So I'm feeling very nervous about this diastis recti stuff. Outside of the hiit blog, I haven't been able to find any good info about prevention. I asked a trainer at my gym but he wasn't familiar with it.
I'm worried many of my workout machines will put me at risk but I'm also worried not using them will leave me lacking in core strength. I really like this low impact back extension machine and the oblique machine. What do you girls think about them? Have you found any good info? I've even read planks can feel bad for you, but I thought Rebecca did them a lot- did you have any problems with separation?
Hi Sass, it's a really valid concern. I'm still doing pilates once/week and do all of the exercises, good or bad for diastasis recti. But I posted another thread on it, I think it's a fairly unknown condition that occurs with pregnancy as I didn't get much response from the girls on b&b:
"30-40% of all pregnancies will result in a diastasis. In pregnant women, a diastasis is formed as your growing uterus pushes against your abdominal wall, aka your 6-pack. If your lower abdominals, or your transverse abdominals, are not strong enough to support the growing uterus and pushing on your rectus muscles, your 6 pack becomes two 3 packs. Your linea alba (connective tissue NOT muscle), will be stretched sideways, and will become the support system for your organs. With your organs now pushing thru this connective tissue, you will look pregnant. The naval is a weak spot in the abdominals and will often be where you will see and feel this separation, and see what is known as a mummy tummy."
I practice kegels and pulling the undercarriage upwards when I'm sitting in my chair at work. It's meant to help prevent leaking, diastiasis recti and fallen bladders after labour (which happened to 2 of my gf's). But it is only a small percentage of women that actually end up with this condition so maybe you won't get it?