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Winter Rainbows after 2015 winter loss

Quick update! Self soothe took a couple tries but he slept from 1130-630!!!! I don't even know who I am right now two nights of good consecutive sleep in a row!! Anyway hope you are all having wonderful weekends
Yay Bernie so glad you got some sleep! And we'll done Jameson for getting the hang of feeding! It must feel great to see him drinking more!
Hopie I'm so pleased baby hopie is measuring right on track. SCH sounds scary but it seems really common on here, and everything is fine. Think of Blu! You have got her strength. Glad they are monitoring you it must be reassuring.
Fit glad everything is going well! Hope you had a nice Saturday with your Starbucks and nice lunch at BILs.
I had a lovely weekend, a day of eating yesterday! This is the last time I'll see my friends until baby is here now eeek! Last week in work this week! Can't wait!
That is wonderful news Bernie!! So from here on I bet it will get easier. So glad you got 2 good nights sleep finally..you sure must feel like a new person!! Best of luck this continues on for good..sounds like it will.

Aww, thanks Jaspie. You are so sweet. Let's just say I will *try* to have Blu's strength. Nice you had a day of eating. Oh I miss eating!! Congrats on last week of work - do you have a short week?

Blu and Fit- hope you and babies are great. :)

I am sick as ever, miserable. Got 28 inches of snow but haven't been able to go outside to enjoy it! My mom's doctor needs her to go to hospital for tests tomorrow which makes all of us nervous. I guess I will double my Zofran dosage to try to make it up there but really don't know how am going to last hours waiting as the sickness seems at the worst in morning. I don't want to tell her for a while since my m/c rate is so high.

Thank you for the reassurance on the sch. Everything feels so overwhelming right now, I can't worry-- so guess that's a good thing.

Have a good night all!
Hope everyone is well. I prob wont be on next few days. My mom went to a routine dr. appt and they found she has an infection. We are totally shocked as she was starting to feel so good and had no signs of an infection. She is in the hospital and going to have surgery tomorrow. I so appreciate any prayers and well wishes sent her way. Thank you so much friends. xxx
Thinking of you hopie and sending you both lots of love and prayers. Hope the surgery sorts out the problem and she's on the mend in no time. Hope you're feeling OK yourself xxx
Prayers coming your way Hopie. :hugs: Hope your mom removers quickly.
THANK YOU sweet friends so much for the prayers and well wishes. I am so thrilled to say my mom's surgery went well!! She should be able to come home this weekend. On lets of meds and needs care, so think this time have to hire a visiting nurse. I don't want her to know I am pg yet but I simply can't function I am so ill. Dr. put me on highest dosage of Zofran --28mg--crazy but I have no choice. My clothes are falling off me... I look and feel as if I'm dying.

Fit- how is baby? Jaspie- is tomorrow last day of work? Yay!! Blu- are you okay-- haven't heard from you. Thinking of you guys and look forward to updates. THANK YOU AGAIN!!!
Wonderful news! So glad that everything went great with her surgery!
Sorry you're so ill, I think it's a good idea to hire a nurse, you need to look after yourself aswell. Really hope the zofran helps soon xx
Hey All, sorry ive not been on for a few days we had a bad fee fays with Jake and horrendous trapped wind/ belly ache. We changed his milk and added gripe water and the world is now a much better place the last 2 days. Hopie im glad your mums op went well, sorry about the SCH but try not to worry, mine was the same size as baby at one point! Apparently its more common after D&C. Sorry you still feel crappy hun.
Jaspie youre very close now, your weekend sounds fab and nearly time for another one already!
Bernie im glad youre getting some sleep now, lack of sleep is so tough.
Fit hows Thomas this week? Hope hes going a little longer between feeds for you.
Congratulations on Jaspie's last day of work. Yay!!!! No more long train commute. No more work for a long time! :)

Blu- glad to hear from you. I figure it was something like that with baby's tummy. Poor little guy. How is he today? He is one month already!

Wow- did not realize your sch was same size as baby at one point. Still cant believe how strong you were through all of that.
Ugh- I had a feeling they could be connected to d&c. Man, that sux. :(

Everything feels rather surreal lately with mom in hospital still, my dad getting real bad off again and I just can't believe it all. Just praying and trying to stay strong I guess through this awful sickness. All I can do really.

Fit and Bernie- hope you and babies are doing great.

Keep positive and stay strong Hopie, of course youre worried about your parents but you also need to rest and think about you and baby Hopie also. Whats your approx due date? I remember baby measuring 3.5cm and the area of bleed measuring 3×4cm ill have to mail you my first scan pic as you can see the bleed underneath him, incredible really.
Jake had an awful night but seems much better after a big bowel movememt earlier. I feel so sorry for him when he has tummy ache bless him. Think ill be getting an early night tonight.
How was your last day at work Jaspie? Bet youre glad to be finished now.
I never did a pregnancy journal but im tempted to start a parenting journal now that our family is complete, what do you girlies think?x
Yes Blu I would start a parenting journal! It'll be nice to look back on.
Hope Jake's little tummy is ok and you guys had a better night last night.
Hopie sorry you're still so ill, I really hope it passes soon. How many weeks are you now? Sending prayers for your mum and dad, I hope things improve soon xx
As for me yes I finished work yesterday! Yay! Hasn't sunk in yet at all but I think it will on Monday! This morning i put together the moses basket stand and washed all baby's white clothes and the snuzpod sides as we were given the snuzpod by a friend and I felt the need to clean it! Just ate lunch and I'm going to have a long bath in a minute :)
Bernie and fit hope you're all well :D
It will soon sink in on monday morning haha. Sounds as though youre well and truly nesting now.
Im just enjoying sleepy milky snuggles with J and am about to read a book with his big bro! Thankfully we slept well last nite with Jake going 9-3 then 3.45-6.45 👍
Great updates! Congrats again on being on mat leave for a looong time Jaspie! Enjoy the nesting. :)
Blu- Jake is sleeping so well! I hope his tummy issues keep getting better and better from here. Seems you might have figured it out how to help.
That would be cool if you start a parenting journal. We could follow along!

Bernie- hope feeding is still going great, and Fit- how is everything?

Thanks for the advice Blu and you are right. I need to start putting self (and baby Hopie- love that!) first. I'm telling my parents I have the flu. Don't know what else to do but I physically can't help out anymore and mentally this hg and dehydration have drained me so much I can't even think of any more problems in life. I'll probably go back to hospital for treatment. Yesterday was so bad it felt like the worst flu with pain from my feet to my head. The weight loss is getting scary!

Hope you all are having wonderful Sundays! xx
Sorry you still feel awful hopie, enjoy the weight loss now and you can make up for it in 2nd and 3rd tri 😉 are you 8 weeks now?
Jakes tummy seems a little better thanks, colic drops and comfort milk are helping.
As for me im back on the weight watchers wagon this weekend, id gained a stone before falling pregnant and have put on a further 9lbs so i have that to lose, happy days!
What do you have planned for the first week of mat leave jaspie?
hope fit, bernie, thomas and jameson are well?
Oh and hopie i wonder if you will break the chain of boys with a pink bundle?? 🙈
Jaspie- how is your first week of leave? Heavenly I am sure! Tell us your plans!

Blu-- so glad you found a few things that are helping baby Jake. How was last night? I just loved seeing the adorable little photos of him and his big bro. Perfect little pumpkin he is.. Just precious!
Yes- I am feeling this is a girl!!! Also, don't they cause worse ms or is that a myth?!

What exactly is 'a stone'? I remember reading it years ago in Bridget Jones Diary- I am guessing it means 10 pounds. We don't have neat sayings like that here..we just say.. 10 pounds! That will be easy to lose-- I find cutting out all processed foods works best. And with exercise, (which I know you don't have a lot of time for - but even just 1 hour walks with baby in stroller while big bro at school), it will fall off in time for Spring! And yes- I should enjoy the clothes falling off me b/c if I make it to 2nd/3rd tri I am sure I will feel like a swollen hippo wandering the hot streets of NYCity all summer!

I passed out yestrday getting out of bed. I came to pretty quickly. My blood pressure is real low, so I'm sure that all it was. OH is out of town and wanted to come back to take me to hospital but I am just laying low and all should be okay. Wish I could keep water down but still not really working.

Fit and Bernie- how are things?
Hey girls! first day back to work went well. I got my desk and files all back the way I like them and got through some things... leaving this am was tough but I felt fine that my Mom stayed with him today... they came for a visit at lunch and I got to feed him and kiss on him :) Blu thanks for the sweet pictures hes so beautiful and you are very lucky with the sleeping. like I said we have good and bad days but we are going to get there. I think being on a schedule with me going to work is going to help a lot. Jaspie, so glad you are on leave and for such a nice long time, enjoy it. you are very fortunate!! Hopie I hope you start to feel better very soon. but just remember as long as you are sick you know baby hopie is growing!!! :) fit I hope you and Thomas are doing well. I will be more active on here now that I am on a computer again daily :) have a good evening all!
Argh I just wrote a big post and lost it! So annoying.
Bernie glad going back to work went well and Jameson was able to pop in for a visit.
Blu glad Jake is still sleeping well and hope his tummy keeps getting better.
Hopie the HG sounds awful and I hope you manage to keep water down soon. I also heard ms is worse with girls, something to do with their hormones and yours together. Hope you get some relief but as Bernie said it's a great sign your lo is thriving.
My first day if mat leave was very busy, I put the snuzpod back together after washing it, washed and ironed all his whites, made a big lasagne and froze 4 portions and OH's parents came over to put the curtains up so be the nursery is done except for the wall decal which I'll do later this week. Today I'm going for a haircut and then meet my old colleagues for lunch and tomorrow meeting the NCT girls for coffee and cake. I'm having carpal tunnel symptoms so I'm awake with painful hands bit I've ordered some wrist supports to wear in bed so hopefully they help as it's disrupting my already disrupted sleep! Can't believe I'm finally full term today!
Sorry for the long absence girls life with a newborn is busy!

Glad your first day back at work went well Bernie and that's nice that your mom brought Jameson for a visit - is she going to be looking after him all the time while you work? My mom would love to watch Thomas everyday when I'm back at work but unfortunately my parents live 4 hours away.

Blu thanks for the adorable photos of Jake and his big brother!! What a pair of cuties. <3

Jaspie glad you're staying busy, it will make the time until Baby J arrives fly by! Can't believe you're full term either, the last year has just flown by. Seems like yesterday that we had all just lost our babies, so grateful for where we are now - I'm cuddling a sleepy Thomas as I type this, and you'll be holding Baby J before you know it. :)

Hopie glad your mom's surgery went well and I think you're wise to hire a nurse - you need to take good care of yourself and Baby Hopie right now, especially being as ill as you are - I sure hope you're at least able to keep fluids down soon. When is your next scan?

A bit of a stressful week around here as at our 2 week appointment we discovered Thomas was still below his birth weight. I had vowed when I was still pregnant that I would top him up with formula at least temporarily if this happened but the midwife told me not to...I breastfed him around the clock for 3 days until his next weigh in and he only gained an ounce in those 3 days so I started giving him some formula in addition to pumping milk for him and taking supplements to increase milk production and thankfully it worked - he gained 4.5 ounces in 2 days and is over his birth weight now. I know breast is best but I'd rather give Thomas a bit of formula along with his breastmilk than starve him - they make you feel so bad here for even thinking about using a little formula.

Glad to be back on, I've missed you girls!!
Totally agree fit, and I'll be doing the same if the time comes. I've also bought some pre-made up bottles of newborn formula in case my milk takes a bit longer to come in after being told a story of where her colostrum ran out but her milk wasn't in and she wished she'd brought some in case of this happening as the baby cried all night and her husband had to run out and get some as soon as the shops opened. She still breastfed successfully afterwards so no harm done!
I know I was looking back at some of our posts from last year, it seems like forever ago. Can't wait to cuddle baby J now!

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