I don't think I would, but like most ladies on here I'd happily feed EBM. I know how attached Eleanor has become due to breastfeeding, and I wouldn't want her to have that bond with someone other than me (selfish, yes). When she's hurt herself and cries her heart out, it's the breast that offers comfort (not the milk), when she can't get to sleep it's again the same thing ... Maybe it's because, breastfeeding her, there is no real distinction between 'me' and 'breast', but that's the way it is for us. She won't go to sleep if I just hold her, it's the sucking on a nipple (she refuses bottles and dummies) that helps her sleep, would this still happen if we had the wet nurse? As in, she'd definitely fall asleep during a feed at some point - would that start a bad pattern?
I would however be a 'wet nurse' in an instant.
I would however be a 'wet nurse' in an instant.