Witch got me :( CD2 waiters welcome!

I was beginning to worry about you. Wish you had some better news. Well it was kinda good right? Hubby is fine so that's great, but I so know how it feels to have it seem like all the burden is on yourself. I hate every month telling DH that af is here and seeing the disappointment in his face when he says, I guess your not pregnant. :cry: As hard as it is for me, nothing hurts more than knowing that's the one thing that he wants so badly and I can't seem to come through. Af came for me around midnight, so just in time for me too. I think I am going to have to go ahead and find another doctor. Called on Monday and she was actually in but still haven't gotten a response. Why can't I just go on my own and get tested? I just need to know what's going on with the tube before I can even think about any other moves. Seems like you may be looking at having one done too. This so sucks. I don't even know what else to say anymore.:hugs::hugs::hugs:

well it seems to be good news from the urologist, he told hubby he doesnt see any issues, but did do some bloodwork for like I quess his hormones or something, dont know when those results will be back, and then I quess my fertility doc. will get those results from the urologist and then I quess my doc. will go from there to what to do next, Poss. IVF I asume. WE are really having a time of this friend sending you lots of hugs sweetie and will be praying for us both HUS HUGS FRIENDS
Hugs excepted.:flower: Did the doctor mention to you trying IUI first? I don't know how I feel about that. There doesn't seem to be too many success stories out there. I've read on some forums here of post tr women doing that next after having a HSG done. Don't remember any pregnancies. So many decisions. I can't help but think back to my decision to get reversal instead of ivf. Can't help but think, just maybe I would be holding my baby right now.
Hugs excepted.:flower: Did the doctor mention to you trying IUI first? I don't know how I feel about that. There doesn't seem to be too many success stories out there. I've read on some forums here of post tr women doing that next after having a HSG done. Don't remember any pregnancies. So many decisions. I can't help but think back to my decision to get reversal instead of ivf. Can't help but think, just maybe I would be holding my baby right now.

hi babyluv, no doc. never mentioned anything about IUI, all ai do know the package deal hubby and I got was if we didnt concieve within a year we get free IVF so not sure, we are so full of what ifs,only time will tell for us both sweetie :hugs:. Have you found another doc. yet? HUGS HUGS FRIENDS
I originally chose my surgeon because he has that same guarantee. But....read the fine print. He has you do a HSG first that you have to pay for and only if both tubes are still open will he do the free ivf. After getting my op report found out only one tube was repairable so that put us out automatically. I was just too anxious and just went along with it anyway.
I originally chose my surgeon because he has that same guarantee. But....read the fine print. He has you do a HSG first that you have to pay for and only if both tubes are still open will he do the free ivf. After getting my op report found out only one tube was repairable so that put us out automatically. I was just too anxious and just went along with it anyway.

Hi sweetie well all this time I was thinking it was IVF my doc. offered if you didnt concieve in a years time, well I was wrong it is IUI that he does, which I believe is the next step for us, hubby seen urologist,self exam was good but like I sais he also did some bloodwork which came back today, I called the office to see if they were back yet, and the doc. is to let us know what they are. and doc. also scheduled a scrotum utrasound for may 21st for hubby. so that is where we stand now this waiting game is driving me nuts, I will be 41 june 27th, they know age is not on my side right now,and they are still scheduleling things soo far apart :growlmad: I am so sorry to hear about the one tube, but you can still get pregnant with one ,but I know it does take longer and that sucks. Thats like with me I dont even know if both my tubes are still open, which I know that is another test that has to be done, before any of the rest can be done on my part, I tell you sweetie we are really having a time:hugs:, have you considered IUI? HUGS HUGS FRIENDS
Sorry I been MIA. Haven't been feeling to well so every time I got ready to get online I couldn't find the energy. How are you feeling sweetie? It is a lot we are going through isn't it? How are you doing with the OPKs? Hit a positive yet? I have another 4 days or so and haven't bd yet. Not in the mood lately at all. Looking at a pretty much boring weekend. Hope yours is more exciting.
Hi mybabyluv3 - I cant believe I have found you on this thread!!!!!

Sorry things are not going well for you...... not much better for me!!!!

Hi sweetie, yes I'm still around. Sorry to say. Not giving up hope. 3doo, how are you feeling so far? We could use some good news around here. Did you try anything new this cycle?
Nothing new specific to TTC
Have started a diet a couple of weeks ago - lost 3lb the first week but still loads more to loose!!!
Saw my GP the other week, DH got to do a :spermy: sample but he is putting it off - probably hoping for a BFP this month, I have got day 21 bloods tomorrow - not sure how long the results will take.

Having acupuncture for stress also and I do feel less stressed, last month she told me I was pregnant and that I would not keep it, the next month AF started 2 days early so not sure if I can believe

Hoping I can bring some good luck to this thread - do you know how liltrinabelle is doing? and more importantly how are you doing??:flower:
Sorry I been MIA. Haven't been feeling to well so every time I got ready to get online I couldn't find the energy. How are you feeling sweetie? It is a lot we are going through isn't it? How are you doing with the OPKs? Hit a positive yet? I have another 4 days or so and haven't bd yet. Not in the mood lately at all. Looking at a pretty much boring weekend. Hope yours is more exciting.

Hi sweetie do hope you are feeling better, I am on cd 13 with a temp rise of 98.1 this morning, I do hope I didnt ovulate yesterday because hubby was tired and we didnt bed yesterday, sooooo I do hope we didnt miss that egg, only time will tell I quess. Working real hard on wedding plans for June 30th our anniversary, we are renewing our vows. I am sooo busy with making flowers decor. and the girls dresses and mine, and it has helped some to get me to focus on other things besides TTC, hope this has helped me for this month. There is a whole lot I think we are going through, but I do believe our day is coming :thumbup:,and when it does we are going to celebrate.:hugs::hugs: Friends
Wow T sounds like you have a lot to keep you busy. I wish I had something to occupy my time. Only thing happening around here is my lil cousin getting ready for her prom and I was asked to do her hair. That's how boring my life is. I actually look forward to doing that and it's not for a couple wks. So sad. I'm sure you got enough loving in before time if you missed O day. I jusr started last night. Haven't been in the mood at all.

Danger, hope your levels are fine tomorrow. Stay on hubby to get that sa done. Mine has been through 2. It's not that bad. Better knowing than not knowing ya know, lol! I tried acupuncture a couple times and felt a real difference with O. Wish I had the money to start again. It is so relaxing. Dieting I could definitely use. I can barely fit into my jeans anymore. So not cute!

Best of luck to both of you. We can sure use some babydust around here.
Wow T sounds like you have a lot to keep you busy. I wish I had something to occupy my time. Only thing happening around here is my lil cousin getting ready for her prom and I was asked to do her hair. That's how boring my life is. I actually look forward to doing that and it's not for a couple wks. So sad. I'm sure you got enough loving in before time if you missed O day. I jusr started last night. Haven't been in the mood at all.

Danger, hope your levels are fine tomorrow. Stay on hubby to get that sa done. Mine has been through 2. It's not that bad. Better knowing than not knowing ya know, lol! I tried acupuncture a couple times and felt a real difference with O. Wish I had the money to start again. It is so relaxing. Dieting I could definitely use. I can barely fit into my jeans anymore. So not cute!

Best of luck to both of you. We can sure use some babydust around here.

Thanks Mybabyluv3 - initial bloods all OK but still waiting for ones related to fertility, DH finally booked in for :spermy: sample 6th June - I cant believe it is such a long wait just to analyse a few :spermy:
Guess I will start testing in the next few days - where are you in your cycle - hope you are doing plenty of :sex:
I'm trying to get enough in that's for sure! Cd 14 so between now and Friday. Thought ystrdy was the day but no real temp rise so still waiting. Glad your first results turned out alright. June 6th is a long way. Are they that busy? Hopefully you can get instant results.
Wow T sounds like you have a lot to keep you busy. I wish I had something to occupy my time. Only thing happening around here is my lil cousin getting ready for her prom and I was asked to do her hair. That's how boring my life is. I actually look forward to doing that and it's not for a couple wks. So sad. I'm sure you got enough loving in before time if you missed O day. I jusr started last night. Haven't been in the mood at all.

Danger, hope your levels are fine tomorrow. Stay on hubby to get that sa done. Mine has been through 2. It's not that bad. Better knowing than not knowing ya know, lol! I tried acupuncture a couple times and felt a real difference with O. Wish I had the money to start again. It is so relaxing. Dieting I could definitely use. I can barely fit into my jeans anymore. So not cute!

Best of luck to both of you. We can sure use some babydust around here.

Hello sweetie hope all is well with you, as for me on cd 16 and temp holding at 98.4, more and likely it didnt happen this month either, I am not in the greatest of spirits sorry, Just seems to be a routine of one negative after another. As of now have a sore throat, which isnt fun, been working hard on the wedding plans, I do pray always that I get a positive, but nothing. I do wish the best for us both, we need to be strong no matter how hard that is becoming for us both, we can do it, we have to keep faith, we all have our negative thoughts every now and then, here is a big hug for you :hugs::hugs::hugs: FRIENDS
I am right behind you on cd 15 but no O yet. Temp is weird keeps going up by .1 everyday. Thankfully I still have ewcm. Got a quickie in ystrdy afternoon and nothing since. Just text hubby and told him he needs to get home. Don't want to miss this egg and I'm getting really crampy. I try not to think about hour long I've been trying. That's too depressing. Hope you can find a way to keep your spirits up through all this.
So now I'm pissed!! Had to wait til I put my daughter to bed to get some alone time. Plus we were both busy. Well this man decides going out racing with his friends is more important than us making a baby. It was still early enough and now he won't be home until who knows when and I can bet any amount of money he will come in tryna wake me up out my sleep trying to touch me. All this after he basically blamed me 2 nights ago for not being pregnant yet saying it must be something wrong with me. I let that slide, but this is too much. He said I don't know what I'm talking about or when I O because it hasn't happened yet, and get this, he knows it's not him because he never had a problem getting someone pregnant!!!

Sorry I just had to vent. I have no one else I can talk to about this so I came right here.
So now I'm pissed!! Had to wait til I put my daughter to bed to get some alone time. Plus we were both busy. Well this man decides going out racing with his friends is more important than us making a baby. It was still early enough and now he won't be home until who knows when and I can bet any amount of money he will come in tryna wake me up out my sleep trying to touch me. All this after he basically blamed me 2 nights ago for not being pregnant yet saying it must be something wrong with me. I let that slide, but this is too much. He said I don't know what I'm talking about or when I O because it hasn't happened yet, and get this, he knows it's not him because he never had a problem getting someone pregnant!!!

Sorry I just had to vent. I have no one else I can talk to about this so I came right here.

OOOOH sweethwart I am sooo sorry to hear about what he said that is something you cant take lightly, hopefully he will apologize,:hugs:, and it is ok to vent we all need that every now and then, maybe he needed to vent, but he did it the wrong way that is hurting words. again so sorry :hugs:,on cd 18 and temp is 98.6 now, but not reading to much into it, I have seen charts with temps lower than that and they were pregnant, so only time will tell my famous saying :thumbup: hope you both are better now and are holding one another and making up. HUGS HUGS FRIENDS
Thank you sweetie. We're better now but no apology. Anyway it took so long for me to ovulate. Not feeling to optimistic this time around. Feeling horrible. Stomach was upset all week. Then strong O pains for a few days but no temp rise then ystrdy
Had really bad backache wrapping all the way around. It was miserable. Had the chills and woke up to temp of 99.45. It's getting a little better. Hope to be good by morning. Have cleaning and laundry that I need to get to. Hope the tww goes by fast for you with good news at the end.
Had really bad backache wrapping all the way around. It was miserable. Had the chills and woke up to temp of 99.45. It's getting a little better. Hope to be good by morning. Have cleaning and laundry that I need to get to. Hope the tww goes by fast for you with good news at the end.

Hi sweetie sooo glad things are better, but with some men you dont get a apology, you get lovin instead :thumbup:I quess that is just as good hee hee, well cd 19 and temp is 98.4, so do hope it doesnt drop anymore. All is weell here so far, but really want that BFP, as IU know you do too. BBS are very sore today, I am about 9 dpo, but not going to test til I miss.HUGS HUGS FRIENDS

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