Wishing, wanting, waiting.....TTC for a year PLUS!

Oh Ejay, I am so incredibly thrilled for you that they have a plan all set to start very soon!:happydance:
So are you going to take anything? When are your results from OHs sa going to be reported to you?

Yay!! So exciting!
OH's SA came back all good, the clinic phoned the results throught thus afternoon.

My blood tests should be back next week and the clinic said they will call once they are in.

We are starting an IUI treatment with Gonal F and then progesterone.

Should be starting round 23/24th August
Yay Ejay! Still sucks to be unexplained but I am so excited you have a plan and can move forward with treatment. How exciting :)
Yay Ejay! Glad you've got a plan in motion. :)

As for me I'm starting 50mgs of clomid tonight. I'll go in for a blood test 7 DPO to see if it worked on me. If not, I'm not sure what I'll do, try another dose, or just book an apt with an RE. We're fast approaching two years TTC. :(
Ejay, :dance: I am so thrilled his SA came back good!!!! As Soph said, it still sucks to be unexplained, but I am glad you have a plan in motion!!! I am so happy for you! :flower:

Lucie, :hugs: I hope clomid does the trick for you!!! What other methods of ttc are you trying? Are you using opk's? Or temping?
yay Ejay! Exciting! Hope you are an IUI success!!!! Maybe twins for you like Julia!!!!!

Lucie-also you could get twins on clomid! : ) What is your 7dpo test? Progesterone? Seems early for a hcg......I had CRAZY progesterone numbers on Clomid-in the pregnancy range she said so I had my hopes up but I just super ovulated on it-but no bfp for me : (
REALLY glad you had a good experience at the practice you went to Ejay. Are you thinking you'll space your IUI treatments out over the course of the next year? I'm so glad you are starting in August - just a couple more weeks!

Lucie - I'm curious about your 7 DPO test too, and what they'll be looking for. I really hope the clomid helps!
Thanks everyone for your good wishes.

Jaimie - we had planned to go for 3-4 rounds og IUI spaced out between now and June 2012. In June we will get referred for IVF hopefully funded by the NHS. OH and I wanted to start off with the less invasive treatment first.

Being unexplained really sucks: I have a text book 28 day cycle, progesterone tests have shown clear ovulation, the hsg showed 2 clear tubes and the ultrasound found no suggestion of any internal issues. OH has a slightly lower then normal morphology but better than average motility and a count well over 200 million!!

It seems ubsurd that we have been ttc for over 2 years now and not even a hint of a BFP.

Lucie - really hope the clomid helps too xx

Dee, Titi do you guys have any plans for treatment etc?

I have been feeling guilty about going for treatment, almost as if I have it in my head that the longer we struggle TTC the more deserving of success we are. So many mixesd emotions!
Ejay, being unexplained is difficult to deal with. I was unexplained for a while until one Dr decided I had PCOS. If you want to check my journal you'll see what I'm doing.
Hey Ejay-

I'm virtually unexplained too and in January it will be 3 years ttc. I've had all the tests you have with clear results and DH's only problem was slightly less than average motility (49%) with a good count and good everything else. :shrug: But nothing has helped-even 3 rounds Clomid, 1 round Femera and every single other ttc trick under the sun.

My current treatment plan is no plan at all.......I play mind games like you do and am currently in the opposite state of mind....that feeling that the HARDER I try the less likely I'll be to get a bfp so hoping to really be one of those people that get pg on their own after they honestly gave up.

Sometime down the road we may be open to IUI but that is as far as we are willing to go medically and neither dh nor I want to deal with any more doctors or hardcore ttc at the moment....it's consumed us, our marriage, our identities, or decisions, our entire life for far too long.
Hey ladies....

Sorry I've been MIA....been gearing up for the first day of school, which was today. :)

My 7DPO test will be for progesterone. They want to see if my clomid dose should be increased.

Hope everyone is doing well!
Wow, I haven't been back here in a long time.... I've missed a lot I see, judging by a bunch of the new pregnancy tickers I see here.
I'm so so so happy for you guys, I really am!!!!! <3 <3 <3

Right now my partner and I are still wanting, still "trying", but I'm not trying so much anymore. My body really has lost the plot and I don't know what to do anymore. I never seriously thought that at 29/30 years of age, I would have trouble getting pregnant, but thanks to my completely demented cycles, where I don't know if I've ovulated until AFTER the fact, we tend to miss the window a lot, as we're still away from each other a lot due to current work and study commitments.

But omg, tryfor and Jaimie..... I'm thrilled for you both so much. Who else managed to get up the duff while I was away??
Hey Moondance! :hugs:

How we have missed you!

I'm sorry about your cycles, they sound very difficult to monitor!

Well lets see.....Myturnyet (Jill), Honeybee28 (Emily), Jaimie2eyes (Jaimie), Tryforbaby2 (Me...lol.....Julie) and Soph77 (Soph) are all UTD currently. Myturnyet - Jaimie - Soph and myself are having a boy! (Well as you can see by my ticker, I am having a boy and a girl!)
Honeybee, finds out soon what she is having.

We are all patiently waiting and openly cheering on our fellow WWW ladies to get their dreams fulfillled!!!

I hope I am not forgetting anyone in our WW group that is currently UTD!

Hope you are well Monndance!
So super congrats to all the girls who are preggers..... and even bigger congrats to you sweety, after all that time and effort, now you're going to have TWO!!!!! EEeeeeeek!!!!

<3 <3 <3

I'm doing well apart from my ******** cycles of crapness. I started taking this herbal stuff, Agnus Castus, which the first three months I was on it, had relatively normal cycles and thought it was helping. But then this cycle hit and its been shonky so I don't know whats going on.

I wasn't sure when I ovulated. But about 8 days ago while I was in the shower, I put my hand down to wash my private parts and there was this huge glob of CM, thick and greenish tinted with spots of blood in it. I was like "what on earth?" and promptly ignored it.
Now every single night for the past 4 nights, I keep getting severe wind, belching like nuts and doing those awful hot vomit burps. Cycle Day 43, 2 BFN's thus far and don't know whats going on.

DP is also one of those people who believes in doing everything naturally, so he's not interested in spermy tests or clomid, or anything. He just says "we'll just keep on trying" ..... a year and a half of trying is just making me dejected.
But I guess many here tried for so much longer.
hiya Moon, sorry your cycles are messing you about
Doing great thanks Moon.

Although have had a nightmare of a time trying to sort out saddles, my youngster has changed shape and now her saddle doesn't fit it has taken ages to find another one to fit, she is soo sensitive.

Have a lovely lady from work helping me with them at the moment which is working out well, so hopefully soon will be able to excersize them both together.

Hows your horse?
APOLOGIES FOR THE MASSIVE MASSIVE WALL OF TEXT, lol. Nobody has to read it unless they're bored and want to, lol

My boy is good. My best friend got me to go out riding with him for the first 2 times out on the road, which I personally don't think either of us is ready for. He's a horse that gets in a buzzed up excitement about the most ridiculous things. As it is, I can be a nervous rider at the best times, but with a horse who can spook about such tiny things, out on the road.... well... yeah.... scared the bejesus outta me both times.
I'm also too, a nervous rider, because I'm not the most experienced rider. I love horses and my lifelong riding experience has been trail rides where the people on the trail don't teach you how to ride, its essentially a "don't fall off" kind of deal. Well, I've probably learned a lot of ways in which to NOT ride properly and have a lifetime of bad trail riding habits and as such, am not a brilliant rider and I KNOW that. So... riding makes me nervous. It doesn't help too, that once years ago on a trail ride, I had a horse run away with me. He smashed my knee into a tree (I've had knee problems ever since due to it), he almost dumped me off a cliff, overall, it was a really, really bad ride and it just made my horse riding nerves decide to take a ride up s**t creek without a paddle so to speak. They've never come back.... I lost my nerve.

SO the first time we (myself, my Thoroughbred, my friend and our friends horse that she was riding since my friend was pregnant at the time and didn't want to ride) went out, I was so tense, and Reggie (my horse) kept doing this stupid little jig jog through the gate and half way up the street, and my friend is saying "Calm down already!" and I was really trying to, but it was hard, I couldn't relax. Once we were off the main road I relaxed a bit and it went okay, we only went out for about a half an hour. We passed this particular house on the way out, no drama, both her horse and mine walked right on by. But on the way back, we went past the exact same spot. Reggie stopped dead, head high, ears all pricked up. I urged him on and he started prancing back and forth, back and forth, snorting, bunny hopping in the hind. My friend told me to rein him into a circle until he was back under control and I was reining him, he went backwards. Once we were back from where that stop point was, he calmed down.
Tried to urge him on again and as soon as he hit that point, he started getting nervous and freaking out again. Same little bunny hops but worse. Being a nervous rider, I at this point just kind of went "holy hell" and started to really get upset.
My friend looked at me and a second later her horse started acting up, so she just said "okay, we walk for a bit" and she dismounted, held my horse so I could dismount.

The second time we all went out roadside, which was a week later, we went in the opposite direction as my friend wanted to see how far we could make it to the pony club grounds. So we got about a third of the way and we saw a paddock of horses. My horse starts whinnying at the top of his lungs, prancing, hopping, carrying on. So once again, I was forced to dismount coz of my own nerves. We walked the horses across to the paddocked horses so they could greet each other and once my horse met the others, he was fine to continue. So part way up the road, mounted up and kept going. Another say.... 150 metres up the road, we stopped because a guy was coming out his driveway and I didn't want to ride my horse directly behind his car. The guy SAW us, even nodded to us and we smiled in return. As he went out the driveway in his stupid V8, he guns the engine so it roars uber loudly, then honks the horn half a dozen times at his wife and roars off up the street. Thankfully my horse didn't even bat an eye otherwise we both could have been paste on the road as cars were going by.
So then we continue some more and once we got off the main road heading to the Pony Club grounds, I gave my horse his head a bit so we could both relax a bit. The first thing he does is start trotting. Now Reggie has this most insane speedy trot. Even experienced riders have trouble sitting to his trot. I got jostled and blimmin well lost my reins didn't I, so stupid!!!! Finally managed to get them again and reined him back and all was well. Went into the pony club grounds.
The whole way there, my friends horse had been playing up, so she wanted to use their sand arena to do some work with him to get him focussed and paying attention and I dismounted and led Reggie around trying to find him a tap so he could have a drink. Felt so sorry for him carrying my fat hiney around that whole time.

Finally after about half an hour, my friend was ready to go, and I mounted back up and we started off. My friend told me she was riding ahead a bit and she went ahead at a trot and disappeared around a corner in the trees *they're the tall pine trees planted close together so you go around them and you virtually disappear*. Well what happened then? Reggie PANICKED because he didn't have his friend to hold his hand and tell him what to do. He immediately lurched forward, absolutely tripping out wanting to find where his mate had gone.
I reined him back to no avail, I was being completely ignored. Of course, the thing that freaks me out the most on horses is when they start running, I'm not prepared and they ignore me, essentially running away with me. SO immediately, my brain fritzed out and I also got panicked. I tried reining him back more, but again, no avail.
(I've since been told its because he's in a KK training bit, which is supposedly the softest bit you can get, and also maybe because he doesn't have a noseband to help pull his head down, I'm not sure). Anyway, I screamed out to my friend "THANKS A LOT" and she called back "Whats wrong???" and I said "He's panicking!!!! CAN YOU COME BACK!!!!"
The yelling finally made Reggie back off a bit, and he slowed down and then my friend started coming back. As soon as my horse saw hers, he again lurched forward wanting to be by his mate. I reined back hard, trying to get his attention, yelled "no!" and tried to sit deep in the saddle and pull him back.
Well he spat it, didn't he?? Had himself a right old dummy spit because I was saying no to what he wanted. So in his little dummy spit moment, he did a bronco buck, straight up in the air, all four feet off the ground. Twisting his body as he did it.
I didn't realise this was what he'd done, but know it scared the crickets out of me. I yell to my friend "what. the. hell. was. that!!!!" and she was staring, open mouthed and said "you don't want to know!!!" I said "he... bronco bucked me... didn't he?" and she just nodded with her mouth open still.
By this point I was way too nervous about everything, couldn't relax. Just as we were leaving the pony club grounds, he started trotting on me again, couldn't sit to it again, lost my reins again, gathered them up, reined him back, all good. But again, nerves were getting worse and worse. Then the next thing I see on the road? Eight to ten Harley Davidsons with their loud rumbling engines passing by, and right behind them a massive truck. I've immediately just started cringing, and my nerves were setting off my horse, so he was getting nervous.
My friend was begging me to calm down.

Got farther up the road, I just still couldn't calm down. Then around the corner heading back to the main road, a little kid came screaming out of her house, "HORSES!!!!!" at the top of her lungs. My horse shied and went sideways into the road wherein my shattered nerves couldn't take it anymore and I wimped out utterly and started crying and told my friend I couldn't do it anymore, I had to get off.
My friend rode him a bit, just to let him know that by being a silly nervous thing, it didn't mean he'd get a rider off, he was still gunna get ridden, and I walked her horse for awhile before finally mounting back up again about 200 metres up from the property.
But gosh it was just.... hell for me.
Pathetically, I haven't been back in the saddle since. Which means next time I ride, its going to be bad for me... but oh well.

In the interim, Reggie has been getting fed too well, as I'm trying to put some weight back on him (he loses weight really easily in winter) so he's bouncy and mental and always just wants to play. GAH.

Did your girl Molly wind up getting pregnant??
Wow, that sounds far too much excitement on horseback.

I don't blame you for being nervous, it is really hard to pluck up the courage to get back on after a scare, but you just take one step at a time.

Molly didn't get in foal in the end, but I am not too upset, I am happy with our rides, she is a real sweety
Horses are the most beautiful animals on the planet I reckon.
My partner is always saying Reggie is my true, real love, soul mate. LOL

I wanted a horse since I was a small child but never really had the opportunity to get one (that and my oh so incredibly mean parental units always said no - boo hiss). When DP and I started going out, he gave me one of his horses after we'd only been together 7 weeks.

Reggie has a pretty poor history. My sweety does take care of his horses very well, but he sent two of his colts to this race trainer who came highly recommended and the guy ended up abusing them to the point they became useless for racing, headshy, nervous, frightened of everything. When I first met Reggie in the paddock, he was very wary of the world and despite not knowing a lot about horses, I started working with him, just wanting him to learn that not everything in life is so scary, you know?
He spent most of his time freaking out about every tiny thing that people did around him, always expecting to get hurt. So I started working with him and we developed an incredibly strong bond. Every person says he's a one person horse and I'm that person.
And even if he is still nervy and I'm still nervy and I can't ride him as much as other people ride their horses, I wouldn't change it for anything, because I love this horse so incredibly much. When the TTC stuff does get to me and I get depressed and just want to cry, I always find strength and peace in spending time with one of the most majestic creatures on earth, who is just solid and loving.

Sometimes my partner doesn't understand how TTC can be so painful since he's so incredibly laid back and he's just always "if it doesn't happen this time, we just try again next month" and he doesn't really get upset the way I do when AF rears her filthy little head. So to me, my horse is my peace.

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