You ALL give me strength!!! IVF this summer!!!

Brandy that's brilliant! Did they give u a grading for ure embies? Blasts is great, and 3 how exciting!!! Take it easy for the next couple of days xx
Brandy that's brilliant! Did they give u a grading for ure embies? Blasts is great, and 3 how exciting!!! Take it easy for the next couple of days xx

Yes, they gave me a full report card it's so cute!

It's their first report cards :blush:

All of them were grade 4. They grade on a 1-4 scale with 4 being the best.
That is really cute! Did they give u a photo too? I didn't get a report card but I got a photo of my embryos on transfer day.
That is really cute! Did they give u a photo too? I didn't get a report card but I got a photo of my embryos on transfer day.

They gave me a picture of the 2 that they hand picked to transfer then since we were doing 3 they let me pick the 3rd one from anywhere on the list so no pic for that one.

I sent the picture to work with my husband to scan it in for me since I am still off work :happydance:
Congratulations Brandy! Hope you're doing ok and resting with those feet up! Has your doctor told you to bed rest (I hear this advice is more common in the US)?

Louise - hope you're feeling better? It is so frustrating and upsetting to be told that you won't be starting for another month - I remember being in the same situation and feeling so fed up. When do you finish up for the holidays? At least you'll have time to relax and look after yourself before you start the ivf... not much of a consolation I know.

Hope the shots are going ok greta? How are you bundlesofjoy?

I'm doing ok - not feeling quite as positive as I was straight after the transfer. Trying to banish doubts/ negative thoughts from my head, but they are definitely trying to creep in more and more! I'm only 3dp the 5dt but it feels like I've been waiting for at least 2 weeks already!! How are you feeling TooExcited? When do you test again? Are you using crinone gel?

Highhopes did you use crinone gel last time round? Or was it progesterone injections that you administered? I've been told to stop the crinone gel if/ when I get a bfp. I have read online that some women are advised to keep using it for 12 weeks.

Right - I'm away to do some housework!! :)

PS - We have a wee frozen embryo - forgot to tell you all! Embryologist called on Monday to say it had progressed really well overnight and it was frozen at day 6 :) :)
Congratulations Brandy! Hope you're doing ok and resting with those feet up! Has your doctor told you to bed rest (I hear this advice is more common in the US)?

Louise - hope you're feeling better? It is so frustrating and upsetting to be told that you won't be starting for another month - I remember being in the same situation and feeling so fed up. When do you finish up for the holidays? At least you'll have time to relax and look after yourself before you start the ivf... not much of a consolation I know.

Hope the shots are going ok greta? How are you bundlesofjoy?

I'm doing ok - not feeling quite as positive as I was straight after the transfer. Trying to banish doubts/ negative thoughts from my head, but they are definitely trying to creep in more and more! I'm only 3dp the 5dt but it feels like I've been waiting for at least 2 weeks already!! How are you feeling TooExcited? When do you test again? Are you using crinone gel?

Highhopes did you use crinone gel last time round? Or was it progesterone injections that you administered? I've been told to stop the crinone gel if/ when I get a bfp. I have read online that some women are advised to keep using it for 12 weeks.

Right - I'm away to do some housework!! :)


I am having a hard time trying to stay positive too.. Not sure what it is but its hard not to already think it didn't work.... Nothing else has worked thus far. But a positive attitude is really what is needed about now.

I had the day of the transfer and the day after off. I am back to work today. I just sat around crocheting a baby blanket to keep me busy.
Congratulations Brandy! Hope you're doing ok and resting with those feet up! Has your doctor told you to bed rest (I hear this advice is more common in the US)?

Louise - hope you're feeling better? It is so frustrating and upsetting to be told that you won't be starting for another month - I remember being in the same situation and feeling so fed up. When do you finish up for the holidays? At least you'll have time to relax and look after yourself before you start the ivf... not much of a consolation I know.

Hope the shots are going ok greta? How are you bundlesofjoy?

I'm doing ok - not feeling quite as positive as I was straight after the transfer. Trying to banish doubts/ negative thoughts from my head, but they are definitely trying to creep in more and more! I'm only 3dp the 5dt but it feels like I've been waiting for at least 2 weeks already!! How are you feeling TooExcited? When do you test again? Are you using crinone gel?

Highhopes did you use crinone gel last time round? Or was it progesterone injections that you administered? I've been told to stop the crinone gel if/ when I get a bfp. I have read online that some women are advised to keep using it for 12 weeks.

Right - I'm away to do some housework!! :)


I am having a hard time trying to stay positive too.. Not sure what it is but its hard not to already think it didn't work.... Nothing else has worked thus far. But a positive attitude is really what is needed about now.

I had the day of the transfer and the day after off. I am back to work today. I just sat around crocheting a baby blanket to keep me busy.

I think it's hard to sustain positivity for a long period of time before the doubts start creeping in. At least being back at work will keep your mind occupied. I'm finding I'm obsessing quite a bit and noticing/ questioning every single twinge :/ DH and I are heading away for a couple of nights at the weekend so I'm looking forward to that. Hopefully it will take my mind off whether or not my embryos have implanted!! x
Hi everyone - hope you are doing ok.

I'm ish ok today. Started with a tiny bit of brown spotting last night and I had a melt down. DH was lovely and talked me through it. Had a bit more today so am just praying that it is just the progesterone and nothing more... still have several more days before my test and feel sick at the thought of doing it...

I'm exactly the same ladies - I swing from being uber positive that it has worked and at least one of my embies has snuggled in to feeling like there is no chance that it has worked... this is such a roller coaster.

I'm not on the gel - i have the lovely suppositories instead!!!

Fx'd for us all xx
I hope u get good news tooexcited. Lots of women get spotting followed by a bfp. Fingers crossed xx
Hi ladies...hope you all ok :hugs:
Well just had a bit of a shock today and found out that my bloods are very low...and so I need to up my Gonal F to 450. The nurse said it looks like Im not responding properly to my stimms. Feeling very worried and low. :cry:
Also feeling like I need to prepare for the worst... that our cycle may be cancelled.
Trying to cling on to the hope that the next 2 nights of higher dose injections will boost things up and we won't have upsetting news on Friday.
I don't really understand what's happening, but I know it does happen to some women.
Does anyone have any advice for me?? Some reassurance?..its such alien territory for me and I'm feeling so exhausted :shrug:

Hi everyone - hope you are doing ok.

I'm ish ok today. Started with a tiny bit of brown spotting last night and I had a melt down. DH was lovely and talked me through it. Had a bit more today so am just praying that it is just the progesterone and nothing more... still have several more days before my test and feel sick at the thought of doing it...

I'm exactly the same ladies - I swing from being uber positive that it has worked and at least one of my embies has snuggled in to feeling like there is no chance that it has worked... this is such a roller coaster.

I'm not on the gel - i have the lovely suppositories instead!!!

Fx'd for us all xx
Greta - stay positive. I'm sure they have seen the situation before and wouldnt have wasted the expense on the extra drugs if they didn't think it was worth a try. I have my fingers crossed the eggies will catch up.

What did they see on the scan? Have you got any follies? xx
Thanks for your sweet reply TooExcited, it's nice to meet you, I did just read your little story and congratulations on being PUPO...:happydance:
I don't have my scan til Friday so won't know about my follies til then. I've only had one scan and that was before I started my buserilin so feeling slightly unmonitored to be honest! Also I have been downreg going for 3weeks so worried that my ovaries may have gone to sleep...? I'm hoping and praying my follies are there and we can proceed.

Greta - stay positive. I'm sure they have seen the situation before and wouldnt have wasted the expense on the extra drugs if they didn't think it was worth a try. I have my fingers crossed the eggies will catch up.

What did they see on the scan? Have you got any follies? xx
Keep thinking positively greta. I reckon if u start to respond then they may keep u on it for a while longer? I was on 450 with very low amh and they managed to get 12 eggs. Dont lose hope yet. xx

Ive just had a very unexpected bout of tears come from nowhere. Was chatting to my mum briefly on phone and she asked if I was ok, that i sounded a bit down. The tears started when I hung up! Dont know whats going on!!
Aw sweetie, I reckon it's early preggo signs. You've been through so much :hugs: We all have on here...that's why it's such a comfort to talk on here. :hugs:
You stay positive too, it's so exciting with your 2 lil embies snuggling in.
I'm feeling better after what you've said, thank you x
Had a big cry too,:cry: I guess I'm thinking back over my little loss (even though it was a long time ago) and worrying about my age, and thinking how bloody unfair all of this is...and how the weather out there is too damn fine to be spending it indoors obsessively looking up info on 'poor response to gonal f'!
So in the last couple of hours I have just looked straight into my fear, gearing myself up for different types of news on Friday, but mostly my survival instinct kicks right in and I think whatever happens I am still alive and I still have the love of a good (and very handsome :winkwink:) man.
We will ride this storm together.
Keep me posted hunny, thinking of you

Keep thinking positively greta. I reckon if u start to respond then they may keep u on it for a while longer? I was on 450 with very low amh and they managed to get 12 eggs. Dont lose hope yet. xx

Ive just had a very unexpected bout of tears come from nowhere. Was chatting to my mum briefly on phone and she asked if I was ok, that i sounded a bit down. The tears started when I hung up! Dont know whats going on!!
Hang in there Greta! The reason for all the labs and scans during the whole process is to catch what your body is doing early enough to correct it :)

So the fact they caught the levels now and made adjustments is a great thing. Dont stress you will find out the response on Friday and they will adjust again accordingly if need be.

You'll do fine

I am in a panic when I know I shouldnt be :( I only had my transfer 72 hours ago and I haven't noticed anything lol.

Silly I know but I was really hoping for a tug or a pull or SOMETHING... even pee 1 more time than normal and give me hope :)
Thanks Brandy, I know I'm overreacting and being all dramatic, it just sends you into a real spin of emotions :wacko:
And don't fret I reckon your 3 lil embies are just quietly nestling in, reckon you'll soon hear from them :hugs:
How's work been?

Hang in there Greta! The reason for all the labs and scans during the whole process is to catch what your body is doing early enough to correct it :)

So the fact they caught the levels now and made adjustments is a great thing. Dont stress you will find out the response on Friday and they will adjust again accordingly if need be.

You'll do fine

I am in a panic when I know I shouldnt be :( I only had my transfer 72 hours ago and I haven't noticed anything lol.

Silly I know but I was really hoping for a tug or a pull or SOMETHING... even pee 1 more time than normal and give me hope :)
Hang in there greta. Like the other ladies have said, they wouldn't bother upping your dose without good reason. Try not to lose hope. My first egg collection I got NO eggs coz the trigger shot failed but even then they didnt cancel my cycle - sent me home with a different trigger shot and two days later they collected nine eggs! All is no lost hon. It's still early days.

As for the's therapeutic! Just think of everything we have been through. It's only natural to shed some tears. And actually sometimes a good cry does the world of good. Better than bottling things up and putting a brave face on all the time.

All you ladies are amazing for going through all of this. It takes such strength and determination. It will all be worth it in the end when we have our lil babies in our arms.

On another note - I cried in my performance management review meeting today for no apparent reason!!! Think AF is on her way!
Jack I had progesterone injections upto my 6 week scan and then once they had seen the heartbeat and confirmed it was a viable pregnancy they switched me to vaginal gel version - I think it was called crinone but can't remember exactly!
Thanks for the support ladies - my wobbly moment did actually feel therapeutic so I just went with it, had a good cry over nothing and felt better afterwards! I reckon it's probably the crinone gel that's to blame!

I've been doing some online reading (yet again!) about stopping crinone gel after a bfp (as my clinic advises) and I'm worried that this could be a bad thing! Most clinics say to keep using progesterone up until at least the 7 week scan or even up until 12 weeks. I saw a thread where a woman said she kept using it anyway, even though her clinic said to stop using after her bfp. I'm wondering if I should source online, and buy it IN CASE of a bfp and continue using afterwards. Apparently there's no harm in continuing to use it... What do you girls think?

How's the 2ww going brandy? Any twinges or anything yet? Lots of women get no signs at all so don't worry if you're not feeling anything yet x

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