WTT sept/oct/nov graduates!

I really want to give it a go but hubby has forbidden it, I'll try it on him some time that isn't bd time so if it fails we can just laugh about it and give up :D

It's taken till my 4th cycle to get him "on board" he didn't like the idea of the "bd cuz we have to not cuz we want to" but after 3bfns he's like "you say jump I'll say how high" he's warmed to it a lot so I'm happy to drop the preseed for a bit :) just I hear (tmi) saliva is bad for the swimmers cuz they just twitch and don't swim anywhere but I'm not safe to go down on if I have ewcm (which I've only spotted once but aren't ready to ruin our sex life forever giving OH a mouthful of it by accident) kinda darned if you do darned if you don't :shrug: our favourite warm ups are ruined!

Gay Cntrygal, that's so weird to have late af :( hope it's a good sign, it's like if af is gonna come just come so things can start again! I'll probably be in bed when you test tonight but I want to hear news from you young lady! :flower:

Sweet, Angie we're exactly the same :) my temp this morning wasn't quite high enough to convince me that today was lost but I'm not bd'ing anyway and if I sneak in a few temps that are a bit higher in ff it puts my O on yesterday so tomorrow's temp is important :) let's kick the 2ww in the bum/butt/arse :haha:

I'm sorry I don't know anything about anxiety meds or viagra, I hope the Dr can find something that better suits him :) if he can handle taking a zinc vitamin then why not get him on man vitamins, should help things overall :)
We used preseed last cycle I think it was, although I only used a tiny amount sometimes it still seemed like too much. I didn't test before AF last cycle and I don't think I will anymore until I'm late because it's like a double disappointment to get BFN and then AF comes to confirm your disappointment.
Mysticalrain: Sorry to hear the :witch: got you but glad she is getting regular. I seem to be having the opposite problem.

MKAC: You are right there with Angie and Patience, very cool! I was much more relaxed this cycle too. I think last cycle...which was my first cycle TTC...was more figuring out how I was going to handle everything. Needless to say, taking a step back was the way to go for me.

Angie: Seriously, why have I not noticed you had your name on your posts!?! We talk about so many TMI things, it seems like you ladies should at least know my first name. Tommie, and yes I'm a girl. :haha: I don't have any advice for medication to help. I hope he finds something that will work for both of you.

Patience: I don't think I could be trusted with preseed. I feel like (tmi!) an ooey gooey mess afterwards w/out preseed! I've only had the dryness a couple of times so far. I just have DH get a little more 'hands-on' and that has fixed the problem thus far. Of course, we haven't had back to back BD so I'm not counting it out for future use.
Tommie, did you test again?? I'm sitting here writing my a research paper for class and wondering how you are doing. I so want this to be it for you!
I'm a total noob to all these gadgets and methods whats preseed? Also a friend from the toddler group told me and the other girls she was pregnant today. I am happy for her just wish it was me... And another women said shes been quite sickly lately too, So she reckons shes preggers too. must be something in the water up my neck of the woods hmmm. Hopefully it will catch on to me. And ill spread the magic to you guys heres hoping.:) xxxx
I'm a total noob to all these gadgets and methods whats preseed? Also a friend from the toddler group told me and the other girls she was pregnant today. I am happy for her just wish it was me... And another women said shes been quite sickly lately too, So she reckons shes preggers too. must be something in the water up my neck of the woods hmmm. Hopefully it will catch on to me. And ill spread the magic to you guys heres hoping.:) xxxx

Preseed is a fertility friendly lubricant. It's helpful when we start to dry out from frequent BD sessions. Other lubricants (as well as saliva) kill sperm, and this is supposed to make them live longer.

I hear you about the announcements. I have a lot of friends pregnant with their second or third at the moment (a lot of them unplanned) and I'm just hoping for my first! I'm trying not to be jealous, but that's easier said than done.
I tested with a FRER and got a BFN. I held my pee from 1:30-5:30. Ahhhh!

Today at work I was so cold. I'm always cold, but today I was chilled to the bone, couldn't warm up cold. Now my face is really flushed and hot. My hands are cold, but my face is hot. It's so odd. I even took my temp thinking I was coming down with something. I don't take my temp often but I'm always on the low side, around 97.7 and it's up just a bit at 82. What the heck!
I'm not worried about no AF and BFN yet, but at what point should I consider making a Dr appt. and getting checked out? I figure a week, which would be next Tuesday. But do I wait until next Tuesday to call and may have to wait a few days/weeks to get in? Do I call tomorrow and see what they say and tentatively schedule an appt. for next Tuesday (or the next available appt) if I don't start or get a BFP by then?

I don't like that my body seems to be doing stupid things. It makes me nervous. Just being in limbo is one thing. But now with being cold but hot and all this nonsense. Ugh. My face has that flushed feeling like after your first glass of wine.

What do you girls think?
That's a tough call. If it was just a late af or late bfp, then I'd say wait til next week to call. I don't think they'll take you too seriously if you're just late by a week. Since you are also feeling sick, I would give them a call tomorrow to make an appointment just to get that checked out. It would be nice to know what's going on with you're body.
Thanks Angie. I'll see what tomorrow brings and see how I feel. Unless I feel like dog-poo I'll probably wait until next week to call. I don't want to "cry wolve" but I don't want to drag my feet if something is wrong and needs to be done.
OMG cntrygal I'm sorry I just saw my last post, damn auto correct took "gah" to "gay" that wasn't the intention >_<

Sucks about the bfn, but yeah I'd probably wait til the 1 week mark to call but then cry at them to get seen asap :D I don't think they'll make an appt "just in case" sadly :( are there no drop in places to go to? I have a place that lets you test for free which is nice, never had to go to them so I don't know what else they can help with :)

About the preseed, I used it a little to cover the bd but also cuz i don't get much ewcm so I wanted to give them swimmers the best chance :)

Temp is up nicely today, I snuck one in ff for tomorrow, if it's correct I'm at 2dpo yay! :D
Oh patience, no worries. lol I figured it was autocorrect.

The :witch: showed this morning. I feel like I got tricked into testing this month when I didn't need too. I was hoping I was one of those girls with low levels who has to take a blood test to get a bfp. I guess I'll be waiting until CD 31 to test next month, which will be DH Bday. Ugh, no pressure or anything. I told DH last night that I hate being in limbo, so when I told him this morning that I started his response was "well, at least you know". That's a true statement, but not necessarily the first response I wanted out of him. *Sigh*

Since my cycle wants to screw with me, guestimating ovulation is going to be a little more tricky this month. It looks like I'll O anywhere from the 24th-31st. So looks like DH will definitely be getting some Christmas eve and New Years eve. Ha! I swear, this month I'm going to put each O date on a sticky note and put them on our bedroom wall so he's aware of the crucial dates. Then each time we BD, move the sticky note with that date down a notch so we can make sure and get enough BD in.

Now it's my turn to live through you ladies. Crossing my fingers for you!
They don't view AF the same way we do, we have the inner storm of emotions, they're like "oh well next month" a good cuddle and a lot of chocolate goes a long way :D sorry she got you, it was unnecessary for her to drag out like that! Xmas-New year sounds like a great chance to get some BD in though :happydance:

I've been back and forth about when to test, FF says 22nd but that's only 10dpo since my other AFs have come at that time, but if I was regular and had 14day LP then i'd get to Dec 26th, i've decided to set 25th as testing day if by some miracle I don't have my period before then :) it's technically too early but not by my LP standards and i'm not testing earlier cuz I can't face Xmas with the family and keep it secret :D plus i'm scared of chemical pregnancies so don't want to test early at all, specially with a short LP i'd imagine I was prone to that stuff :shrug:
Sorry Tommie:hugs: It's crazy how often you hear that someone with pretty regular cycles starts TTC and their cycle changes.

4DPO and I'm already considering myself "out" for this cycle, just a gut feeling..and I'd rather consider myself out now so I'm not as disappointed when af shows. If she doesn't I'll be pleasantly surprised.

I did do my calculations and it looks like I'll be in my TWW in January when we are on our cruise...which I was hoping I would already be pregnant or be able to drink...not stuck in limbo. If I'm only 1-7DPO, I might indulge in a couple drinks..which I said I would never do..but...

Patience, our charts our so similar! Don't you just get so jealous of the girls who have an obvious ovulation spike so they aren't left wondering?? This whole maybe, maybe not chart is driving me crazy!
Gosh yes, my lowest temp is barely ever my O temp :shrug: but that morning you wake up and see the crosshairs after temping.... that feeling is amazing <3 it's like "my work here is done" lol, I know what you mean about feeling out though, i'm trying to keep that mentality but I don't know if I can be miserable for the next 2 weeks cuz I think i'm out, plus if I don't have AF on 22nd i'm gonna be automatically excited even when it might just be my LP lengthening out to a healthy DPO :( i've found out the number of people to hide the miracle BFP over xmas has reduced drastically, now it's the MIL and BIL and he's going through a bad breakup so the last thing on my mind will be worrying about bursting to tell them..

I prefer waiting for O than the 2WW, this stuff kills me ! I get all lonely and want to talk to everyone about it, can't remember the statistics of getting a BFP within 4months of trying but if I don't i'll be like "why not me?" to be fair my first month didn't calculate ovulation so technically 3months, but emotionally 4 (plus all that WTT time spent wishing for the days we were sat complaining like we are haha)
Angie, liking your chart so far :) how are you feeling?

Tommie, is the witch over with yet? Soon as she's done it's time to start the baby dance :D

Hows everyone else doing? I just started feeling extremely crampy for 6dpo, just after lunch today, like, not painful cramps but still "why aren't I having af I want my hot water bottle" cramps, I better not be having an early af! :(
Thanks Patience, I'm just trying not to think about it too much. I take my temp at different times depending on when I wake up so I'm trying to remember that this morning's spike could just be because I woke up a little later. Other than loads of CM and sore bbs, which I had last month, I don't feel anything. Obviously I would love a surprise BFP for Christmas, but am doing my best to not get my hopes up.

Your chart isn't looking bad either. Crossing my fingers AF stays away for you!
You're brave, I feel like I'm being plagued by phantom symptom city :( suddenly feeling rough this afternoon, got stabby pains in my hooha when I went to the loo (secretly hoping for ib) feeling exhausted and nauseous, curse you mother nature for making period and pregnancy symptoms the same! *shakes fist at the sky*

I don't much like my temps, they always feel low compared to most people so I went and compared charts on ff for people with low post ov temps who got + to make myself feel better :D
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you both Angie and Patience! So exciting. I hate the 2 week wait, it's miserable. I handled it better last month when I kept the same precautions, but was adamant I was out. Of course those last couple of days being in limbo were brutal.

Last night I wrote each fertile date on a sticky note and put it on the wall in our bedroom. Of course, there are a couple extra days since I don't know if I'll have a 27 or 30 day cycle (damn you mother nature!). DH asked what I had going on there. I told him those were THE dates so neither of us could forget (him!). AF is on the way out the door. :happydance: I'd like to hold off a few days longer though to start BD since we seem to fizzle out soon. I really think we just haven't been :sex: enough. I only have Christmas day off so things shouldn't be as crazy as they were over Thanksgiving.

My company Christmas party is tomorrow so looks like I'll be able to have a drink or two. :thumbup: Still haven't gotten my manicure. The lady I like was booked up until the day after Christmas. Ugh.
Hahaha that is absolutely brilliant :D ripping off a sticky note with each date that you BD ! Love it ! Good easy visual for your OH, I think it's great that way they realise "here we have a chance, here and here and OH LOOK NO MORE CHANCES" :happydance:

Good timing with the Xmas party, mine is more of an activity afternoon (from 12-5pm this thursday) so there probably won't be any drinks thankfully :) aww you should have your nails done for the party if you get time, you'll feel a million bucks !

I'm actually going to need some divine intervention if i'm to not piss on anything before 25th, that's 8 freaking days away !!! This evening I had a massive twinge in my lower bits and keep having weird stabby cramps, i've been having mild pain in the abdomen before though so it's hard to remind myself not to read too much into it, but with a short LP i've convinced myself that maybe i'd IP earlier if I got lucky? Time to google the journey of the little eggy, even if i'm just imagining things :shrug:

I'm already crazy.... I feel bad for the girls that bounce about symptoms then get AF, and here I am doing the same.... sad lonely me !

My name is Emma by the way :)

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