WTT sept/oct/nov graduates!

I'm officially in the game! AF arrived this morning and this is probably the first and last time I will ever be happy to see her. Unfortunately she brought some nasty cramps with her.
Yay! (sorta) glad she's here, now you can focus your energy towards O time and all the fun that goes with it :) hopefully you'll have a little bit of a helping hand from your donation :)

I think I've run out of things to add to my list of things to help my chances this month, what's your plan? :)
Sorry to hear addy :flower: Hang in there.

Welcome to the game lovetocruise!

Arguments with DH really put a damper on baby making. I don't want to sweep anything under the rug, but I feel like I need to check some of my emotions at the door so we can take advantage of the fertile times. Then have a conversation at a later time. How do u ladies handle it?
Yay! (sorta) glad she's here, now you can focus your energy towards O time and all the fun that goes with it :) hopefully you'll have a little bit of a helping hand from your donation :)

I think I've run out of things to add to my list of things to help my chances this month, what's your plan? :)

I'm going all in. SMEP, charting, temping, and OPKs. Not leaving anything to chance.

My only problem is I have no idea how long my natural cycle will be. Haven't had a natural one since I was 16.
Sorry to hear addy :flower: Hang in there.

Welcome to the game lovetocruise!

Arguments with DH really put a damper on baby making. I don't want to sweep anything under the rug, but I feel like I need to check some of my emotions at the door so we can take advantage of the fertile times. Then have a conversation at a later time. How do u ladies handle it?

Oh that's tough. I'm just going to avoid all sensitive topics to around fertile times. My hubby will not dtd if he frustrated with me or anything else, so I'm just gonna keep him as happy as possible. Right now, I don't foresee any potential problems...

If your OH is willing to dtd, just let whatever is bothering you go until after. Likely you'll end up coming to an agreement anyway eventually, just don't waste these special days.
Sorry to hear addy :flower: Hang in there.

Welcome to the game lovetocruise!

Arguments with DH really put a damper on baby making. I don't want to sweep anything under the rug, but I feel like I need to check some of my emotions at the door so we can take advantage of the fertile times. Then have a conversation at a later time. How do u ladies handle it?

Oh that's tough. I'm just going to avoid all sensitive topics to around fertile times. My hubby will not dtd if he frustrated with me or anything else, so I'm just gonna keep him as happy as possible. Right now, I don't foresee any potential problems...

If your OH is willing to dtd, just let whatever is bothering you go until after. Likely you'll end up coming to an agreement anyway eventually, just don't waste these special days.

I have no idea if he would dtd b/c I was in no mood. lol Unfortunately it's a big topic, buying/building a house. We originally decided we'd build. But we want to see what we could afford based only on DH income since at some point I will probably go to part time. "We've" said "we" were going to figure that for a while now and it still hasn't happened (he has all the numbers and the spreadsheet on his work comp). We also have a small cattle ranch that we are in 50/50 w/ his parents. We preg tested cows yesterday and 7 were open. So on the way to bed last night he says we all need to sit down tomorrow and decide what we should do on selling the open cows and buying more to replace. Yes we need to have that discussion, but how are we going to know what we can do finacially when we haven't decided on what we are doing about a house? And why did the open cows deem a conversation the very next day but figuring up for a house has been put off numerous times? Sorry, small vent there. We've said our "I'm sorrys" but this stuff leaves me in a funk. Maybe getting that off my chest will help me get back into baby making mode.
That's a tough one, I guess the moos required more immediate decisions whereas the house is sadly something that can get put off time & time again.

This sounds like a lot to juggle when ttc, maybe he'll get his foot out his *ahem* if he realises it would be great to have a new home in time for future baby? If he's anything like mine he'd then choose to wait til the house sad sorted till ttc (I had to wait till I got a permanent job which I'm glad e waited but still)

Good luck :flower: maybe even if he's in the wrong you could pamper him a bit, get him in the mood :D
Lovetocruise, I like that plan :D I'd love to do smep but I can literally go 4 days without seeing my oh depending on his schedule.

We can't honestly manage every day and we did it every other last month and he was convinced we did it like 7 days straight cuz he could hardly manage towards the end, freaks me out :(

I tried to explain there's always going to be a certain amount of pressure because of the tiny amount of days to give it a shot, I worry he can't handle the stress of it, guess I'm just going to have to go a few months without bfp before he realises it's not enough :( before I clued him in he pretty much thought we could do it whenever and have a chance, maybe he just mentally needs time to adjust :/
We had a nice...not emotion filled...talk last night about the house and the cows. So I think we have a plan of attack. It's not likely we will have a new house before we have our first little bundle, but I knew that going in. Unfortunately we're in a holding pattern right now to see what the next year brings. All I really wanted was to talk out the plan and to both be on the same page. Thank you ladies for listening. We did have a little make-up bd last night...thank goodness! I've never paid much attention to my body before, but the signs that this is THE week are practically slapping me upside the head.

Patience I think my dh has the same thought process as yours. We do it and bingo. lol Sorry it's so hard for you to ensure bd. Try not to stress yourself out though. :hugs:

Lovetocruise I love that you are going all in! I think our next step of trying will be SMEP. I feel like I need to ease dh into all that may need to go into making a baby. Of course I haven't presented all the options to him either. Hope the witch is easing up on you.

Here's a random questions. DH and I are both frugal people so we'd like to get an idea of how much prenatal care and delivery will cost. Is the insurance company who I should call? Am I dreaming by thinking they would be able to tell me approx (for a 'normal pregnancy) how many appts I'll need and what is covered and what is not? As well as delivery costs?
I don't think getting anyone to give you a verbal estimate will be easy as they're are so many factors. The insurance company can tell you what your plan covers (number of ultrasounds, percent of bills, etc) but you'll actually need to call the hospital you plan on delivering at to get approximate costs of services as every hospital bills different amounts. You may also want to call your obgyn's office to see about how many visits you'll see the doc and how much they bill for each service.

Glad you guys talked and made up. That makes bding so much more enjoyable. My hubby is pretty angry at me for waking him up with my thermometer this morning so I will be going shopping right after work for a new one that doesn't beep continuously.
On another note, I have decided that if I do not get my bfp this month I will go get a nice massage. If I don't get it the next, I'll go get a pedicure. Basically I want to have something to look forward to if it takes a few months to get pregnant.. sort of a consolation prize for not getting a baby. Hoping my bfp comes fairly soon so I don't go broke pampering myself.
Oh I love that idea, I've been subconsciously doing that this af hehe, went and bought loads of stuff! Next month I think it'll be a massage as well :) just bought some vitamins, I'm ready to make life!
That makes sense to compare what insurance covers to what hospital/dr office requires. I think just knowing what insurance will cover would be a good start. The rest I think I'll wait until after we're pregnant to dig into.

Ohhh..such a good idea on the pampering. I may get a gel manicure for my consolation prize if we don't get lucky on the first try.
I just sat down with my home made fertility smoothie, bring on the babies! (I'm adding a smoothie a day to my list of things to do)
On another note, I have decided that if I do not get my bfp this month I will go get a nice massage. If I don't get it the next, I'll go get a pedicure. Basically I want to have something to look forward to if it takes a few months to get pregnant.. sort of a consolation prize for not getting a baby. Hoping my bfp comes fairly soon so I don't go broke pampering myself.

:hi: I'm happy to see you've made the switch over here with us! That's such a great idea to do something nice for yourself. I should try to think of a reward and do that too...

As for me, sorry I haven't been on much lately! I'm approaching the tail end of my cycle. I initially thought that I ovulated about a week early on CD 11/12, when I usually O around CD 16-21, but as I'm now at CD 33 with no period or BFP, I guess I O'd right on time! I've taken three tests over the past week, all negative. I'm pretty sure I'd have a positive by now if I were pregnant, and we didn't DTD much this month anyway, so I think it's time to just wait for AF and get ready for next month.

Sorry to everyone else who didn't get their BFP this month either :hugs: But at least we've got a nice support group here! Good luck for Nov!
CD4 today. Still bleeding. Cannot wait for af to go away so I can really start to TTC:)
How's everyone else doing??
A positive is not possible at 4dpo right?

I took a test this afternoon, after holding my urine for 6 hours (don't ask how), and I thought it was negative. Now, it HAS been 4 hours, but when I look at it now, there is a squinter. But there is a line. It won't show on a photo, sadly, but there is something there.

I'm thinking it MUST be an evap, but I've secretly been peeing on sticks saily since 1dpo and still have those tests and there are no signs of an evap on any of those
Good luck Amalee, how's it going for you ? :flower:

CD7 for me, getting twitchy :) having my (almost) daily maca smoothie, vegetable juice, all my vits and evening primrose oil :D absolutely no idea when O will come after last 2 cycles so i'll be OPK*ing from cd10!

I don't think it's physically possible to get a bfp that early, it generally takes 8-12 days for implantation to occur then 2 more days from that to get enough hormones to show. That being said no body is the same, i'd watch out for those evaps though :)
Good luck Amalee! You are still in the game, I had two late BFP's.

Brandi, I think 4DPO is early. Some tests are a lot more sensitive then others though.

AF has finally left! Ready for Cycle 2 of TTC. DH and I both agreed that November would be the ideal month for us, so we are both very ready to try! Really hoping for a BFP! I am very ready to be pregnant again:)
I'm with Patience, it's very unlikely that you'd get a positive that soon... But is there any chance you ovulated earlier than you think? The earliest I've ever heard of a positive is 7/8 DPO.

As for me, still waiting! I'm trying to hold off as long as possible before testing again, BFNs are so upsetting. Assuming AF comes this month, we are possibly going to take some time off from trying. I have a job interview on Friday, and if I get the job, I wouldn't be eligible for maternity leave unless I'd been there a year. I would hate to get this amazing opportunity, and then lose the job because I need to take at least 2-3 months off after I've only been employed 8 months. So we'll hold off until I hear that I don't have the job, OR until March/April. It makes me sad, but I know that a job that will actually help me support the family and provide great benefits is more important than getting pregnant immediately.

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