WTT sept/oct/nov graduates!

Tommie, as per my user name you can tell I am obviously a fan of cruising. This will be our 4th in less than 4 years. I wouldn't fear it based on car sickness, because I also get carsick. I do get seasick, but only if the seas are really rough. For the most part, I barely notice we're on a ship. The ships are so big that you don't feel most water movement. If I think that we might be experiencing some bigger waves one day, then I just take a ginger capsule in the morning, and I'm good to go for the day. We love cruising because its really the only vacation that you can shut off from the rest of the world. We shut off our cell phones and enjoy not having to contact or talk to anyone for a whole week. You could try a 3-day to start, but I have to warn you, cruises less than 5 days tend to be labeled booze-cruises because the passengers are unusually drunk the whole time. That's one reason why we stick to 7 day ones.

We don't have any big plans for tonight, just hanging out with some friends and their kids. When planning this, I was hoping to be pregnant already, so I didn't mind that they don't drink and don't respect those who choose to...now I'm second guessing myself. Wish I would have planned to do something that involved alcohol. It is New Year's after all...

Skip this paragraph if you're easily offended, its going to be a little graphic.
DH was put on a different medication...which almost worsened the problem. Now instead of losing the erection halfway through, he can keep it, but he can't reach orgasm. Which is not ideal for TTC obviously. He's decided he wants to stop taking it, which is good and bad. He has pretty high anxiety levels and stresses out easily. Medication helps a lot. Without it, he just a lot crankier person. Turns into his dad and blames every little thing on me. Picks stupid arguments. Not looking forward to it at all.
We talked in depth about it and he gave me a code word to say if he starts getting moody in a way he wouldn't on the meds. Hopefully that will make him calm down and realize that he's being a jerk without wording it that way. We'll see.
On the plus side, I cannot wait to get the passion back into our sex life! We used to be very passionate, then the meds took most of his desire away and it has been almost 3 years since we've really enjoyed it.

I'm still deciding on whether or not to bring pregnancy tests with me. I wouldn't if it was just the beginning of the TWW, but I don't wanna risk getting really tipsy if their is a possibility that I am pregnant enough that a test would show. I honestly think I will be able to relax easier if I get a BFN starting on 9 or 10 DPO. If I'm wondering if I am or not, I won't drink as easily.
Oh man, I dreamt I took like 5 pg tests and they showed positive! I'm barely fertile now, naughty brain!

I can't think of anything helpful to say sadly Angie, he's just going to have to learn when he's being irrational which is incredibly difficult, and apologising after the fact doesn't help how shit you feel when it's happening (been there) is there anything natural he can do to help? Some herbs/tea, yoga, exercise? Guys seem much less resistant to doing stuff to fix things especially if he's used to some chemical pill fixing it all :( i hope there's something you can do to tone his stress levels down, maybe a change of diet? There is probably something causing it, it just needs to be found. Acupuncture purrhaps? You could join him and get some fertility acupuncture at the same time :D
Hey everyone!

I'm new to this whole forum thing but I am so thankful I found it!

We've been ttc for 2 months and it's been frustrating as my body keeps tricking me into thinking it has regulated my cycle and then it changes. Was totally disappointed today when AF showed up 5 days late instead of being a positive test.

We haven't told anyone we're ttc since as we don't want to add pressure from anyone else in this process (as i'm already putting enough pressure on myself). All our friends have either had kids in the last 6 months or are pregnant so the pressure i'm putting on myself to have a baby is mounting everyday. It's nice to be able to read and talk to other people about this journey as it seems so stressful (and it's only been 2 months!). Thanks everyone for sharing your stories as it makes it a little easier knowing that others are in the same position.
Welcome Roxy! Have you had a chance to read through our whole thread yet?? I think there are 5 of us that post here right now. It's nice to have others to share all of our crazy TTC stories and emotions with.

Do you chart and temp like me and Emma or just BD as much as possible like Tommy??

Okay guys, I have an admission/rant. I try to avoid the regular TTC boards now. Those women are starting to irritate me. Things like, "I'm at 5DPO and nauseous, that means I'm pregnant, right??" Oh my word. We do not know, and no, your body is not giving you symptoms that early.

Read the boards and post if you have a relevant question that we may have an answer for and stop your whining and over-posting just looking for attention.
And all of these kids! Seriously, these girls are barely out of their teens TTC and whining because they have boyfriend issues. One girl just posted yesterday that she got her BFP and she's barely 20, bragging about how she's been been with her bf for 5 months! Seriously?!? Please tell me I am not alone and not a horrible person for thinking these things!!
Hey Roxy! :wave:

We're a little group of fairly fresh TTC'ers :) though we have learned a thing or two in the past couple months :D

I don't get to rely on my chart any more as I wake up at different times each day now so my chart looks horrendous, i'm hoping the app deciphers some pattern out of it just in case so i'm keeping it up for now !

I'm starting to feel Ov things happening, such a relief this wait for fertileness this month has sucked hard!

No you're not alone in the "3dpo and feel sick is this a sign???" threads, I grit my teeth when I see them, I understand the desperate hope to be preggers I really do but c'mon... The "is this a positive?" OPK threads are a bit moot also, if it's not the same darkness as the cover line, probably not...

Obviously for some people these are first timer questions who genuinely don't know :shrug: so don't feel scared off by our ranting Roxy! If you have any of those questions feel free to pick our brains, or if you search the question on the boards you'll probably find a bunch of posts with the exact same question answered for you :)

I think we've turned into grumpy cynical ol' TTC'ers :haha: I think that's why such threads are usually quiet, girls who've been here a while have seen the same question 100 times !
So I started using Rainbow light prenatals this month and got my order of preseed in the mail a few days ago I think if no luck this cycle I may try soft cups next time
Hi Roxy! Welcome to our little world. Make yourself as home. :) DH and I haven't told anyone we're trying yet either b/c we didn't want the added stress. So this is my outlet and I'm glad I've found this great group of girls. :thumbup:

Angie, thanks for the heads up on the booze cruise. I am not against drinking by any means, but that doesn't sound like the kind of cruise we'd enjoy. And I'm so glad to know that car sickness doesn't necessarily equal sea sick. Thank goodness! No helpful advice for you and your hubby, sorry. I like the code word idea. Maybe lots of good sex will be the chill pill he needs. :)

I'm right there with you ladies on the TTC boards. I have honestly talked to my computer screen over some of the ridiculousness. I am by no means saying my way is the right way, but what are some of these young girls thinking? I haven't ventured to any other boards in quite a while. I used to enjoy peaking at the BFP board or the HPT board, but now it feels like I'm just causing myself cruel and unusual punishment.

Good to hear from you Mkac. You and Angie will have to let me know how you get along with the soft cups. I hate how awkward they sound, but it may be worth it.

Speaking of soft cups and on a completely TMI note...what finishing positions do you ladies find is best for keeping the good stuff where it needs to be? I feel like I need to get a coma sutra book so I can learn how to stand on my head to BD. :dohh:

I do have some good news. While I was out of town last weekend my DH, unbeknownst to me, actually did some reading on getting pregnant and things that can help or hurt your chances. He dips, which I know nicotine can hurt chances of TTC but I didn't want to say anything to him until we had given it a try and were ready to tweak things to make it happen. So in the same conversation that he had done some reading he said he read nicotine can hurt our chances and he was quitting after he finished his can. :happydance: I was so shocked! He has quit before, but work gets really stressful for him and he ends up picking it back up. I think he's starting to scratch his head too on why we haven't gotten pregnant. It feels good knowing that not all the baby making stuff is on my shoulders. So I'm picking him up some jolly ranchers after work. He uses those and starbursts when he quits dipping.
I haven't gotten the soft cups yet, but just considering it for next cycle if no results this time. I had very positive OPK's yesterday (pic to follow) on CD 11 which I never have that early, it's always CD 12 or 13 and the only thing i've done differently is the prenatals. I wish I would have remembered to start using the OPK's on CD 10 so I had a comparison. I did use the preseed last night though.

As for finishing positions it's usually flat on my stomach then I flip over, sometimes I finish on my back.


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Wow that's a strong OPK for cd11, looks like you've got your BD covered though so not to worry too much about not having other readings to go off ! :) i'm twiddling my thumbs after my opks went blank again, it's only cd12 for me so the earliest i've ever O'ed is cd16, though i can't help hoping for an O earlier or at the latest by cd16 :)

As for positions, we are daring and often finish doggy :haha: then I pull some martial arts ninja rondhouse kick with one leg and drop to a roll onto my back while hubby pulls a matrix style lean back to avoid being kicked in the face whilst grappling for a towel to save the bedsheets from drip...... we always laugh about it (though i more whimper and grin so i don't push it all out again) he's more keen this month to finish with my legs over his shoulders for maximum gravity pull/minimal fuss :D even though his fave is doggie!

I tried explaining your finish on your belly logic and he got all technical about the angle of the vagina and how it'd be sloping slightly down on my belly even if I did roll over, even i had to stop and think about it :haha: brave hubby making conscious TTC thoughts, it's such a warm fuzzy feeling :D
lol I do the "hurry up and get a towel" thing too! I keep all of my opk's in a notebook for comparisons and it's been awhile since i've had one so strong/dark, this may even be the best one actually. Fingers crossed!
Roxy, please don't let my little rant scare you off. I'm in the midst of month 3 TTC and already feeling a bit frustrated. Feel free to ask anything you want you and I promise no judgment from me! I just can't stand when people create whole individual threads to ask ridiculous questions that have been asked and answered hundreds of times before. You can tell most of them are just pleas for attention. And please don't tell me you're 20 and trying for a baby...because I have a hard time understanding that as well.

Tommie, I'm like you and by no means think that the way we have waited is the only right way...but seriously. There is so much maturing and aging that happens in your twenties...I am a completely different person than I was at 21, 5 years ago. I just don't think anyone has the capacity to make that life-changing of a decision at that stage in their lives.

I'm a little frustrated because my O moved from CD17 to CD14 in the first two months and now I'm at CD12 and there is almost no line showing on my OPK, which is unusual compared to last month. I hope it doesn't move later again...

I did use a softcup the other night and the amount of baby juice loss was substantially less. It was a bit messy to remove in the morning, but I couldn't even tell it was up there after I put it in. Very easy to use. It was nice not to have a mess on the bed in the morning.

As for positions, I have no tips. We are a pretty boring missionary or cowgirl style couple. I would love to try something new and exotic but it always feels awkward and takes away from the moment. I like doggy, but hubby does not:shrug: I have an kama sutra book I got at my bachelorette party years ago, I'll have to dig that up and see what I can find.

Emma, your explanation of how you switch positions cracked me up :haha:Now I can't stop picturing the ninja kick and matrix bend combo. :haha:

Tommy, that is great about DH doing some research. Mine is still in a "it'll happen eventually" mindset, but I can tell that every month we don't get it, he seems a little more willing to try something new.
Hi girls! Not sure if you remember me, but I was part of this group in November. Just wanted to stop in and say good luck this month!

Sending strong sticky :dust: your way!!
Angie I'm the same, cd13 and I am still an extremely faint line, so I can kiss goodbye to a cd14 O but the surge usually comes quite quick so could still happen in a day or 2 :)

You should tell your OH he needs to get used to doggy cuz it'll be the easiest when doing it preggo :haha:

Hey there Addy! Good to see things are progressing nicely :) are you 7 weeks by ovulation standards or Dr logic? I've yet to understand why they count from cd1 in the baby's development :shrug:

As far as OHs go, it's just in their DNA to give far less of a fuck than we do :D they slowly learn things and each month of failure makes them a little more bendable to our will ;)
Hey there Addy! Good to see things are progressing nicely :) are you 7 weeks by ovulation standards or Dr logic? I've yet to understand why they count from cd1 in the baby's development :shrug:

I think the first two weeks you are not pregnant yet, so would include ovulation. I had an ultrasound this week and was 9 weeks exactly. It is all so confusing, but seems easier to go by weeks then months.
Yeah don't question Dr logic :D makes the 12weeks only 8 in reality once you've gotten your BFP !

Ahh that one stung a bit :( just spoke to my mum who said "you lost me a bet you know" (her hubby has 3 daughters ranging from around 13-20) the oldest just announced she's preggers :( boo, wanted to tell mum "we're working on it!" even though i'm sure everyone knows it just feels so much more official throwing it out there :( hurmf.
I got a sting over the weekend too Emma. What I was afraid would happen, happened. We got together with DH family for our Christmas this weekend and my sister-in-law announced she was pregnant. :( Of course I'm excited for her, but damn that was like a punch in the gut. I ran over and gave her a hug and hoped she didn't notice my eyes instantly getting a little watery. Luckily I was in the middle of getting food out and organized and could keep my back to everyone for a bit. DH's parents rode up with us so I had to fake that nothing was wrong while we were there and for the 2hr drive home. When we finally got home and sat down I couldn't hold the tears back any longer. I didn't know it would hurt that bad.
I'm so sorry girls:hugs: That would be some pretty hard news to take. I'm not sure I'd be able to keep it together. :flower:

Why does getting pregnant come so easy to some and not to others?! It's so hard to walk that line of wanting to be happy for them but being frustrated that it's not you..

I really, really hope this TTC game is over for all of us soon.
It sucks bad Tommie :( fingers crossed that can be you in a couple of months though! How goes everything otherwise? You should be nearing the end of your 2ww or have Angie and I caught up with you? Looks like Angie you oved today, me too :D nice and early, a new record cd15! :happydance: going to totally play it cool this 2ww..
I really hope so too Angie. How is DH getting along without his anxiety medicine?

Congrats on the Ov'd ladies! If I start tempting, is there a special thermometer that is more sensitive I should get?

I hadn't really thought about the 2ww until I looked at the calendar the other day and realized it's almost here and gone. Because I started later last month than normal I'm not sure when she'll show. By my old 26 day cycle AF would be showing Wednesday. By last months 30 day cycle AF would be showing on Sunday. If she doesn't show I don't think I'm going to test until sometime next week. DH birthday is Sunday. I don't think I'll test b/c as much as a BFP would be a great gift to give him, I don't want to be sad if it's negative and it not be a fun day for him. We'll see if the :witch: shows. *On a side note, why is the :witch: smiling? :growlmad:
My thermometer is only 3 digits, regular digital one from the local chemist, you can get ones with 4 which are more exact but I've done fine with my cheapie :)

I thought you said the end of your fertile time was at new year, so I guess you have about a week to expect af? Definitely wise not to test, expect the worst but hope for the best :D that's what I'll be doing!

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