You ALL give me strength!!! IVF this summer!!!

Thanks Jack, it went fine. I didnt get given any wipes either so not bothering. Im on quite a high dose of Gonal F (300) and last night I did wake up feeling not too good, achy and with a headache. But feeling better this morning after a stroll and bit of breakfast.
I reckon your embies are doing just fine...hang in there hun, youre almost there. Tomorrow yeah? And from what Ive read the ET is nothing compared with the EC.
Look forward to hearing from you...sending you lots of :dust:

Brandy, good news about your 5dt too. Read your advice about stimms, thankyou so much. I think I can get V8 juice here in the UK but not sure about the other one gatorade (?) the same as a sports drink like lucozade?
Also did you mention something on another thread about being able to tell how many eggs from a certain reading that hospitals wont automatically give you unless you ask...E??
Take care and have a nice weekend x

Just realised u will have done first injection last night greta. How was it?
Hope you feeling better Brandy?:flower:

Thanks Jack, it went fine. I didnt get given any wipes either so not bothering. Im on quite a high dose of Gonal F (300) and last night I did wake up feeling not too good, achy and with a headache. But feeling better this morning after a stroll and bit of breakfast.
I reckon your embies are doing just fine...hang in there hun, youre almost there. Tomorrow yeah? And from what Ive read the ET is nothing compared with the EC.
Look forward to hearing from you...sending you lots of :dust:

Brandy, good news about your 5dt too. Read your advice about stimms, thankyou so much. I think I can get V8 juice here in the UK but not sure about the other one gatorade (?) the same as a sports drink like lucozade?
Also did you mention something on another thread about being able to tell how many eggs from a certain reading that hospitals wont automatically give you unless you ask...E??
Take care and have a nice weekend x

Just realised u will have done first injection last night greta. How was it?
Thanks Jack, it went fine. I didnt get given any wipes either so not bothering. Im on quite a high dose of Gonal F (300) and last night I did wake up feeling not too good, achy and with a headache. But feeling better this morning after a stroll and bit of breakfast.
I reckon your embies are doing just fine...hang in there hun, youre almost there. Tomorrow yeah? And from what Ive read the ET is nothing compared with the EC.
Look forward to hearing from you...sending you lots of :dust:

Brandy, good news about your 5dt too. Read your advice about stimms, thankyou so much. I think I can get V8 juice here in the UK but not sure about the other one gatorade (?) the same as a sports drink like lucozade?
Also did you mention something on another thread about being able to tell how many eggs from a certain reading that hospitals wont automatically give you unless you ask...E??
Take care and have a nice weekend x

Just realised u will have done first injection last night greta. How was it?

I did mention it. You can get your egg approximation per my fertility specialist by taking your E2 level and dividing it by 200. Each egg causes your E2 to rise approx 200. So in my case my Estrogen the day of retrieval was 6200 and they did in fact get 31 eggs. 31*200=6200

AFM I am feeling much better today. It's very early but I weighed myself and I have lost 2lbs so the water weight from the OHSS seems to be coming off thankfully.
On the way home from the hospital with 2 little embies inside me! :) :) xxx
Thank you! I'm so excited! Fingers and toes crossed :) x
It was ok...just a bit uncomfortable. A bit like a smear. I closed my eyes and concentrated on my breathing/ talked to the embryos inside my head!! They advised against two embryos because of the risk of twins but I decided to push for it. I hope I was right in doing this but I just had a feeling it was the way to go. I am feeling very hopeful which may be a bit silly but I feel I have to be positive and believe it will happen.

How r u greta? Stims going ok? Xx
Ahhh...I totally understand you wanting to have two put back and good for you for pushing.:winkwink: Positive thinking is the way to go I always believe....:hugs:
I am actually hoping because of my age (38) that I will be allowed two embies also (praying we get enough to have that option on the day [-o<).
So, well done Jack, now you can relax more and enjoy the sunshine.
I just read back over the whole of our thread and saw that you were on Gonal F 450, higher than me (300). How did you find it? Did you have a lot of heaviness and pressure? I've not felt anything much so far but I've only had 2 shots.
After a really long downregging phase like Brandy, its weird to be finally stimming!
Take it easy Jack x

Good luck for tomorrow Brandy and hope you feeling much better?
Hi Louise, highhopes and bundles too, hope you're all doing ok :hugs:

It was ok...just a bit uncomfortable. A bit like a smear. I closed my eyes and concentrated on my breathing/ talked to the embryos inside my head!! They advised against two embryos because of the risk of twins but I decided to push for it. I hope I was right in doing this but I just had a feeling it was the way to go. I am feeling very hopeful which may be a bit silly but I feel I have to be positive and believe it will happen.

How r u greta? Stims going ok? Xx
Jack I am so thrilled for u! It has been such a crazy journey - remember when u thought ivf might not even be an option? And now look u have TWO embies transferred!!! How exciting! Put ure feet up and relax now. FC they both implant. I went for two as well but only one implanted last time. Glad the worst is over for u...roll on BFP!

Brandy is ure transfer tmrw? FC all goes well for u.

Greta do u have a date for ER yet?

I'm still waiting for AF to turn up so I can start stims. I'm due on thurs if my cycle goes back to its normal 32 days. I'm going to be on the lowest possible dose of gonal f coz I am high high risk ohss-lucky I didn't get it last time really as I had 40ish follicles. In hoping that I will be fine as I didnt really have it that badly last time.
Thank u so much ladies - ur support and kind words means a lot to me :)

I don't think I felt much when on the gonal f for the first 2/3 days greta. After that I had a couple of little headaches (i drunk lots and lots of water) and also felt a bit crampy/ umcomfy towards the end (not too bad tho). I def felt more tired and my mood was a bit low the last few days. Couldn't really be bothered doing 'stuff' whereas I'm normally a bit more 'get up and go'. I just took time out to relax and chill out which was easy as I was on holiday from school.

Talking about relaxing - to what extent did u rest after transfer highhopes? Not long now till u start - very exciting!!! :)

Hope ur embies r doing well brandy xx
Congratulations on being pupo jack! I've been following your journey so I'm so pleased you got your way and have 2 embies on board. What day were they? Did you have any to freeze? I have 2 embies transferred on Monday so am a few days ahead of you. Desperate to know the outcome but scared to test!

Mine were not quite blasts and we trf 2 on advice of the hospital to maximise our chances... I've had the rest of this week off work and have just chilled out really, no strict bed rest but have just listened to my body. I've been really tired so have rested when I needed to but have done what I could manage. How do you feel now? It's so exciting isn't it! Xx
Thanks TooExcited!

It was a 5 day transfer and they were both blastocysts - one was slightly better quality than the other, although they didn't tell me the grades (I did ask but they sort of avoided answering!).

I've to call tomorrow to find out if we will have one to freeze (there is another embryo that is slightly before the stage of being termed a blastocyst if that makes sense?).

I'm feeling ok - just been relaxing in the house, mostly lying on my bed (just finished watching an episode of The Apprentice to kill time!) but have been up and down for the toilet, and to the kitchen! Going to take it easy today and tomorrow and then see how i feel. I feel quite bloated but have been like that since EC.

When do you do your test? I've been told 2 full weeks from today although a friend of mine was told two weeks from collection date. I guess every hospital is different.

Good luck over the next week! :)
Wow sounds like everyone is doing great! This thread is so exciting right now :happydance:

I have my transfer tomorrow afternoon. Last I heard my embies were doing 'well' they were not yet graded :( We have an appt to meet with the doctor monday to discuss the quality of all of them on day 5 and how to proceed.
Hi sure is getting eventful on this thread!!
In answer to your question- I havent been given a date for my EC yet, I guess I will find out on Friday when I have my scan. All ok so far.

Hope your AF arrives on time so you can get started on stimming.
Have you finished skool yet??

Jack I am so thrilled for u! It has been such a crazy journey - remember when u thought ivf might not even be an option? And now look u have TWO embies transferred!!! How exciting! Put ure feet up and relax now. FC they both implant. I went for two as well but only one implanted last time. Glad the worst is over for u...roll on BFP!

Brandy is ure transfer tmrw? FC all goes well for u.

Greta do u have a date for ER yet?

I'm still waiting for AF to turn up so I can start stims. I'm due on thurs if my cycle goes back to its normal 32 days. I'm going to be on the lowest possible dose of gonal f coz I am high high risk ohss-lucky I didn't get it last time really as I had 40ish follicles. In hoping that I will be fine as I didnt really have it that badly last time.
Hi sure is getting eventful on this thread!!
In answer to your question- I havent been given a date for my EC yet, I guess I will find out on Friday when I have my scan. All ok so far.

Hope your AF arrives on time so you can get started on stimming.
Have you finished skool yet??

Jack I am so thrilled for u! It has been such a crazy journey - remember when u thought ivf might not even be an option? And now look u have TWO embies transferred!!! How exciting! Put ure feet up and relax now. FC they both implant. I went for two as well but only one implanted last time. Glad the worst is over for u...roll on BFP!

Brandy is ure transfer tmrw? FC all goes well for u.

Greta do u have a date for ER yet?

I'm still waiting for AF to turn up so I can start stims. I'm due on thurs if my cycle goes back to its normal 32 days. I'm going to be on the lowest possible dose of gonal f coz I am high high risk ohss-lucky I didn't get it last time really as I had 40ish follicles. In hoping that I will be fine as I didnt really have it that badly last time.

Your ER probably will be around the 22nd or 24th? I am just guessing thats about in line with the length of my process.

That is not long from now :happydance:
Thanks Brandy. Will be thinking of you tomorrow :thumbup:

Hi sure is getting eventful on this thread!!
In answer to your question- I havent been given a date for my EC yet, I guess I will find out on Friday when I have my scan. All ok so far.

Hope your AF arrives on time so you can get started on stimming.
Have you finished skool yet??

Jack I am so thrilled for u! It has been such a crazy journey - remember when u thought ivf might not even be an option? And now look u have TWO embies transferred!!! How exciting! Put ure feet up and relax now. FC they both implant. I went for two as well but only one implanted last time. Glad the worst is over for u...roll on BFP!

Brandy is ure transfer tmrw? FC all goes well for u.

Greta do u have a date for ER yet?

I'm still waiting for AF to turn up so I can start stims. I'm due on thurs if my cycle goes back to its normal 32 days. I'm going to be on the lowest possible dose of gonal f coz I am high high risk ohss-lucky I didn't get it last time really as I had 40ish follicles. In hoping that I will be fine as I didnt really have it that badly last time.

Your ER probably will be around the 22nd or 24th? I am just guessing thats about in line with the length of my process.

That is not long from now :happydance:
That sounds fantastic jack. I didn't get the grades of mine either. She said because they weren't quite full blasts they weren't at the point where they could grade them although one looked pretty close to a blast if you ask me! I could see the inner cell mass starting to form so it couldn't have been far off. The other one was really just a ball of cells but they were hopeful for both...

Yep - we're too weeks after transfer as well. Seems forever but I'm half way there now and I really don't want to test! Crazy really because I thought I would be dying to do one by now but nope!

Resting up is a good idea- just listen to your body. Mine told me what to do - which was very little! I think all the hormones are still working their way out of your system and I'm finding the progesterone exhausting! Still hopefully will all be worth it!

Good luck tomorrow Brandy with the transfer & yay to the final week of stims Greta - it all passes so quickly once you are in the cycle!
Ladies please tell me I'm being stupid but I'm worried that an 'incident' last night might have been detrimental to my wee embryos!

I was in bed trying to sleep when i suddenly heard a strange scratching noise. At first I thought it was outside (as the window was open slightly) but after a minute or so I realised it was coming from behind the curtain! I creeped over (sh*@tting myself!) moved the curtain and out flew a bat!!!! I got the biggest fright- screamed and ran out the room. My heart was racing! It took ages for my husband to catch the stupid thing (it refused to simply fly out
of the window!)

Anyway...after all my relaxation and tentatively moving around yesterday I feel this massive fright and the running probably wasn't a good thing to have have happened and maybe gave my embryos a fright too!!!

(This 2ww is going to drive me bananas I reckon!!!)
Im laughing as I read that but at the time I was actually quite stressed!

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