WTT sept/oct/nov graduates!

Time for me to grumble a bit, my body isn't making any sense again this cycle :(

I got a +opk cd10, stabby pains in the right places, fertile cm gave up cd13, but temps refuse to go up, = no crosshairs :( not even if i sneak in a higher temp tomorrow, it's just been too low :(

I'm guessing I had some sort of hormonal fluctuation, since I was predicted by ff to O between cd17-22 and i had a crappy short LP last month. I dunno what's up :(
Congrats Brandi!! Seems like yesterday your were waiting for your reversal! That is awesome news!

I think I am right in the middle of my fertile time. I am not temping or anything, just going by my predicted O on a calculator and symptoms. Hoping to get a BFP this month! Would love an August baby:)

patienceiav I don't really know what to tell you other then BD every other day to ensure you hit your fertile time. My cycles are never the same....I can usually guess the "week" I will ovulate, but even then, I get it wrong. My cycles vary from 26 to 34 days....so I can be off by a quite a bit. When TTC we make sure to BD every other day...and every day when I think O is happening. We'll keep it up until either a BFP happens, or AF. Good luck to you.

Good luck to those still Trying! Hopefully we can all move over to the pregnancy boards together:)
I'm sorry patience, I hope you get things figured out soon. I guess the only thing you can do right now is bd as often as possible so when you do O, you're ready. :hugs: You'll get it figured out, hopefully soon. Am I correct in thinking that you recently came off of bc and have been trying to figure out your cycles since?? It's crazy how we spend so much time avoiding pregnancy like it happens easily or something...and then it doesn't when you want it to. :shrug:

Addy, I think we're cycle buddies but you must O sooner than me, because my fertile week isn't until next week...I think...
Aren't you CD 11 today (Friday)??

Cntrygal, were you able to pick up some new tests tonight?? I'm so anxious for you to test again! Do you know about how many DPO you are?

I have some kind of exciting news, at least to me, DH has been on board about TTC, but its always been obvious he's doing it for me, not because he's eager to be a dad. I know he'll be excited about it when it becomes real, like when he's holding his LO, but I never expected him to be overly supportive about it until then.
Well...tonight he reminded me (as if I didn't know) that we needed to BD, which I thought was kind of weird because while he's into BDing, he's not the normal guy that has to have it that often to be content, and we just did it a couple days ago.
So I asked him if we was excited about the sex or about the prospect that we could make a baby from it....He said "both"!! Holy cow, my husband wants a baby!!! That may not seem like a big deal to a lot of women, but it is a HUGE deal to me!
Don't get me wrong, I am not and have never pushed him into the idea of starting a family, but we have been married almost 5 years, together for 10, and I don't want to be too old of a mom, and 5 years was always our plan.
I just wanted to share my story with you since no one else would really truly understand how excited this makes me.
I'm on cd 13. Hoping Dh and I bd'd enough. He is out of town for 2 days, left this morning, so I am so nervous we will miss my ovulation. Timing could not be worse! :wacko:

So glad that your Dh is excited and on the same page as you! Sure makes everything so much easier. The first baby is such an exciting time!
Ahh that's super exciting Lovetocruise, it's so great to hear that sort of encouragement :) usually guys don't really want to think about the baby making part!

I'm going to sit down and have a quiet chat with my body soon I think, my temp shot up this morning but i'm expecting it's not O time because I started showing slightly stronger on an OPK this morning (i've only skipped one day since getting my positive OPK when I realised my temp wasn't going up properly) I'll actually be pissed off if I O'ed yesterday as we timed 2x BD in what I thought was my fertile window, if it turned out yesterday was the big day we did it 3-4days prior :/ so i'm sort of hoping I get a 2nd shot this month, all depends what the temps and OPKs start saying I guess :( so annoying!

This is my 3rd cycle off bcp/ttc yeah, I'm glad my cycles are somewhat regular bit it's a battle to get bd in around O because of hubby's schedule so it's already stressing me out how a few days can mean the difference between having a chance and not :(
I wish having a baby was as easy as they scared us to believe in school. :dohh:

Patience I'm sorry your body is not behaving. I've heard little spermy can live quite a few days inside so hopefully they just chilled out and made themselves at home.

That is so awesome lovetocruise. I know exactly what you mean when DH says the littlest thing that makes you feel they are really in this.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you addy.

I did get some hpt's last night. :happydance: I was afraid we were screwed. I have a coworker that lives near that walmart and I know that's where she does her shopping, but I thought...eh what are the chances she would be there. Yep, she was there. But we paid for them back at the pharmacy and didn't see her on our way out. Phew! I got a couple 88 centers, a 2 pack of early detection answers, and a 2 pack of digitals. I had planned on waiting until Monday morning to test, but I think I'm going to cave (again) and test tomorrow morning. I laid in bed this morning debating on whether to test before I got up to pee. :haha: But I was going to see my Mom today and I was afraid if it was positive I'd want to blab it to her instead of waiting to make it fun.

Yesterday evening on the way home I felt a little nauseous, but it hasn't returned today. The last couple of days I've been extra gassy. :blush: I swear I should enter a burping contest. :shrug:
Haha so true about the school thing :D it boggles my mind that it's actually possible to get pregnant by accident, when we're sat here temping, peeing on sticks and assaulting our OHs lol :D

I always feel achieved when I manage to skip a morning in 2ww without peeing on something lol, I never do anything but fmu so once that's out the way I don't consider it till the next day, hoping you get lucky now!

That's crazy about spotting someone you know, so typical! I feel like that when I buy stuff where I live, I just expect my mother in law to appear round a corner, like she has some 6th sense lol luckily I have my online supply now ;D

It's funny what bodies do, i feel a bit sad I'm looking forward to going to bed just so I can wake up and temp tomorrow morning to see what's what... I know people say they got preggers without but it's just weird to me that my fertile cm vanished barely a day after I expected to O but apparently didn't, or my temps were just having a funny day who knows :( i can probably count myself out this month though and I've not even got crosshairs . Sigh!
Cntrygal - I have not been able to resist testing....as this will be our last baby, so my last chance to pee on a stick! haha! I am hoping DH can get an appointment right away after our next little one is born, so we will not have to worry about testing ever again:)

patienceiav - Hopefully you can gt things figured out. :flower:

lovetocruise - When will you be testing? We will probably be around the same time:)

This is killing me right now...DH is still away, (home tomorrow) and I am right in the middle of ovulation. I am not sure what day it happened/will happen, just hoping we do not miss it.

Good luck to you all:)
This mornings temp didn't make any more sense, I'm not even sure if perhaps my body tried to O cd11 buy couldn't/didn't, or if I'm suddenly sleeping with my mouth open and getting bad temps etc.

When I told hubby we might be shot this month he got upset, then wanted to bd again the next day (very unlike him) he's one of these don't want to hear the word baby anywhere near sex but still wants one kinda guys so it was touching that he's more keen :) I'll keep going till those crosshairs show I guess, when ff expects O on cd17-22 who knows what will happen (totally prepared with masses of vit b if that happens though) I wonder if i should keep taking evening primrose oil to try to encourage more fertile cm or if i should hold since i might have O'ed and then it's considered a bad idea :/
patienceiav - I do not know much about EPO...is it a bad idea after ovulation? At least you are covering your bases with BD'ing. Whether you had an early ovulation or it is still going to come.

I think I messed up as well. This whole time I was thinking I was further behind in my cycle then I actually am. I was going by a Oct. 28th LMP when it was actually Oct. 26th. So today I am at CD 16. I think my fertile time is between Nov. 7 - 12th...so we still have some bd'ing to do. DH gets home this afternoon, so we really only missed yesterday (Saturday). His work trip could not have come at a worse time! I have been planning this for the last year!!:wacko:
Cntrygal, did you test?!?

I got my first + OPK this morning with an IC:happydance:. I've been testing twice a day, once with FMU with an IC, and once in the afternoon with a CB digital, so we'll see what the digital says later today:coffee:

I think I'm gonna test Sunday, the 24th, depending on when I ovulate for sure. Ideally, I want to test on the weekend because I don't know if I can hold it in all day and wait until DH gets of work to tell him if it is positive.
I think it's meant to encourage your uterus to contract, something to do with making it harder for the egg to implant or somesuch, better to err on the side of caution and not take it I guess.

It's amazing how hair razing one or two days during fertile time can be, the worry of losing your shot because of it feels stressful, i'm already sensing it a bit on my third cycle TTC. I'm suspecting I either did O when I got +OPK and therefore BD is useless, or I am not close to O'ing since my OPKs are now totally blank as of today (been a long week of semi faint lines after my positive), either way I call a BD break tonight :D my treat ! Lol I can't hack every day just yet!

Lovetocruise, those positive OPKs are so reassuring :D except mine this cycle but oh well ! Weekend testing is a great idea, I can't imagine getting a positive then trotting off to work like nothing happened. Brr !
I tested with a Walmart cheapie and got a BFN. Ugh. Maybe should have tested with one of the early detection answer tests. No AF symptoms. I think I'll wait until Tuesday morning to test again with an answer. That will be smack dab in the middle of when AF is due. Ugh.
Oh dear, stress can delay ovulation you say? I think I just scared mine off for a good year or so!

Got locked out my house with 2 heavy bags of shopping and a very bad back, hubby with keys was a 2 hour round trip away, and I'd left something cooking in the oven, I'm surprised I didn't have a heart attack from all the panicking I've just been doing, now collapsed in the sofa counting my lucky stars
I tested with a Walmart cheapie and got a BFN. Ugh. Maybe should have tested with one of the early detection answer tests. No AF symptoms. I think I'll wait until Tuesday morning to test again with an answer. That will be smack dab in the middle of when AF is due. Ugh.

Don't get discouraged, I didn't get a positive until after AF was due. Just took a long time for Munchkin to implant, I guess!
I tested with a Walmart cheapie and got a BFN. Ugh. Maybe should have tested with one of the early detection answer tests. No AF symptoms. I think I'll wait until Tuesday morning to test again with an answer. That will be smack dab in the middle of when AF is due. Ugh.

Don't get discouraged, I didn't get a positive until after AF was due. Just took a long time for Munchkin to implant, I guess!

I agree! Both my pregnancies took a long time to implant as well.

Good luck Cntrygal, I think you are the next one in line to test:)
Oh dear, stress can delay ovulation you say? I think I just scared mine off for a good year or so!

Got locked out my house with 2 heavy bags of shopping and a very bad back, hubby with keys was a 2 hour round trip away, and I'd left something cooking in the oven, I'm surprised I didn't have a heart attack from all the panicking I've just been doing, now collapsed in the sofa counting my lucky stars

Oh my goodness patience! Glad everything turned out well. How did you finally get in? That is one of the benefits of living out in the middle of no where. Unless we're leaving for the weekend, we don't even lock our house. Actually, I don't even have a key to our house. We have one hidden in the dog house outside if there was ever a need.

Thank you for the encouragement ladies! I'll get a little hint of a symptom and then poof, it's gone. I have yet to feel any AF symptoms but they still have a day or two to show. But as discouraged as I feel I'm staying hopeful. Being a debbie-downer is not going to help anything at this point. :thumbup:

Amalee how are you feeling?
It's impossible not to be hopeful even with the early bfns, the emotional rollercoaster is all part of the ride /o/ \o\ \o/

Crossing my fingers for you, the wait is terrible! 2/2 months I've been convinced I was preggers so this month is going to be met with extreme skepticism and no damn testing before 14dpo! Don't let me :D

I had to take the train to my hubbys work then I took a taxi back, was absolutely sick with worry that I'd burn down an entire block of flats, along with my cat! Actually the food in the oven came out almost perfectly :D the bacon was brown as heck but tasted great!

On to more relevant topics, my O still evades me :( +opk cd10, ff predicts O between cd17-22 (today is 17) sorry for the tmi but my cm has been really watery creamy, not what I'd class as fertile but I think it might be turning more watery as we speak, time to go strangle some answers out of some OPK's and pounce the man thing :D
I've been feeling pretty great. Sore boobs, but that's it! I've always assumed that I would be nauseous basically from conception because I have such a sensitive stomach as it is, so I'm really happy to have made it a couple weeks into this without much to report! I'm not sure if it's because I'm being so careful to eat something healthy ever few hours (since MS is partially triggered by an empty stomach), I'm eating such healthy foods, or something else entirely, but I'll take it :)

My breasts are still pretty sore, and I've had a bit of achiness in my back. I think the achiness might be because I'm sleeping so soundly though! While I'd usually wake up and turn over if I get at all uncomfortable, now I'm dead as a door nail - until I have to pee, of course.

I kind of can't believe how easy it's been to cut out alcohol, caffeine, and crappy foods. I did pour myself a small glass of about 1/3 wine, 2/3 water to avoid questions from my mom though - I drank half of it before I had a chance to dump it while she wasn't looking :haha:. I'm really not worried about having an ounce of wine, some women are still drinking like fishes at this point because they don't know they're pregnant.
That's good to hear :) glad to hear you're doing well, it's really easy to think the second you see that bfp you'll be crawling about feeling nauseous at everything and puking at work so it's nice and obvious somethings up :D great job on the eating well too, I'm trying to fix those habits now but I can imagine it's much easier once there's a little life depending on you for nutrients :)

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