WTT - August 2015

I don't even know what to say Sakura. I'm sorry. Do you think it's because having your first baby is really scary and that is why your OH is seemingly getting cold feet? If you guys had talked it over and agreed to a plan then I would definitely say that is what it is. Perhaps an oopsie would be a blessing in disguise. Either way I pray that whatever your future holds that you find happiness.
Thanks busytulip - that's really thoughtful of you. I do know that OH takes a WHILE to adapt to change, or at least to the idea of it. For a while before our big move, I wasn't sure he was even coming! Now 2 years on we're settled and doing well. We've been discussing this for 4 of the 5 years we've been together, and it seemed so certain we were on the same page - he came with me for my iud removal even - so it's a bit frustrating. We are having good convos and we'll see where things are at later....maybe an oops will be good for him, but it's totally not how I want this to go! We will see!

Thanks so much.
:hugs: That's hard Sakura.

DH and I have been NTNP, just taking the let's see what happens approach I guess. We still agree that Aug./Sept. is the ideal time to get pregnant but neither of us want to deal with the pressure of TTC during a certain time. Especially since it may take a while to get pregnant.

How is everyone else?
Oh dear - what's he doing, Flossie? Sometimes the other half is a total goober, too!

We are having a great weekend - we told my parents we're going to TTC soon, and while they were a bit surprised at first, with the convo about all the research and planning we've been doing, they were very supportive! The OH's parents have known for quite a while, and are totally on board as well. It is a huge relief to have their support! 😀
I bet it is a huge relieve, AnglophileAsh! :) we're actually not going to tell because firstly we would probably just hear "are you crazy your too young" and also i don't really want anyone to ask things like "so you pregnant yet?" Haha

I think i may not be fully wtt anymore! This weekend OH had a pretty romantic date night, ending in dtd and he didn't reach for a condom! I asked him if he was sure and while he didn't actually answer me he kept going without covering up :) so i think we're kind of ntnp until august!
Congrats on ntnp, cupcake!

I'm getting really excited about ttc as the time ever draws nigh. I just realized I have only 2 more cycles of preventing before its time to ttc!! :happydance:
omg, someone pinch me, cause I think I might be dreaming!

OH just came home from work and presented me this:


He said he had a meeting with his boss today about having his contract changed to a permanent one when his current contract runs out (end of this year). He's already on his second time-limited contract and by german law you can get two time limited contracts but after that the company will have to either keep you permanently or let you go.
So he had that meeting today and he was told that the company definitely wants to keep him.

Sooo now that his job is safe he said we can go ahead and start trying now! :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

I'm so excited and at the same time I feel like it's so unreal! Can't believe I'm not wtt anymore, but actually ttc!

Having you ladies to share the waiting has helped so much and I can't wait for all of you to finally be done waiting as well!
Soo, unless I conceive right away, I can't wait to see you girls over in TTC! :flower::flower::flower::flower::flower:
omg, someone pinch me, cause I think I might be dreaming!

OH just came home from work and presented me this:


He said he had a meeting with his boss today about having his contract changed to a permanent one when his current contract runs out (end of this year). He's already on his second time-limited contract and by german law you can get two time limited contracts but after that the company will have to either keep you permanently or let you go.
So he had that meeting today and he was told that the company definitely wants to keep him.

Sooo now that his job is safe he said we can go ahead and start trying now! :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

I'm so excited and at the same time I feel like it's so unreal! Can't believe I'm not wtt anymore, but actually ttc!

Having you ladies to share the waiting has helped so much and I can't wait for all of you to finally be done waiting as well!
Soo, unless I conceive right away, I can't wait to see you girls over in TTC! :flower::flower::flower::flower::flower:

Yey!! Congratulations!!

I really think I want to start TTC in July, but the thought of a ferry journey with possible morning sickness is holding me back. That and trying to hide it from my in-laws on holiday!

We will be continuing this group in TTC, yes?
SQUEE! That's so exciting Cupcake! Congratulations in the next step, and may your baby-dancing be both fun and fruitful! I'll see you over in TTC in just under 8 weeks - but if you've already moved on then that's even better!

Lola - I'm sure we'll be able continue our support together - or maybe just rename the group? It would be so great to have a core group of you nice ladies to stay with once the ball (or rather,the bump) really gets rolling 😉 I think it's a nice mix of FTM and ones with more experience to guide us.

AFM, I am slowly working on my aforementioned house projects. We're hoping to do a house-warming party at the end of summer, which would give me the winter to work on a combination of baby and wedding projects. I want to get engagement photos done by then, too. Cue the insanity! But I suppose if I need a break from planning one thing, I have plenty of other options to jump to, haha. How are you ladies doing? Any news with your OH, Sakura?
congrats cupcake!!

Anglophile~it must be a relief all the parents are on board :)

Lola~ I hope we continue on with this group in TTC
Hi guys! It sounds like everyone is doing well. Excited to hear the updates on this forum! So something kinda funny happened to us the other day. While DH and I were at church, they were handing out fathers day gifts to all the fathers. They gave one to DH and we were like huh? They know we don't have kids yet..DH tried to give it back but they said "well just take it because it's probably going to happen soon anyway!" And then someone who has 3 daughters said he was passing the torch along to my DH and it was his turn now:haha:
I was thinking >8) yes... Yes...! He needs the encouragement. Haha!
Thanks busytulip!

Does anyone have anything special planned or have any ttc related things they plan to do in July now that we have about a month left till August?
We don't have anything special planned. We have a few home improvement projects to complete before summer's end, which I'm thankful for since they'll help time seem to pass by quicker. How about you?
Ah yes, home improvement projects do sound exciting! I already have a home improvement board in Pinterest and I don't even have a house yet! Haha :haha:
Well back in October, I needed something to do to help the wait feel more manageable so I went month by month in my journal and planned out little things I could do each month to have fun and get ready for ttc. I've done almost everything on my list so far! And for july I wrote I could start buying/ordering ttc supplies like pressed/lube, pregnancy tests and those kinds of things. I had also had the idea of going to some little sexy boutique in the area that sells lingerie and toys and other various sexy things. So I thought that would be fun. DH liked the idea at least, hahaha. Maybe that will help keep things fun while ttc.
Happy Monday to everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend (and a fun holiday for my fellow Americans). I'm a British Royals watcher, and I saw the photos of the christening for Princess Charlotte, and she & Prince George look SO cute! Hope my kids are just as cute - I'll probably think they are even cuter, haha.

We got a major house project done over the weekend, and now there's just a couple of small things to do before planning for a baby's arrival (crossing fingers!). I think I'm going to look at buying a pregnancy journal, to handwrite the experience. I'm big into scrapbooking and so I love that personal touch to what I hope will be something I can pass down someday. Since we will be NTNP at the end of this month, and actively TTC in August, I thought it might be nice to start documenting at the beginning of things, like a prologue.
I love that idea Anglophileash. :)

I was able to see a few pictures from the christening, they are beautiful children.
Confession-we had picked Charlotte Elizabeth as our girls name and I now feel a bit robbed. LOL
Hey girls, how's everyone's wait going? I've been pretty absent around the boards lately, busy busy working to get our small business through its first year, but as our TTC date approaches I thought I'd come back and catch up, hopefully get some peace of mind.

Is anyone else finding themselves getting more scared as August approaches? 3 months ago I didn't think I'd survive the wait my baby fever was so bad.. But now with two weeks to go I'm becoming scared/hesitant! Maybe it's marriage stress (anyone who has worked with their husband every single day will know what I mean), maybe it's just anxiety at all the terrible things that could go wrong! What if I'm a bad mum? What if we can't afford to give our baby everything he/she needs? What if my husband isn't helpful and I end up trying to juggle it all on my own? I don't think being unmedicated in preparation for TTC is helping (acute anxiety disorder).

We are so wanting this baby. I have been given a relatively short window to safely have kids and I don't want to miss the opportunity, I've always wanted a family and so has my husband. So it will happen. I just wish I knew how to chill and let whatever be, be.
Hey everyone! Flossie Aus I'm really feeling you about getting scared now that we're getting so close. We just got married on the 3rd and we're relocating to Hull for my first doctor job next week but even with all that I'm still finding myself in a weird combination of desperately wanting to try NOW and also feeling apprehensive and wondering if we're really ready and how will we cope blah blah blah.

Because of my endo we're going to try the sperm meets egg plan right away, is anyone else doing this? I need to buy a thermometer and some OPKs so that will keep me busy for at least 5 minutes.. ;-)

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