WTT sept/oct/nov graduates!

I'm not feeling very hopeful for this month. DH and I just haven't bd as much as I would have liked. I have noticed I am hyper aware of what my body is doing though. Stiches of pain every now and again, seems like an excess of cm. Only time will tell.

Good to hear from you Amalee. You're not out until AF arrives. GL on the interview, hope everything turns out the way you want it. :)

Lovetocruise, you are just days away...so exciting!

Brandi, I agree that it's still early so keep us updated!

Keeping my fingers crossed for you Addy and Patience as you get started this month!
I've felt like that too Cntrygal, it's not always possible to do it every other day let alone every single day for a few days (or more!) there are people who've BD'ed some 5-7 days before their predicted O and still got BFP so it really can be from one good shot :)

After two wonky mean cycles FF has my potential O days between CD 18 and CD 22 which seems ridiculous when my last cycle was 27days :( but that does mean OPK time starts tomorrow morning :D just in case I O on the proper date like i'm sure I did first cycle ! Whether I O next week or the week after OH and I actually have some time together so should get some BD in (we don't manage more than every other/every third, i'm sure that'll change once OH realises we won't just get preggers that easily) I know third cycle post BCP can't be a reliable basis for fertility but each month makes him more frustrated which will eventually make him push harder, for now he's more relaxed hoping it'll just happen (whilst i'm going into preparation overload) :D

How many DPO are you now ? :flower:

How is everyone else coming along ? Anything yet Amalee ?
Im not overly hopeful this month either. It is my first official cycle since having my implant out, so I just expecting it to take a few cycles to get back to normal. We only manage every other or every 3rd day too. Xxx
I really have no idea when I O. I just plug in dates on an online calculator and see when they say my most fertile days are...which was last week.

AF should start somewhere between the 12th and the 15th. I guess I'm in the 2 week wait then huh? Another surreal moment in this baby making process. :dohh:
I hope your O is more reliable than mine! My morning got off to a weird start:

FF has me predicted to O between cd17-22 (Though I have no idea why so late, it's never been later than cd17 and last month af came cd27)

So! I decided that I'd start my OPK's just in case, and this morning (cd10) I had a really faint line, the kind that's hard to see on the picture but I stopped everything I was doing when I saw it, I didn't get even a whiff a faint line last month till the morning of cd16 (got positive at 11pm that day)

Now I'm wondering if I'm going to O soon? This is only my 2nd month with opk but I'm so glad I use them for when random stuff like this happens!

My temps have been pretty consistently low this month also, no idea why :(
Hope you find your O day and get to dtd!!! Sounds like it was good to start testing. I may have to learn how to use those darn things in a few months if we're still trying.

I'm trying not to symptom spot, but I never imagined it would be this hard not too. I had some dull cramps for part of this morning that returned this afternoon. Similar to mild AF cramps. I'm trying to stay positive and just hope this is a good sign. Sore boobs/nipples seems to be a symptom I hear about often but haven't experienced this. I think I'm going to test on Thursday. Eek! That will be 4-6 days before AF is due.
I am just waiting to O, should be any day now. Hoping this is our month!

Good luck to everyone in their 2ww!
I hope your O is more reliable than mine! My morning got off to a weird start:

FF has me predicted to O between cd17-22 (Though I have no idea why so late, it's never been later than cd17 and last month af came cd27)

So! I decided that I'd start my OPK's just in case, and this morning (cd10) I had a really faint line, the kind that's hard to see on the picture but I stopped everything I was doing when I saw it, I didn't get even a whiff a faint line last month till the morning of cd16 (got positive at 11pm that day)

Now I'm wondering if I'm going to O soon? This is only my 2nd month with opk but I'm so glad I use them for when random stuff like this happens!

My temps have been pretty consistently low this month also, no idea why :(

Hmm, maybe you're about to O. It can't hurt to test more :) Just so you know though, when I used OPKs, I ended up with slight, barely visible lines about half the time. I never really noticed a pattern of when I saw lines - sometimes I'd have a few days with a really pale line, then back to nothing, then super dark again. I think one reason for it is that some tests have different amounts of dye in them. Even the control lines vary with how dark they are from test to test!
As with everything only time (and more testing) will tell :) i think I might have missed my surge as I tested 6:45pm last night and it was about 90% of the cover line or whatever it's called, then by midnight it was faded substantially, back to barely visible this morning :) along with watery cm I'm hoping today is the day, I have a very tired hubby who I'll be pouncing tonight :D if today is it we'll only have had 2 chances, I didn't even suspect it'd be quite this soon but I'm glad I tried an opk yesterday, I'd have spent the whole cycle wondering what happened otherwise :s
Sounds like everyone is slowly getting their cycles figured out.

Cntrygal, did you get several opportunities to BD during your fertile week? I think your goal was every day, were you successful?

Patience, glad you took an OPK and hopefully figured out if you O'd earlier than expected!

Amalee, I see you are NTNP, are you familiar with your cycle and when your fertile week is without actively TTC? I envy you, I wish I could be relaxed enough to NTNP, but I would feel like I wouldn't have enough control.

Addy, good luck! I hope this is your month too!

Sailorsgirl, you're not out until AF comes! EOD or every third day still seems like enough to me.

As for me, its CD8 so we start SMEP today!!!! I'll start my OPKs CD10, so Thursday. I'm so excited! I feel like my longest wait is over, the WTT. I'm feeling very anxious about BDing for the first time without any sort of protection, its so surreal! I'm also feeling extremely ready as its been 6 weeks since the last time we have been intimate while we were waiting for these hormones to get out of my system.

My other biggest concern right now is that FF is predicting my fertile week to be next week. DH has been planning to get another tattoo for a long time and he booked an appointment with a popular artist about 4 months ago for next week. This particular artist books at least 3 months out so we can't reschedule. The tattoo is going to take about 8 hours to do and will take up DH's entire side. He knows that he will need to :sex: regardless of how much pain he is in, and he doesn't seem too worried, but I don't think he realizes how much pain a rib cage tattoo will hurt. His only other one is on his arm and didn't hurt at all. I'd just hate to miss our most important BD because of it.
Woohoo go on smep :happydance: I admire your stamina to keep that up :D

I'm off home to go poas, I rather hope nothing shows up so I know O is now :)

Best of luck, keep us updated :flower:
Amalee, I see you are NTNP, are you familiar with your cycle and when your fertile week is without actively TTC? I envy you, I wish I could be relaxed enough to NTNP, but I would feel like I wouldn't have enough control.

What I considered NTNP, I think a lost of people would call regular old TTC :) I kept track of my fertility over the past year or so, I just wasn't marking it on a calendar and we didn't plan BDing. Anyway, it seems to have paid off since I got a BFP yesterday! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Good luck this month! I can't wait for you all to get that second line :)
Amalee, I see you are NTNP, are you familiar with your cycle and when your fertile week is without actively TTC? I envy you, I wish I could be relaxed enough to NTNP, but I would feel like I wouldn't have enough control.

What I considered NTNP, I think a lost of people would call regular old TTC :) I kept track of my fertility over the past year or so, I just wasn't marking it on a calendar and we didn't plan BDing. Anyway, it seems to have paid off since I got a BFP yesterday! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Good luck this month! I can't wait for you all to get that second line :)

That is fantastic!! Congratulations!!
Oh my goodness Amalee that's great!!! Congrats on your :bfp:!!! Woo-hoo!!! Hope you've started a chain reaction for the rest of us. DH and I are in that same scenario of not tracking anything just regular old TTC. How are you feeling?

Lovetocruise we did not BD every day of my fertile week, it was more every other day. But I felt like we did get quite a bit of BD in. I know exactly how your feeling on the surrealness of it all. :thumbup: After his tatoo get DH in a comfy position and let the fun begin. :happydance:

Patience hope this is your O day. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Congrats Amalee!! So happy for you:) Having Baby#1 is so exciting!!

I am on CD9. What day does everyone usually ovulate on?? I am usually around CD14-16. (I think, I have never used OPK's, just go by symptoms).
Thanks everyone! I can't wait for you all to get your BFPs too, I love our group of girls who were in WTT together! I hope we can all be bump buddies!

I had somewhat irregular cycles for the past couple years, and I ovulated around CD 16-22 usually :)
As for me, its CD8 so we start SMEP today!!!! I'll start my OPKs CD10, so Thursday. I'm so excited! I feel like my longest wait is over, the WTT. I'm feeling very anxious about BDing for the first time without any sort of protection, its so surreal! I'm also feeling extremely ready as its been 6 weeks since the last time we have been intimate while we were waiting for these hormones to get out of my system.

My other biggest concern right now is that FF is predicting my fertile week to be next week. DH has been planning to get another tattoo for a long time and he booked an appointment with a popular artist about 4 months ago for next week. This particular artist books at least 3 months out so we can't reschedule. The tattoo is going to take about 8 hours to do and will take up DH's entire side. He knows that he will need to :sex: regardless of how much pain he is in, and he doesn't seem too worried, but I don't think he realizes how much pain a rib cage tattoo will hurt. His only other one is on his arm and didn't hurt at all. I'd just hate to miss our most important BD because of it.

I'm so happy for you to get started! Hope you're not feeling to anxious and can enjoy all the extra BDing over the next week or so ;)

Fingers crossed for you that you test positive for O before the tattoo so you don't need to worry about any of that. Is his appointment towards the end of the week?

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