Winter Rainbows after 2015 winter loss

Oooh I'm excited for you fit having your bloody show :happydance: hope Thomas comes along soon so you don't have to be induced. Measuring 41 weeks wowza no wonder you are uncomfortable!
Blu I can't see any emails and I checked my message to you and my email is right so I dunno! Please could you resend when you get a chance? Can't wait to see your little rainbow!
How you feeling hopie? Still so happy for you!
Hope you and Jameson are well Bernie!
We put the cot up on Monday and took everything out of boxes in the nursery so it looks a bit better. We've got a chest of drawers being delivered on Friday so once that's built we can put stuff away and then we just need to put the curtain pole and curtains up and put the wall decal on once it arrives. I'm getting more uncomfortable now especially sitting on chair at work, by the end of the day i have an achy back and pelvis and walking becomes waddling which is slow and achy too! Going to book some leave to make shorter weeks to see me through til mat leave!
Hi! Oh my gosh Fit- I didn't realize it is your actual due date. I thought it was end of the week. I'll say prayers Thomas decides to arrive before the induction date. :) Good that was a good sign they said though, right? So maybe things will start happening very quickly any day now! Wishing you all the best!!

I left my lap top in the city so just able to catch up now. My dad hasn't been doing too well. Always something, that's what I tell myself now.. so I've just gotta deal.

Blu- how did appt. go -- good your little guy likes to eat! How are you feeling this week?

Jaspie- sorry you're feeling uncomfortable. Good you get up often at work, even if you feel you are waddling! Are there any light stretches you could do that could help? What date do you leave for mat leave? Great you can take some days off to shorten the coming weeks.

Must be weird, Fit to see your due date with no days counting down but that is AMAZING. It's here and any hour now Thomas will be here with you!!

Gosh, I can't even think about how many days I have left. lol It just doesn't feel real. At all. I have total symptoms still though. And food aversions are starting already. No appetite but making myself eat. I'm only 5 wks 1 day. I'm going to call dr. tomorrow to get in for hcg levels and progesterone, since last time my progesterone was low. I'm not sure if it will be this time, but probably because I am older. I just have to believe this is meant to be. I mean we had not planned this out, in fact it was like day 16 when it would have happened. I mean, crazy I tell ya.
But thank you all for being there for me. I think back to last February and how you all pulled me through. I'm so grateful for finding this board!

Will be checking in daily Fit and hoping to see some big news! :) Blu- I looked back at baby's picture with big bro..just precious!!
Jaspie- I'm going to get on your pregnancy journal and catch up.

BEST WISHES to you Fit!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxx
Hey everyone, lovely updates!
Glad the nursery is coming on Jaspie, sorry you didnt get the pics, Ill recheck the email add and send now, some other random person has been getting bump and baby pics oooopps 😯 glad to hear the nursery is coming togther, ill catch up on your journal later.
Fit I cant believe Thomas' due date has arrived, hope he doesnt keep you waiting too much longer and cant wait to see pics when he arrives.
how are you and Jameson Bernie?
Hopie did you get the progesterone level checked? Im so excited for you, loving all our rainbow babes 😍.
As for us, it feels like our little man has been here forever, hes such a little star. Hes feeding really well and is so content as long as hes fed and clean. Sleepy snuggles at 3am are lovely.
Awww...sounds sooo sweet and wonderful, Blu!! That is so great to hear. So glad you guys are all doing great!

Hopefully Fit posts an update. We can't wait to hear!! GOOD LUCK!!

Woke up 4:30am nauseous and thought I noticed a little spotting. Not worrying though. I trust whatever is meant to be, will be. I have trouble believing this would all happen again if to end badly again so.
Going to a yoga/meditation class now and will call dr. about the test.

Have great days, all and hopefully it is THE day for Fit!!
Hi girls, still waiting, bah. And my cold seems to be getting worse, not better. Oh well, only 7 days until Thomas is evicted so there is an end in sight.

Glad you're not stressing about the spotting Hopie - the rest of us all had some early on and everything was fine.

Have a good day ladies and I'll let you know once there is any news.
Rest up Fit and lots of chicken soup for your cold.. Mangoes are always good too. That's great you didn't get a cold once all through pregnancy til now! Hopefully tomorrow brings some big news. :)
Wish I had something to report Hopie, other than a long day at the hospital having an ultrasound and stress test done. Was supposed to have a sweep as well but Thomas has moved even further up so it wasn't possible.

And the induction I was supposed to have on the 14th? Turns out they're just inserting something with hormones to gradually start it but it takes up to 5 days to get started. So I could go up to 42 weeks before I have Thomas. I thought that they were taking my family history into consideration (4 stillbirths, all of them boys) but it turns out they don't care. :(

Guess I just have to pray that Thomas stays healthy and my placenta doesn't fail because we're pretty much on our own.

Sorry for the downer update.
Oh, Fit.. you are never a downer. I am really sorry you are going through this frustration and now have added worry. I will say many prayers for you that everything goes well. Do youthink there is any way they can start that injection today rather than start it on the 14th? Maybe call and demand it. I'm not good like that and I know how doctors can be, and they know best and all but maybe ask today? Why do they not want to do an induction?
I'm sure you totally voiced your concerns but maybe try again today --you or DH can call again about the family history that has you more concerned and see what they say? Follow your intuition/gut feeling and ask for what you feel is best for you and Thomas.

I'll stop into church here and say a prayer. Trust all will go smoothly, Thomas will be here soon and all of this frustration and concern will be a distant memory and beyond worth it!

Spotting a bit last night and this morning. Just taking things hour by hour..all we can do sometimes, right?

BEST OF LUCK!! Thanks for updating us. xx
Good luck fit, sorry the doctors are not being helpful. I'd be stressed too, I agree with hopie about trying to talk to them again and reminding them of your family history. Thinking of you xx
Hopie remember all of us had spotting/bleeding in 1st tri, I'm sure it's just implantation bleeding and the little egg snuggling down deeper. It is stressful though, I panicked when I had spotting but you're doing great taking things hour by hour. Thinking of you too and hope it stops asap so you can relax xx
Morning friends!
How are things Fit? Sorry you were feeling down, is it the pessary theyre inserting?
Hows that bump Jaspie?
Any more symptoms Hopie? Did the spotting stop?
Bernie hows Jameson doing?
Things are good here, I had a bit of a wobble last night feeling like DS hasnt had as much attention since baby arrived. Hes absolutely amazing and so good with his brother but I just feel like we need to do something together today. Our littlest man only fed once during the night at 3.15am, hes going about 4 hours between feeds now but is really content inbetween. Hubby goes back to work tomorrow so its my first day on my own with both school runs so Ill need to be organised, wish me luck x
Fit- thinking of you and hope to hear an update soon.
Jaspie- thanks so much..that is so great to hear. :) I remember well when you went through the spotting. And Blu- my gosh- the bleeding you had and then going in for that scan and seeing baby Jake bouncing all around..that was amazing!!
I caught up on your journal Jaspie, and I love the first and middle name you guys are thinking of! :)

Blu- only normal to feel that way with DS not getting enough attention early on. He sounds like such a good boy and yes, would be amazing if you had a few hours today to do something fun just with him! Baby sounds sooo good too!! Sure tomorrow will go fine for you alone, though challenging and hopefully you can sneak a couple hours nap in when baby is asleep and DS at school!

Thought spotting was gone but nope- just happened again. The nausea also feels gone and I feel more bloated and a bit crampy like before AF comes. I'm sort of thinking now this is not going to turn out well. My mind is going to adoption, because I want this to happen so badly, i just am not sure I see myself now having a healthy pregnancy. I will feel so badly for DF as he is so happy and excited, and well, I think it will be harder on him than me.
Not living up to my name Hopie.. but I know, there's still hope!!

Fit- sending prayers and well wishes your way. Maybe tomorrow the doctors can start to administer those hormones?
:hugs: Hopie, hope the spotting stops, early pregnancy is so nerve-wracking. I remember feeling like I'd lost all my symptoms at the time I had the brown discharge too.

Yes Blu, it is a pessary they will be inserting. Hope you're able to find a good balance (looking after a newborn is time consuming!) so that you're able to get some quality time with DS1. Sounds like he's being such a trooper though.

Obviously I'm still here LOL. I can talk to the midwife about my concerns again but I doubt I'll get anywhere as the hospital is already making an exception for me by starting induction 3 days earlier than they normally would.

I have been a terrible grouch no doubt in part because everyday I wake up even sicker with this cold than I was the day before. Some Advil Cold & Sinus would fix me up nicely but it's dangerous for unborn babies so out of the question. But right now Thomas is kicking and squirming away and DH and I just got back from a lovely sunset walk so I'm going to try to stay positive going forward. You never know, I could go into labor on my own before Thursday or be one of the lucky ones who the pessary works quickly on.

Wish me luck for tomorrow - the midwife is going to try another membrane sweep - Friday's was a no go because Thomas had moved even further up!! :dohh: Been bouncing on my ball, taking long walks and having sex with DH so we'll see if any of that helped.
Great Fit! 'obviously I'm still here' LOL!!
Great! You are going back tomorrow. And you're right-- the hormones sure could kick in much faster than they think and who knows- Thomas may even start to get ready on his own to arrive tomorrow! I have a good feeling things are going to move quickly this week. Good you are voicing your concerns again tomorrow. Wishing you all the best of luck and hope some homemade chicken soup can help kick that cold naturally...Good you aren't taking anything for it.

Thank you-- I remember that so well when you thought you had lost the symptoms too. i don't know.. I am not feeling too positive, i guess because of my age. Never had spotting like this. The nausea kicked my ass today but had a turkey club (the only thing I can eat!) and it is now gone. :) Early pregnancy I have decided is way too nerve-wracking for me..and apparently for DF too..poor guy!

Wishing you all the best of luck tomorrow. Oh yeah cool story all-- I walked out of church today (said a prayer in there for you) and there was suddenly a huge rain storm.. DF said, maybe we'll see a rainbow. I was like yeah, right in the middle of winter in NY City. Minutes later we look up and low and behold there is a huge rainbow over head. That is a great sign for you. I will try to post the picture! :))
Good luck for the sweep fit. Really hope they manage to do it for you this time. Everything crossed that Thomas is here faster than you are expecting.
Hopie 1st tri is so nerve-wracking, sounds like your symptoms came back though with the nausea so fingers crossed. Hope the spotting stops it is so stressful. Keeping positive for you that it is just implantation xx
Blu it must be hard to find a balance when you already have one child but I'm sure you are doing great! Obviously I have no experience but I read that children are very adaptable so I'm sure he is doing just fine. Hope you manage to find a balance that feels good to you!
Yes, wishing you all the best today Fit!! This will be the big week! :)

Thanks so much Jaspie. No spotting today and woke up violently ill. Can't even keep water down. Surprised extreme ms started this early... still 5 weeks. I'm going to go get my first beta and progesterone test now. DF is going to drive me, I am such a mess. Oh my-- this is going to be one long month!
How are you feeling?

Blu- best of luck today too with juggling it all and hope you have at least an hour to get good rest! :)
No spotting is a great sign! Especially being very ill too! Sorry you feel like crap but I'm happy for you that your symptoms are strong :D good luck for your tests xx
I'm good thanks except feeling very uncomfortable sitting up all day at work and doing my hour commute twice a day which includes 1.5 mile walk both morning and night but the end of work is almost in sight!!
Oh my goodness Jaspie, that is A LOT for you! Wow. I am so glad your mat leave is starting soon..thank goodness! Maybe you can leave early some days from work. :)
Thanks so much..spotting again now a bit. Fun, fun! Off to doctor.

Thank you all for the support. I have to be honest -- I hate this!!

hi girls! soooo many wonderful updates!!!! I havent had a computer at home for 2 weeks so im sorry! ive missed all of you. Hopie! Im so excited for you! and we will be positive for you!!!! I think this little peanut will be a blessing :) and I will be praying! Blu i cant tell you how jealous I am of jake sleeping so well already! We have some good nights but most the time we are still up every two to three hours and yesterday I had hit total exhaustion and was about to loose it :wacko: Fit! I am so glad I didnt miss thomas' arrival, but Im so sorry you are uncomfortable and I hope he makes his entrance ASAP and before induction. Jaspie Im so glad you are doing well, and I know how you feel the end with trying to work is tough!!! It will be over soon! Did you pick a name for him???
Jameson and I are doing well. hes been a little colicky which is tough but its getting better and we've figured out somethings that are working :) Ive been able to go out a few times with my girlfriends and hes stayed with my husband and Im so lucky that hes so great with him and he WANTS to stay with him! Im getting ready to go back to work on Feb 1st which will be tough but great at the same time! Im not cut out for the stay at home mom life but I know Im going to hate not being with him all day.

Also I told you guys awhile ago about my sweet friend who miscarried around the same time as us (twice). well through IVF and genetically tested embryos shes is 12 weeks preggo with a baby girl!!! So please send good thoughts her way as well, we know how scary PAL is!
Ill be checking in, waiting for Thomas to get here!!!! I've attached a new pic of Jameson and his smile :)


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Oh my gosh, Bernie-- he is just adorable!!! Look at his little smile!! Just precious. Thanks for updating us! Glad all is going well and he loves staying with his dad...Very helpful for you. :) The colic will most likely go away soon, and hopefully on weekends you get some time to take a much needed nap. That is such great news about your friend! I remember that well last year. I have a great feeling for her. And testing the embryo really gives a more secure feeling, I think and past 12 weeks now...GREAT! I will send prayers her way.

FIT- no news from you today....which makes me think. ?????????
Can't wait to hear!

Yes, PAL sure is nerve wracking and scary. I hate to say it but I don't think I'm cut out for this. I just don't have a good feeling. Just had some more light spotting. Sorry to be a downer. I would rather a mc happen now than later. Maybe I am just being paranoid, but I don't know.
DF wants this soo badly. The baby's due date is even on his birthday, which was also last year's baby's due date. So crazy. But I know God knows what is best and what is meant to be will be.

Take good care Bernie and Fit- we are all anxiously awaiting!!!

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