WTT sept/oct/nov graduates!

Hey guys had brown dc today Af is due tommorow me thinks im out again this month sighs. Will find out tommorow :( hope you ladies get lucky xxxx
Agghhh noooo :( sorry sweetie, looks like you and Cntrygal are synced pretty well, Angie and I are fairly close, at least we all have eachother to keep our spirits up :)
Staying hopeful for you Mystical. It's nice to see someone else similar to my cycle days.

Since August when I started diligently keeping track of when my cycle starts I've had a 26, 27, or 28 day cycle with 27 being the most common. Today is CD 27 and looking at my calendar I'd be due to start tomorrow, had my dates a little off. So no AF yet but I still have a couple more days before she may show. It wouldn't surprise me if I woke up to her in the morning. Looks like Thursday will be the earliest I'd test.
Boo there's nothing worse than af being elusive :( it's better she's on time than late but still comes, I hope she stays away in a good way!

Just a tiny bit of cm related tmi:

I am having a total freak out now, my OPK's have been blank since the one that showed very lightly, since I'm scheduled an O earliest Thursday this week I didn't think much of it but my temp is as low as it will get 2 days in a row, it can increase a little and still be an O temp but since my cm has still been creamy I figured O is still a few days away.

Oh boy, woke up this morning, blank opk, went to check cm and Boom, my first EVER ewcm! Nearly died of shock, tried using my first digi opk incase the cheapies were bring naff, couldn't get it to work then had to run out the door for work :/

We still can't bd till absolute earliest tomorrow morning, we have done nothing for a week so I'm freaking out a bit here, my temps say O should be now, OPK's say no and this is my first day of fertile cm, if i O today I'm very likely screwed (not in the good way) I can't calm down argh!
It is really great that we are all buddied up! Makes the process a bit easier knowing we have others in the same position as ourselves!

Mysticalrain, did AF end up showing up or do we still have hope for you this cycle??

Cntrygal, today is CD28 for you?? And you're waiting to test til CD30? You have far more patience than me! Also, I think you asked about what Zinc does. I'm still trying to figure that out, but as far as I can tell, it increases blood flow (especially to that area..) and libido which makes bd'ing every other day much more realistic. My hubby takes an anti-anxiety medication which obviously decreases his sex drive and the daily dose of zinc seems to be counteracting that. For the first cycle, he was completely against taking any sort of vitamin or supplement, but as soon as he realized that we did everything right and still did not get our BFP, he became a lot more open to taking something.

Patience, just bd as soon as you can and try not to stress too much about timing..it seems like an OPK would be positive if you were that close to ovulation..fingers crossed you can catch that eggy in time!

I got my very pos OPK this morning! Several days earlier than last cycle so must be my body is adjusting to all my natural hormones, versus the bc ones and the egg donation ones. Hoping this means my LP will be a little longer this time if nothing else.

I'm feeling much more relaxed this cycle than last. I think because it was only our first month, that I had my hopes set up too high and I think I'm going into this much more realistically this month. I would love a BFP by New Years but if not, I'll be fine (I think..). In fact, we have a family cruise booked for the second week of January, so if I'm not pregnant, I can enjoy a drink or 5 while onboard.

My massage was fantastic! It cost a fortune but was so worth it. Planning a pedicure if AF shows up this cycle. I've also been meaning to go grab a bottle of wine from the local winery to enjoy, but have not had the time. Now that I may ovulate this week, I think that'll have to be a next month consolation prize as well if necessary.

We went out and bought my hubby's new car last night. He's been wanting one for quite awhile and the incentives finally got good enough to make it worth it. It's a 2013 Mazda3, 4 door sedan. I brought along an infant car seat just to make sure that it would fit...It's really tight, but it can work when necessary. Now we just pray that we don't have multiples or we'll be in a bind because that car will not fit more than one car seat.

Has anybody else been noticing a LOT of pregnancy announcements lately?? Since Thanksgiving, I've had like 5 or 6 friends or acquaintances announce and I'm happy for them (mostly), but also a little jealous.

I'm really hoping to see more BFPs in this thread soon! I find I'm just as invested in your lovely ladies results as mine and check frequently hoping one of us has some good news to share!
I hear you about us girls here, I'd be almost as excited if one of you got a bfp as if I'd got one :) We're here till we all get our sticky beans! <3

That's great about your opk, we're both getting more regular :)

I may or may not have come home early today, not feeling well but absolutely not missing a bd chance! My lunch time opk was decidedly more pronounced but still not need positive, I'm expecting a +opk tonight or tomorrow so O weds or Thurs which is between 3-5 days earlier than ff predicts so I'm mighty pleased :) I'd suspect a false reading on my opk but The ewcm sealed the deal, I'm officially in bd spree territory :D

I think it's due to the fertilitea that my O has come forward, I couldn't be more pleased :)

So jealous of that massage, I never got my af consolation prize last month so definitely having a massage this time round :)

I'm now off to make a clumsy attempt at seducing my hubby :D for a short time I need to not feel like death!
Yes please let us know Mysticalrain! I'm ready to see another BFP in this thread.

You go Patience! Hope this is your O.

Still no AF, I swear I get a feeling off and on that she's just around the corner. I slapped on a pad this morning I was so sure.

Stomach is a little yucky for some reason, I hope I'm not coming down with something. I woke up Sunday morning...actually my stomach woke me up...and I had to go straight to the bathroom. TMI (I'm so glad I can be gross with you girls. lol)...had a little diarrhea. Was fine by lunch. Today the diarrhea is back. I'm not a pooper at work. I know everyone knows I poop, but I'd rather not have anyone hearing or smelling the evidence. I didn't have a choice about mid morning. I pretty much felt fine after, but right before lunch the rumbling started again. So far it hasn't been serious and I've been able to stay out of the bathroom. But I know where my first stop will be when I get home.

Lovetocruise I just can't bare to see a negative. Plus I feel silly getting my hopes all up. Last month (which was our first cycle trying) DH talked to my stomach a few times. This month he hasn't done that. I think we both got our hopes up. If I could find somewhere that does those chair massages (somewhere besides in the middle of a mall!), I'd be all over a massage. Laying flat and getting my back rubbed just doesn't feel as good as sitting up and leaning forward. Gosh a back rub would be fabulous right now. If I lived anywhere near a mall with chair massages I might just cave and let everyone see my fat giggle as someone worked on my back.

I haven't had a bunch of pregnancy announcements, it's the pregnant ladies everywhere that's driving me nuts! :dohh:
Think we missed our shot this month. OH got performance anxiety tonight. And judging by my temps I'm going to ovulate before we get another shot. I know it's wrong but I'm mad at him. He feels bad but I can't stop crying...
Oh lovetocruise I'm so sorry. :hugs: I know you don't want to blame him, but all you can think right now is how it's all his fault. Hang in there girl. It's not over until AF shows. This TTC business is such a roller coaster of emotions. Let yourself get through this and BD as soon things get better. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Still no AF for me. I told DH this evening that I hadn't started yet and he automatically crossed his fingers. So we'll see if AF is waiting until CD 29 to show. If not I'll be testing on Thursday morning. Can a yeast infection delay your period?
Aww Angie I know how that feels, been there :( when do you think your next shot could be? O can be 12-36 hours after a +opk and the egg can survive for around 12, some say up to 24 hours after it pops but I'm not certain, give it a shot as soon as you can, it would feel worse to give up now and it turns out you had more time to try <3

Cntrygal I think it's good to have a little hope, I'd prefer to spend the 2ww crossing my fingers and going "what if" than being adamant there was no hope (I also know from experience I do both 50/50 haha) I'm afraid I don't know anything about yeast infections and delaying period, never hear anything about it :shrug: don't worry about being gross, I sometimes forget what is considered ok or not :D have to go back and warn of tmi just in case :haha: good luck to you :flower:
Yay, was rewarded with a smiley face on my opk when I got up :D I don't think we can manage 3 days in a row so the question is tonight or tomorrow? I think tonight is the best but what if tomorrow is still good, hmm, it's been very strange having O sprung upon me, we've had no time to react! Probably 2 bd with no break for OH to "restock" it's far from my ideal but hey that's life I guess :shrug: if i O today or tomorrow that's cd16/17 when it was cd21 last month :)
That's so great to hear Patience! I vote BD tonight and then see if you can get in another one tomorrow night. Good luck!

Today is CD 29 & still no AF. My longest cycle in the last 5 months was 28 days so I'll be testing in the morning.

Last night I thought about testing this morning, but when I woke up and went to potty I was just anxious about seeing if AF had come or not. I'm going to have to get up early in the morning for 2 reasons. 1) They have started working on a bridge on my route to work. They have put up stop lights so there will be only one lane of traffic for a short bit. 2) To give me time to test if AF doesn't show between now and then. B/c if it's a positive I know there won't be any way I can just zip through my morning routine. I'll need a few minutes. lol

I'll have some things I'll share with you girls once either AF shows or I get a bfp. For whatever reason I have a strong feeling not to talk about them so that I don't jinx anything. Silly I know, but that's how I am with most things...wait and talk about it after the fact.

Questions (amazingly, it's not TMI!!! Ha!) is it safe to get a manicure if you're pregnant? Is nail polish ok?
Definitely getting it in tonight :D hand over the preseed before I chafe! :haha:

We're here and waiting as anxiously as you :) it isn't much consolation but a bfn can still be false that early on, every day that goes by makes a huge difference but I applaud you for keeping away till now, I cave early but then again I get af early too :shrug:

About the nails, I'd love to know too, I don't think it's a great idea but I think there are worse things to do, I think dying your hair when pregnant is iffy so I figure nails probably aren't a great idea, I hope I'm wrong as they're my favourite thing to do plus me and the mother in law go together so if I suddnlenly stop she'll be on to me, she's already pointing at baby clothes going "one day when you have kids I'm going to spoil them rotten" i will have a look and let you know what info I find, think I'll be getting a manicure with gel nail varnish next af, AND a massage just for getting kicked in the heart right over the holidays (guessing around Xmas would be test day for me)
Patience, I'm so glad your cycle is starting to adjust, that has got to be a good feeling! Get your bd on tonight for sure. You'd hate to o tonight and miss it!

Cntrygal, I am so anxious to hear the results of tomorrow. Make sure you tell us either way and don't leave us hanging! I so hope this is it for you!

I looked up the manicure question and as far as I can tell, occasional manicures during pregnancy are perfectly safe, it just shouldn't be a regular thing. As for a massage, the lady I see said they aren't safe during the first trimester, but there are specialty ones they will do during the second and third trimesters.

I'm still pretty upset about last night because I know that would have given us our best shot, but I think we are going to try again tonight. He's still stressed and I'm still a little frustrated so I won't get my hopes up. I don't even know what to say, I know it's a common problem but that doesn't make it any less frustrating. He has the easy job, just make the deposit... It shouldn't be that difficult.
Well the witch came on time like I predicted boom on the 10th there she was bright as ever! excuse the pun and the tmi. Iv stuffed my face full of chocolate over the last two days. I really need to stop it though as its sending my sugars through the roof when I do that making all my symptoms of diabetes amplify like peeing all the time and being thirsty. I really need to make sure my sugars are balanced for when I do conceive as it can have serious side effects. But I cant help it Its my escapism of when af shows. But It only lasts for a few days and go back to my strict no sweet stuff diet unless hypoglycemic. The one positive thing I will take from all this is the fact for the last three months af has showed up boom on the same date. Which means its regulating its self. Remember I told you guys it was coming like two weeks to even three weeks later than the month before convincing me I was preggers! so I guess its good cause maybe then I can work out an ovulation day.

Cntrygal: Thats awsum were so close in dates hopefully my cycle stays the same from now on. Its known to change its mind and go every part of the month. lol

Patience: Thats awsum your getting some kind of pattern aswell fingers crossed for you :)

Lovetocrusie: thanks for the support all of you guys.

I didn't beat myself up about it being Diabetic I kind of know Af is coming as I have an extra warning, my blood sugars raise and I become more insulin resistant therefore needing more than usual. But also when I was preggers last time they raised aswell but it was much much higher. So I just knew she was coming. But not to worry I just went out with my Other half and my we boy and we went Christmas shopping. Took my we boy to Hamelys and took him out his pram let him run about his face was a picture of perfection he was so excited. There was a despicable me robot thing that one of the staff were operating. It was taller than him and it was just standing there. My son ran over pushed it over. I picked it back up he pushed it down again only this time it bounced back up and started chasing him around the shop down the aisles he was mortified. Shouting mummy, mummy we shame but it was so funny it was one of them you had to be there moments lol my other half just seen our we boy running down the aisle and despicable me character chasing behind him. It was funny. he cheers me up so he does:) Anyway I better get to bed im up early tommorow got a toddler group in the morning and then a dentist appointment for me and my boy. Thank god its only a check up :) keep me posted with the latest fingers crossed ladies xxxx
Due to vacation I was unable to temp/chart/use opk's this month but I can def. tell it's my fertile period due to lots of EWCM and a strong desire to DTD. I'm feeling more relaxed this cycle but maybe it's because there's so much to do with Christmas coming up soon.
Boo Mystical :( :hugs: i know exactly what you're feeling when it comes to the af binge, I absolutely stuffed myself with take out and all sorts of snacks and bad things, at least this cycle should be between Xmas and new year so I have an excuse to pig out and drink :D don't beat yourself up too much, the flare up was worth it im sure :)

Hey MK that's nice you're fairly well timed to Angie and I :) definitely can't help feeling hopeful with all the good vibes from all the festivities, here we're just waiting for the snow to come, we had some but then it vanished, it's just not the same when you're used to having snow for Xmas! Noone is telling me what they want so I think I'm going to make everyone healthy low carb treats (they're all trying to eat healthy too) will be fun either way :)

So sorry to hear your frustrations Angie :( had similar last night, the preseed totally killed it, only used 2g but it was way too much and we couldn't feel anything :/ I cried, he told me I'm obsessing with too much stuff, we agreed to give up the preseed and then I nudged him in to a morning session so we didn't miss anything but then we managed before sleep anyway, looks based on my temp that O is today, no way can we manage today without preseed though, my doors are CLOSED! I hope you snuck in the extra chance, sadly O is never exact so it could still give you a chance, maybe you had something similar to us? If we ever used it again I'd take 1g or even just a fingertip to help things along :) your temp looks nice and low as of yesterday :) let me know :flower:
CD 30: No AF & BFN. :nope: :shrug:

DH said maybe I'm an evening person. I told him once about how some women get better results in the evening. I can't believe he remembered that. He made the association that since I'm not a morning person, maybe I'm not a morning tester. :haha: So after I pee this afternoon at work, I'll be holding it for 4hrs+ and test this evening. DH has a meeting after work so it'll be 10:30 or so before he gets home so I'll likely be testing before he gets home. Which will be a little weird b/c he's been there for each testing so far. And I have every intention of lying to him if I get a BFP. There is no way I'm telling him over the phone.

I'm super bummed, but I refuse to be sad or worried yet. Like you said Patience, it doesn't mean I'm out yet.
Oh man, I was really hoping that this would be your day. You're not out yet! Some women don't show BFPs until much later than others. Its great AF hasn't showed up yet! Fingers crossed you'll get it tonight:thumbup: Do you have any special ways to tell DH if you do get it??

We did manage to squeeze in one BD last night. I hope that's enough. I think that FF will place my O as yesterday because of my spike as of this morning, but it might also be today...oh what we do to figure out our bodies...

After having a serious conversation with my other half, he decided he is going to the Dr. to see about getting his anti-anxiety medicine switched or getting another prescription on top of it to help his libido. The Prozac he's been on has been wonderful for his stress levels, but terrible for our sex life. Since I've been off birth control, I am always in the mood...he's not. Do anyone know anything about Viagra and TTC?

About the preseed, I've found it feels the best if you insert just a small amount as far up as you can get it. Feels more natural that way. I've made the mistake a couple times now of inserting it too close to the opening and it just feels sloppy. I'm using it everytime now, because I want those spermies to live as long as possible.
I hadn't really thought about ways of telling him b/c I was adamant he was with me when I tested. A long time ago there was a store getting rid of older cards so they just put a big variety in a brown paper bag and sold it for a couple bucks. I think there might be a Father's day card in there somewhere. If so, I'll probably give him the card saying its a thank you/love you card as a thanks for putting up with me. Then sign it from mama and baby so that between the Father's Day and the signature he'll get it. Probably have the BFP in my pocket and be holding it up when he looks up from the card just incase he doesn't get it. Or I may just wrap the BFP in a box as a thank you gift and watch his reaction. If I wasn't so against jinxing stuff I'd stop and get a bib or onesie that said something about Dad on it.

Do you ladies have any plans on telling OH?

I'm getting my oil changed after work and then I have a 30 minute drive home. I may be holding my pee and not drinking anything after lunch and see if I can hold it so that I can test when I get home instead of waiting all evening. Man, once I take one HPT I'm hooked and want to keep taking them.

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