WTT sept/oct/nov graduates!

Tommie, you'll want to get a basal body temperature thermometer. It will say the word basal or fertility or family planning somewhere on the packaging. I've used 3 different kinds and I like the one I bought at Walmart the best. It is super sensitive and gives degrees to 2 decimal places. Be careful, the first one I bought beeped every 4 seconds to indicate that it was working. It was so annoying and to say dh didn't like it very much is a serious understatement. :dohh:

The witch is smiling..isn't she?? Evil.
Hmm looks like I'll ov today I hope? Got my +opk at 2am on Monday so I thought I'd O during that day but my temp was lower still today, maybe one more bd chance today!

What do you girls think?
I'm currently at 4DPO and temps still on the rise! No symptoms as of yet and i'm trying to stay positive
Angie thanks for the basal body temperature thermometer tips. Did the one that beeped every 4 seconds say anything on the box? My luck that's the one I'd end up grabbing. I plan on stopping and getting one the day AF shows.

Emma I'm sure I'm late to respond with the time difference but I say it never hurts to get in another BD. :)

Keeping my fingers crossed for you MKac!

I'm feeling all bloaty, the norm before AF shows. So I'm not feeling hopeful. The big question is at what point is she going to show. The next week will be interesting.
Haha we just couldn't manage :D all signs except bbt pointed at O cd15 but oh well! Officially 1dpo today, pineapples were on offer yesterday so I've decided to try that core eating between 1-5dpo see what happens :)

Good luck MK! Angie your chart looks like you've oed too :)
I know what you mean Emma. We didn't get BD in New Year's Eve like I had hoped. Was just too tired to start all that business. Hope you ladies 2ww is quick. I'm about to wrap it up. The bloating has started so I expect AF will show in the next few days. Keeping my fingers crossed for a different outcome this month but expecting and preparing for AF.
That's a brave attitude, it's what I'm hoping to do this 2ww, switch off and basically pretend we didn't just try to make a baby :( i can't take the hopefulness one more round! Now to survive 11 more days without peeing on anything, getting my hopes up or symptom spotting!
Well, I popped a couple midol last night with my prenatals...the :witch: showed. A day earlier than normal. I mentioned maybe needing to take some fertility vitamins and DH seems confident that the nicotine from him dipping is what is causing us problems. So he's kicking that to the curb and I'm stopping at Walmart after work and getting a thermometer so I can track when I'm ovulating. I don't have data on my phone so I need to remember to download the app tonight while I'm on our wifi...do you ladies use fertility friend? It's frustrating b/c I felt like this month we had the BD down. So maybe I'm ovulating earlier or later than I thought. A couple months of temping and I'll be purchasing some OV strips and peeing like a madwomen. Anyone have any good temping for dummies websites so I can read up on what my temps mean?

This will happen for me when it's supposed to happen. I honestly believe everything happens for a reason. I need to stay proactive, but let go of the steering wheel (a little Carry Underwood for ya!). I can't help but be sad, that's not going to change. But I don't need to carry that sadness with me for days/weeks at a time. I'm still going to complain through this process (you better believe that!), but I'm going to try to be more positive. For instance; I'm glad AF came before I was even looking for her, I don't have to wait in limbo this month. The control freak in me is kind of excited to start temping and tracking. I've enjoyed this time getting to know my body since I hadn't really paid attention the last 34 years. And last but not least, I've enjoyed getting to know you ladies. :flower:

I hope this positiveness sprinkles :dust: over y'all!
I use the FF app and it's been very helpful for me. I have been so awful with my temping this cycle and have taken it hours apart from when I should have, grrr! Anyway, the only symptom I'm having so far is alittle breast tenderness on the sides..I'm 6DPO today. I keep having dreams of positive pregnancy tests and this has been a monthly thing, needless to say it furthers my letdowns each time AF comes :(
Aww cntrygal, stupid af :( big :hugs: for you!

Liking the positive attitude, it's so nice your hubby is on board to change things too, so often it's the women making all the sacrifices, then again most women go bat shit crazy over ttc (guilty your honour!) So it looks like the guys don't do much, I know both of us need to be better esters and exercise more, but tonight is pizza film and sweets and no 2ww is getting in the way of that! :haha:

Not sure about temping for dummies but just try to do it the same time every morning, a few late mornings won't make a difference but if you're like me and wake up with over an hour apart each morning you'll need to use the temperature adjuster on fertility friend. I love ff, If tried ovufriend and just didn't like it.

Your temps will generally go: low at af, go up some after af then back down when fertile, snoot up after ovulation, be quite high for the 2ww then start going down again for af. I think ff let's you access every chart out there so you could look at some charts to get an idea of the cycle routine :) you never know without temp or opk or check cm etc exactly when ov comes, hopefully this'll give you the info you need!

Keep your chin up MK, hold out as long as you can manage, hope things are going well in your belly :) do you have stuff to keep your mind off it? 2ww is hideous, I'm only 2dpo so I'm really neutral so far.
I picked up my thermometer yesterday evening. Walmart only had one so I was crossing my fingers it wasn't the one that beeped every 4 seconds! Took my first temp this morning w/ no 4 second beeping. :) I'll have to figure out how to add a "ticker" so you ladies can see my chart. I told DH last night not to let me forget to take my temp and he did good! Now I just wish I wasn't biting his head off here and there...damn PMS. It should be DMS...pre my @$$, during.
Haha i usually get pms about a day before af, just one day of pure rage then im good :D on fertility friend website there's something about sharing your chart and you can copy paste off this list and add it to your profile here :) the temping becomes second nature, in the beginning I forgot a few times, now it's almost in my mouth before the alarm is turned off, I've dozed off very briefly before cuz I'm so tired when I take it, always squinting at the display!
Hey ladies I haven't been ignoring you guys all my internet devices broke. How is everyone e getting on? Af came on the 10th like it has done for the last 3 months. Positive thing is got my blood sugar results back and it's spot on for a healthy pregnancy. I also got my son into nursery every afternoon so me and other half can squeeze some bedding to increase our chances. The only thing was I didn't want to have the children's birthdays so close together I conceived my son in February so if it doesn't work this month and does next their birthdays will be almost touching. I Wwant them kind of spaced out.
Sorry I've been pretty well non-existent ladies. Life has just been super busy between work and classes. I missed my first temp this morning since I started TTC. In my defense, we started driving last night at 8PM and didn't get to our destination until about noon the next day, so 16 hours in a car...temp would have been crazy anyway.

I have nothing new to report. Just trying train myself to expect af so the disappointment doesn't hit too hard if she comes. I expect her Friday, and Fertility Friend gives that as my potential testing date as well.

I leave first thing in the morning for a seven day cruise where I will not have internet access of any sort. So you will not hear from me until next Sunday. I will keep temping and just write them down to plug into my app when I return. I expect lots of exciting news when I return:thumbup:

I'm glad you're temping now Tommie, hopefully you can pinpoint ovulation and give yourself some higher chances.

I hope you guys have an awesome week and I can't wait to catch up when I get back ;)
I'm not really sure how I feel...emotionally I guess. Still no other PMS symptoms other than the mild breast tenderness. Maybe I'm just having a case of the "poor me's" tonight but I feel like it will never happen and I shouldn't bother ever getting my hopes up. Maybe i'm just being silly. Sorry for the rant.
Mystical - welcome back to the madhouse :D you've not missed anything sadly ! It sounds like you're prepped and ready for a baby :) it will be typical that you get your BFP next month just because :haha: I was almost dreading one in december cuz then it'd be a virgo september baby :D

Angie - have fun on your cruise ! I hope you find out either way so you can either lounge around hugging your belly or neck as much booze as you can find ;) either way I hope you have a good time :flower: hopefully there'll be some interesting updates all round when you're back !

MK - I know what you mean, I think all of us have shaken off that "cautious but hopeful" feel, now we all seem to just be resigned to AF coming, i'm not hoping for a second that we got pregnant this month, it hasn't worked 4 cycles before it so why now ? :shrug: it may be gloomy but if it stops me crying my eyes out and not getting out of bed the day AF shows then it'll be worth it :( know you have us here to rant to if needed :flower:
how is everyone else doing? I had a significant temp drop today but AF is still 2 days away. I hope it will go back up tomorrow.
I'm trying to shut myself up a bit this month, I always find something new to hope on then af comes and I feel stupid :(

I'm dieing of sore boob death at the moment, I feel like Jessica rabbit despite being a B Cup :D if only they didn't hurt like hell I'd be happy! I always have sore boobs basically from ov to af but this is crazy, I need an excuse to find a low cut top and push these puppies up, make the most of them :D
Yay Angie, have fun on your cruise! We'll be thinking of you. :flower:

AF has left the building so we're ready to try again. Temping has been pretty comical. I wake up at 6am during the week. On Sat I woke up to take my temp at 6:30am and then was able to go back to sleep for a bit. But Sun morning was a joke! We went out to dinner Sat night and then happen to stop at a new bar for a drink and stayed out WAAAY late. So I didn't take my temp until 8am Sun and boy did that make my graph look funny. It's amazing what a couple of hours makes. Then yesterday morning I completely forgot about taking my temp, I guess my bladder was overpowering my brain. :dohh:

I haven't been on much lately b/c I've been organizing like a mad women. I don't know if I'm nesting or what, but I took 2 large black trash bags to the trash can Saturday. Our spare bedroom...which will hopefully one day be a nursery...was a catch all. Well, not anymore. It will still have to be used as storage when we need it for a nursery, but everything is neat and tidy. So one of these evenings I will be getting my chart up on my ticker so you ladies can laugh at it with me. :haha:

MKAC do not feel alone. We've all been there and I think a little part of us is always there. I'm trying to be more positive, but sometimes I have to fake it till I make it. Vent when you need to vent, we're here for the highs and lows. :hugs: Hope AF is staying away for you!

Emma, I'll trade ya...your B's for my DD's. lol. Work it girl. :thumbup:

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