Working out mommas-to-be!

That's good to hear Rebecca. I didn't work out as much as I did in my previous pregnancy in first tri but I was honestly so tired and sick it was very tough to find the motivation. I hope I can keep up a good routine for the rest of this pregnancy like you have :thumbup:
Hi ladies, may I join you? I'm struggling with hunger pangs all the time so trying to eat veg & clean proteins and limit carbs. I work out 3-4 times /week, kick box class at work Tuesday's (it's VERY tame), Pilates Wed's, HIIT class Thurs, sometimes I make it to the gym on the weekends and then I start my week with yoga Monday's.

I'm only 8+5 with barely any ms and with all the hungry tummy pangs have gained 6 lbs! The plan was for 0 lbs the first tri:dohh:
what do you do to curb the pangs? I drink cinnamon, mint, green, & roobios tea all day long. Snacks like seaweed (50 cal/pack), protein with every meal... Frustrated!!
That is such an impressive routine! I'm pumped if I get to the gym twice a week for walking.
For the hunger, I'm not doing great myself, but what I aim for is grabbing small protein filled snacks or low cal snacks. So nuts, cheese sticks, fruit and I've been eating loads of red meat cause I still have a full scale chicken adversion. I say this as I'm shoving my face full of chili and corn bread. :(
Hi ladies, may I join you? I'm struggling with hunger pangs all the time so trying to eat veg & clean proteins and limit carbs. I work out 3-4 times /week, kick box class at work Tuesday's (it's VERY tame), Pilates Wed's, HIIT class Thurs, sometimes I make it to the gym on the weekends and then I start my week with yoga Monday's.

I'm only 8+5 with barely any ms and with all the hungry tummy pangs have gained 6 lbs! The plan was for 0 lbs the first tri:dohh:
what do you do to curb the pangs? I drink cinnamon, mint, green, & roobios tea all day long. Snacks like seaweed (50 cal/pack), protein with every meal... Frustrated!!

I have to basically force myself to eat plain greek yogurt with very low sugar to curb the hunger pangs. I try to make it taste better by adding fresh fruit to it or some honey. But I find that sugary things only increase my appetite. I don't have to eat more than a cup of plain greek yogurt for my hunger to be satisfied for a very long time, though.
Up until this past week, I was eating an apple before bed to keep myself from being starving in the morning. I guess because I'm in the last month now, my hunger is increasing and the apple wasn't cutting it. I was waking up starving in the middle of the night. So, I started eating a cup of plain yogurt before bed and that did it! I'm back to going all night without being hungry.
A handful of almonds also helps curb the hunger pretty good.

It is so funny to me how people are reacting to me at the gym now. They know I'm almost due, and they are all starting to think I'm going to go into labor right there. I find it hilarious! Don't they know how long labor takes? I haven't had a single contraction. The only thing that might happen would be water breaking, and I still haven't dropped. So, I don't think that's happening any day soon either.
I say this as I'm shoving my face full of chili and corn bread. :(
:haha: I hope the cornbread & chilli was deliscious! Thanks for the tips, I'm going to try even smaller bits more often and see if that helps.

It is so funny to me how people are reacting to me at the gym now. They know I'm almost due, and they are all starting to think I'm going to go into labor right there. I find it hilarious! Don't they know how long labor takes? I haven't had a single contraction. The only thing that might happen would be water breaking, and I still haven't dropped. So, I don't think that's happening any day soon either.
I <3 greek yoghurt too. That's funny about the people at your gym, I'm sure I'll get those same stares in third tri, can't wait to get to that point! All of my friends including my husband give me such a hard time for working out. I have stage 4 arthritis in my knees and I find I have alot less pain when I keep the muscles around my joints strong and my weight down. My doc said that if I work out too hard the body lets you know by the Braxton Hicks contractions, so far I haven't had any of those. It's meant to be SO much easier to push that monster out if you're in shape and a quicker, easier recovery too. My gf gained 50 lbs and she says she feels aweful. Would love to prevent this. Will try hard. It's helpful to have other women with the same goal to chat with.

Kudos to you ladies for trying hard to have a healthy diet & trying to exercise too. Even if it means scoffing down the odd bit of cornbread or for me it was chocolate almonds while I did my taxes last night. Took the edge off:haha:
Lol. I'd love to see my water break at the gym. That would be hilarious.

I've also been trying to eat lots of eggs for protein too. I've done that egg in a cup thing a few times and it actually tastes pretty decent. Great tips on begone bed stuff Rebecca. I think I'm going to use them!
Last pregnancy I'd eat two salt crackers between meals. I'd have to every half an hour because I was was just STARVING! I was definitely eating enough, but only lasted about a week (and then the indigestion started... :) ).
2have4kids, it sounds like you have a great routine going. Try not to be too upset about the first tri weight gain, it sounds like you are definitely be active enough and if you're eating healthy food the weight will come off in the end.:thumbup:

Sass, it sounds like you are doing a great job as well. I try to tell myself that as long as I eat healthy the weight will come off. Last time it took me the longest amount of time to lose my last 10 lbs (post-pregnancy) and I'm pretty sure it was because that was the excessive weight that I gained from eating way too much junk.

Rebecca, that's funny that people are looking at you like you're a ticking time bomb at the gym. You should fake a few contractions and see what happens :haha:
Mrs. Eddie- That would be hilarious!! :rofl:I should try it just to freak people out. They already get uneasy when I sweat or breathe heavy in any way. I want to say, "You know, sweating and getting short of breath are common among all people." But because I'm pregnant it must mean labor. I would probably have to be careful or someone would call an ambulance.

2have4kids- I agree, it sounds like you are on a great routine! I gained all of my weight during 1st and 2nd trimester. I haven't gained ANY in the third trimester and I'm now within 5 weeks of my due date. There is also increased blood volume, water, etc. that causes weight gain in the first trimester. Just keep at the routine. I'm sure you'll be just fine! :thumbup:
Rebecca, you are so inspiring! If it is not too personal how much did you gain in the first and second trimesters?

I am really wanting to keep my gains minimal but seem to have had a mini blow out in the last week but in all fairness I have not been moving enough!

I have decided to get back into jogging, going to start with just an easy 2.5km and take it from there. i will let you all know how I do :happydance: I really have to get over my fear of bleeding/losing the baby!!
I gained 5 lbs in the first trimester. I just gained it all at once. One week, I was just 5 lbs heavier. Then, I gained about 10-15 lbs (not sure exactly because it was fluctuating due to me getting back into an exercise routine)in the 2nd trimester. I lost about 3-5 lbs since the 3rd trimester. And I've just stayed the same weight for the past 2 months. I've had a total weight gain of 15 lbs.
That's an amazing weight gain Rebecca :thumbup:

I'm hoping that I only gain 30 lbs at most this pregnancy, we'll see how it goes. People at work and my midwife are already commenting on how much smaller I am this time around, which is nice to hear.

Good luck with your jogging Aliop, hope you enjoy it!
Rebecca that is amazing. I seem to get hungry right before bed and sometimes I eat too much. Will have to keep it in check! Night eating has always been my nemesis!
Hello all! I'm hoping to get back into doing my stairs routine-had to stop when it started snowing (stairs are outside my complex) and with my yoga its been off and on. Last Dr. visit I was 125 up from 117. Hoping not to gain any more than 25 lbs. Just focusing on taking it easy and taking breaks as needed!
Hi all! Been having a rough week. Found out at my doctors appointment this week that I've gained a total of 19lbs so far putting me at 202. I'm so upset. My husband decided to weigh himself as well and apparently he's gained the same exact amount so far. I took an inventory of the foods we have, and am putting us on a healthy diet as of tomorrow morning.

I've been managing to stay active, though not as much as I'd like, so my food intake is definitely to blame for. What can I say, I'm a girl who just loves to eat!

But being pregnant is no excuse to just eat whatever I want. I did that with my daughter and gained close to 60lbs. I just can't do that this time. My body did not handle that weight well my last pregnancy... My knees and ankles hurt badly when I walked. Ugh, no fun.
At least you're aware this time Greats and taking steps to change your eating now. I'm sure you can get back on track :thumbup:
greats, good on you for recognising where you are going 'wrong'. I gained a huge amount of weight with my first which I never fully lost and then added to it twice more with my next two babies :wacko: finally lost it all plus an extra 14kg for pre-first baby weight and am pregnant again! Determined to do better this time:thumbup:

Went for a 5km walk this morning, feel really good for making the effort to go. I aim to be back jogging -just 2.5km to start- by weeks end. I actually think the exercise and fresh air made me feel better overall. I did come home though and jump online and order a pair of maternity shorts, my regular shorts were so uncomfy!! I pulled them low and they were still annoying lol so am looking forward to those arriving :happydance:
Went to the gym on Saturday and did chest :D felt great to be pressing 65lbs even though back in November that was my warm up =/

Next day did calves. Oh how I missed lifting weights!! :D

Weighed myself before I went to bed and the scale said 238 and I freaked (pre-pregnancy is 232) but this morning it said 233. I'm okay gaining about 5-10lbs in this pregnancy (I'm only allotted 15) but I want it to be in the third tri when baby is really beefing up.
Nice work Aliop and DSemcho, sounds like you both had good workout weekends :thumbup:

I did my pregnancy work out on Saturday and yoga yesterday. Tonight I don't have time to work out (DH's hockey night so have to do evening routine alone) but good news is that it is warming up here quite a bit so I can start walking every day at work again :happydance: I typically do 3-4 km so a fairly decent walk. Am excited to start doing them again regularly. I work at a large Zoo so lots of cool things to see on my walks as well.
I'm trying to find a prenatal yoga to do =/

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