Witch got me :( CD2 waiters welcome!

Thats good news that you have an appt for the sa. I know it will end in more good news. Yes our hubbies are alike. I hated telling him my period came. Of course he was like he knew it. He thinks that if I'm not throwing up or something in a week that means I'm not pregnant. Gets all upset about it but when its that time to get it in he acts all uninterested and has that just go with the flow attitude. Afterwards, I can't keep him off me.
AreYou ovulating this week? Maybe a good sa report will get him a little more excited to get busy. My hubby had 2 great ones so of course now it's all my fault. I hear it every month from him. I'm really believing now that my tube is not open. Not one bfp yet. No mc, no chemicals, nothing. I just don't know when we will have the money for a hsg. I just keep thinking only if I didn't miss my chance at the ivf clinical trial. I get more and more upset evertime I think about it.
Thats good news that you have an appt for the sa. I know it will end in more good news. Yes our hubbies are alike. I hated telling him my period came. Of course he was like he knew it. He thinks that if I'm not throwing up or something in a week that means I'm not pregnant. Gets all upset about it but when its that time to get it in he acts all uninterested and has that just go with the flow attitude. Afterwards, I can't keep him off me.
AreYou ovulating this week? Maybe a good sa report will get him a little more excited to get busy. My hubby had 2 great ones so of course now it's all my fault. I hear it every month from him. I'm really believing now that my tube is not open. Not one bfp yet. No mc, no chemicals, nothing. I just don't know when we will have the money for a hsg. I just keep thinking only if I didn't miss my chance at the ivf clinical trial. I get more and more upset evertime I think about it.
So sorry to hear we have somewhat like the same hubbies, they just think they know it all and they are never wrong, I hope and pray you get pregnant and get a positive and dont get sick throwing up and then rub it in his face and say see I dont have to be throwing up to be pregnant:haha: Men make me so angry sometimes, you will be in my prayers sweetheart. no I am not in the ovulation week I am in my 2 ww right now, dont believe I have concieved though because I dont believe there was enough bedding done, and I didnt use the OPKs this month, though I know I get a positive on either day 10,11,or 12, and did bed on day 10, 11 and 14, that is as far as we could go because for the next 2 days hubby has to refrain from anything due to the sa that has to be done on friday, so that is my situation right now. Sending you lots of :dust::dust::dust::hug::hug::friends:
I'm sorry forgot you are in the tww. Fx'd for you! I know you both cant wait for friday to come and be over. Will they give you the results right away?
Guess all I can do now is root for you! This is your month. I'm all out of hope for myself for now. Think it's gonna be a while for me.
I'm sorry forgot you are in the tww. Fx'd for you! I know you both cant wait for friday to come and be over. Will they give you the results right away?
Guess all I can do now is root for you! This is your month. I'm all out of hope for myself for now. Think it's gonna be a while for me.

Oh mybabyluv3 It will happen hun you have to hang in there honey, dont give up, :hugs: I am determined we will make it, I look at it this way waiting makes the heart grow fonder, and that is what I am keeping in mind, that is what my grandmother always told me so when our little ones get here we will be so over joyed, :hugs:, and say it was worth the wait. I am on cycle day 16 and temp this morning was 98.6 the highest I have ever gotton so I quess we will see, If not then on to next month. I dont use the charting on fertility.com, using charting that my doc. uses,or I would show you my chart. I am keeping everything crossed for the both of us. the sa has been recseduled due to hubby didnt want to miss this fertile period, that shocked me so on to the next week for the sa, the results will be emailed to us beings my doc. that did my reversal is in Louiville Kentucky, and he is the one who has me doing the temp chart, and he ordered the sa. But dont you give up girl we will make it :hugs::dust::dust::hug::hug::friends:
Thats good that you still have a relationship with your TR doc. Mine is all the way in AZ so not doing me much help here in Philly. I really want to sit and have a serious discussion with dh about our next steps but not in mood for his negative comments. If am so bored with my life. He seems to be just fine. We have his friend from FL here for the week and he has stayed somewhere else lastnight and tonight. All dh wants to do is have me play modern warfare with him. Did I mention we are kid free too?

That's great that he is aware and wants to use this time to try and to reschedule his sa. He gets major points for that! If wish I could see your chart. Give me something to do. When do you plan on testing. Getting good vibes here.
I had a crazy crazy dream lastnight. If dreamt my mom, whose husband just died last January, and my 2 aunts both who had their tubes tied, all were having twins. I was at hospital with them and every everything. I was also pregnant but not due yet and decided to wait to find out the sex. Now I know I'm obsessed with having a baby. Is that not wild or what?
Thats good that you still have a relationship with your TR doc. Mine is all the way in AZ so not doing me much help here in Philly. I really want to sit and have a serious discussion with dh about our next steps but not in mood for his negative comments. If am so bored with my life. He seems to be just fine. We have his friend from FL here for the week and he has stayed somewhere else lastnight and tonight. All dh wants to do is have me play modern warfare with him. Did I mention we are kid free too?

That's great that he is aware and wants to use this time to try and to reschedule his sa. He gets major points for that! If wish I could see your chart. Give me something to do. When do you plan on testing. Getting good vibes here.
I had a crazy crazy dream lastnight. If dreamt my mom, whose husband just died last January, and my 2 aunts both who had their tubes tied, all were having twins. I was at hospital with them and every everything. I was also pregnant but not due yet and decided to wait to find out the sex. Now I know I'm obsessed with having a baby. Is that not wild or what?

babyluv3 yes with the dream thing sometimes that does happen with some women, hey sounds like a good sign :thumbup:, do hope that this is it for you honey. well I am on cycle day17 and the temp deopped to 98.2 not sure what that may mean:shrug:,AF is due the 8th or the 9th so quess we just wait and see., I really dont know how to do that fertility friend.com thing, cant afford another bill right now, and dont know how to attach it to these posts I am new at all this computer stuff, My hubbie helped me set this up so I could talk to other women that are going through the same thing, after the tubal reversal. I feel stupid sometimes with this comuter stuff :dohh::haha:.:hugs::dust::dust::friends::hug:
Oh I'm the wrong person to ask about how to upload stuff. Lol. I only use the free version of fertility friend. They give you a free trial of vip but after that I can't be paying for it. I use that and a dif app on my phone. That's still a pretty high temp. As long as it's over the coverline. Does your chart show a coverline? That's the good thing with ff. My other chart doesn't so it makes it harder to see temp shifts.
Oh I'm the wrong person to ask about how to upload stuff. Lol. I only use the free version of fertility friend. They give you a free trial of vip but after that I can't be paying for it. I use that and a dif app on my phone. That's still a pretty high temp. As long as it's over the coverline. Does your chart show a coverline? That's the good thing with ff. My other chart doesn't so it makes it harder to see temp shifts.

Yeap it shows a cover line, and it is still way above the coverline, so do hope maybe thats a good sign ? I am trying not to get my hopes up. I am due for AF the 8th or the 9th so I quess I will test somewhere in there, but dont have any other symptoms right now. How are you doing sweetie? anthting new to report ?:hugs::dust::dust::hugs:
Hope its good news! Nothing here just waiting out af. The last couple months have been longer. Don't know what that's about. Enjoying this time of no worries.
Hope its good news! Nothing here just waiting out af. The last couple months have been longer. Don't know what that's about. Enjoying this time of no worries.

mybabyluv I know what you mean enjoying the time of not worrying, anymore that is the only time I am not s:hugs::dust::dust:tressed when I am on AF. but when fertile time comes I am a reck:shrug: Its crazy. I just feel sometimes its never going to happen :shrug::nope: and then other times I do get poss. about it. The emotions are back and forth every month, I just wish I could look in a crystal ball and it would tell me everything that needs to be fixed :haha::haha:. I then start thinking well I am 40 and hubby is 50, My thoughts just ramble and ramble you ever been like that? My mind just never stops.
All the time I am like that. You are not alone. I almost hate for af to end. It's crazy. I hate that feel so optimistic at the start only to be let down again. All I think about is what went wrong, is it something I did, how am I gonna fix it, is it just not meant to be. When we get that BFP it will all have been worth the agony. Just have to keep on pressing until that miracle happens. I just never imagined myself being in this situation. Failing to get pregnant. I must say that I don't fully regret the TL. I probably would've gotten pregnant by the wrong person. I pray every day that God allows me to give my husband the baby he wants.
All the time I am like that. You are not alone. I almost hate for af to end. It's crazy. I hate that feel so optimistic at the start only to be let down again. All I think about is what went wrong, is it something I did, how am I gonna fix it, is it just not meant to be. When we get that BFP it will all have been worth the agony. Just have to keep on pressing until that miracle happens. I just never imagined myself being in this situation. Failing to get pregnant. I must say that I don't fully regret the TL. I probably would've gotten pregnant by the wrong person. I pray every day that God allows me to give my husband the baby he wants.

mybabyluv3 You know I remember at the very begining of this journey just after sergery, saying well next month we will be pregnant, boy was I wrong. I had such high hopes it was going to happen fast, that was my first let down, and it has repeated itself every month since :cry:I really dont want to fail my husband either, I pray to god alot please allow me to be a mom again. and there are so many women out here having children and just dont care, and here we are trying and care and want to love our children with all our being and we are struggleing. It makes me so angry sometimes when I hear on the news what people are doing to their children, and I hurt for them :cry:, all they want is to be loved. Ok thats enough of that I am getting upset just typing about this, but it is all so true and so sad:cry: We will make it I am determined, sending you lots of love sweetie and:hugs::dust::dust:
Sending you lots of love right back. I really believe I didn't heal right after the surgery. If was under so much stress you wouldn't believe. Every day now I wonder if this is why I am not pregnant yet. Won't find out til I can finally get an hsg done I guess.

Happy New Year to you, hun!!! May it bring us many blessings!!! Any plans for tonight'? Nothing for me. I will probably be on bnb. Dh mentioned going to fireworks but he really doesn't want to do anything. He doesn't like participating in any kind of holiday. I once again will be home bored out my mind. Even now I'm bout to go crazy. It's so nice out and I'm home alone, no money to go anywhere. Ystrdy I went to target just to roam around. That's how bored I was. Did find a book I would like to start reading.
Sending you lots of love right back. I really believe I didn't heal right after the surgery. If was under so much stress you wouldn't believe. Every day now I wonder if this is why I am not pregnant yet. Won't find out til I can finally get an hsg done I guess.

Happy New Year to you, hun!!! May it bring us many blessings!!! Any plans for tonight'? Nothing for me. I will probably be on bnb. Dh mentioned going to fireworks but he really doesn't want to do anything. He doesn't like participating in any kind of holiday. I once again will be home bored out my mind. Even now I'm bout to go crazy. It's so nice out and I'm home alone, no money to go anywhere. Ystrdy I went to target just to roam around. That's how bored I was. Did find a book I would like to start reading.

mybabyluv3 sweetie you sound like you are depressed, this is natural, but honey try not to let it get the best of you sweetie, do you have any hobbies anthing you like to do? like maybe sew, read books or maybe friends to have over for maybe a card game, scrap booking, anything? find something you enjoy doing and spend your leasure time doing something like that. honey I am so sorry that you are bored out of your mind been there I know exactly what you are talking about, HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU TOO SWEETIE< I do pray this year is a whole new year for you and I both, and that this year is our year :thumbup::happydance: just hang in there with me honey, I went to my brothers for new years eve get together with his wife 3 children and a few others, we sat around and talked about old times, my dad started to talk about the lod days, of course when my brother and I were little it was really nice, and we played the olddies, you know thw country music we crew up with, I like the old music rather than thius music of today. I like patsy Cline, connie Francis, conway twitty, charlie pride, tammy wynette, which is who I was named after, and there are so many more I like I would be here forever naming them all in all it was a good night, gave me time to relax and enjoy my family, and a break for a bit of not thinking about TTC.:hugs::dust::dust::hi:
Sounds like a wonderful night. Glad you enjoyed yourself and found something to take your mins off ttc.. I definitely need a hobby. I would love to learn to sew. I need something productive to do. This year is already starting off bad. My hubby is mad bcuz I wanted to go be with my family last night instead of sit home and do what we do every night. I love spending time with him but it's always doing what he wants. He's 42 and it's all about his car or a video game. If mean was I really sposed to get excited about watching kung fu and playing playstation on new year's? He said I was spoiled and ungrateful when he had a special night planned. My dad and his girlfriend had a get together at her house which was close to me not far like all my family. His sisters and brother and their other halves were all there. When I asked if we could go he said ok but complained the whole time. He was gonna be bored, he didn't want to be around people drinking. I told him he was selfish so he said he wasn't going. Talked shit all through the night. I even woke up to it and now getting the silent treatment. Just ridiculous. On the plus side I did get to hang out with my older daughter and my aunt and her kids. We were out shopping. DD had christmas money burning in her pockets.
Sounds like a wonderful night. Glad you enjoyed yourself and found something to take your mins off ttc.. I definitely need a hobby. I would love to learn to sew. I need something productive to do. This year is already starting off bad. My hubby is mad bcuz I wanted to go be with my family last night instead of sit home and do what we do every night. I love spending time with him but it's always doing what he wants. He's 42 and it's all about his car or a video game. If mean was I really sposed to get excited about watching kung fu and playing playstation on new year's? He said I was spoiled and ungrateful when he had a special night planned. My dad and his girlfriend had a get together at her house which was close to me not far like all my family. His sisters and brother and their other halves were all there. When I asked if we could go he said ok but complained the whole time. He was gonna be bored, he didn't want to be around people drinking. I told him he was selfish so he said he wasn't going. Talked shit all through the night. I even woke up to it and now getting the silent treatment. Just ridiculous. On the plus side I did get to hang out with my older daughter and my aunt and her kids. We were out shopping. DD had christmas money burning in her pockets.

MYbabyluv3 so sorry about the way he treated you and spoke to you, that was so very wrong, of him to treat you that way for someone that is to love you that is not the way they should act. So sorry here is a :hugs:,not only that you do not need to be getting upset like that at all, who wants to sit around and watch someone play games and not speak to them, he really sounds like he was being very childdish, dont want to sound like I am stepping over the line by saying that, just saying what it sounds like to me sweetie, I am so sorry you had to go through that, If it were me I would give him the same treatment back, thts just me:haha: I dont stand for that. hang in there honey sending you lots of love and :hugs: keep me informed sweetie. FRIENDS :hugs:
Thank you friend. Yes thats exactly how he acts, like a child. It wasn't until last night that he started speaking to me like he should. I'm okay though. I just kept myself busy. Anyway, how have you been? Any baby news yet? I could surely use some good news. I'm still not completely clear of af. Another long one. I'm going to look and see what's said to be helpful in increasing the lp. mine's been 11 days lately and I think it's going to get shorter. but I'm not really wanting a longer cycle. Any ideas?
Thank you friend. Yes thats exactly how he acts, like a child. It wasn't until last night that he started speaking to me like he should. I'm okay though. I just kept myself busy. Anyway, how have you been? Any baby news yet? I could surely use some good news. I'm still not completely clear of af. Another long one. I'm going to look and see what's said to be helpful in increasing the lp. mine's been 11 days lately and I think it's going to get shorter. but I'm not really wanting a longer cycle. Any ideas?

HI mybabyluv3 have not a clue about the 11 day thing, wish I could help there, So glad he grew up and started talking again hee hee just a little humor. glad to hear you are better, as for me I am on cycle day 22 and temp dropped to 97.9 this morning and it was 98.6 and then went to 98.2 and stayed there for 5 days and now it is 97.9, so more and likely here comes AF once again It is due the 8th or the 9th, so another 5 or 6 days to go and it will be here. I really am starting to get use to this pattern, It is getting nerve racking. Still hanging in there though, have to you know cant give up :thumbup:Havent really been doing much of anything, just relaxing or should I say trying to. It has been cold, windy , and snowy here, hows the weather there? sending you lots of love and hugs sweetie.
It seems like you're cycle is lasting so long, even though I know you only on day 22. I hope your temp goes back up. I'm debating on the whole temp thing. It's so dissappointing when it looks really good and then just like that you know af is soon to come. I did temp today but not sure about continuing. Only for this cycle. I know Sun - Wed next week is when I should O so might just go off of that. That way I won't be driving myself crazy running back and forth to bathroom to see if its started.

Today was the coldest day yet. Very windy. Not looking forward to going out in the morning. No snow yet so kinda glad I don't have to deal with that. It's nice to look at and all as long as I don't have to go out in it, lol!
It seems like you're cycle is lasting so long, even though I know you only on day 22. I hope your temp goes back up. I'm debating on the whole temp thing. It's so dissappointing when it looks really good and then just like that you know af is soon to come. I did temp today but not sure about continuing. Only for this cycle. I know Sun - Wed next week is when I should O so might just go off of that. That way I won't be driving myself crazy running back and forth to bathroom to see if its started.

Today was the coldest day yet. Very windy. Not looking forward to going out in the morning. No snow yet so kinda glad I don't have to deal with that. It's nice to look at and all as long as I don't have to go out in it, lol!

Hi babyluv3 temp dropped to 97.5 cd25, yup AF is on its way once again :cry:, I tell you I dont know what the promblem is:nope:,Well hubby has to do a sperm anaysis next week so maybe we will get some answers there I hope. I am off to TTC for january hey a new year maybe a new start and a new baby :thumbup::happydance: only time will tell. keep in touch my friend, sending lots of hugs and love from the heart :hugs:

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