You ALL give me strength!!! IVF this summer!!!

Ladies please tell me I'm being stupid but I'm worried that an 'incident' last night might have been detrimental to my wee embryos!

I was in bed trying to sleep when i suddenly heard a strange scratching noise. At first I thought it was outside (as the window was open slightly) but after a minute or so I realised it was coming from behind the curtain! I creeped over (sh*@tting myself!) moved the curtain and out flew a bat!!!! I got the biggest fright- screamed and ran out the room. My heart was racing! It took ages for my husband to catch the stupid thing (it refused to simply fly out
of the window!)

Anyway...after all my relaxation and tentatively moving around yesterday I feel this massive fright and the running probably wasn't a good thing to have have happened and maybe gave my embryos a fright too!!!

(This 2ww is going to drive me bananas I reckon!!!)

Im laughing as I read that but at the time I was actually quite stressed!

While a very entertaining and funny story... You're being silly. Your lil embies are tucked away nice and safe and even a hiding bat could not make them shoot out of your uterus :shrug:
Thanks brandy i hope u r right!

Is it ur transfer today? Good luck! Xx
Thanks brandy i hope u r right!

Is it ur transfer today? Good luck! Xx

Yes! Its only 3am right now (I couldnt sleep) and the transfer is this afternoon.. going to be a long day.
Hope u manage to get a few hours sleep! All the best for the transfer. Im sure it'll go great :)
Hi jack I laughed out load at the story sorry:blush:
I would have done exactly the same I am scared of all things that look like rats!

I think it will be fine, remember people who don't know they are pregnant do all sorts at the beginning and its fine. Just relax for the rest of the day and have dh inspect the room before bedtime from now:flower:
Jack when I saw this news article I thought of your avatar LOL
:) what a wee shame for that kitten!! The mushroom outfit- i have never seen anything like it!!
:) what a wee shame for that kitten!! The mushroom outfit- i have never seen anything like it!!

The story was a little shocking but the lil outfits are hysterical!

My cats super huge and fat it would take me a lifetime to knit one to fit him :haha:
Best of luck for today Brandy, how many lil embies are you having put back?
Jack hope you've recovered from your fright in the night....Brandy's right though, you will be absolutely fine hunny but I totally understand your concern, I would have freaked out! :wacko:
Stimms are going ok, had a bit of tenderness last night on my left side but I think it was mainly the injection point because today I have a whopper of a bruise there, it's dark purple!
Having another bit of a wobble about it all, feeling nervous about every little thing, just seems to be one of my off days. :shrug:
DH and I had a big chat last night and both agreed that between us...quitting alcohol, getting healthy, lowering caffeine, avoiding stress, laughing more, me doing regular acupuncture, both of us taking supplements...we have done really well with our preparation for our ICSI. And that makes me feel good knowing that we have both made massive efforts.
And I always have hope.
And tomorrow is a new day...x

Can't wait to hear more embie news Brandy!

:) what a wee shame for that kitten!! The mushroom outfit- i have never seen anything like it!!

The story was a little shocking but the lil outfits are hysterical!

My cats super huge and fat it would take me a lifetime to knit one to fit him :haha:
Best of luck for today Brandy, how many lil embies are you having put back?
Jack hope you've recovered from your fright in the night....Brandy's right though, you will be absolutely fine hunny but I totally understand your concern, I would have freaked out! :wacko:
Stimms are going ok, had a bit of tenderness last night on my left side but I think it was mainly the injection point because today I have a whopper of a bruise there, it's dark purple!
Having another bit of a wobble about it all, feeling nervous about every little thing, just seems to be one of my off days. :shrug:
DH and I had a big chat last night and both agreed that between us...quitting alcohol, getting healthy, lowering caffeine, avoiding stress, laughing more, me doing regular acupuncture, both of us taking supplements...we have done really well with our preparation for our ICSI. And that makes me feel good knowing that we have both made massive efforts.
And I always have hope.
And tomorrow is a new day...x

Can't wait to hear more embie news Brandy!

:) what a wee shame for that kitten!! The mushroom outfit- i have never seen anything like it!!

The story was a little shocking but the lil outfits are hysterical!

My cats super huge and fat it would take me a lifetime to knit one to fit him :haha:

I am so excited for you!! Soon you will be PUPO!

My appt is in 2 hours which is a lifetime about now.
Thanks so much Brandy, its so lovely to have you guys to talk to :hugs:
2hours is about the length of a film...perhaps you could find a really hysterical one to keep you relaxed :haha:
Got everything crossed for you.
And I know I'm really dumb but what does PUPO mean??? :blush:

Best of luck for today Brandy, how many lil embies are you having put back?
Jack hope you've recovered from your fright in the night....Brandy's right though, you will be absolutely fine hunny but I totally understand your concern, I would have freaked out! :wacko:
Stimms are going ok, had a bit of tenderness last night on my left side but I think it was mainly the injection point because today I have a whopper of a bruise there, it's dark purple!
Having another bit of a wobble about it all, feeling nervous about every little thing, just seems to be one of my off days. :shrug:
DH and I had a big chat last night and both agreed that between us...quitting alcohol, getting healthy, lowering caffeine, avoiding stress, laughing more, me doing regular acupuncture, both of us taking supplements...we have done really well with our preparation for our ICSI. And that makes me feel good knowing that we have both made massive efforts.
And I always have hope.
And tomorrow is a new day...x

Can't wait to hear more embie news Brandy!

:) what a wee shame for that kitten!! The mushroom outfit- i have never seen anything like it!!

The story was a little shocking but the lil outfits are hysterical!

My cats super huge and fat it would take me a lifetime to knit one to fit him :haha:

I am so excited for you!! Soon you will be PUPO!

My appt is in 2 hours which is a lifetime about now.
Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise :)

Hope ur feeling a bit better greta. Try not to worry too much- the stims definitely made me more down in the dumps. The good thing is ur not on them for too long. Chin up and remember to give urself little treats now and then. It sounds like u've done loads to help get ur body in tip top shape - u should be very proud of that! : ) xx
Thanks jack, I think it must be the drugs making me low.
Hope you doing ok today? :flower:

Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise :)

Hope ur feeling a bit better greta. Try not to worry too much- the stims definitely made me more down in the dumps. The good thing is ur not on them for too long. Chin up and remember to give urself little treats now and then. It sounds like u've done loads to help get ur body in tip top shape - u should be very proud of that! : ) xx
Hi all! Glad to hear things are going so well for you all! I have had a lovely busy weekend, but unfortunately I was hopin af would stay awayy for at least another week or a least till after out teach session next Monday but sure enough she reared her ugly head yesterday. I contacted st marys this morning to see what this means andfound out that we can't start our treatment this cycle now becausecof this! ! Sick of my faulty body!! Af has been coming at 35 days and now I wanted it to be late it comes banf on 28!! Sods law!! I cant get off the starting block like you girls and it is sooooo frustrating and upsetting. I ended up breaking down in tears of frustration at work which I dont normally do. Sorry to moan ladies. I know that we have all been in the same boat and that you understand how I feel. Hope your embies are ok jack & brandy xxx
Hi all! Glad to hear things are going so well for you all! I have had a lovely busy weekend, but unfortunately I was hopin af would stay awayy for at least another week or a least till after out teach session next Monday but sure enough she reared her ugly head yesterday. I contacted st marys this morning to see what this means andfound out that we can't start our treatment this cycle now becausecof this! ! Sick of my faulty body!! Af has been coming at 35 days and now I wanted it to be late it comes banf on 28!! Sods law!! I cant get off the starting block like you girls and it is sooooo frustrating and upsetting. I ended up breaking down in tears of frustration at work which I dont normally do. Sorry to moan ladies. I know that we have all been in the same boat and that you understand how I feel. Hope your embies are ok jack & brandy xxx
Louise I'm so sorry that AF came too soon for u. Must be really frustrating when you've been waiting and trying for so long - so close and then suddenly it's another month. I felt the same way after my miscarriage coz I was told all I need to wait for is two AFs and then I can start again but it took me FOUR months to have two AFs!!! Hang in there...the month will hopefully fly by. Are u going on holiday anywhere? Might be good to get away for a bit?

Jack - I took 3 days off work post-transfer and just lounged around. The embies are perfectly safe in there I think we just worry because of everything we have been through. Most people don't even know they are pregnant at that stage if they conceive naturally and they do all sorts of things! Try to just relax and not stress about it too much. When can u test?

Greta hope u r feeling better today. It's a really emotional process isn't it?

Brandy - how was ure transfer? Hope u r relaxing too!
Hi ladies. :hugs:
How are you Brandy? Hope it went really well. Update us when you can hunny

Louise I'm so sorry that AF came too soon for u. Must be really frustrating when you've been waiting and trying for so long - so close and then suddenly it's another month. I felt the same way after my miscarriage coz I was told all I need to wait for is two AFs and then I can start again but it took me FOUR months to have two AFs!!! Hang in there...the month will hopefully fly by. Are u going on holiday anywhere? Might be good to get away for a bit?

Jack - I took 3 days off work post-transfer and just lounged around. The embies are perfectly safe in there I think we just worry because of everything we have been through. Most people don't even know they are pregnant at that stage if they conceive naturally and they do all sorts of things! Try to just relax and not stress about it too much. When can u test?

Greta hope u r feeling better today. It's a really emotional process isn't it?

Brandy - how was ure transfer? Hope u r relaxing too!
Everything went super ;) I have 3 Blasts in me hoping that atleast one of the little boogers hatch and attach today!

I go back to work tomorrow so I have this one more day of relaxing so I am going to take advantage of it.
Oh wow 3!!!! Congratulations lady on being PUPO! :baby::baby::baby:
You've got such a great chance there! I'm so thrilled for you!
Now you take it easy and hope work tomorrow is not too hectic for you.

I'm on my 5th day of stimms, got my bloods tomorrow...just hoping everything is going according to plan. Not really having many side effects :shrug: don't know if its too soon? I mean I am definitely getting crampy at night but nothing much through the day. So just chilling in my garden :coffee: and trying to think sweet thoughts about my follicles! [-o<

Everything went super ;) I have 3 Blasts in me hoping that atleast one of the little boogers hatch and attach today!

I go back to work tomorrow so I have this one more day of relaxing so I am going to take advantage of it.
Oh wow 3!!!! Congratulations lady on being PUPO! :baby::baby::baby:
You've got such a great chance there! I'm so thrilled for you!
Now you take it easy and hope work tomorrow is not too hectic for you.

I'm on my 5th day of stimms, got my bloods tomorrow...just hoping everything is going according to plan. Not really having many side effects :shrug: don't know if its too soon? I mean I am definitely getting crampy at night but nothing much through the day. So just chilling in my garden :coffee: and trying to think sweet thoughts about my follicles! [-o<

Everything went super ;) I have 3 Blasts in me hoping that atleast one of the little boogers hatch and attach today!

I go back to work tomorrow so I have this one more day of relaxing so I am going to take advantage of it.

You'll do just fine! Sounds like you have another 5-7 days of stimming. I wasnt really uncomfortable during the stimming phase I was just more impatient than anything. I was uncomfortable after the ER but that was due to OHSS which thankfully appears to have only lasted a few days for me.

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