WTT sept/oct/nov graduates!

Emma! I love that name, its even on my list of potential girl names :thumbup:

I won't be waiting until Christmas, I already know that. I'll start using my IC on Saturday which is 10DPO. I know I shouldn't because even if it is pos, it may be a chemical..But I have no self control and I need to know, even if it is a negative.

No Christmas parties here, plus I work with several conservative women, so I don't have to worry about not drinking. I will be getting a bottle of wine this month if I af shows though. I am determined.
So sorry Tommie hopefully third time is a charm for us. :) As for the rest of you girls I really hope this is it for you. Im not going to lie even though when people I know get BFP I get all jealous. But for you guys I would totally be over the moon :) I am just going to enjoy christmas and new year and and at the new year bells I will make a wish for a baby in the new year. Mabey there is extra magic at that time? You guys all set for Christmas? what you getting for the other halfs? xxxx
I love Emma too! Years ago, before DH, I had Emma down (in my head) for a possible girls name. Then I got a one year old boxer named Emily. She was already named and already a year old so I couldn't change her name. Emily and Emma are a little too close together. So instead, I've put Ella in the running...Ella Marie.

I hope you girls get some answers by Christmas, what a nice present that would be!

I'm right there w/ ya Mysticalrain...3rd time is hopefully a charm! :) When I've read through the boards and people have tried for a year, I think holy crap that's a long time. But now that we're trying, I can see a year of trying going by pretty fast. Aggravating and disheartening none the less, but that's actually only 12 tries.

I'm debating on the whole drinking thing like you were talking about Angie. New Years would be at the end of my fertile time and I'm trying to decide if I'm comfortable with drinking. DH was adamant that we not stop trying and we just do something different for New Years, but I'm not sure what we'll do. We won't go to our local bar like always, we won't go to friends b/c I'd have to explain why I'm not drinking. But at the same time I don't want to sit at home and be in bed by 9pm like always either. What are y'all doing for New Years?

I've started my Christmas shopping and feel like it's pretty under control. I haven't ordered DH's yet so I need to get that done. Procrastination should be my middle name.
AF is due the 23rd and I am not feeling lucky this month :/
I'm not having symptoms of anything so far
Aww I'm blushing :D I've enjoyed being called Emma at least! I thought I was set for names, for years after my dad passed away I wanted to name my first son after him but now I'm older it does feel a little strange for some reason, used to give me such comfort..

For a girl I'd like Freya, I sort of suggested to the hubby we look to norse mythology for names and of all of the boy names he chose Thor :D he's swedish so it's completely normal here, just don't want our future boy associated with a film character (even though he was a comic hero years before the films were even dreamt up)

Does anyone think about which sex they'll have first? There is a huge male percentage in hubby's family and it's about 50/50 on my side, I'm utterly convinced we'll have a boy just cuz I'd prefer a girl, not that I wouldn't love my son to death but I'm sure a lot of couples are wired that way, the guy wants a boy and the girl wants a... girl. Hubby wants a boy first so he can look after his younger sister, but the idea of more than one kid terrifies me, plus id like one of each so the thought of getting two of the same sex is quite horrifying, cuz I'm pretty sure 2 kids would be the max... But im getting waaaay ahead of myself :D one baby first!

MK I don't picture you as an obsessionist like me, we're the only kind of people who'd notice early symptoms and really everything felt this early on can always be accredited to af, there's no defining symptom that would stand out as "woo that's a pregnancy sign!" that being said it's kinda reassuring to have "symptoms", what I do is only get interested in the new ones, I ignore sore boobs and tiredness etc :) doesn't keep me any less sane though! Lol good luck, I'm meant to test on 22-23rd but I can't face another white test or knowing just before xmas with hubby's family so I'll have to try to stay away a few days longer :( roll on the weekend eh!

Tommie everyone feels different when it comes to alcohol, I feel just as bad having a drink as I do having pizza and drinking Pepsi, maybe you could have wine spritzer or something to water it down so to speak? I normally have about a 1/4 wine to 3/4 sprite but I hate wine :D for new year we're not doing anything, hubby just got a new job and he starts 7am 1st January....
I am only on my 3rd cycle ttc #3 and I only was obsessive and symptom spotting the first month. Since then I've relaxed but I keep having vivid dreams of positive tests or newborn babies! I had NO Symptoms of af or pregnancy last month and I normally have sore bbs and cramps prior. The only thing I did differently was drink lots of green tea with honey.
Ok, you'll likely see two posts back to back from me. I haven't read the posts since I posted so I'll be doing that in a second but I need some advice from you ladies. I have a few friends who I only get to see once a year or so. We've been trying to schedule a weekend to get together and it's been scheduled for the weekend of Dec 28th. This kind of stems from the New Years drinking thing, so I apologize for the redundancy. When we get together, we drink. Not slobbering drunk, but we catch up and laugh and use it as a chance to unwind. So here are the specifics date wise:

My fertile week (seriously, is there anything else I can call it besides my fertile time/week/etc, it just sounds weird!) starts on Tue Dec 24 and ends on Wed Dec 31st, so the weekend is smack dab in the middle of all that. DH won't be going w/ me so I'm trying to ignore the fact that we'll miss some BD, ugh. So I feel like I have 2 options. 1) Drink but limit how much by proportions. We'll have wine that I won't get to weaken, but I'll drink crown and diet dr.pepper otherwise and can just go heavy on the pop (not great for a little tyke, but better than alcohol!). 2) Be super cautious and reveal to them that we are trying and not drink at all. I'm going to talk to DH about it as well and see what he's most comfortable with but I wanted to get y'alls thoughts. I really don't want to tell, but I don't want to do anything that could harm a possible little tyke in the making.

*The get together is only an hour away so now I'm seriously trying to figure out a way for DH and I to meet up to get a quickie BD session or two in over the weekend. :haha: I'll take any ideas for that too. :winkwink:
I'm thinking if you don't feel like telling people then try making "drinks" perhaps, something that can pretend to be an alcoholic ? Maybe just have every other drink as alcoholic, you won't be seeing your OH that night ? You could excuse yourself by saying you don't want to be too drunk for some :sex: :D I'm a bit useless when it comes to drinking, i'm not much of a drinker at all so I never have to pretend really. But I do believe that until implantation there's probably not much you can do to affect baby making, well that's my logic at least !

I made the horrifying discovery last night that having an orgasm round implantation time can jolt things since it causes you to contract, just what you need when BD'ing just not around IP :D seems a bit of back and forth about whether it's true or not but I think it sounds logical.
I'm with Emma on this one. Enjoy a drink or 2. The chances of it affecting anything before implantation are so slim. I have decided that I'm not going to act like I'm pregnant during the 2WW because that just makes a bfn that much harder. I won't get drunk but I may indulge in a drink if the opportunity arises.
That's exactly my logic :) the more I do the "but I might be pregnant" the more it sucks when AF comes and i've been missing out on things "just in case", i'm trying to eat well etc but i'm not going to deny myself a pizza cuz it's "not good for the baby" when i've no reason to believe there is one till a week after AF is due or so :shrug:

On a random note, I wish BBT was an all day thing :D staring at my thermometer kinda looking forward to going to bed just to see my temp tomorrow ! Lame... :/
Alright, my hopes are up now, someone talk me down so af doesn't disappoint too bad.
My temps continue to rise where this time last month they were already dropping. I'm not noticing too many other symptoms except for increased CM and *sorry, TMI* gas.
It was everything I could do not to test today but I figure 8DPO might still be a little too early. I'll test Saturday.

Does anyone else ever figure their potential due date if you did conceive during your current cycle, or am I the only one that tortures myself like that??
For a girl I'd like Freya, I sort of suggested to the hubby we look to norse mythology for names and of all of the boy names he chose Thor :D he's swedish so it's completely normal here, just don't want our future boy associated with a film character (even though he was a comic hero years before the films were even dreamt up)

Does anyone think about which sex they'll have first? There is a huge male percentage in hubby's family and it's about 50/50 on my side, I'm utterly convinced we'll have a boy just cuz I'd prefer a girl, not that I wouldn't love my son to death but I'm sure a lot of couples are wired that way, the guy wants a boy and the girl wants a... girl. Hubby wants a boy first so he can look after his younger sister, but the idea of more than one kid terrifies me, plus id like one of each so the thought of getting two of the same sex is quite horrifying, cuz I'm pretty sure 2 kids would be the max... But im getting waaaay ahead of myself :D one baby first!

I'm like you and think I'll have a boy first..and I also would prefer a girl. Well..that's not entirely true. I want at least 1 girl and only 2 kids total, so I guess I'd feel more relaxed when trying for the second if I get my girl first..hope that makes sense. DH wants a girl too actually. We both want only 2 babies and as close together in age as we can get them.

My boy's name is pretty well set in stone, DH mentioned Jack a couple years back as a name he liked, but I'm thinking Jackson, Jack for short. The problem is the boy's middle name...
My inlaws have made very clear that we must give our first son the middle name of William because it has been a tradition for 3+ generations. First, I WILL NOT be told what to do, it's my kid and I'll name him what I want, DO NOT tell me I don't have a choice. Second, I don't particularly like the men on that side of the family; they are all chauvinistic jerks who think of woman as less important than men. You know, the whole '50s wife mentality..Uck. My father-in-law is the worst. Sits on his a** and makes his wife do everything for him. So I don't particularly want to carry on a name that screams chauvinist to me.
And I won't. My DH understands but feels like we don't have a choice, because he doesn't want his parents mad at us. I have compromised by telling him we'll use his other grandpa's first name instead..which was also my grandpa's first name. Both were such sweet men.

I have whole list of girls names but no idea what DH likes...he says we'll talk about it after we get pregnant.
That's a beautiful chart my dear :) i have the vip thing on ff atm, says if i conceived this cycle my due date would be Sept 3rd, you're the same dpo as me so I'd guess similar :)

I'm trying not to freak out, I have had dull abdominal pain basically all my cycle and I keep thinking I could have something wrong, last time I spoke to my gyno he shrugged it off cuz i was on the pill and said any pain I felt should be related to my bad back, so now I have no idea if the pains in my abdomen are from my back or if I have endo or something that horrid :( I'm 50/50 hopeful/miserable so we'll see :/
Sounds like a good plan about the middle name, I wouldn't give in to that stuff, then again it's easy to say when you're not in that situation, I don't think hubby would stand for it if his family told me to do something I didn't want like that, he's too relaxed though, "happy wife happy life" he says :D guess I shouldn't complain!
I am hoping I had IB last night, after work I was using the restroom and noticed alittle brown tinged mucus on my underwear and a tiny bit when I wiped and AF is not due until the 23rd. I haven't seen any sign of it today. I got excited and tested this afternoon knowing it would be too soon and of course BFN. I never spot before AF so I hope that's what it was!
Ooh MK that's exciting! Is your sig right, that you're testing in 5 days? I admit I caved today, 9dpo bfn :( af due in 2 days, I'm going between feeling crampy to pain/ache in my underarm by my boobs which is supposedly a good pregnancy sign, I'm totally 50/50 atm despite the bfn :(
It's off by 2 days and i'm not sure why since I have 25 day cycles. AF is due the 23rd. I took a vacation this month and it was around the beginning/middle of my fertile period so I didn't chart/temp or use OPK's this month but I believe i'm only 8DPO today so of course my test was BFN lol
I've looked at people's charts on ff and so many have tested bfn but got bfp the next day, it's amazing what a difference a day or 2 can make :) if you can manage to test every other day it could make a difference, good luck! Are you feeling any symptoms yet?

I need to be saved atm, my temp this morning was an all time high, did a cervix check and no sign of spotting yet which normally starts today (10dpo) I could potentially not have an 11day lp for once though and will be expecting my af up till weds 26th. Must keep cool, was bfn as of last night so didn't bother testing, I think I will test Monday if i make it that far it'll be a new dpo record for me :)

How's all you other girlie's doing? Angie your chart makes me happy :) keeps on going up!
I am hoping I had IB last night, after work I was using the restroom and noticed alittle brown tinged mucus on my underwear and a tiny bit when I wiped and AF is not due until the 23rd. I haven't seen any sign of it today. I got excited and tested this afternoon knowing it would be too soon and of course BFN. I never spot before AF so I hope that's what it was!

Sounds promising! Fingers crossed for you MKAC!! Just keep testing every other day, hopefully you'll see that BFP soon :thumbup:

Ooh MK that's exciting! Is your sig right, that you're testing in 5 days? I admit I caved today, 9dpo bfn :( af due in 2 days, I'm going between feeling crampy to pain/ache in my underarm by my boobs which is supposedly a good pregnancy sign, I'm totally 50/50 atm despite the bfn :(

I also caved..at 8 and 9 DPO. And then testing again this morning at 10 DPO. All BFNs. :growlmad: My temps are still really promising, so I'll keep testing. I admit, my hopes are up and I've been symptom spotting pretty bad so if af does show up, I'll be crushed...again. I just keep telling myself that I should be happy if I'm not I can drink on our vacation..

I've looked at people's charts on ff and so many have tested bfn but got bfp the next day, it's amazing what a difference a day or 2 can make :) if you can manage to test every other day it could make a difference, good luck! Are you feeling any symptoms yet?

I need to be saved atm, my temp this morning was an all time high, did a cervix check and no sign of spotting yet which normally starts today (10dpo) I could potentially not have an 11day lp for once though and will be expecting my af up till weds 26th. Must keep cool, was bfn as of last night so didn't bother testing, I think I will test Monday if i make it that far it'll be a new dpo record for me :)

How's all you other girlie's doing? Angie your chart makes me happy :) keeps on going up!

My chart Emma, look at yours! With all these temp rises its starting to look pretty good for both of us! How awesome would it be if we got a couple BFPs on this thread this month?!?
Just remember, even if its not a BFP, a longer LP is a really good thing too, means your body is adjusting to being off bc and hopefully won't take to much longer to get pregnant.
It's hard, the closer to af I get the more hopeful I become, my temp has never been this high and always by 10dpo I'm going down in temps, so I'll admit I'm excited though I don't feel any symptoms that make me go "omg". Oh is excited too :D

The longer lp would be a wonderful consolation prize, I have to keep reminding myself that a normal 14day lp would have time to go down from here, I'm just actually desperate at the moment :( my friend in Sweden just got a bfp, if i got one now I'd have a lot of free days off work the next 3 weeks due to holiday days, I'd be able to tell my family when we go to England in a month etc, just so many things would be perfect if i got a bfp this month :(

I normally spot today and start tomorrow, or sometimes it all comes tomorrow, so far nothing, been checking for all signs of af, nothing yet I'm just very desperate >_< in a good mood today though!

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