go every 3 to 4 hours

* She can bring an object in her hand directly to her mouth. yes he is always putting things in his mouth
* She shows interest in others eating around her. not that i have noticed
* She becomes fussy in the middle of the night, whereas before she slept through with no problem. Or her sleep periods are becoming shorter instead of longer. yes, he used to sleep without a feed from 10.30 till 6, but he goes from 10.30 till 3

Im hopeing now that people will agree that Adam does and is ready for some baby rice :)

I posted the points because I know others were interested :) I agree follow your babe's cues!

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