Evening ladies
Hi Nat, have I missed something? What are you doing in hospital? So your baby is pretty big now and you still have 7 weeks left!

Have you reached the point where you just want him/her out?
Poshie, I have gestational diabetes and I'm injected myself twice a day with insulin to control my blood sugars. I have to have regular scans and checks. Yes I have got to the point of having enough, but happily carrying on. I have a bit less than 7 weeks... more like 4/5 depending on my sugars, as I will be induced.
Nat, why are in the hospital? OMG, are you and baby okay????

Take care of yourself hunni.
Chris, we are all fine... just a clinic check up and a growth scan. I have another check up in two weeks, then in four weeks I have another scan and final date for induction