WTT sept/oct/nov graduates!

Thanks ladies for the advice. I think I'm right there with ya. I've relaxed a little more each month we've TTC. I talked with DH and he's comfortable with me enjoying a few drinks. I think for him it's probably a relief that I'm chilling out a bit. I want to do what's best, but I'm sure I've been over cautious.

I definitely think about a boy or girl first and I go back and forth all the time. I have an older brother who's actually a big jerk and who I haven't spoke to in years b/c I was tired of putting up with his sh*t. I love the thought of an older brother looking out for his younger sister. But I also love the idea of a brother looking up to and respecting his sister (which my brother does not!). Ultimately I'd love one of each so I'm pretty neutral for the first. Now that second one may be a different story. :haha: If we had 2 boys or 2 girls, I'd be up to go for a 3rd, but DH has pretty much nixed that.

I do figure my due date, but I wait until the 2 week wait. It gives me something to think of something besides symptoms.

Angie I can't imagine my in-laws demanding what name I chose for my kiddo. That's insane. I love the idea of the two grandpas, to me that's a win win for everyone.

Mkac, Emma & Angie I'm so excited for you girls! Hopefully you'll get your bfp's and leave a baby dust trail for Mysticalrain & I! :)

Emma I know exactly what you mean about it being a perfect time to be able to tell everyone. I was hopeful I would get mine last month so we could tell everyone when we were together at Christmas. It would have been so much easier just to incorporate telling with someones gift or when we took a family picture. And I'm scared to death that my SIL, who's daughter is almost 2, is going to announce she's pregnant again before we even get to announce our first. I'll be super happy for her b/c being an Aunt is a blast, but crushed at the same time. Cruel of me I know.

Mysticalrain how are you doing? Has the BD began!?! We haven't had our first BD yet. I'm trying to be a little more specific when we do it w/out DH really knowing I have a bit of a schedule. lol Tuesday is "D-day" so I want to BD once between now and Tuesday. Originally I wanted an every other day BD, but since I will be out of town and won't see him Friday or Saturday I'm thinking we may want to try to BD Tue, Wed, and Thur. Doubtful, but we probably should. Then BD Sun, Mon, and Tue. Again probably doubtful. Oh well, we can only do what we can do.
I'm feeling pretty sad right now...if I hadn't had any spotting the other day I wouldn't have gotten my hopes up. It looks like AF is starting, just mild but darker brown blood. I'm also confused because I already only have a 10-11 day LP as it is, does this mean I had a problem with my progesterone this month? I had the very scant spotting 4 days before AF was due to arrive and now I'm still 2 days out from when I'm suppose to start.
Sorry MK :hugs: looks like we're in the same boat :( i took my temp later than yesterday which usually makes it higher and it's on its way down :( due today and very much expected (except my cervix is still high and I thought its meant to be low at af, maybe it'll drop down during the day) I'd go to the Dr next month if i were you, my lp has been 11dpo every month, next month will be our 5th try so if my progesterone levels have something to do with our bad luck I'd like some help :( last month my af was entirely brown so will be interesting to see what happens this month

I think you're right about the drinking cntrygal, it could take months and to ruin everything we enjoy "just in case" is eventually going to drive us even more mad, ice cream for me today! :D
I'm out too. No af yet but my temp just dropped pretty significantly. I know she's on her way. This sucks. My mom conceived all of us either accidentally or on the first try but I guess that kinda luck isn't genetic. Things we'll do different this try include softcups and my dh will be visiting the Dr to see about getting his meds changed.

I'm so sorry for you guys too Emma and mkac. This roller coaster is not fun at all. I wish we could all just get off with our beans already.

I'm just waiting for the spotting and when it starts I'm scheduling a pedicure and buying a couple bottles of wine.
It's ridiculous how upsetting today is :( I cried a lot, last month I was sad and stuffed my face for a few days, today i'm miserable and fumingly angry, i'm so annoyed that just yesterday I felt about 80% sure I was pregnant from all my symptoms/feelings, then it's all snatched away. Nothing can console me this cycle, not going to bother pampering myself, i'm just so angry !! On to cycle 5, wondering what else I can do to help, my dr won't listen to me yet so i'm pondering progesterone cream off amazon for my dumb LP. More fertilitea on the way at least !
Lots of tears and rage later, it's bed time on 11DPO, i've barely spotted at all today so I can officially say i've had my first 12day LP :D

I am quite sure the Fertilitea helped both my Ov and my LP :)
How you holding up ladies??

I'm okay. Frustrated but trying to look for the bright side. I can now drink til my heart's content on my upcoming cruise.

I am remembering why I went on birth control in the first place...cramps. They're pretty bad. Makes me want to just curl up in a ball and cry :cry:

This is my second cycle in a row with an 11 day LP, I may have to look into doing something to change that..
After 4 days of unexplained spotting I finally got full flow AF today. I cried some last night out of frustration with my body and getting my hopes up for nothing.
Wow girlies, could we be more synced ? :( so sorry for that shitty witch ruining christmas :( Angie I can only say good things about the Fertilitea if you don't want to be popping pills and using creams, i'm even in a grey area if yesterday was CD1 cuz I just had some veeeeeeeeery light watery blood, wasn't time to use "period pantliners" so i'm on the fence about whether it was a 12 or even 13day LP which is nothing short of a miracle for me :)

Love you girls, i've got a whole chunk of things lined up to get me through xmas and new year :( massage, nails, acupuncture ! See what january brings <3
I realize it's only been 2 months and it takes the average couple about 6 months so I shouldn't worry yet. .. But I keep getting this nagging feeling that I'm going to have issues... And that I may have caused them myself by doing my egg donations...It's causing me a great deal of anxiety. . Even waking me up at night. I realize this is a bit early to start worrying... But I keep thinking what if?

Next month is my "golden" birthday. I turn 26 on the 26th. A bfp would be the best birthday present I could ask for. I'm really not sure how so many women struggle with ttc for years, when I'm struggling with only 2 months. Emma, you've been on this roller coaster for several months now, I really hope this is your month.

Sorry ladies for this depressing post, I just woke up feeling very sorry for myself and needed to get it out to people who understand. I love my husband but ttc doesn't bother him. He just shrugs it off and says oh well, maybe next month.
Oh ladies I want to come give you all hugs.
Angie :hugs: :hug:
Emma :hugs: :hug:
Mkac :hugs: :hug:

Angie I can totally relate with the what if. I'm 34 so I was doing that before we even started TTC. Now that we're on our 3rd month trying that what if is intensifying. DH and I even had a conversation before TTC about not blaming each other if we had problems. But really, he was wanting to make sure I wasn't going to blame him for waiting so long since we were together 8 years before we got married. I made the agreement with him so I'll hold up my end, but not being a Mom would completely crush me. It also makes me nervous when you ladies are tempting and using opk's and doing lots of things to up your chances and I'm over here taking my prenatals and calling it good.

DH and I are on the road to more BD this month. I was trying to decide if we should do every other day, every day, which days would work best. But I've decided we're just going to do it every chance we get whether it's best for his swimmers or not. So far we're 2 for 2. :haha: We have some traveling to do this evening to see some family, but I hope to get a Christmas Eve BD in tonight making us 3 for 3. I swear, if I get a BFN this time around it won't be for lack of BD!

Keep your chin up ladies. Have a Merry Christmas. :xmas9:
The last 2 cycles we wound up doing it more every other day. I am now going into my 4th cycle TTC and I'm going back to every day. Thinking about trying progesterone cream as I had this weird spotting this month and I have a shorter LP as it is of only 10-11 days. Does anyone else use it?
Angie :hugs: I understand, I kept hearing "you need to relax, just don't think about it, stop planning" but to me planning = knowing when you ov and bd accordingly, so without planning you're just shooting in the dark? I just want to strangle people who say don't stress, I don't get stressed from bd'ing when needed, I do wish I didn't think about it all the time but stress is pretty low on the list of things I feel ttc.

This cycle I am going to try to switch off completely during the 2ww, No more new symptoms or what ifs, too many months of that and then nothing, we'll see how well I do ;)

This AF is pissing me off, I've basically had spotting for 2 days with the occasional light in there, I woke up with a temp above the covering so I even decided to test, naturally nothing on it but I'm wondering where all the damn blood is :/ if i don't have a proper period it'll screw up next month and I'll have another nasty all brown af again :/ had horrific cramps today, just to add to the holiday cheer! :(

Sounds like everything is going to plan cntrygal, keep at it :happydance:
Emma, what is going on with your chart??

Tommy, getting enough BDing in??

I'm just checking in, how's everyone else doing?

Been kinda quiet around here. Just waiting to O again, af just left. DH just changed to a different med, so we'll see if BD goes any better this month. I also got some softcups I'm gonna try this time around too, hoping to keep the baby juice where it belongs and not all over the bed:blush:

I've started packing for our cruise, we leave 2 weeks from Sunday! I am so excited! We're going with my parents and siblings. This will be our 4th cruise, my parents second, and my siblings 1st. I'm actually really excited to be able to go on the waterslides, which I wouldn't have been able to do if I was pregnant. I also plan on having a few drinks every day.

Here's my next problem. The end of my TWW should be in the middle of the cruise. Do I bring pregnancy tests with to start taking at 9 or 10 DPO so I make sure I'm not drinking while pregnant? Or just wait til I get home?
Hahaha that's what happens when you take your temp at different times :D every morning except the lowest temp was taken 3-5 hours after I normally do :D shows what can happen when you take your temps at different times :s I discarded them so ff doesn't whine at me

I'm sad I won't be able to rely on my bbt any more come January, hubby starts a new job so the days he works I'll be getting up at 5 and when he doesn't it'll be 7 so my chart will be unreliable, I'll need to be even more careful with OPK's and cm/cp checking!

As for the cruise, it's a really tough one but going on to cycle 5 I've decided not to check any symptoms or test early or stop doing something "just in case" you may get a false negative that early, I say whatever gives you most peace of mind but I've skipped way too many fun occasions "just in case" only to realise there was no need. Hope you figure out which one works for you, one evening probably won't make a difference plus would you be able to keep it quiet if you got a bfp/would you want everyone there to know so early?

Just some thoughts :flower:
Well this month the BD has gone better. We did miss out on Friday and Saturday b/c I was out of town. But besides those two days we've done an every or every other day BD session. Today ends my best chance week so I'll be making sure we get another BD in tonight. I had a few drinks Friday night with my friends and didn't feel the least bit guilty. Emma I'm right there with you on the just in case. I think being so extra careful and then AF showing just makes it that much worse. You definitely have to decide what works best for you Angie, but I would vote for not taking any pregnancy tests with you. Just put all that stuff out of your mind and have a good time. And have a great time on your cruise! I've always wanted to take a cruise. My big fear is getting sea sick. I get car sick so I'm afraid it would feel similar. Would love to take a short 3 day cruise to see though. So fun!

Anyone have big New Years Eve plans? We may go to the bar in our small town and have a few beers, but then again we may just curl up on the couch in our comfy cloths, eat leftovers and be in bed by 10. :haha:
As someone who's been on quite a few 24hour cruises I can highly recommend them :D I've only been seasick once and that was at Xmas last year, if you looked out the window it was just sea, sky, sea... Blegh! Otherwise love it :)

I think you did admirably with the bd, I struggle to get eod in, not doing too bad so far, oh was dying for it last night but we did it the night before, typical just before I'm fertile he wants it non stop but once I'm fertile sods law it'd be like getting blood out of a stone :haha:

I'm starting to "save the supplies" when we bd now, cd9 and I am starting to see a faint line on my opk when yesterday it was totally blank, I know they can show something without it being "time" but I think I can hope for O cd14 which would rock! Eod bd regardless from now on then the same day I see +opk :) woo!

For New year we're staying in, not much happening around us plus OH starts work 7am New Years day, cruel I know! Means we'll bring in the New Year with a BANG though :sex: mwahaha ;)
I'll just refrain from looking out the window if we ever get to take a cruise. :haha:

We'll be getting our :sex: on tonight too. :happydance: I've been way more in the mood this cycle than last. I honestly thing it's b/c I'm not playing the what if game and refraining from everything under the sun. Therefore I don't feel like I'm getting cheated.

So in the next couple of months if AF keeps showing herself I think I need to start doing something to get a better idea of when I O. Is temping the easiest way to get an idea when you O? I'm a minimalist and I'm enjoying the simplicity of baby making so far so I want to take baby steps in this process. You ladies are rock stars for all that you are doing!
Temping is great, just shove the thermometer in your mouth first thing in the morning and add it to your fertility friend app, as time goes on it learns your cycles and gets pretty good at predicting O and AF expectancy dates. I'm sad that I now have irregular waking times so can't chart BBT any more (still doing it just in case it can detect O from the non stupid times i've gotten in, with all the time off over xmas/new year i've been waking up much later, and now hubby has a new job when we both work I wake up a lot earlier!) bum. :( suffice to say as long as you can take your temp the same day every day (i was always an hour or 2 later on the weekends and it never made a huge difference) then temping is probably for you!

OPKs are pretty simple too, just not as easy as taking your temperature every morning since you need to pee in a cup and stick your OPK in there, check, preferably take pics to compare the gradual darkening of your OPK to indicate the hormonal surge- after all that you can miss your surge if you don't test often enough and if you see your +OPK you can ovulate between 12-36 hours afterwards :shrug:

I doubt you're interested in the cervical position/mucus route so i'll say no more :D even i'm a CP newb, i've managed to lose all track of how to check it this month!

Happy new year (in sweden it's 11.21pm) :happydance:

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