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Working out mommas-to-be!

Good idea to try another class Sass. I would also talk to the instructor before class if possible to let them know that you are pregnant. There are a few poses that it is better to modify while your pregnant, though the majority are perfectly safe :thumbup:
Thanks! Found someone today but she didn't seem too informed. She was just like, "oh just don't take hot yoga". Duh! I do need to get with the instructor. She just jumps from one class to the next. Sigh. I'll try harder next week.
I remember that they try to avoid having you lie down on your back, but that's not something you have to worry about until you're in second tri. Also, as I got bigger and had more balance challenges, they normally suggested that I use a block for certain poses so I didn't topple over :haha:

I also remember my instructor giving me modified versions of twists as well so I wasn't twisting my abdomen as much.

Hopefully the instructor will be more helpful. I'm surprised she doesn't stick around after class to answer questions...
I had to bolt to grab DD from the nursery. I thought the class was 45 mins but it was actually 75 so we had gotten into nap time. Eek!
I'm starting to see more pregnant women at the gym! It's so great! There was another pregnant lady in my dance class today. It's funny because I was out of town for about a week and apparently a lot of the people in my dance class thought maybe I'd had the baby! LOL I said, "No, and that wouldn't be good because I'm not due until the end of March/beginning of April." I thought I might struggle getting back into it after missing class for a week. But it was no trouble. I did end up sweating buckets though.

Sass- I know how you feel about talking to the instructor. Some days, I have wanted to talk to the yoga instructor before class, but she has shown up right as class needed to start. So, it didn't work out.

I am not sure if I am going to get yoga in this week. I prefer the Monday class, which I missed because I was traveling back home. I am not a huge fan of the instructor who does the Wednesday class. There is a class tomorrow, but it's not very challenging (even for me being pregnant). But I feel like I really need to do some of the stretches. I guess I'll decide tomorrow.
Hope everyone is doing well!

Aw Sass now I see why you couldn't talk to the instructor, makes sense.

Rebecca dance class sounds like lots of fun! What kind of dance are you doing?

Things here are good, have been feeling better the past couple of days which is nice. We went snow shoeing yesterday which was lots of fun; we usually try to go once a week once we have enough snow. We only did a 3 km trail but it was a good way for me to ease back into things seeing as how I haven't done much exercise this past week.

I also weighed myself and have only gained 3 lbs so far :happydance: Considering I gained 10-12 lbs with Isla in first tri I am pretty happy about this!
I was up 15 lbs at 13 weeks with dd and as of yesterday, I still haven't gained anything! Really surprised as I'm up 2 cup sizes and have expanded and am very round in the middle. None of my clothes fit either. I'm living in gym gear.
Really happy to hear you're feeling better mrs. Eddie. I was worried about you! And good job easing back in. That's so important.
So nice to see other pregnant girls at the gym. I now find myself eyeing up everyone but it's so hard to tell if it's pregnant or just pooch. I'm sure most people look at me and think pooch! =)
Wow that's amazing that you haven't gained anything this time Sass, good for you! I feel like I look more pouchy than bumpy right now too, can't wait to have a real baby bump again.

And thanks, I am glad to be feeling better as well, just hoping that it continues.
Mrs. Eddie- It's called Sh'Bam. It's hard to describe, but it's a little more challenging than Zumba, but it's the same idea--an aerobic type dance class. What I enjoy about it is that it's a great workout and I can still do it while pregnant. There is some jumping in some of the songs, and I'm not supposed to be jumping. But they have modifications for anyone who can't jump, so that's what I do.

Sass- I know what you mean! It's hard to tell if other people are pregnant. I've only gone off people who clearly look pregnant. lol There may be other pregnant people who I just didn't notice.

I had my 32 week appointment today. I've lost 3 lbs since my appointment last month, but they didn't have a problem with it. Baby is measuring 32 weeks today, and I've actually been recording what I have been eating. That way if they wonder, I can show them I'm eating enough. But she said healthy eating can lead to weight loss and it's fine because baby is getting plenty of nutrients.
Haven't technically gained anything but never lost 15 of my lbs from last pregnancy either, so actually exactly where I was at last time. I did find a great link that helps you calculate your starting bmi then tells you the safe range to gain. It says I'm officially obese :) so I should gain 15-25 total. If I gain the whole 25 and maintain it, I'll still end up 10 lbs lighter than at DD's delivery, and that sounds like it could help me get my vbac, which I'm all about right now. Fx some of Rebecca's mojo rubs off on me!
Hi ladies! My gym always has mostly senior citizens or high school boys working out so I've been the only preggo one! Haha

Been doing a lot of walking around campus for school as my exercise. Tomorrow I'm doing prenatal yoga at home and a light arm workout with my weights. Plan on going to the gym again on Thursday and Friday.

Haven't bought my swimming membership yet as hubby's car went to the shop today. Will find out tomorrow afternoon how much it'll cost to repair and that'll determine if I can get my membership this month. Stupid car.
Sounds like you have been doing awesome Rebecca, as long as you are getting lots of nutrients and baby is doing well they definitely shouldn't bug you re weight. Your dance class sounds fun; I used to dance for 10 years (Jazz) and then did a Jazzercise class a few years ago, I was thinking that I would get back into it after this baby is born.

Sass, I'm sure you can stay on track, we'll all be here to help encourage you. Maybe see your vbac as the ultimate health goal you are working towards to give yourself some extra motivation :thumbup:

Greats hope you can still get your swimming membership.

I'm going to do my pregnancy work out tonight. I was going to go for a walk today but it's freezing so I may do tomorrow and Thursday instead. Am hoping by next week I can get back up to 4 walks and 4 workouts a week :thumbup: Eating has also been much better the past couple of weeks so I am happy about that.
How's everyone doing?

I am at the point in pregnancy right now where I feel like each new week is challenging at the start of working out, but as it goes on, I start adapting and feeling just fine again.
Eating still hasn't been too bad for me. I do find I get a little bit hungrier at night now than I was. But I just eat an extra fruit. It seems to be working for now.
I had a lady walk up to me in my dance class today to ask me how far along I am. Then she told me that she worked out during her pregnancies and she did more with each pregnancy. She has 5 kids! But she actually ran a half marathon during her most recent pregnancy. I couldn't believe it, but it was certainly encouraging!
Glad things are still going well Rebecca! You've done so well to keep up with your workouts and healthy eating through this pregnancy. Wow, I can't believe that lady ran a half marathon while pregnant, that's amazing :thumbup:

I've been doing well. Eating has been pretty good (except for pizza last night but vegetarian thin crust so not that bad I guess) and have done a couple of workouts. Haven't been walking at work though, it is so cold here right now. I'm excited for warmer weather so I can get my walks back in again, I feel like they help me to have a bit more energy while I'm at work...

Hope everyone else is well!
I haven't worked out all week due to a serious bladder infection, and although I'm in crazy back pain, I want to work out so badly! This is terrible!
After my dance class yesterday, my right foot started hurting. And it never occurred to me that, even though I haven't gained a lot of weight, I still weigh a lot for my body. So even hopping lightly on my foot is a lot of strain on my foot.
It was hurting even when I wasn't on it. I looked up causes for foot pain and the area I was having it in (the right side of the ball down the right side of the foot) and I can't remember what it was called now. But basically I have hopped on my foot too much with too much weight on it. LOL
So, I've been resting it and taking tylenol and I may have to take it a lot easier in my dance class now.
My feet swelled up two sizes during my last pregnancy. The feet take a lot of heat during pregnancy.
My feet were hugely swollen as well by the end of my last pregnancy.

Sass and Rebecca, hope you're both feeling better soon.

I did manage to do a couple of workouts last week. Am hoping that I will be able to do four this week. I can't wait until it's warmer so I can get back into walking at work too, it is so frigidly cold here right now :cold:
It's been under zero here. I have to go to the gym just to walk. Saw my ob today and now they think it's sciatica. Going to the gym first thing tomorrow to try to work it out.
My cousin ran a half marathon during her first pregnancy and I thought she was just plain nuts! Lol

I had a lot of knee pain during my last pregnancy and it was just from all the weight I had gained.

Haven't worked out except for walking around campus and occasional stretching. It's been so cold here that everyone I talk to says they have zero motivation to make it to the gym.

I've been bad this week... Taco Bell twice! I haven't had a chance to make it to the grocery store to stock up on my healthy foods. Life has been crazy!

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